Last March during a Reiki session, I had a Spiritual experience; not my first but by far the richest. It was, the most profound, life altering experience - I cannot, in my limited human capacity, imagine anything of more splendor, wonder, and love or joy.*
The Reiki master had put her hands on my naval area, and I 'saw' translucent hands covering hers. Then I went somewhere else, I don't know where, but it was not a place I can describe, because there was nothing tangent around me.
I felt them before I saw them. They are pure love and I was immediately engulfed by it. I would have shed tears of pure joy, if I had time to truly realize the magnitude of what I was feeling in that moment.
Then I looked and they were before me. This is what I saw - bright beautiful beings. They have a basic, human outline shape (think Gingerbread cookie-ish type of shape) that is bright white. Then inside of that shape, is a smaller somewhat duplicate shape, which is as golden as the purest metal. Within the golden area there are shining particles of colored light (pastels) that shimmer like sunlight reflecting on the ripples of water.
They made up a small group, but one was prominent and seemed to lead the communication with me - although it seemed that, the one speaking, relayed the thoughts of the collective group, who all shared the same feelings in agreement.
While I was with them, I was out of my human body and I looked just like they did. The only difference was that my shimmering inner particles were not as light; I had some additional colors like blues and greens (they were still beautiful, just a bit different).
They demonstrated to me, by letting me see myself that we are made of the same 'essence', as they are and that we all share a part of ourselves with each other. They imparted the knowledge that I have the same make up as they do, but at this time, I also have a (temporary) human body.
They are pure love. It was them that I had seen, their hands over the Reiki master's, helping her and opening a 'door' for me to communicate with them and see them. That is what they told me. I spoke to them, not frightened, but filled with a mixture of awe, excitement, joy, curiosity, and acceptance. I asked them if I was doing a good job as a human, (with a sudden need to know) and they said, "yes". They indicated that I was here for a purpose, but they didn't say what it was and I didn't feel a need to ask. They assured me though, that they are always with me as I am fulfilling (working towards?) my purpose. Again they told me I was special, and they 'radiated' with love of me. They said that they understand that it is, and can be, a very difficult experience being human. Again they reassured me that they are always with me - even though I cannot see them. I could feel their concern, and knew everything they told me to be true.
They told me how very special I was and that they miss me.
I was so amazed to 'feel' their love and know that I really was a part of them. They said that I will be with them again, but not yet, I am not done. I could feel them around me, surrounding me/part of me. I could feel their love and true caring. I loved them too, and missed them also - feeling the missing pieces of myself, in them. I felt as though I was a person reunited with the family that loved me, after having been missing for a long time.
I was overwhelmed to encounter that level of pure love, it was not just a feeling, it was an essence - untainted - it is difficult to describe. It was the absolute absence of anything wrong or tainted, mixed with this beautiful feeling of peace.
While I realized that I was one with them, somehow I also did not lose the reality of my separateness - that of being a human, so I found it difficult to believe that I, this humble human, could be deserving of such love.
Just as our time together was ending, as I felt it approach, profoundly amazed by their love, and humbled that I could be so loved, I asked them, "Can it be, that I am truly so special?" They answered, and it was the last thing they said before they were gone, "You are opulent".
My life is altered since this experience. The peace and joy I walked away with, was a realized piece of our Creator, such as I had not known - and could not have, even though I have spent most of my life on a Spiritual journey and already had faith in, and love for The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Through this experience I was given so much. I continue to learn from the experience (gift) and strive to live what have learned. I may not have the answers that some might ask upon reading this, such as: who, what and why? This is what I do know with all of my being: they can be called by whatever name given them by those of different beliefs/religions/faiths; for me, they are the Spirits (essence) of God; they are what 'is in' all of us and all of His making.
* I feel that as a human and in my human experience, I do not have the capacity to even imagine, what the wonder of being in the full presence of God could actually be like. I base that opinion on what I have gained through my own Spiritual knowledge & practices, and then being blessed in having felt what I did, in the above Spiritual experience.
Blessings, today, tomorrow & always.