I had this special full body experience few days ago. It was this week on Tuesday 2nd of April 2015 morning around 6 am, I was about to get up but still laying down on my bed consciously and my wife was in the kitchen, suddenly my whole body start vibrating with buzzing sound in my ear. I was not fearful as I am not that kind of guy who freaked out easily and somehow I had feeling that its good. This full body vibration last for 10 to 15 sec. Approx., I was very still and calm during this experience as I knew if I move it will go away but intensity of vibration and buzz sound was keep increasing until I moved to come out of it, as I thought it could be bit too much to handle for my body. As far as I know that it was some kind of spiritual experience as I was reading other people experience as well and its look like it happen to mostly spiritual people. I consider my self to be a spiritual seeker as I do yoga and meditation on regular basis.
It was a great feeling and felt like my body has been scanned by divine power. It may be related to Kundaline Awakening. I am not calming anything but I am not close minded either, I am open to all possibilities as I know what ever it was it was good and had a great feeling & felt blessed one.
I would like to know if anyone else had same or similar experience and do they do some kind of spiritual practice? I also wonder why this has happen to lots of people doing some kind of spiritual practice or study.
Thanks for reading my experience. Please write your opinion or feedback if you have any positive one.
About 2 months ago while visiting my parents place I had a strange experience... It was like an OBE and a paranormal experience all in one. I was super tired from a long flight and was laying propped up in the bed getting a nap. Ny parents place has a high level of strange activity. I woke up, still with my eyes closed, and could feel a very awesome vibration not in my body but every part of me that was touching the bed. It was a very comforting vibration but at the same time I was scared that a negative entity had taken control of my body. I could hear a low low earth type of rumbling in my head. Then I started physically feeling the top part of my body and head lifting off the bed. Maybe it was just an inch or two but I actually heard the pillow I was laying on shift. It moved! It couldn't have moved if my head was on it. I then hear and feel a bang on the headboard. In my mind I felt as if I was being lifted and about to be thrown towards the ceiling. This caused me to open my eyes. The vibration and noise was still there. It felt really comforting. When I would get scared, it would calm down and when I relaxed it would ramp up again. At the same time this was happening, my parents dog started barking at nothing in the living room. Every once in a while he does this at a specific spot in the house, sometimes accompanied by weird events. That night, hours later, I could still faintly hear the rumbling and the vibration but much much less intensity. That night I heard a female call my name and ask if "it was me". The weird part of all this was the vibration was more underneath me than inside my body... Just the part of my body touching the bed. It was either an obe or some type of other worldly contact.