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Real Spiritual Experiences by chronological order: Page 7
Steping Up To The Plate And Experiencing Who I Am by James
I wanted to pass along an experience that has happened within the past couple of hours (30 June 2011), here again I pass along my experiences so that those just awakening will not be afraid to publish their experiences no matter how silly they think they are. I am still in awe of the whole experi...
Jesus To My Rescue During Out Of Body Experience by wayne
This experience occurred back in 1976 when I was just 22 years old. I remember it as though it were yesterday, in fact how could I not ever remember my very first meeting with the Lord, or any of the meetings that followed. Meetings such as these can never be forgotten but always remembered with FUL...
How I Found My Spiritual Peace by Shaman-Odin-Ra
It all started when I was little: I was raised Judeo-Christian. I was very devout as well. Went to church, prayed, worshipped him, etc. Stayed true to his word. But a lot of bad things hath happened in my life. I don't know if I can even list them on here, it is that grotesque... But I am 17 1/2 now...
Visions Of Heaven And Hell by bella
I've been a nurse for almost 7 years now and have always been drawn to my hospice patients. I'll never forget 2 experiences I had where I felt I saw a glimpse of heaven and hell. Oddly enough the patients' rooms where right across the hall from each other, but they did happen at two different times....
Near Death Experiences by charmaine
I feel very lucky to have had 3 near death experiences while serving in the British Army about 14 years ago. I was held prisoner while in the army and beaten and raped often. On three occasions I was in such a bad state my heart stopped and I was taken to what I called the spirit world and got to se...
God Wanted To Meet Me by Nickynoodlez
I'm going to try to describe this as best I can so please try to comprehend. I bartend and work late nights. I got home from work around 2am and layed in bed between my dog and fiancé. I cuddled up next to my fiancé and thought I fell asleep. I then jumped up having her yell "stop what's wrong wit...
Spiritual Healing From Terminal Cancer by spirit_journey
In 1987 I had a mild lymphatic cancer, did the regular radiation and it went away. I just wanted the easy way out, although I knew a little about alternative medicine. What I found was that no healing can happen with just treatment to the body. It has to be down to the soul level for a cure. I also ...
The Tunnel Between Life And Death by Ayumi
This story took place only two nights ago, and I don't think I could ever forget it. To create a scenario for you, I was texting my friend at about 1.30 AM, when I was unable to fall asleep. My friend has several personal problems that I had promised to help him out with, and hence the reason I was ...
My Final Journey To Golgotha Is Now Complete by James
As many whom read this site are well aware, for some time now I have been talking about taking "my final journey." Well I can now say that is completed! I post the following not as a passage to tear down ones religious beliefs, or say that my way is the only way because it isn't as you all know....
Is Seeing And Hearing Things Like This Uncommon? by Sacred-Spirit-Vicky
I'm Vicky and in this past year I have started having spiritual experiences. My first spiritual experience was when I'd had an argument with my friend. (Before this I was very depressed and suicidal) I was sitting on the bus with my head against the window when I heard an unnatural voice saying 'Com...
Baptized In The Holy Spirit by Ally
This was many years ago when I was a born again Christian. I am no longer, but do believe there is a higher power, just not necessarily Christ. Christ is not old enough. I believe Christ, Buddha, etc., are the same entity. There is something, but it is beyond comprehension. My story: I was "bapti...
Seek Ye First by Ed
"Ask and it is given", "Knock and the door shall be opened", "Seek and ye shall find"... So I asked and I knocked and I seeked... And it was given. Yes, sweet Kundalini has eagerly spurred into action. A little back story is, I feel, required here. I always knew there is something bigger than...
A Powerful Testimony by amedeo
I've often heard people say the Lord told me this and the Lord told me that, as if their every thought is from God. On the other extreme I've heard people say that God never speaks to them at all and never will. To be honest I've only directly heard from the Lord on a few occasions. As for the rest ...
I Felt Them Before I Saw Them by TreeToucher
Last March during a Reiki session, I had a Spiritual experience; not my first but by far the richest. It was, the most profound, life altering experience - I cannot, in my limited human capacity, imagine anything of more splendor, wonder, and love or joy.* The Reiki master had put her hands on my...
Getting Extremely Close To OBE by froosh188
I have come close to having OBEs about five or six times, getting more intense each time. I was laying in bed on my laptop reading about crystal children when I got this undescribable feeling in the back of my head. It was not on the surface but rather IN my head or brain. It felt like a stretching/...
The Light In The Lord by judgefloro
I am Philippine Judge Florentino Floro and in the past years I have started having mystic or spiritual experiences. My first spiritual experience was on January 9, 1999, the feast of the Black Nazarene of Quiapo, Manila, when I saw an ecstatic vision of scattered global apparitions of the Blessed Vi...
The Eye Of The Mind by alphaandomega
I was a newborn in Christ, a young christian and very close to the Lord. I prayed three times a day and fasted often. Having a lot to learn, I searched diligently through the word of God for his true divine guidance for my life. I was schooled on the word of God by my parents, but I wanted God to sh...
The Darkness Was Crushing Me by munchie
After having a deep conversation about Christianity with my boyfriend I found myself alone downstairs doing work because I had a deadline today and had a lot of work to do. But I was quite upset because he was asking me these questions and I feel like I've missed out on something everyone should be ...
He Found Me by Shannshann29
I tell people that the Lord found me because at this point of my life I certainly wasn't looking for him. As a young girl I was incredibly hurt by my mother. My spirit had been broken, battered, and emotionally abused. I acted out and was well on my way to self destruction when one day I attended ch...
Feeling Of Love, Euphoria And Warmth by Zachariah
Finally I have found a web site to share my story... It was a dream that I had some time ago but has left an everlasting impression in my life. In my dream I was walking through the streets and it was in the period of Jesus, as I was walking an angry mob of people started to shout verbal abuse, sayi...
Vision Becomes Reality by spiritualadvisor44
Helping people restore their lives was to become, unbeknownst to me, my destiny when mine fell apart. My educational background consists of a degree in Psychology and two years of Sports Medicine. I have been a Legal Assistant for the last 21 years. (All I ever wanted to be was a cosmetologist!) ...
Learning The Truth by dalebrinkley
This all happened about 1998. My brother and I were living together in my parents house. They had passed away in 1992 and 1996. There is a difference in our ages. I was 43 at the time and he was 19. He was out with his friends doing drugs as I had when I was his age. I went to bed knowing he was you...
Dying And Being Reborn by DharmaGa
I have gone through the most horrific childhood and adulthoods one can imagine. I was abused by my stepfather, psychologically and physically for 24 years. I have been bullied all the way through school up until the third year of University, with a break of the bullying in High school. I have had vi...
Do You Want To Know The Great Secret? by Ray
The following is an excerpt from my book - The Six Processes of Life, Love, and Awakening: And other esoteric teachings made accessible I was on the last chapter of the last book, and for the first time in two years, had no other book to turn to when I was finished. I remember feeling a sense of ...
A Choir Of Angels by listenlightlove
I grew up in England and was raised in an old farm house which was haunted. We actually got used to the usual activities of doors opening, lights going on and off and objects moving. I often saw orbs of light pulsating on my wall, either one or sometimes two. I used to repeat the Lord's prayer over ...
Shared Secrets Of The Universe by JAndrew
On Tuesday, October 18th, 2011 at around 10PM the Universe (God?) unveiled some secrets to me as it/he confirmed my belief in the higher power. Readers may choose to believe me, choose not to believe me, or choose to set my story aside and save their judgment for later in life. All I can say is that...
Room Filled With Light by Rachelle
My experience involves, I believe negative and positive energies. I was going to post to the ghost encounter but the whole reason I am on this site is I was wondering if anyone else has ever experienced their room filling up with bright light? I want to know what it is. My mom has told me god does n...
Realization Of God by BrusselTrout
This is a conversation I had with myself. I am not "religiously christian" by definition but understand and communicate with what is considered a god to many. I have many, many more conversations and this is only one of them... If you can relate to me and further define my experiences please help me...
Love Is LOL by BrusselTrout
JIMMY JOE: God, what is love? What is it that ticks these clocks of magnificent ambition? Do we really need not but mystery in this life? I assure you; the mere fragrance through love's nostrils should invoke my pursuit of this entire body. BRUSSELTROUT: Fear not for your idea of love. I know th...
My Spiritual Awakening by quixoticqt
I was raised in Assemblies of God and nondenominational churches majority of my life. I've lived in about 14 different places in Alaska (my mother was always accepted to different colleges while I was growing up.) When I lived in Homer is where I would say my spirituality grew to the point of unde...
A Prayer Gets Me By by Ricky
I'd say about 2-3 years ago while I was sleeping I felt a ferocious vibration, it was either on me or around me, but I definitely felt it. I woke up, but with all the strength in me, I could not open my eyes! The vibrations were still happening and I was completely terrified, I had no idea what was ...
Conversations With An Astral Projector by aries777
This is a two-part story because one part is totally dependent upon the other. 9 years ago, I met a psychic (Mary) whom had given me such a precise reading that it ran me off, and I never wanted to speak to her again; I was frightened. 2-3 years later, our paths crossed again, and she let me know th...
Spiritual Surrender by ziekieo
Once upon a time I was laying under the stars in the backyard of the forest overlooking the river bluff. While laying there contemplating why my life was such a mess, having just found out my boyfriend was getting married to someone else, I fell into a deep meditative state of relaxation. Listening ...
Picked Up By The Enemy by TruthInJesus27
I've been having these dreams and visions since I was a child. I usually sin so I can be out of the will of God so I won't see these spiritual things he has called me to see. Well yesterday I re-dedicated my life to Christ and decided nothing would stop me from worshiping him. I asked for the holy g...
Implosion by paulrai1
It had been a 4 hour driving trip and I was tired. We got to the hotel which was a 1 hour drive in the forest - no lights and hardly any vision because it was raining hard. My three other friends wanted to go to town and party. After a shower and shave we headed out. We got to town about an hour ...
My Experience With The Angel Of Death by Carolina93
When I was a child I was hospitalized with Anorexia Nervosa. I've been in a depressed state again recently, and have even mentioned to family members that I'd be better off dead. A few nights ago, while I was sleeping, I was extremely aware that I was dreaming. There was this middle aged man with me...
Memories Of Multicolored Light by kiani
I am now 32 and I have been blessed by many life-altering experiences in my life. And I say life-altering because up until a few months ago I could not even utter myself saying the word spiritual and me in the same sentence. I have a big aversion to using terms like awakening or spirituality or God ...
Angel Watching Over Me by gifted_one
I always believe that an angel is constantly keeping me safe. I had several near-death experiences and I know that an angel was part of all those experiences. As a kid, I was really naughty and hard-headed. Although I'm a girl, I loved playing boyish games and passing highways. I remembered how I...
The Blessing by Donah
Back in 1988, my best friend's mother came to stay with me for a few days. The night before she was due to leave, we sat at the kitchen table and talked about her husband who had passed from cancer and her daughter, my best friend Heather who died tragically. Whilst listening to her talk, I kept see...
My Spirit Animal by MikmaqBear92
My name is Paula and I am 19 years old. I am a very spiritual and open minded native american from Canada. I would like to share my only experience with the spiritual world with all of you. My first and only experience was with my spirit animal about 2 years ago. I was given the grizzly bear as m...
Sleep Paralysis And Attempts Of Astral Projection by BekahF
I'm pretty sure we have all heard about either one of these, and have seen movies about them, looked it up on the internet, etc. I'm 15 years old, and one of my biggest interests is what goes on during our sleeping hours. Before I even saw any movies, or had any experiences, I always took an interes...
Alan's Spiritual Awakening by drummy
I had been suffering with very bad depression for 20 years and I am in a relationship with my partner for 17 years, her name is tina who I love dearly. Tina went on holiday with her mum for 2 weeks in spain and when she came back home she told me she had a weird thing happen to her, and I said what ...
Entities Entering My Body While Meditating by davinaenid
I started meditating way too much a couple of years ago. My body started rocking, the spinning. I don't know why but I would think of different sounds to make and to go to the mirror at times. Then, my surroundings would seem no longer solid. I would see different faces, each different colors, overl...
Trying To Astral Project by Deandre44
Today I had my first OBE, but I don't know if it was real or not. It was like I could feel my astral come out of my physical, but I wasn't completely sleep. I was aware that I was laying down and had my eyes closed, but I could feel my astral lifting out of my body, but I couldn't see threw it. But ...
My Terrible Oppression by knifeguy6070
Before I start my story I want to let everyone know I was raised in the church my whole life and have always known God was real. My whole life ever since I was young I've seen demons or evil spirits, what have you. I was a good kid until I turned about 12 and a half to 13 and I started getting into ...
I Was Born Yesterday by VeryAwake
Corinthians 14:37 If anybody thinks he is a prophet or spiritually gifted, let him acknowledge that what I am writing to you is the Lord's command. (If any man think himself to be a prophet, etc. - He who is really a spiritual man, under the influence of the Spirit of God, and capable of teaching th...
A Hug Like No Other by birdieatthebeach
I didn't grow up going to church and through teenage years really avoided anything to do with religion. I had this experience at about age 22, I was involved in a group setting with the actual purpose of guiding participants through a self exploration type of journey. As a group we were told to rela...
Look To God Within And Feel The Heat Of God's Directions by LooktoGodwithin
About 30 years ago, when I was a young man of about 37 years old, I was struggling over my belief in God. Although, I had been a practicing Catholic since my youth, I was having doubts about the existence of God. At this point in my life, I was married with two children living in a house that we own...
A Raw Experience, Nothing Held Back by NobodysNobody
I'll begin by stating some information that may put many people off to the story. For many years, I have had the experience of hearing thoughts which appear to come from an external source. I have no idea what it could be. I've approached it from a standpoint of psychology, spirituality and every...
Three Visions by anneke8
Me and my mother had breast cancer. My mother at the age of 50 and me at the age of 35. My mother had a mastectomy 10 years before me. The doctors told her it is serious and she had to go for treatment, very scared of course. Two weeks after the mastectomy she had a vision, actually three. My mom...
Foggy Morning At Sand Rock by lassieprovedincarnation
I was climbing in Alabama at a place called Sand Rock. A labyrinth of high stone formations, people have made their mark with graffiti and cut their lovers' initials into its trees. A young teenager in a boy scout troop, I awoke at sunrise. Opening my eyes to a dewy and wet tent wall, I felt unus...
Is It A Spiritual Awakening? by Cherries
My name is teana, I'm 20 years old, and I recently discovered I have gifts. I was also told that I have a soul mate, but that our connection was lost. A couple days before I got a reading, I felt like my connection with that person got lost? But I have noticed once in a while a shift like we can hea...
Care Bears And Our Contact With The Other Side by manojharisree
My sister and I used to watch a cartoon, Care Bears, during the mid 80s. It's about ten adorable teddy bears whose mission is to guide and protect small children. Their ultimate weapon is called "Care Bear Stare" in which the collected bears stand together and radiate light from their respective tum...
Blinding White Light Behind Me by optimystic1111
When I was younger I often went to church and always felt a connection to God, the Universe, as well as nature. When I was 12 I woke in the night. The only bathroom in our house was downstairs and there were no windows in the hallway, I had to go down to reach the stairs to go to the first floor. As...
God Said He Loves Me by Gerry
Dear friends here is something very important to me. Some years ago while studying the bible, I found to how the Jewish people had gone through hard times and how they went through hell in the second war. I was so upset by this that on the way to work I felt their pain and I cried hard. That nigh...
Many Voices, Frozen Movement by Eruhk
I'm Eric, 22. I'm a regular insomniac and I've experienced a lot of what I think is spiritual. I've had multiple nights of sleep paralysis. Tonight was unlike any other night... I usually sit in my bed and play my guitar and sing until I'm tired enough to fall asleep (which is almost never). I've be...
The Busride by VeryAwake
For the last week I've been on edge near tears and sometimes crying soft or weeping deeply. I am becoming aware of people's light and darkness and it pains me when those I thought to be my friends are revealed to me. My happiest moments are watching light in children. Yesterday I was so focused in m...
My Encounters With An Enlightenment Teacher by Jasun
"The most impressive thing about you is how unimpressive you are," I once said to Dave Oshana. He laughed and told his wife, who nodded her head (or so he said, we were on Skype at the time). Recently, I was reading the (somewhat out of date) testimonials at one of his websites, and I was struck by ...
My Guardian Angel... Or Not by hannah136644
My Name is Hannah and this happened to me when I was about 12 or 11. I became very interested in angels, spirits, and Gods works. I found out that every human being has a guardian angel and I got all excited and I learned how to contact mine. I was sitting on my bed praying to God and to my Guardian...
Head Pressure During Meditation by discoverer
I have been meditating for quite a while and have experienced various things. One of them is feeling pressure in the head and as if my jaw area is going to explode. The type of meditation I do is being aware or mindful of my breath. Also, I constantly feel my body shaking (like shivering- though I d...
Black Wolf Only I Can See by goldstar
This is a very weird story. I've also never really told anybody, so please bear with me through the weirdness. I promise I'll try to elaborate and explain to the best of my abilities, although it might be a bit difficult in some areas. It all started about four or five years ago now, when I was ...
I Met The Holy Spirit by lauralovespaul66
I was on a religious retreat about two weeks ago and I think I experienced the Holy Spirit. For about six months up to that night I had been praying to Jesus and imploring him to help me experience his love for me in my heart. I knew, in my head, how much he loved me. This is something that I have p...
Kane, A Lesson In Love by travlinguy
Long ago I learned a profound lesson about love. That lesson was powerful and it has stayed with me. The experience that held the message didn't appear to be all that special - at least I didn't think it was until much later, when I realized that it helped to shape who I'd become. The lesson came fr...
Gold Coins by robert
About 3 weeks ago, I was meditating. I have only done this just a few times over the years and saw very little or nothing and for the most part dismissed it as imagination. This time was completely different! I watched a simple video online about how to open your third eye and decided to try it. Wha...
The Lord's Hug by jjlandres
I grew up in a religious community, studied 11 years in a Catholic school exclusively for girls. Basically, I knew who God was growing up. In high school, I would pass by the school's chapel everyday before entering our classroom. I did that everyday, except for those times when I'd arrive late for ...
A Divine Experience by Smitty
I remember having many experiences in my first 20 years of my life, but none got my attention as much as the one I am going to talk about. So that you may understand a little more about me, I was born with a veil or caul and this I was told was a sign that I had the awareness of spirits around me. B...
What Is My True Purpose? by apier1980
I am thirty one years old now, and all of this started when I was nineteen. When I was nineteen my father was diagnosed with cancer and it took his life within nine months. Now growing up I wasn't much in going to church, just my choice, but I have always felt a sense of a higher power. The night my...
Astral Projection Obstacles by turtlephobic
I was attempting to Astral Project last night, and my eyesight flashed blue. My eyes were closed so basically the darkness became blue. My brain jolted and I had to manually try and keep my eyes shut. I'm wondering if I should have let them open. Another thing is when I start to vibrate I don't know...
The Awakening by NRunyan1
I haven't been to church since my husband died 12 years ago, but have never lost my faith in Jesus Christ, my Savior. The experience I had was over a week ago. What kind I can't explain. Last Tuesday morning when I woke up, I had an overwhelming need to read my bible. While reading St.John, the ...
Angel? by Brian
Some time ago on my lunch break from work I was walking down the side of the road when what looked to be a giant angel appeared in front of me as if to stop me from heading in the direction I was going. He looked like you might see in a picture drawing of the story of David and Goliath the way he wa...
He Was There by AngelKeeper
I live on a 20 acre farm with my Mum and brother and always have. Lately, my Mum and I haven't been getting along as well as we used to be, and we end up screaming at each other. I went walking and found myself in the back corner of our property. It's completely deserted, so quite peaceful. I sat do...
Christ Saved Me... Now What Do I Do? by ErinL55
This happened about a year ago. I was hiking in Sedona with a friend and later throughout the day I started getting an uneasy feeling. I wasn't sick, but I felt my spirit was being attacked. I never felt this way before. A kind of conviction I never knew possible. I dabbled in many different spiritu...
An Angel? Or God? by kingdixie01
This event had happened to me in mid December 2011. To be honest, I didn't believe in god or anything religious like that, but I did believe in the devil. From the beginning of November up until what had happened to me that night, I felt I was being followed by something evil. And I believe it was t...
My Experience With The Spirit by jedinite2012
Until several years ago, I thought my life was useless. I did not seem to have much interest in many things. I began to understand why by the spiritual encounter I had. I have always had strange experiences that cannot be explained. I thought it was simply a stress induced awakening of my brains hid...
I Saw God In The Clouds In Arkansas by jedinite2012
It was a very special day for me in a place I had only been for a short period of time. I lived in N.Little Rock Arkansas for about six months, many spiritual incidents brought me closer to God in this very special place. On this particular day I was walking along the Riverwalk in N.Little Rock not ...
The Bathroom Light by JohnDiabet
My name is John and I grew up on my grandfathers farm in North Carolina. My family believes in the Christ and taught me so as well. Don't let that deter you from continuing to read. Even with that belief I was a drug addict by 12 and wishing for an end by 14. A close friend of mine at 14 years ol...
An Out Of Body Experience? by Teema
It's been a while quite a few years I think... It happens when it wants to, there were some nights where it'd happen more than once, days at a time continuously, others where it'd happen say once a week or every few weeks. I'm in bed. It happens either when I'm already awake and can't sleep, or w...
Soul Leaving Body - What Does It Mean? by jpr
I'm 24. In the last three or so years I've had a couple of experiences which, while they were scary, made me see that I have an actual soul. A real, tangible soul, not just a metaphorical one. You see, I believe I have had experiences of nearly leaving my body (astral projection in other words). ...
My Diary Of Divine Dreams And Jibankrishna The Holy Ghost by Dipak
MY FIRST OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCE It was an evening in the month of Sept-Oct, 1956. The place was Durgapur of West Bengal state in India. I was at that time a 14 years boy studying in class-x. I was on the portico of our Quarter. Suddenly my eyes became closed, I fell into a trance and gradually lo...
Odd Experience Waking Up After Listening To A Channeling by Deli
I thought I would share an experience I just had today on here in hopes of some wonderful feedback. I am eighteen years old and the past few years I've been going through so much spiritual change. A year or so ago I became interested in reiki and energy practices, and ever since then I learn somethi...
Holy Spirit So Intense by IntenseSpirit
I feel the Holy Spirit So intense and strong it is absolutely, positively, like no other feeling, it is pure Love from Father God and there is no doubt about it! I was raised Catholic and I have to say that I felt the presence of the Holy spirit in the Catholic Church especially when I was young bo...
Spiritual Shaking by Metasopher
Last night, after I woke up from a nap, I was lying in bed and didn't really want to get up. So I just sat there thinking about nothing in particular. For some reason, I started contemplating infinite. I imagined a marble rolling on a plane above me and was able to "see" it. Then it dissolved and I ...
How I Realized To Realize by VisionAndViews
In the pursuit of Self Realization for the last many years, I had travelled to many spiritual places, ashrams and met many Gurus and studied psychological, philosophical and spiritual books. I had attended many spiritual satang, Philosophical and Intellectual discussions all these years. I was doing...
Willing To Go To Any Length by RonE
I had my 5th step (Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs) accepted by my sponsor on a Sunday afternoon, that evening I received a call from a newcomer explaining that they had relapsed. This gave me quite a scare seeing that I was a newcomer myself....
Rebirth by rivirobo
After being agnostic for 25 years, my life felt meaningless. I didn't acknowledge my soul, anybody else's soul, thought when you die its over and done, and that all the spiritual fuss was just an excuse to sin, be forgiven, or manipulation from preachers. Sure, I did the best trying to be happy and ...
I Believe I Met My Daughter In Her Pre Birth World by VIOLETSMUMMY1
I know it says no dreams but I think this was more of an experience than a dream. I remember being somewhere white. It was very peaceful, very calm and I felt like i'd been there before. I felt very happy being there even though it was nothing just white surrounding me. There seemed to be a bright l...
God Is Real by myeargins
3 Februay 2002, Sunday night, I got on my knees and asked Jesus to be my Lord and Savior. I also asked Him to let me know if he hears my calling. I just wanted some kind of sign to let me know if He hears me. Three days later (how ironic, three days later) I was driving out of the city to see one of...
A Long Flashback Or A Profound Experience by fortuna
I was put in the psych ward for a few days after attempting suicide with monoxide and benzos. They had started me on an antidepressant a day before these symptoms began. A day went by and I began to notice that my eyes had been dilated and my palms were sweaty. I felt plunged into a world of meta...
Proof That I Have A Spirit Guide by surferbob
For several months I have been working on turning my life around, I now have better mental and physical health. The next step in this 'change' was to work on relaxation through meditation and this has introducd sprituality into my life, which has surprised me. I tried several times to contact my ...
Was I Supposed To Survive? by livingdeadgirl73
I had a bone marrow transplant in July of 2007. I went from being an extremely spiritual woman, very empathetic, and always helping out when I could. I had an inner beauty and was a kind of social butterfly. I died once during the transplant, though I don't remember anything of the experience. I do ...
My Life's Mysteries by Hachi121295
The earliest memory of having an unexplainable experience, I was around 10 years old. I went down to a fishing hole that my siblings and I use to fish at. We would walk on the rocks to get over to a small island. It had rained for a few days and I wanted to get out of the house that day, as the rain...
Our View Of Heaven by mmcginnis46
What if you could speak with the lucky inhabitants of heaven and ask them all your questions about God, angels, heaven, hell, the human soul, and heaven's view of our actions on earth? Preposterous, you would say, and so would we a year ago. But life holds many surprises. And over the last year a sp...
Touched By The Holy Spirit - An Amazing Experience by godpleaser65
About 4 months ago, my mother was dying of cancer, and my family went to visit her. We stayed at a hotel to avoid stressing her too much. One night, my wife took the kids back to the hotel for bed, and I stayed with my mom, dad and brother. I had in mind that we might talk about heaven, or sing some...
Caught Up by cupojoe
I remember this event like it happened just yesterday, although it has been thirty one years. But here I was: in a little one-room-church, barely big enough to hold fifty people. I was nineteen years old as a new "born again Christian" who had been baptized just a week before. Myself, my Mom alon...
Awakening... To An Amazing World by tmanning
I'll begin my story by telling you first that what I am experiencing anyone can! What a wonderous amount of love and joy I have in my heart. Everything I feel (now) is happening just as it should, my path was chosen before I was born! So, a little background about me. I have always been more spir...
Signs by vasquez725
In January of 2011 my husband was in a terrible car accident. That morning had started off as usual with him going into work before I did. A few minutes after he had left, he called saying he had gotten into a car wreak and had hit somebody else. With the tone and calmness of his voice I figured it ...
The Awakening Of A Beautiful Person by tmanning
Wow. My spiritual awakening is so intense, something new happens almost everyday right now. First a little about me. My parents are "atheists" even tho I don't think they know what the word means. Now, I have believed in a god since I have heard of him and have been praying my whole life. Lately...
Love, Even Beyond Death, Saved My Life by wisdomthrudeath_m5_44
Where do I begin? My great grandma passed in 1993 at the age of 92. I was 9 years old at the time. In life she was a very spiritual woman who had a very close relationship with GOD. She would get on her knees and pray every morning and every night, until she became bedridden due to diabetes and othe...
The Power Of Gratitude by ej88
I believe all problems that humanity has ever dreamed up or will ever dream up have already been resolved. All needs have already been met. All desires have already been fulfilled. To receive them in the here and now, it's important to thank the One/God for what has already been done. Here's one exa...
Are Angels Telling Me To Become A Nun? by Grace
Last night I had a dream where I saw and heard an angel singing religious music. It only lasted a couple of seconds, but the sound of its voice was shockingly beautiful and in tune. Then the dream had changed, and I was sitting with a nun inside a Gothic style church. We were both wearing the 'habit...
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