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Spiritual Experiences in Category: OBE / NDE / Afterlife: Page 1
Meeting Spirit Guides by Anamel
I figured I would consult this forum because I'm not sure what to make of my experience. I completed a YouTube hypnosis for "third eye activation" (I was just bored so I did it, not expecting anything). I entered a part of the hypnosis that was left up to my mind, although I do not know if it is ima...
Black Hooded Beings Who Watch Over Us! by Gailswind
About 20 years ago I went into a very deep meditation. I had just hurt my hip pretty bad at work, so I was trying to do a healing meditation. Soon after deeply relaxing I realized I was moving upward in some kind of tunnel. I could feel an entity next to me, it made me feel safe. I never turned to l...
Man In The Green Robe by ZooeyWebster
This is a strange one for me. I've always been skeptical of spirits and the afterlife, even though growing up a few unexplainable things had happened. The last year has been tough for me, a lot of things on my mind so I turned to a spiritualist for help. The session went well and she had told me tha...
Jesus And Me In The Clouds by Fred
When I was about 16 or 17 (27 now) I was in my room middle of the day using my computer. I believe I was burning a CD or surfing the web. I was wide awake so it could not have been a dream like many I have told the story to have told me it was. Out of no where I was literally in the clouds, not phys...
The Flower Garden Of Souls by Anonymous
In December of 1989 I suffered through a serious illness. It culminated in a near death (like) experience. To tell the entire story would take a book, which isn't possible here. What I present to you now is one of the segments of that experience. As today is Christmas Eve, the timing is right and th...
Floating by Princesblove23
So this is what happened. I was probably around the age of 21 and recently surrendering my life to Christ. I simply remember leaving my body with a since of peace. I don't think at the time that I realized that I'd left my body but I had. I begin to float out of the room and through my bed room wind...
Lifted Into Air by Aligoyette
One day I was reading the Bible and came across the passage about the virgins and half of them didn't have enough oil for when the bridegroom came. Well I laid on my couch and with my eyes closed I talked to Jesus about what that means and that I wanted to make sure I had enough oil for when he retu...
My Time With God In Heaven by theresa
It was early November 2016 a Monday in Pasadena Ca. At the California Technical Institute campus. I am an electrician with a company that was doing work at the campus and my duties on that day I was to be the attendant of a confined space. This space was the tunnels used to house all the electrical ...
Looking After Children by AdorableSeven
My daughter Paula died four years ago, and although very, very sad, I have enough Faith to know she would be alright in the Afterlife. One night in the early hours, I felt I was floating, quite rapidly, out of my body, and there she was, my beautiful daughter, dressed in a bright yellow dress. We ...
My Life After Death Experience - Revelation by KikiGirl
I was raised a Catholic girl and I have completed Holy Communion and Catechism at 7 years of age. I had three older brothers whom were also expected to attend Church and go through the religious processes, but, as soon as they were in their early teens, they started to refuse to go to Church, saying...
Out Of Body Experience / Spiritual by jessie2017
This happened 8 years ago. My cousin passed away and I felt a pull that night, I literally went to the corner of the ceiling and can see my body and my wife next to me asleep, I felt like I was mumbling and trying to wake up, and immediately my wife turned around to try to get me to wake up, then I ...
Healing And Becoming Whole by Unity
My mother has told me, on repeated occasions, that from the moment she first held me she just 'knew' that I was going to be trouble. Only recently, I am now 53, did she confide that my father urged her to have an abortion when she told him she was pregnant with me. In my first three years I tried to...
Saw My Soul Leaving My Body by lisa_alcott
I have had an experience where I actually felt myself being stretched and pulled away from my body, It happened back in 2005 or 2006. I was addicted to drugs and staying in this crack-house with other addicts and had made this place my home after losing everything including my life with my children ...
Healing Feeling by mshealer42
This is the first time I actually write about my experiences that I've had. I would like feedback on this topic I haven't came across any one mentioning this. When I was 20 years old as I cried myself to sleep I ask the Lord to take my life in between sleep and awake I went through this tunnel that ...
My Supernatural Experience by michael_ethan89
The date was September 11, 2015 the time was approximately 11:00 pm I had just finished praying, my wife and kids were already asleep. I lay down and go to close my eyes and all of a sudden with my eye lids closed I saw a shadow pass in front of a light coming from a small night light in the room. I...
Out Of Body Experience At A Drug Treatment Center by Cleanandsober1987
My name is Wes Pierce. I'm 28 years old. I'm currently in a drug treatment facility in Calabasas, CA. I have always believed in GOD and him watching over me and keeping me safe. I was in acupuncture, laying on the floor and about 25 minutes into it I had my eyes closed and I see this bright light sh...
Soul Leaving Body Dying by chamberlin
April 20, 2015 It started out in bed trying to go to sleep, I could not ger relaxed & had a very unsettling feeling, almost like an anxiety attack coming on, I have anxiety, I remember hearing a voice in my head, it said "You are going to see or meet Jesus Tonight," I can't recall for sure but ...
Full Body Vibration Experience by Viren
I had this special full body experience few days ago. It was this week on Tuesday 2nd of April 2015 morning around 6 am, I was about to get up but still laying down on my bed consciously and my wife was in the kitchen, suddenly my whole body start vibrating with buzzing sound in my ear. I was not fe...
Yoga And Out of Body Experiences by earrthchild
I have been practicing Sivananda Yoga recently which is a very spiritual practice. Yoga in general is spiritual, but the Sivananda tradition gives special attention to spirituality, unlike some other more athletically focused styles. Anyway, because of this, I have been practicing asanas (poses) les...
NDE From Stopping Breathing At Night by Else4444
My experience happened when I was asleep. I "dreamed" I was laying on grass. Sunshine, quiet. I looked into the sky. I have started to hear an eagle. And I am not normally sure what kind of noises they make but I knew it was an eagle. I was so relaxed. After a while of peacefullness I had that feeli...
Awakened At 10 by dnetizen
My journey started at 10 years old. I ran out of a blind alley and was hit by a car. The last thing I remember was seeing the other side, then the car. I flew 20 feet into the air and landed on the pavement. Once in the hospital the prognosis was not good, brain swelling, compound fracture left ...
In The Blink Of An Eye by JanPavalon
In the summer of 2006, something strange began to happen. I felt a compulsion to clean out and organize things. Especially at work, I sorted through twelve years of paperwork and stored most of my personal things in a few boxes. That summer, my husband and I met with another couple weekly and pra...
Feeling Of Warmth And Safety by Cortney123
I have come to this site searching for answers, and maybe feed back by. Someone that had similar experience. For this experience saved my life and opened a storm of questions. I'm 22 years of age and a couple months ago I was not doing so good, um got married which should have been wonderful but ...
Saved By Grace by russt
My aunt grace had just died at home, later that day I was at home on the computer when I got a feeling of happiness and I started to uncontrollably smile and right then I felt an energy come from above towards the top of my forehead, and my forehead raised up to except the energy. And as that happen...
Vision of Hell by KristenMJ
This is a true vision where I was spiritually taken to Hell to be shown the consequences of a completed suicide. I believe that this vision occurred due to my suicidal tendencies, and that I was planning at some point to end my life. I didn't have a very specific plan as to when I would commit suici...
Astral Prayer by Fa_Al14
I am a muslim, which means that I follow a book called Quran and I would like to share my experience of astral projection whilst praying. This phenomenon happened when I was 12 years old I used to think and still do think about religion I was troubled in my thinking and confused over all in life whi...
Disappointment Saved My Life by Winchester1
A few years ago, I got involved in some heavy drinking and smoking a substance called K2. After work every night I would join my friends and drink and smoke continuously for roughly 6 hours or so. This habit played out for nearly 8 months. One night, after smoking for a few hours already, I had begu...
Strange Out Of Body Occurence by SkittleGirl
I have been a medium ever since I could remember, and also can sense things wrong and etc. I was wondering if you guys could help me with something I have experienced that has been bugging me... I was laying down, and I had barely just laid down before I had seen my body from the outside and then th...
Hard To Believe But True by Anannaya
I personally have never encountered so called ghosts, spirits or whatever one terms them as. And I really don't know what to believe.I've always said I will believe in them only if I've seen one. I did have a strange incident once. This was in 2005. My case did become a learing experience for a lot ...
An Overview Of My Experiences by cal_schrock
For an overview this will seem long but my experiences are very detailed and I remember it well. What takes place is through many nights of sleep and over a period of many years. At first I dismissed it as mere dreams. When I researched it I was blown away. I didn't expect to find anyone else going ...
Something Tries To Take My Soul Away From My Body by weirdHappenings
My problem started about 3 months ago. I practice a lot of meditation and letting go. Letting go to me is allowing my mind become blank. I do this all the time and I am fine but something weird happens when I let go before I go to sleep. When I meditate right before bed I feel this energy trying to ...
The Flu by chubby6
April 8, 2013I had been sick for about 5 days according to my wife to me it seemed like two days I had no concept of time. Earlier I had been on vacation with my Wife and Daughter to Santa Barbara Ca. Thing just seem to not be going right and I began to blame God for all of my problems. After return...
Pulled Out Of Body Then Dropped Back by pulled
So, I am currently in the hospital and yesterday while I was in the MRI machine I apparently fell asleep. I was in the machine for about an hour and a half and if you have ever had an MRI on your head, it can be quite relaxing with the humming and knocking noises... Especially when you have ear plug...
Incredible But True by Henriyukon
Incredible but true, I've discovered something amazing that changed me in ways I can't explain. I want to share this experience with you, so that you can understand that there is more that surrounds us then you may think. I was resting in my living room with my dog, sitting in my chair with my eye...
ICU Soul Out Of Body Experience by messenger
I had open heart surgery on good Friday April 6 2012. Afterwards I was transferred to ICU. On the third day being Sunday late afternoon I had the most terrifying "soul out of the body" experience. I found myself on the floor (back seat) of a huge yellow jeep in a fetal position. I was not able to mo...
Encounter With A Portal From Heaven by Gmo91
Me and my wife have been attending a church where we had an encounter with God that opened up a hunger to know more and want more. I had friends who had set me up with people that walk in incredible spiritual Gifts. Talking with these men of God changed my Life. They had given me their insights and ...
Caught Up by cupojoe
I remember this event like it happened just yesterday, although it has been thirty one years. But here I was: in a little one-room-church, barely big enough to hold fifty people. I was nineteen years old as a new "born again Christian" who had been baptized just a week before. Myself, my Mom alon...
Was I Supposed To Survive? by livingdeadgirl73
I had a bone marrow transplant in July of 2007. I went from being an extremely spiritual woman, very empathetic, and always helping out when I could. I had an inner beauty and was a kind of social butterfly. I died once during the transplant, though I don't remember anything of the experience. I do ...
I Believe I Met My Daughter In Her Pre Birth World by VIOLETSMUMMY1
I know it says no dreams but I think this was more of an experience than a dream. I remember being somewhere white. It was very peaceful, very calm and I felt like i'd been there before. I felt very happy being there even though it was nothing just white surrounding me. There seemed to be a bright l...
Spiritual Shaking by Metasopher
Last night, after I woke up from a nap, I was lying in bed and didn't really want to get up. So I just sat there thinking about nothing in particular. For some reason, I started contemplating infinite. I imagined a marble rolling on a plane above me and was able to "see" it. Then it dissolved and I ...
Odd Experience Waking Up After Listening To A Channeling by Deli
I thought I would share an experience I just had today on here in hopes of some wonderful feedback. I am eighteen years old and the past few years I've been going through so much spiritual change. A year or so ago I became interested in reiki and energy practices, and ever since then I learn somethi...
My Diary Of Divine Dreams And Jibankrishna The Holy Ghost by Dipak
MY FIRST OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCE It was an evening in the month of Sept-Oct, 1956. The place was Durgapur of West Bengal state in India. I was at that time a 14 years boy studying in class-x. I was on the portico of our Quarter. Suddenly my eyes became closed, I fell into a trance and gradually lo...
Soul Leaving Body - What Does It Mean? by jpr
I'm 24. In the last three or so years I've had a couple of experiences which, while they were scary, made me see that I have an actual soul. A real, tangible soul, not just a metaphorical one. You see, I believe I have had experiences of nearly leaving my body (astral projection in other words). ...
An Out Of Body Experience? by Teema
It's been a while quite a few years I think... It happens when it wants to, there were some nights where it'd happen more than once, days at a time continuously, others where it'd happen say once a week or every few weeks. I'm in bed. It happens either when I'm already awake and can't sleep, or w...
Astral Projection Obstacles by turtlephobic
I was attempting to Astral Project last night, and my eyesight flashed blue. My eyes were closed so basically the darkness became blue. My brain jolted and I had to manually try and keep my eyes shut. I'm wondering if I should have let them open. Another thing is when I start to vibrate I don't know...
Trying To Astral Project by Deandre44
Today I had my first OBE, but I don't know if it was real or not. It was like I could feel my astral come out of my physical, but I wasn't completely sleep. I was aware that I was laying down and had my eyes closed, but I could feel my astral lifting out of my body, but I couldn't see threw it. But ...
Sleep Paralysis And Attempts Of Astral Projection by BekahF
I'm pretty sure we have all heard about either one of these, and have seen movies about them, looked it up on the internet, etc. I'm 15 years old, and one of my biggest interests is what goes on during our sleeping hours. Before I even saw any movies, or had any experiences, I always took an interes...
My Experience With The Angel Of Death by Carolina93
When I was a child I was hospitalized with Anorexia Nervosa. I've been in a depressed state again recently, and have even mentioned to family members that I'd be better off dead. A few nights ago, while I was sleeping, I was extremely aware that I was dreaming. There was this middle aged man with me...
Conversations With An Astral Projector by aries777
This is a two-part story because one part is totally dependent upon the other. 9 years ago, I met a psychic (Mary) whom had given me such a precise reading that it ran me off, and I never wanted to speak to her again; I was frightened. 2-3 years later, our paths crossed again, and she let me know th...
A Prayer Gets Me By by Ricky
I'd say about 2-3 years ago while I was sleeping I felt a ferocious vibration, it was either on me or around me, but I definitely felt it. I woke up, but with all the strength in me, I could not open my eyes! The vibrations were still happening and I was completely terrified, I had no idea what was ...
Getting Extremely Close To OBE by froosh188
I have come close to having OBEs about five or six times, getting more intense each time. I was laying in bed on my laptop reading about crystal children when I got this undescribable feeling in the back of my head. It was not on the surface but rather IN my head or brain. It felt like a stretching/...
I Felt Them Before I Saw Them by TreeToucher
Last March during a Reiki session, I had a Spiritual experience; not my first but by far the richest. It was, the most profound, life altering experience - I cannot, in my limited human capacity, imagine anything of more splendor, wonder, and love or joy.* The Reiki master had put her hands on my...
The Tunnel Between Life And Death by Ayumi
This story took place only two nights ago, and I don't think I could ever forget it. To create a scenario for you, I was texting my friend at about 1.30 AM, when I was unable to fall asleep. My friend has several personal problems that I had promised to help him out with, and hence the reason I was ...
God Wanted To Meet Me by Nickynoodlez
I'm going to try to describe this as best I can so please try to comprehend. I bartend and work late nights. I got home from work around 2am and layed in bed between my dog and fiancé. I cuddled up next to my fiancé and thought I fell asleep. I then jumped up having her yell "stop what's wrong wit...
Near Death Experiences by charmaine
I feel very lucky to have had 3 near death experiences while serving in the British Army about 14 years ago. I was held prisoner while in the army and beaten and raped often. On three occasions I was in such a bad state my heart stopped and I was taken to what I called the spirit world and got to se...
Visions Of Heaven And Hell by bella
I've been a nurse for almost 7 years now and have always been drawn to my hospice patients. I'll never forget 2 experiences I had where I felt I saw a glimpse of heaven and hell. Oddly enough the patients' rooms where right across the hall from each other, but they did happen at two different times....
Jesus To My Rescue During Out Of Body Experience by wayne
This experience occurred back in 1976 when I was just 22 years old. I remember it as though it were yesterday, in fact how could I not ever remember my very first meeting with the Lord, or any of the meetings that followed. Meetings such as these can never be forgotten but always remembered with FUL...
Steping Up To The Plate And Experiencing Who I Am by James
I wanted to pass along an experience that has happened within the past couple of hours (30 June 2011), here again I pass along my experiences so that those just awakening will not be afraid to publish their experiences no matter how silly they think they are. I am still in awe of the whole experi...
Spiritual Purification by 4iiiiZ1111
Back in '06, I started having mild vibrations in the front of my thighs. Always just as I went to bed. I can't remember how many episodes, but if I was to guess, I'd say it happened around 20 times within a few months period of time. Then they went away. I didn't think a lot of it, because there was...
Spirits Invading My Body While Astral Projecting by whattobelieve
I often feel spirits inter my body at night. Most of the time it happens right before I'm in a deep sleep or astral projecting. I started astral projecting as a child and it is often extremely beautiful and awe inspiring! While I am traveling I have encountered other worlds and spiritual energies an...
Something Enters My Body by kara
I was just met my new boyfriend who is a very spiritual person. For the first time he came to my apartment and spend some time and he kissed me and he went home. I put my night gown and was about to go to sleep when I felt something is trying to enter into my body from my back side, like spooning. F...
Spiritual Healing by MARLECASTE
Last night as I went to sleep, I heard the frequencies, which are with me most of the time. They were louder than usual. I called light to myself and started recounting the day and things I was grateful for and then tuned in to my vibrations... I found myself having a lucid experience of being in a ...
My Dog by wayne
I'd like to give a story of an encounter I had in 2006... I do feel that some (Readers) may want to know a little about the whereabouts of our animal brethren. Have you ever lost a pet through death and always wondered about its whereabouts, or if its being looked after and loved by those on the oth...
Love And Forgiveness by wayne
In all things done in life I always dedicate them first to God. This way He accepts the offering where there is no ego involved. Also, I do know that it is (He) who brings things about for us in being His instruments where we are able to give of ourselves for the service to others, no matter what pl...
Jesus Saves... Even Me by tigerlily571
This happened a couple years ago but I will recount it to the best of my ability. I am not a religious person, and at this time in my life I hadn't gone to church or prayed in years, probably 4-5. I am more spiritual... I believe in what I do and have no doubts in my beliefs. It was 2007, Februar...
A Journey To The Holy Kingdom by Kiki
Let me start off by saying that I am going through a rough time in my life. I am young at 23yrs old, I just had a child which is a huge change in life and I am completely overwhelmed! Last night 4/11/11 I had a slight mental break down at around 3 in the morning and contemplated killing myself (neve...
Astral Projection Is Really Scaring Me by triana
I started having Out of body experiences a few years ago but thought they were dreams. But one time that I saw/felt myself floating out of my physical body, I knew it wasn't just a dream. That time my soul floated up to the ceiling, I got so scared that I was trying my hardest to get back into my ph...
My First Astral Projection by Joshua Lee
Around 2 am I was frustrated because I wasn't able to fall asleep. Mostly due to my cold that made my crest feel severely sore. I knew if I had any chance of going to school tomorrow I needed to fall asleep soon. I kept wishing that my body was at full strength, then an idea occurred, if I were to e...
Saying Goodbye by Latrisa28
A few years back I met this lady named Barbara at one of my annual family barbeques. For some reason I was very drawn to this lady and when we spoke I knew exactly why. Barbara was a very intellectual woman who had many different college degrees that allowed her to advance very well in life. Barbara...
My Death Vision by Renaissance
I had a vision, of my death. What is still unknown to me, is whether this is a death from my past life, or a vision of my future death. It was a normal day, well, quite depressing day, as I was going through depression. One of my friends think I have seasonal effectiveness disorder, which is whe...
Out Of Body Experience by stacey
I would like to tell you a story about some personal experience I have had. It started a couple months after the birth of my daughter. I would be lying in bed (not sure if I was asleep or awake). I would start to feel a tingle in my body then it was like I could feel my body floating up. I could see...
Choosing To Be Here by IamIWill
A few months ago, I had a lucid dream that changed my life. For a couple of years now I've become a very spiritual person, consuming anything I intuitively felt as a gateway to higher states of consciousness. From the Tao Te Ching to Eckhart Tolle, Body Awareness and Meditation to Astral Projection ...
Forced To Sleep by mulder81
This was a very strange occurrence I had last night. Nov, 30th, 2010, I came home from work and as usual I go to my office on my computer to work a few hours. It being a cold day, I stoked up the basement fireplace and went into my office. I was wide awake and having a beer as I was working the comp...
Seeing Jesus In My Dreams by amartinez
About 3 years ago, I had a powerful dream. My aunt calls them visions, messages, signs from GOD. Before I had this dream I never hardly attended church, sometimes I would read my bible, but I hardly understood what it was talking about. I knew some stories. I was confused, part of my family grew up ...
Black-hooded Entity In OBE by Alex
I just had an out of body experience and I saw a black hooded person (entity) standing above my body. The fellow didn't seem aggressive or anything he was just sitting there but he wouldn't let me go farther away from my body. I'll give you more details later. First of all, I'll give you some bac...
Seeing God by Terri
I am not sure how you would title my beliefs. I know that God is real. I believe Jesus came & died for our sins, but I don't believe in praying to Jesus. I believe the old Testament and that we should only pray to God. I believe I saw God the other night. I was somewhere between awake and asleep. ...
OBE & Jesus by htomblin
I saw Jesus. I was asleep one night in my bedroom on a mattress on the floor because I had just ordered a new bed. I was dreaming I had something really serious to tell my boyfriend. In the dream I literally got in my car (with my blanky) and drove to my boyfriend's best friends but on the way there...
The Nde And The Kundalini Awakening by guerro
Twas in July, 1966, I was going to work from my college classes when, seemingly from nowhere, a car appeared aAnd in the instant before we collided I had one thought. It was as if my father was telling me; "Mike, I told you how to live and now here you are dying and you've hardly begun to live." Thu...
Called By Something by jeansmitty1
I was in my office one day when I fell into a trance-like state. I went completely limp and felt myself slump with my hand on my mouse and head on the desk. I am not sure what happened next exactly, but I was somewhere between being awake and not awake, since I could not move, or feel anything excep...
I Had A Vision About The Second Coming Of Christ by Private1
I am male. I have been trying to get answers to over a million spiritual experiences I have had from childhood, it took another turn about 7 years ago AND as I grow my experiences become intense. I am almost still very confused about it all, however almost 20 pastors in all have confronted, prophesi...
OBEs And Sleep Paralysis by mchamma
I've had many spiritual experiences in the past 5 years. It feels like my life just "began" 5 years ago when everything started happening for a reason. This specific experience is about a dream I had, I have many lucid dreams, meaningful dreams, obe's, etc. Even after this dream I am still not sure ...
I Thought I Was Dead by Trix
This was not a dream. I still wondering what was happening with me years ago when I was 17 years old. I just started nursing school and was renting a room in a house with a fellow nurse student. It was about two o'clock in the day. I was very tired and decided to go for a nap. The room was filled w...
The Path To God by skydog801
A few years back I read a book about Astral Projection, I sifted through it and got what I thought was important. One afternoon when it was quiet I laid down to take a nap, I did a simple form of meditation clearing all waking thoughts and repeating over and over "love and peace". As I fell off to s...
Vibration Like Earth Quake by sssrini65
It happened on the night I had done Krishna Janmashtami pooja, when I was asleep at 12:30 am my whole body started vibrating vigorously. I woke up & could feel the vibration through out my body, I got scared that it was an earth quake. I just let it go as long as it happened since I could not do any...
The Devil Himself by 606mckenzie
When I was a teenager I had just got home from school, and I was sleeply so I put my books down on the table and went to bed. I went to sleep but it was like I was halfway awake and asleep at the same time, I just could not wake myself up at all. AS I was trying to tell myself to get up I tooked ove...
Astral Projection Of My Husband by Sarah
My husband and I were 6 weeks pregnant and he is out of town on business. Last night I had a "dream" that was so real that I'm certain it couldn't have been a dream. In the dream my husband was here, his body hovering over mine in my bed, his face right in front of mine. Neither of us said anything,...
I Saw The Angels As A Premature Baby by GodRose777
I was born premature weighing 1 pound, 9 ounces. I remembered my early months as a preemie. This was my very first memory of life and experience of the spiritual realm. I was a baby but I truly remember this and I always will for the rest of my life. The first experience of my life was that I fel...
The Awaking Of My Father And I by LISA
While meditating one day I found myself at a wonderful place it was nothing like I had ever seen before. I was on a beach that was just perfect in every way. The sand met the water just perfectly. The sky was perfect. There was what seemed to be a rather large planet or moon to the left of me. All t...
Satan In My Dream by renee
A few months ago a had a really bad dream about Satan. It started at my old house I use to live in when I was a child and Satan came and took my mother (who is Deceased). My Mom died last year July 25 from a stroke. Ever since she died she has been coming to visit me in my dreams. In my dreams she i...
Greeting My Father by Jean White
I have had several spiritual experiences. I will relate one of them: The first was when I was 23 years old and my father had just died. I was filled with grief. Two weeks after his death while sleeping, I traveled through a dark tunnel at a great speed. I traveled hands first toward a white light th...
Safely Escorted To Heaven by Nancy Lowrie
Mom was diagnosed with Cancer in 2002. Just one year after losing my father to a heart attack. They had a loving marriage of 62 years. Mom had just started to come out of her deep depression with the loss of her husband and best friend, the news of cancer was devastating to the entire family. I ...
Rapture Dreams by Kat
I never fully understood what the rapture was when I had these dreams about six years ago, because I was a baby Christian, not having read or studied scripture like I should have. The first dream is as follows: I was riding my bicycle (a mode of transportation I used during this time) in a thu...
Lucid Dreaming? Alien Abduction? Or Something More Evil? by Shaina
This is quite a long story, but I hope someone will hear me out as I am very confused. It all started about a year ago when I began experimenting with lucid dreaming. I remember what seemed like my first OBE, as I woke startled thinking it had really happened. I confirmed some parts of my dreams to ...
Flying Whilst Conscious by loz
I am so glad to find a site where other people are having similar experiences. I am getting lots of strange things happening to me but this was the best. I was nodding off on thursday night all relaxed when I saw black and white shards darting up and down and coming from all angles, then what looked...
My Near Death Story by DavidJones
Do you realize there are as many near death stories in the United States, alone, as there are people without health care coverage? I have researched this extensively. Doctors agree that there is a massive firing of the brain's neurons at the point of death. The theory is that the firing of millions ...
Crazy Vibrations by Angela
Lucid dreaming? Astral projection? I have no idea what those things even mean! I told this story to a friend and he told me that it could possibly be one of those things and to find this web site to find others who can relate. So here goes... Last night, March 30th, I had a very intense experienc...
Garden Experience by Gerry Munas
In November 2008 I had an experience which at first frightened me because I feared it had medical implications. On the day in question I was not working and had had a normal day although I remember being filled with tremendous anger and sadness all at the same time. I went into my back garden to go ...
Astral Projection by ALLupNtheAir
First let me say, I'm 27 years old. I have two children, and I'm a teacher. I'm not religious, and I don't think I have psychic abilities or anything like that. I think I'm pretty level headed, but I do believe in psychics, spirits, and things of that nature. Anyway, about 3 years ago I was asle...
Wish You Were Here: My Foretelling Of Future Lover by Cgonzalez540
So this is going to be hard to start off considering I haven't quite found out how to put this all together and into words. Let me start off by saying that in this past year my life has changed drastically. I have felt things that I have never felt before and they are breath taking. Alright, so let ...
Weird Moments At Each Time by mysteriousthoughts
It started out in small town in South Dakota. My parents told me that they found me as a baby who hadn't crawled yet in the middle of the room (on the floor) outside of crib one morning. They couldn't figure out how I got there. Other time I remember screaming from the crib until mom and dad got in ...
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