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Real Spiritual Experiences

My Dog


I'd like to give a story of an encounter I had in 2006... I do feel that some (Readers) may want to know a little about the whereabouts of our animal brethren. Have you ever lost a pet through death and always wondered about its whereabouts, or if its being looked after and loved by those on the other side.

I had a red cattle dog, raised him since he was (8) weeks old. When he was (5) years old I noticed he was having difficulties urinating.

With closer inspection I found that something was blocking his urinal tract which was causing him quite a bit of discomfort, and I noticed blood mixed with his urine whenever he strained. This caused some alarm in me where I quickly bundled him up and rushed him to the nearest veterinarian. He was diagnosed as having a very large (Gallstone) which the vet said was blocking his urination canal. After they operated he was fine. The next day when I went to pick him up I could see great gratitude in his expression. He was a beautiful male dog with deep copper colour tones and a touch of black, which would be highlighted greatly when washed with certain oils to give him a soft comfortable coat, and also to show him off which I took the liberty in doing often. He was not fat by any chance but very well formed with a solid build, he was a very spectacular breed of dog and had the intelligence to go with it. We both had a deep love for each other and he would show it sometimes in certain things done. He was just an incredible dog is all I can say.

Three months later another gallstone returned which again prevented him from urinating, so back to the veterinarian we both went for another operation. After the operation the doctor took me to the side to discuss my dogs diet... It seems that the foods I feed him is what's causing the gallstones to appear, its rare the vet told me, but some dogs have this problem with their digestive system. I was offered to purchase certain foods from the vet that had a certain drug in it which would somehow cancels out the forming of gallstones, otherwise not only will it send me broke in having to keep paying for operations, but it wasn't fair for my dog to keep suffering this way. So I agreed to purchase this food, then went ahead with the second operation. Again roughly (6) months later another gallstone appeared causing the very same problem, only this time he was whimpering. After the vet checked him out I was lead into another room where I was told that my dog was suffering and its not fair to him, no matter what prevention is given he will keep forming gallstones... Its in his makeup the vet said, there is nothing we can do. The most compassionate thing to do... Is to put him down. He explained about the "needle" and how there was no pain or discomfort with it, though its your choice (he said). He left the room to give me time to think it through. As soon as he left I began asking God silently to let me know what to do. Then the answer to my prayer arrived with the vet as he walked back into the room... Without effort my mouth spoke the words, (yes) alright. But I want to be there when you give the needle. I kept speaking with God in my mind to take him quickly and keep him safe... Let him know I love, and let him know that I did this for him so not to suffer anymore.

I was the last thing he saw before his eye's closed, it was only seconds after the needle was given that he permanently closed his eye's while looking into my eye's. Its sometimes difficult you know, we become so attached to the things in life that we forget that one day we (must) give them up. This goes for family members as well, one day we must give them up to death. Nothing can stand in the way of death when it comes, and most of the time death sneaks up on us. We never know what the morrow may bring.

I know of a woman who lost an infant 24 hours after birth, this nearly destroyed her. I discovered (through meditation) that this infant was a very high soul who chose to come down and experience life for some brief hours only, and it was played out to "Perfection." Apparently the woman had a debt to pay which was brought over from another life, and the debt to pay was to be the loss of her new born. I won't go into the full detail here, but will say KARMA is perfect. Nothing ever happens unless there's a cause for it. Where there's a cause there's an affect, it runs accordingly and to perfection. We cannot see the truth of these things because its hidden by the illusion of this physical world. Even for those who are some ways along the path illusion can still block ones vision at the most inappropriate of times. As for animals, people just don't realise the affect animals can and do have on us, and yet look at how they are treated. These are God's creatures who come to earth to evolve the same as all things do.

My mind was troubled in what I had to do and it did weigh heavily upon me... Even though I felt it to be the most compassionate thing to do.

My prayers for the safe arrival of my dog was constantly sent. Each day I would think of him and send my thoughts hoping he would receive them. Then two weeks later as I was digging a garden in the back yard, a powerful energy wash over me. With shovel in hand I stood upright and looked in the direction it came. What I then witnessed was incredibly beautiful, something you could only see in the movies, but this was no movie this was real. In many visions I have been given I have always tried hard to paint the picture as clear as possible when telling them, so others can get a taste of the splendour and the beauty of what I had seen and what awaits us all. But it can't be done its impossible, only through ones imagination it may come close and that's all. As I looked at the back of my house from where I stood, it slowly faded away, in fact our world disappeared altogether to be replaced by a great hill of lush green grass. In different sections on this hill amongst the grass were little (white and mauve) flowers. Slowly coming into sight was a man walking to the top of the hill from the other side. As he reached the top he began walking down towards me, and he had a dog on a leash, (yes, he was on a leash). All this I could see in crystal clear vision.

Halfway down the hill the man came to a stop, he knelt down and took the leash from the dog. By this time I knew it to be my dog (Boxer). As I perceived clearly into this beautiful world, my dog commenced to run down ever so fast towards me with his tail swaying rapidly side to side. As he reached me he sat before me saying: (do not worry, what you did was the right thing to do. You stopped me from suffering I know this, and I was suffering terribly. Now I am very happy. Thank you for what you did, I love you, and I will see you again) He sat before me with his tongue hanging out but to the side of his opened mouth, and he was smiling. His thoughts were registering in my mind with great clarity, as if he spoke them verbally out loud. It was absolutely astonishing and beautiful. Then he raced back up the hill where the man once more knelt down to replace the leash. As they both reached the top, (Boxer) glanced back for the last time before disappearing over the hill; then that majestic world melted away to reveal once again the back of my house, as well as our own gloomy third dimensional world. I sat down in the dirt and gave thanks to God for allowing this to happen... Gratitude and love caused many tears of joy to roll down my cheeks.

Every now and again I will get little visits from my dog who brings with him other dogs I remember from my childhood days. You see, we are very rarely alone, not only do we have many people in spirit around us, but our animal brothers and sisters as well.

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Comments about this spiritual experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, wayne, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Pete (3 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-04)
For Being a Dog lover and owner. I can definitely agree with you... I don't know if you have ever heard of St. Roch (Patron saint of dogs). I named my dog after him 😁
wayne (5 stories) (15 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-18)
Hello Pete...
I'm a little surprised and even a touch saddened at your religion teacher as he/she should know quite well of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals. He was a Roman Catholic saint who took the gospel literally by following all Jesus said and did.

Anyway's, thank you for commenting... (wayne)
Pete (3 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-14)
Wow, What an amazing experience... My Religion teacher told me that once animals die nothing happens because, they don't have a consince
kara (1 stories) (5 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-20)

Thank you very much for your suggestion. I will do that I will send my love ❤ and peace to her so I can see her much happier in my dreams.
Libra1 (1 stories) (35 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-19)
Rigo: So sorry for your loss~I know how painful it is right now. When I lost my cat of 14yrs I set up a memorial page on it has helped to write about my cats life and its a nice way to honor them. Just know that the pain will be easier in time. When you think of your beloved dog, smile! They still feel your emotions. If you are sad, they are unable to move forward. They also visit us in our dreams. Pets are one of the greatest sources of unconditional love! Take care. ❤ ❤ ❤
rigo (1 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-19)
I just lost my dog last night, a beautiful, kind, sweet girl of 11 years old.
I wanted to know if we will ever meet with our dear dogs again in other lives and I cannot find any information regarding this. I really hope I will. I will miss her so so much, and I cannot stand the thought of not ever seeing her again...It's so sad, but I really thank God for letting me have her for 11 years. One of a kind dog.
RIP my dear girl: (
wayne (5 stories) (15 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-16)
I just happen to look back over this post and saw all your comments. It seems we do not get messages in our inbox telling us of this, but must keep returning to our post.

Our subconscience holds much of our regrets, disappointments, failures and wrong doings, in this life and brought over from other lives. Though we may have remorse at times over many of them, it is the ONES that are deeply rooted in our subconscience that comes out in our dreams. Our mind is a very complicated instrument, and that's what it is, an instrument which will either pull us down or raise us up. Kara, send love and peace to your dog and hold no more regrets, ever. If you can do this, your dog will definitely know your feelings and state of mind by the thoughts you send, then your dog will itself be at peace. Your dreams will then be good ones. I have written a post which should be published soon, it tells of our mind and how best to strengthen and cleanse it through meditation. Let me know (readers) if it offer you any help. (wayne)
Libra1 (1 stories) (35 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-16)
My Misundersatnding!Sorry.
It's always best to wait until the time is right ❤
kara (1 stories) (5 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-16)

Thank you for your kind words but my problem right now is I am not at home that much and I refuse to own a dog and leave it alone all day long. I am thinking in the near future when my life style permits to be more at home and working from home then I will bring a dog in need into my life.
kara (1 stories) (5 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-16)
Thank you gysyblue maybe you are right. Maybe I just have to trust that she is in good hands and thank you very much that you are such a considerate soul and going to pray form me. Thank you.
Libra1 (1 stories) (35 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-15)
A wonderful way to honor your beloved pet dog would be to give a dog in need of love a home ❤
Our pets are higher beings and know what lies after this life. They are just a thought away ❤
If your dog could come to you and speak, what do you think it would say?
I'm sure they would want you to be happy and pour the love you gave them into a lonely dog in need.
There are so many dogs that need a savior!
gysyblue (2 stories) (80 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-15)
Kara, my mom passed on over 10 years ago from a terminal illness, and I still have dreams to this day that she is sick, always sick, seldom healthy. Although I know that she is at peace; it is not a question in my mind. All I can say, is just trust, and open up your heart to believe that your dog is being well looked after. You just loved so much, that you worry more than anything that your dog isn't receiving the best. Trust, and I will pray with all my heart along with others that a new window will open up to you, and you will just know that your dog is at peace.
kara (1 stories) (5 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-15)
My dog has passed almost 10 years ago. I cremated her and put her ashes under a tangerine tree outside my bedroom. I don't own a pet anymore. I loved her so much and it seems I could not come to the terms to bring any other animal in to my life because loosing her was a very painful experience.
Through all these years I see her in my dreams very often and every time she is in a problem and I am helping and protecting her. Or she doesn't have food or water and I felt so bad that I forgot to give her any food and water. Can someone tell me please why my dog is not in peace so I can be in peace?
wayne (5 stories) (15 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-01)
So glad I brightened your morning Libra1. Thank you for letting me know.
Libra1 (1 stories) (35 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-31)
Thank you so much for brightening my morning!
Animals are pure and loving, they can teach us much about loving unconditionally ❤
I once had a vision as large as life appear in front of me when I was 4, and then it was gone in an instant. One of the many experiences that has lead me on my spiritual path 😊
wayne (5 stories) (15 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-30)
I am so glad this story had a good effect on you gysyblue. I do enjoy writing of these experiences for the sole purpose of passing on inspiration to others. Though sadly some may think it a highly imaginational mind at work. But I do assure you all, that all I write is from asolute truth without any exaggerations or made up stories. Thank you again (wayne)
gysyblue (2 stories) (80 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-30)
This is so lovely, so lovely. I have had so many different animals in my life that I have wondered about. My decisions felt right at the time, but I still question them. When your dog came over the hill, I almost broke. I love how you spoke of your prayers for a safe arrival of your dog. To me, prayer is everything, and I believe it is so important to pray as the soul leaves the body. I will remember this sweet story.

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