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Spiritual experiences comments: Page 5
Ina (guest) in Soul Leaving Body - What Does It Mean?
Great description. I experienced similar a couple of days ago. I came back home early in the morning from dropping my partner off to work and I usually come back home and jump into bed to have a snooze before I begin my day. I thought I was having sleep paralysis (because I do remember experiencing this just under a year ago) but this was very different this time. I felt as if my soul was trying to disconnect from my body and a very bright light was above my head... To be completely honest I thought this was the end of me and this was the 'gate to heaven'. I knew I wasn't dead because somehow I could see my room but not entirely sure if my eyes were open or if I was just imagining it. I tried my best to wake up and I had the urge to pick up my phone that was beside my pillow and call my partner but I wouldn't move or at least my 'spirit' wasn't intact with my body. I was so scared and I almost convinced myself that this was it, I was going to let go and be gone from my life and I was sad because I started thinking about the people in my life that I haven't said goodbye to and I didn't know how they'll make a conclusion to my death. I didn't want anyone to be blamed for anything to do with my 'death'... So I laid in bed and tried to relax. I felt as if my soul was being lifted out of my body. The next thing I remember after the bright light above my head was being placed on an empty beach, just hearing the ocean crash together and this was when I began to get really emotional and started to cry and was scared to find out what was going on. I woke up immediately like my soul snapped back into my body and reached over to my phone to try and send a text or call my partner just to check if I was real.
My whole day felt unusual, I didn't feel like myself and I was worried that I was going to feel like that for the rest of my life! Whatever it was, it was terrifying and I was definitely not ready for it. Maybe this is the gate beyond our physical ability as humans? So mysterious.
My whole day felt unusual, I didn't feel like myself and I was worried that I was going to feel like that for the rest of my life! Whatever it was, it was terrifying and I was definitely not ready for it. Maybe this is the gate beyond our physical ability as humans? So mysterious.
Jane (guest) in Room Filled With Light
Last night July 29, 2019. It must be 3am or so I was in my bed trying to sleep for it's a hot night. Suddenly turned to my other side facing the door which is wide open. I saw the living room blue in color like a light... I live in basement and I was. This was so confusing and strange. This morning I was thinking about it. Was I awake? I know I am awake because I saw it and I could not sleep. I hope I am not going crazy...
Ashley (guest) in Soul Leaving Body - What Does It Mean?
It's happened to me lots of times It energised me.
I keep trying to meďiatate as I don't know when it is going to happen.
I welcome it when I leave my body even though it scary because youbody is dead.
Some spirit say you have to go back to your physical body.
Then all suďen back into your body.
Remember once some spirit said not going back to your body ok said what will be will be.
Suddenly back in my body.
Some lovely experiences some scary.
I keep trying to meďiatate as I don't know when it is going to happen.
I welcome it when I leave my body even though it scary because youbody is dead.
Some spirit say you have to go back to your physical body.
Then all suďen back into your body.
Remember once some spirit said not going back to your body ok said what will be will be.
Suddenly back in my body.
Some lovely experiences some scary.
Maz (guest) in Jesus Put His Hand on my Shoulder
I am a Christian, I was in the shower at a desperately dark time in my life, I didn't want to live. I felt Jesus right hand on my left shoulder blade, I turned around thinking someone was there, I felt remarkable peace after that day. I now have a relationship with Jesus. Peace and blessings. Thanks for reading.
Warrior for Christ (guest) in The Black Wolf
Your discernment is getting sharpened. I'm a native American from the Midwest that used to help conjure spirits. One thing that didn't go hand in hand was being a born again Holy Spirit filled believer and living in spirit worship. There's always a payment that spirits require as opposed to the Lord and his Spirit always gives. And a gift or manifestation of the Holy Spirit is Discernment of Spirits. You will with one or more of your senses pick up on the spirit realm or world that the bible calls heavenly realms. The spirits we worked with turned when I confessed Jesus and invited him in my heart and asked for his Holy Spirit to guide me. I seen them. The evil one tried hard to break me when I first came to Christ. But I kept at it. There is a world of these beings with all kinds of assignments to keep the sons and daughters of God from manifesting. Wolves, coyote, spiders, cougar, Tiger, snakes, octopus, and many more are in this realm wreaking havoc. The Lord is raising us up to see as I have been seeing a rise in brothers n sisters with the seer gifting. Once you discern go to war in prayer and worship. I used to see only the kingdom of darkness but being born again I seen of the Kingdom of God. There is a war going on. We have to fight. God gives you armor a sword and shield. You don't give these weapons without cause... We are warriors. Yeshua akicita inazinpo! Soldiers of Christ rise up stand!
There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews: The same came to Jesus by night, and said unto him, Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him. Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
John 3:1-3 KJV
There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews: The same came to Jesus by night, and said unto him, Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him. Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
John 3:1-3 KJV
Amanda (guest) in Were Angels Singing To Me Last Night?
My mom suddenly passed away four months ago when coming back from holiday. The night of her passing I couldn't sleep as I was heavily upset and emotional after receiving the news. At one stage in the early hours I start hearing a choir of angel voices singing Pie Jesu in my head. It was beautiful and calming. My mom used to love choral music and was always playing it on Sunday mornings in our house when I was a kid. We work together and about a week before her passing we were listening to music in the office and it was one of the last songs we listened to. The logic me knows that it was just in my head or I was dreaming it. But it felt very real and I choose to believe it was maybe my mother sending angels to sing to me and calm me. Now if I missed her. I would put it on and listen to it. But it doesn't sound the same as that night.
Vicki (guest) in My Black Guardian Angel
Last Night. I woke up to Pee and seen an Angle above Me looking down at ME. She was Small with Golden Hair. But, She was dressed oddly with Black Gown covered with a White Overcoat. She didn't speak and vanished quickly. I''be been fighting Incurable Carcinoid Cancer since 2015 and wonder IF My Life is Ending? Jesus has come and spoken to ME saying, You Will Be Fine. And Now, Six Months later, three of My Five Tumors were Gone! Could She be My Guardian Angle?
OF (guest) in A Touch By The Holy Spirit
Here is my testimony. I never went to church when I was young, I was having too much empty fun being a sinner. God forgive me, for I started going to church because I wanted my girlfriend to get off my case. It turned out that I actually learned a lot, repented of my sins and learned to pray. One day while I was praying I felt like going towards the front of the church and continued praying. I felt a mild electrical shock, sort of a static shock that you receive when you rub a balloon on your hair or when you drag your feet on the carpet and touch something afterwards. I looked down to my feet and saw there was carpet so I thought that must have been it. I continued praying and I felt it again, but this time it was a bit more intense, not really hurting me, but I could feel as if sparks of electricity were arching around and bouncing from the carpet to my feet and pass right through my boots. This was all invisible, I think it was because my eyes were closed and frankly I was too scared to open them, but in my mind I could see this electrical storm display around my feet. Suddenly the sparks ceased and I hope I can explain this correctly, I felt as if I was made out of glass and a warm pure liquid was being poured into me, but the liquid was not coming from above as you would normally fill a glass with lemonade, Rather this liquid of warmth and peace was filling me from the bottom up. I liked the sensation, so I just kept my eyes closed and allowed it to happen. Slowly the sensation filled my feet, up to my ankles, my knees, my thighs and it kept going up to my navel. I wanted to get completely filled, but it stopped right at navel height. I don't remember it coming out of my head like other people describe it here. I don't know why I didn't get completely filled, but it felt great. I've also only shared this with close family, but I wanted to share it here so more people know that God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are real. Peace be with you.
Michelle (guest) in Guardian Angel Protected Me From A Mad Man
I agree that it could have been St. Michael. A stranger approached me in 2017, telling me I should pray to St. Michael. That was the extent of my encounter. The woman continued walking, passing me by. Because the experience was odd, and though I'm not a churchgoer, I read about St. Michael on the internet.
Last year, I experienced ongoing bullying on my new job. Feeling desperate that it wasn't going away, I began praying to St. Michael for help. I also asked St. Michael to please send me a sign showing that he heard my prayer because I felt frightened and isolated during this experience and needed to know he was there. A few days later a jaw-dropping miracle happened -- I got my sign! A very prominent third-party wrote to my company praising me for the very project my bully was unfairly trying to get me fired for. My company received the letter a couple days after I was accused of wrongdoing by the bully and it specifically addressed the very issue she criticized me about, but in a kind and praising way toward me! (The third party has power over my company, too.)
This has never happened to me during my career and I absolutely do believe it was St. Michael at work.
I now wonder if St. Michael assisted me in other ways when I was much younger, much like Solik.
One day I will write about two of those experiences.
Anyway: St. Michael is very real!
Last year, I experienced ongoing bullying on my new job. Feeling desperate that it wasn't going away, I began praying to St. Michael for help. I also asked St. Michael to please send me a sign showing that he heard my prayer because I felt frightened and isolated during this experience and needed to know he was there. A few days later a jaw-dropping miracle happened -- I got my sign! A very prominent third-party wrote to my company praising me for the very project my bully was unfairly trying to get me fired for. My company received the letter a couple days after I was accused of wrongdoing by the bully and it specifically addressed the very issue she criticized me about, but in a kind and praising way toward me! (The third party has power over my company, too.)
This has never happened to me during my career and I absolutely do believe it was St. Michael at work.
I now wonder if St. Michael assisted me in other ways when I was much younger, much like Solik.
One day I will write about two of those experiences.
Anyway: St. Michael is very real!
Ash (guest) in The Lord's Hug
hey...I am 17 and I have been experiencing this for a long time. It is a tightness in your chest and you have a somewhat difficult time breathing. I have also had times where I am dizzy and tear comes to my eyes. It is a weird thing and I don't know what it is. I just want to make sure this is from God cause this only happens when I am in prayer. Not when doing anything else. I am glad that I am not the only one. My friend was right when it said that you will never be the only one who goes through a struggle.
Love Ash
Love Ash
Blackswan (guest) in My Black Guardian Angel
Coincidentally last night I woke up at 3 am I believe. Straight to the bathroom. Feeling sleepy and with the urge to pee, I saw a black shadow on my wall. Tall like 7feet with wings and totally in black. I know what I saw. I didn't feel scare for some reason. Then I went back to bed. I saw a black angel standing on my wall.
Betty L.T. (guest) in I Saw The Light Of God
I would like to share my experience with God's Light! I was asleep n it was very early in the morning like 4 or 5 am when all of a sudden a very bright light was taking my soul in and the further it pulled me in towards the light the brighter the light got. It was so much more beautiful than any light I had ever seen in my life. Once it took my soul in I started to feel an overwhelming feeling of Peace and Warmth. Also on top of this Awesome peacefulness I felt as if though I had never suffered, never cried, had never been hit, or betrayed or had never felt any kind of of Worldly Pain. I knew at that point that this was God showing me that is how I will feel when he calls me home! I woke up cause my alarm clock went on and when I woke I cried tears of Joy and Praised Jesus for giving me the experience of his Light! He Truly is Our Prince of Peace and The Light of All the World!
jay (guest) in Gold Flashes Of Light
For months it was flashes of light usually gold. Today they stayed and floated around me starting on the right then some to the left. Seem to have white light mixed in them. Like diamond fireflys. They stayed long enough for me to think " no I'm not dead"
Kiara (guest) in Seeing Jesus In My Dreams
I recently started praying every day since May 24 2019 and about a week ago I had a dream that I was in my bedroom talking to my husband about financial issues and all of a sudden I see a figure with a lot of light the face was actually a SUN but I was able to stare at it and I saw a brown robe and olive skin feet and he had said in the dream " you are going to conquer because Jesus Christ said so". It's so weird because I was aware that I was dreaming. I also once had a weird "dream" about 6 years ago and I quote because I can tell you I was awake fully awake but my husband claims I was sleeping yet I told him exactly everything I was hearing him do in the kitchen.Anyways, I was basically meditating on my bed before going to sleep when I see my window open up and a strong breeze enters and flips pages of my opened bible that I always had near my bed and all of a sudden I hear a gross deep voice coming from my closet saying Look at me, Look at me now, Look at me! Demanding saying I said Look at me Now! And for some reason I just New that what ever that was I did not want to look at it and the first thought that came to my mind was to pray so I prayed the only prayer I New at the time which was Our Father and I felt the strong breeze leave and my bible returned to how it was, the window closed and the voice left. I suddenly got out of that situation. I ran to my husband and explained to him what I just felt and he told me it was just a dream. Till this day I feel like it wasn't a dream.Also, I had another dream 4 months ago that I was in a cloudy gray park and the floor was coble stone's I see a group of people walking in 3 separate zigzag lines I see a white old woman looking at me and I ask her where am i?she never responds for some reason I just New I had to follow her so I am walking with her and as I walk I see a wrecked limousine with teenagers inside that are all talking to each other but what I found weird was there skin color looked so pale like how a deceased skin color looks like. There was a mirror on a wall and I go to look at my self and indeed it was me but as soon as I looked in the mirror I got this terrible pain in my head and eyes that I just couldn't look at myself anymore. So I continue walking and I get really cold and realize in the dream that I am dead don't no why I thought that but I start to cry and get on my knees on the coble stone and all of a sudden I hear a voice that says "Go ahead, Cry and then ask Why"I started pleading for forgiveness and another chance to live and I thought about my family and my children and how I didn't tell my love ones how much I love them and appreciate them. Then at one point in the dream I stopped crying and felt like there was nothing else I could do but just accept it. Then all of a sudden the sky opened up in my dream and I heard music like an orchestra type music but very peaceful music then a chain with the image of the Sacred heart of Jesus was thrown at me and it fell on the floor in which I picked it up and suddenly woke up from my dream. I was pale and super cold and once again ran to my husband to tell him my dream. Then on October 6th which is my birthday my grandfather passed away in a hospice in which I was always by his side in the hospice taking care of him because he raised me. So he was basically a Father figure. For some reason I had left his side that specific night to get something to eat but was coming right back. I left at about 5:30am and he was sedated with medication because he had heart failure and I told him "Papi,I will be back".I arrive back at 6 am and the nurse tells me that he had passed away at 5:55 am. I was by his bed side Day and Night because I didn't want him dying alone and eventually he did. The only times I would shower and eat was when a family member would come I would go about my business and would try not to last no more then 2 or 3 hours. It was every single day I put my life in hold I have a husband and 6 children but yet my husband New how important this was for me so he helped me alot. My grandfather was hospitalized Aug 24-Oct 6 that was my main focus at that time. Now to the point, on Oct 11 I had a dream that 2 female angels disguised as humans called my phone and told me that they need my help with my stubborn grandfather. That he was giving them to much problems so I go down my stairs and I see them coming with him. I look at him and it's like if I New exactly what to tell him. In the dream he ask me "Kiara,who are these people that I don't no I want to go home tell them to let me go with you".I respond by taking a deep breath and telling him "Papi,these people came to pick you up because you passed away and now you belong in a different world from mine it is not my time now so I can't stay with you I have to leave but they were nice enough to let me tell you this and he started screaming in the dream and I got so dizzy in my dream and everything blurred out then I suddenly woke up. The weird thing from that dream also was that while I was talking to my grandfather I was hearing the angels disguised as humans talking about what a nice washing machine I had. When I woke up I went straight to my washer for some reason I realized that it was in a wash mode that I have NEVER used I am am the only one who touches that washer so I was just thinking can that have been confirmation that the dream was real?. Sorry for the long post can anyone help me interpret my dreams?
Cam (guest) in Soul Leaving Body - What Does It Mean?
Last night while I was asleep, in my dream my soul was force to come out of body. I try to laid back but couldnt. So I let my soul come out and was surrounded full of bright white light. Saw my body on bed.
mary (guest) in My Experience With Michael The Archangel
I am also one of the few people who remember myself being a baby. My sister believes that she was "aware" of the moment that she was conceived by our parents. (we are of French parents.) The odd thing is in my weekly meetings in which I have talk sessions with other young women (teens and early 20s) , one of them says that the Archangel MICHAEL (spelling?) - is her personal angel and claims to know him well. So I wonder if we are all assigned to be guarded by particular angels. For example, Michael guards you and this other young lady from my group-as well as whoever else says that. And the angel (Gabriel?) would guard some other people.
I am also one of the few people who remember myself being a baby. My sister believes that she was "aware" of the moment that she was conceived by our parents. (we are of French parents.) The odd thing is in my weekly meetings in which I have talk sessions with other young women (teens and early 20s) , one of them says that the Archangel MICHAEL (spelling?) - is her personal angel and claims to know him well. So I wonder if we are all assigned to be guarded by particular angels. For example, Michael guards you and this other young lady from my group-as well as whoever else says that. And the angel (Gabriel?) would guard some other people.
mary (guest) in OBE & Jesus
hello! Sarah denise,
Could not help noticing your post because that is my sister's name. My sister has these types of very deeply detailed dreams as well. Our weekly meetings include several young women (teens and early 20s) -who have dreams of going up with Jesus etc. You would be amazed at how often they dream very similar dreams-so be aware of the reality that you are not the only one out there that can vividly describe a dream like that. You should hear the things I have heard. All you have to do is look on the internet and its FULL of men and women who have had theses experiences and/or dreams. Maybe some are having them because of some catalysis in their life (an event,health,relationship,a movie, a death of a friend/family,a book)
Could not help noticing your post because that is my sister's name. My sister has these types of very deeply detailed dreams as well. Our weekly meetings include several young women (teens and early 20s) -who have dreams of going up with Jesus etc. You would be amazed at how often they dream very similar dreams-so be aware of the reality that you are not the only one out there that can vividly describe a dream like that. You should hear the things I have heard. All you have to do is look on the internet and its FULL of men and women who have had theses experiences and/or dreams. Maybe some are having them because of some catalysis in their life (an event,health,relationship,a movie, a death of a friend/family,a book)
mary (guest) in OBE & Jesus
htomblin,i have had many dreams as these. Be aware that Satan can use dreams and disguises himself as Jesus. So be leery of details that don't line up with the Bible-don't create a false reality for yourself and fall into a dangerous pit. It is only real if it agrees with the Bible. Like I said I have counseled many young women (and men) who have these types of dreams. They are very common.
Wolf (guest) in Soul Leaving Body - What Does It Mean?
I do it on a daily when i'm a wake. You see when I do it i'm still in my body yet at the same time i'm out of it. This ability I have has aloud me to travel and help people that have nightmares as I sleep. When I find someone with a nightmare I change it into a dream and help them that way along with people that are dying I do the same as they die in their sleep.
Budika_2k in The Realization Of My Purpose
Daniii, it was during my own span of hardship that I became open and receptive to a greater truth. I experienced a similar Moment of Truth and euphoria.
I was agnostic for 30 years but always searching and was rewarded with a state of grace and absolute certainty of the Divine. How positively humbling yet empowering it is to accept the wondrous magnitude of our existence!
Peace and blessings.
I was agnostic for 30 years but always searching and was rewarded with a state of grace and absolute certainty of the Divine. How positively humbling yet empowering it is to accept the wondrous magnitude of our existence!
Peace and blessings.
Benson-Nigeria (guest) in Soul Leaving Body - What Does It Mean?
I had this encounter few years back. I was in a sleep when I Dreamt. In that dream, I saw my spirit leaving my body. Then after a while, I saw my spirit looking at my body lying lifeless in that dream. It feels as if I'm dead but no I'm not. Then I (my spirit) saw my school friend, still in the dream, Telling me things I can't remember. It's been years now, I'm still alive but I really need explanation for this dream.
Cowboy (guest) in Something Enters My Body
I'm so confused I didn't know where to turn for answers. I was recently sitting at my outdoor furniture with my wife talking about the day's activities when I experienced this rush of energy (no form, face, image, etc.) move through our deck and enter my body. I could not breath, move, or talk. As soon as this thing rushed into me, it scrambled around inside and exited pulling it's energy away from my body. I could actually see the thing leave. It looked somewhat like I can only explain as the turbulence left behind by a jet engine. My wife asked what happened, as I was "frozen" for what she estimated was 20 seconds. I was at a loss for an explanation. I was not drinking, doing drugs or anything that would produce such a hallucination.
Has this ever happened to anyone else!?
Has this ever happened to anyone else!?
Midnight (guest) in Vision Of Golden Light Energy
God and heaven are near, as driving home and looking at the early sunset I definitely saw the golden steps (staircase) and sides of heavens place it looked amazing. He is watching and close now, we must behave. Xx
Budika_2k in Faith Is My Guide
Faith can be a puzzling thing. In my Catholic youth, faith in God and Jesus Christ seemed to be the litmus test for being a good person. But how can you have faith in something you don't understand?
No one told me it was okay to be on the journey to understanding faith. This is something I learned later in life as I came to understand God and develop faith.
The irony is that I have always had faith in myself because of an inner guidance, or you might say my God-self as I would come to understand it.
So I really have always had faith in God. I just didn't know it. Sometimes it all comes down to semantics. Exploration of other religions has helped me to find faith on my own terms.
No one told me it was okay to be on the journey to understanding faith. This is something I learned later in life as I came to understand God and develop faith.
The irony is that I have always had faith in myself because of an inner guidance, or you might say my God-self as I would come to understand it.
So I really have always had faith in God. I just didn't know it. Sometimes it all comes down to semantics. Exploration of other religions has helped me to find faith on my own terms.
Leialoha (guest) in Soul Leaving Body - What Does It Mean?
This happened to me years ago while laying in bed sleep. I woke up to my room and left my body completely. I looked back and saw myself asleep. I felt like hands grabbing me trying to pull me away from my body. I struggled, but got back to my body and woke up. I was so scared! Later I heard a man voice in my ear that said my name. I thought it was my brother in the living room, but he said he didn't call me.
Babyrugger (guest) in The Black Wolf
A friend confided in me, as I'm a Shaman, that a gray wolf with red eyes is watching her from the woods egde at her home... Ominous kind. The dog goes nuts, growling, and the closest neighbor dogs do the same with warning barking. Back story: A couple of her friends opened a portal last year that released bad entities. They usee this to control others and want for nothing, as all is handed to them. Now, my friend has ' disowned' these two...that's when this wolf showed up. I have given her my homemade liquid smudge for protection, as this Thing is 8 ft tall, was looking in her bedroom window while scrapping it's claws against the house. I wish I could share the pics of the large footprints (only 2 as it stood upright) and the scratches on the brick siding. I plan to go over to help her. Anyone out there have a similar story to share? Very curious... Thank You!
highspirits31 (guest) in How I Learned About Walk Ins
What an amazing story! It is such a privilege that you were able to have those visions. Did your daughter ever find you?
Barry Stephen Whitmore (guest) in A Touch By The Holy Spirit
My Mother and me were at a Service in Tallahassee and the Preacher called on the Holy Spirit to come into the and heal the congregation.
When he did my Mother began speaking in tounges a d I felt like warm water was being poured over my head. Ever since that Sunday the Holy Spirit is always with Me in my life.
I too was raised Catholic and was an Alter boy. I now go to a Church here where I live that is non Denominal and can feel the Holy Spirit in the Church when Dr. Larry Linkious is preaching the Holy Gospel.
When he did my Mother began speaking in tounges a d I felt like warm water was being poured over my head. Ever since that Sunday the Holy Spirit is always with Me in my life.
I too was raised Catholic and was an Alter boy. I now go to a Church here where I live that is non Denominal and can feel the Holy Spirit in the Church when Dr. Larry Linkious is preaching the Holy Gospel.
Paula (guest) in Brilliant White Light
I saw the white light. It was back in the 1960's. I was deep in prayer for the salvation of someone I knew who was taking drugs and didn't know Jesus. I was kneeling at the side of my bed and I looked up and in the corner of the dark room was a light so brilliant, so bright, like nothing I had ever seen before, words are inadequate. I was terrified and prayed for it to go away. My fear was overwhelming. I think it must have been Jesus or an angel or Holy Spirit. I have never seen it since but I have on two occasions heard what I believe to be the voice of God. Once I was told "forgive yourself" and the other time "you are cherished". I wish I could see the light again or understand it> I would try to not be so afraid.
Kuindi (guest) in God Came To Me
I would loooove to hear more. What a great experience. God is so good and He clearly showed His love to you.
alvinjadamsjr (guest) in A Touch By The Holy Spirit
I just read you experience with the holy spirit... I believe it is a great source of energy... And now me... Help me understand... Sleeping on the sofa... I felt something touching me on my forehead... Eyes open... And hands were me on my forehead and I ask who are you and what do want... And looked and the person touching me was a man... In a sparking gold robe... Long hair and no face... And said nothing... But I knew he was looking at me... And was telling me something... And stayed walked a little closer and he was gone... Now I met Mary Jesus mother... Walked she was standing next to me as we talked she held her hand out and touched her palm... And said... GOD GAVE YOU A TALENT GO OUT AND USE IT... She held out her hand to me to shake my hand and I reached her hand and she said oh I am Mary... And she was gone walked away... I have seen the dead... Angles floating angles...etc... What is going on...
JS (guest) in A Touch By The Holy Spirit
I have had 2 Holy Spirit moments and 1 God moment. The 1st was over 10 years ago. I didn't realize it at the time, but I was battling depression. I was in a dark place and felt very hateful and angry. It was ongoing for several months. Finally, 1 night I prayed as sincerely as I knew how that God would take this deep dark angry hateful feeling from me, then I went to bed. While I was sleeping I felt a hand touch my head, I then realized I was in the twilight stage of consciousness. As the hand gently touched my head I felt this energy rush through my body and out the top of my head like a massive rushing wind. Almost like jumping out of a plane. It lasted a few seconds & was gone. I Immediately awoke and felt 10x better. I instantly felt like I was touched by the hand of God.
This feeling lasted for several years. Then about 2 years ago, I began to feel very depressed again. Not angry or hateful anymore, just down and unexcited about life. Disconnected completely. I was as low as I had ever been. I was in church and the the congregation has about 1,000 members. I was in the back left corner at the end of the aisle. The pastor walked up after worship singing ended and said "Before I start my sermon I want to say that God has put it on my heart that somebody in the area (he then pointed to my section and looked right at me) needs to know that God loves them and everything is going to be ok".
I started to cry and had to excuse myself to the bathroom. Later that week I saw a DR. For the 1st time for depression and he prescribed me meds that have helped me considerably.
My final experience occurred last night. Even though I am on meds I still get periodic "lows" from time to time and have felt in a funk over the past 2 months or so. Not nearly as bad as before I was on meds, but disconnected again. Distant, lonely. I also have been doubting my faith with all the secular nonsense that goes on in society I have been questioning at times if God is real or am I just wishful thinking. I showered before bed and prayed sincerely that God would renew and restore my faith in him and belief in Christ as my Lord and Savior. I slept I suddenly got into that twilight of consciousness again and suddenly John 3:16 was on my brain. I then felt a tremendous urge to look at the clock on my nightstand. The clock read 3:16. I can only say that I believe God was directly telling me that yes, JC is real and he died for you.
Today I feel renewed and my faith is as strong as it has ever been.
This feeling lasted for several years. Then about 2 years ago, I began to feel very depressed again. Not angry or hateful anymore, just down and unexcited about life. Disconnected completely. I was as low as I had ever been. I was in church and the the congregation has about 1,000 members. I was in the back left corner at the end of the aisle. The pastor walked up after worship singing ended and said "Before I start my sermon I want to say that God has put it on my heart that somebody in the area (he then pointed to my section and looked right at me) needs to know that God loves them and everything is going to be ok".
I started to cry and had to excuse myself to the bathroom. Later that week I saw a DR. For the 1st time for depression and he prescribed me meds that have helped me considerably.
My final experience occurred last night. Even though I am on meds I still get periodic "lows" from time to time and have felt in a funk over the past 2 months or so. Not nearly as bad as before I was on meds, but disconnected again. Distant, lonely. I also have been doubting my faith with all the secular nonsense that goes on in society I have been questioning at times if God is real or am I just wishful thinking. I showered before bed and prayed sincerely that God would renew and restore my faith in him and belief in Christ as my Lord and Savior. I slept I suddenly got into that twilight of consciousness again and suddenly John 3:16 was on my brain. I then felt a tremendous urge to look at the clock on my nightstand. The clock read 3:16. I can only say that I believe God was directly telling me that yes, JC is real and he died for you.
Today I feel renewed and my faith is as strong as it has ever been.
TreasureLily (guest) in A Divine Experience
I'm aware this post is old but being born with a veil myself I must say that talking with or seeing spirits/ghosts is not of the caul. The bible warns us that Satan & his demon minions can trick & deceive so please be careful, for the dead are aware of nothing. There are no ghosts, those are demon spirits in disguise to trick you into lowering your guard so they may get close to you, gain your trust, & in turn take control. Read your bible hun & know that the devil can not harm you he can only distract you. Anything that distracts you from Gods work is what the devil wants. Please don't be fooled... Resist the devil & he will flee from you. I was born with a veil & so was my grandmother it runs strongly within my family so I'm aware of some things but I don't know everything for only God knows everything but I give this advice & pray you or anyone else take it serious
Susan (guest) in God Above All
I believe what you saw was probably from God, maybe an angel - at any rate -it didn't seem evil & it happened at a time of prayer.
What I & others see is well documented on the Internet, l like to believe that we all have some sort of gift.
I see flashes of light & orbs I believe that they are entities of sorts.
I first saw bright blue, then graduated on to see other colors silver, gold, brilliant white & now many more different colours & shapes.
I believe that they are entities, both good and bad. I believe that the dark, murky & angry looking ones (eg firey orangey red) & the ones with black (I have an icky feeling when l see these & tell them to leave in the name of Jesus) around the edges are not good
The bright blue, white & gold eg seem good - they may even be from God as l began to see these things after a hard trial in my life. Keep praying & even ask for the wisdom to know what to pray for
What I & others see is well documented on the Internet, l like to believe that we all have some sort of gift.
I see flashes of light & orbs I believe that they are entities of sorts.
I first saw bright blue, then graduated on to see other colors silver, gold, brilliant white & now many more different colours & shapes.
I believe that they are entities, both good and bad. I believe that the dark, murky & angry looking ones (eg firey orangey red) & the ones with black (I have an icky feeling when l see these & tell them to leave in the name of Jesus) around the edges are not good
The bright blue, white & gold eg seem good - they may even be from God as l began to see these things after a hard trial in my life. Keep praying & even ask for the wisdom to know what to pray for
Lisbeth (guest) in God Slap?
I remember several years ago l was driving to work feeling angry, lonely and defeated, challenging God to let me know that he was still listening to my prayers. I remember seeing dark clouds on the left in the sky & an emerging rainbow & clear skies on the right.
That night around 3am l awoke, my dog was sitting on the end of my bed
As if there was someone/something there she was growling softly, yet wagging her tail at the same time.
Something that she'd never done before. I could feel a really tangible presence in my bedroom like it was full of a good energy, was so convinced that I didn't want to look as l felt that I'd be overwhelmed. So l hid under the doonah, sometimes I wondered if I should have looked!
I lived alone and there was a lock on my door. Had a stranger been in the house, she would have gone beserk, barking & jumping at the door.
The message I got from that was that God was teaching me a lesson!
I also have felt a good feeling that lasted until the next day when I worked with spiritual people - beautiful calming healing feeling.
That night around 3am l awoke, my dog was sitting on the end of my bed
As if there was someone/something there she was growling softly, yet wagging her tail at the same time.
Something that she'd never done before. I could feel a really tangible presence in my bedroom like it was full of a good energy, was so convinced that I didn't want to look as l felt that I'd be overwhelmed. So l hid under the doonah, sometimes I wondered if I should have looked!
I lived alone and there was a lock on my door. Had a stranger been in the house, she would have gone beserk, barking & jumping at the door.
The message I got from that was that God was teaching me a lesson!
I also have felt a good feeling that lasted until the next day when I worked with spiritual people - beautiful calming healing feeling.
Lisbeth (guest) in My Time With God In Heaven
I believe all illnesses are a construct of the enemy - think about it!
Eg "7 deadly sins"he incites a sense of greed, envy, wrath, gluttony.
Many witches etc who do evil are somehow narcissistic (even sociopathic) in nature & have a feeling of entitlement, somehow justifying their actions.
So pray that people are freed from the chains that bind them, pray for everyone you pass in the street, especially for people who seem down on their luck. Pray for your family, your friends, neighbors that they get what they need & that they know God. Pray that you remember to pray & even pray in retrospect! Pray that your given the right words to say x
Eg "7 deadly sins"he incites a sense of greed, envy, wrath, gluttony.
Many witches etc who do evil are somehow narcissistic (even sociopathic) in nature & have a feeling of entitlement, somehow justifying their actions.
So pray that people are freed from the chains that bind them, pray for everyone you pass in the street, especially for people who seem down on their luck. Pray for your family, your friends, neighbors that they get what they need & that they know God. Pray that you remember to pray & even pray in retrospect! Pray that your given the right words to say x
Lisbeth (guest) in God Is Trying To Tell You Something
Hi all!
Sadly it's taken me decades to realise that my "Christian" family have been doing witchcraft on me.
Why, because they put a binding spell on me so I would forget - evil! L began to remember things such as "giving" my sister my happiness & money etc.I've recently read that witches can steal your destiny if you're not careful. I failed at everything, or was somehow stopped from doing things, I couldn't find a nice man, or career, everything I had was somehow tainted.
Every month I would dread the full moon as it made me feel weird & restless.
Eg don't let them take your hair, don't accept food, drink, gifts etc from anyone that you don't trust
It all came about when a "friend" asked me for a crystal, a photo of myself, a pack of tarot cards, a candle & a very old book!
I started going to church again - a absolutely paranoid about almost everyone I knew wandering if they were dabbling. I prayed & asked to be prayed over by everyone I thought was a good Christian.
I learned that discernment & having things resonate with me was important & that there were "churches & churches".
I also wanted to learn as much about witchcraft as l could to understand the" nature of the beast".
I remembered snippets of my childhood - emotional abuse & neglect, feeling far less than my sisters, never understanding why.
Feeling depressed & worthless, being called ugly names by my family and being belted by my father. I believe that I'd given up by the time I was a teenager, I didn't even feel human - I felt like I was a "thing".Many near feath experiences later l believe that God had somehow protected me & given me strength to bear the ostracism (l had no real friends).
What l learned was prayer & forgiveness is powerful. Pray for everyone on Earth!
People that do evil are lured into it usually through greed. As Jesus said"for they know not what they do"
I also have realised that many things of the occult ("hidden") open doors to rotten places eg tarot, many psychics, addictions (drug, alcohol & a myriad of others) oujui boards etc.
Associating with the wrong people can affect one too. L lived with a violent alcoholic who I spent so much time & effort trying to help, eith little praise. He never trusted me & was quick to blame me for things etc, yet, somehow l couldn't leave. L now realise he was in some way dabbling in the occult, as was his family. There was many a time I felt really confused, motivated & thought that I was going mad!
So people please be careful - there is a whole world of evil out there that you don't want to experience & that defies explanation.
Read other people's testimonials - they're powerful.
Repent of your sins (no one is perfect) even if you "sold" your soul to the devil & have done evil things to others- there is hope. You MUST swallow your pride & try & atone for your sins. Pridefullness is another way the enemy gets us hooked (7 deadly sins) Be vigilant - you will know people by the "fruit they bear"
Eg if they are respectful & industrious.
Sadly it's taken me decades to realise that my "Christian" family have been doing witchcraft on me.
Why, because they put a binding spell on me so I would forget - evil! L began to remember things such as "giving" my sister my happiness & money etc.I've recently read that witches can steal your destiny if you're not careful. I failed at everything, or was somehow stopped from doing things, I couldn't find a nice man, or career, everything I had was somehow tainted.
Every month I would dread the full moon as it made me feel weird & restless.
Eg don't let them take your hair, don't accept food, drink, gifts etc from anyone that you don't trust
It all came about when a "friend" asked me for a crystal, a photo of myself, a pack of tarot cards, a candle & a very old book!
I started going to church again - a absolutely paranoid about almost everyone I knew wandering if they were dabbling. I prayed & asked to be prayed over by everyone I thought was a good Christian.
I learned that discernment & having things resonate with me was important & that there were "churches & churches".
I also wanted to learn as much about witchcraft as l could to understand the" nature of the beast".
I remembered snippets of my childhood - emotional abuse & neglect, feeling far less than my sisters, never understanding why.
Feeling depressed & worthless, being called ugly names by my family and being belted by my father. I believe that I'd given up by the time I was a teenager, I didn't even feel human - I felt like I was a "thing".Many near feath experiences later l believe that God had somehow protected me & given me strength to bear the ostracism (l had no real friends).
What l learned was prayer & forgiveness is powerful. Pray for everyone on Earth!
People that do evil are lured into it usually through greed. As Jesus said"for they know not what they do"
I also have realised that many things of the occult ("hidden") open doors to rotten places eg tarot, many psychics, addictions (drug, alcohol & a myriad of others) oujui boards etc.
Associating with the wrong people can affect one too. L lived with a violent alcoholic who I spent so much time & effort trying to help, eith little praise. He never trusted me & was quick to blame me for things etc, yet, somehow l couldn't leave. L now realise he was in some way dabbling in the occult, as was his family. There was many a time I felt really confused, motivated & thought that I was going mad!
So people please be careful - there is a whole world of evil out there that you don't want to experience & that defies explanation.
Read other people's testimonials - they're powerful.
Repent of your sins (no one is perfect) even if you "sold" your soul to the devil & have done evil things to others- there is hope. You MUST swallow your pride & try & atone for your sins. Pridefullness is another way the enemy gets us hooked (7 deadly sins) Be vigilant - you will know people by the "fruit they bear"
Eg if they are respectful & industrious.
Gabriella (guest) in Were Angels Singing To Me Last Night?
Yes I've had a similar experience after being water baptized. I woke from a good night sleep to the sound of angels rejoicing. Beautiful singing that slowly faded away. I felt like the burden that I've carried for years lifted off me and I felted re-born
antony 7717 (guest) in Chosen One? - Any Suggestions
When I look at the images of demons everywhere they move and change even my tattoo is not as it was thousands of faces my mantra is bring it on xxx
antony 7717 (guest) in Chosen One? - Any Suggestions
I am the chosen one but I don't want to b and you wouldn't want to be. Its absoulutly the truth. My powers seem to increase whenever I conquer the next and more intence level of feari have been surrounded by the most powerful and evil people... I can heal people. I know that I have to choose but I still don't know what. I get followed everywhere and evil creatchers have to trick me and b my friend and have to b close to me. I also have powers that the creatures r very envious of and I can see the demons all r watching me. Maybe whoever a makes an attempt on my life dies and I am being slandered and lied about in the worse possible ways but my will is so strong but flexible my heart is so brave and my energy is unique and the strongest but I don't know why it has been me and I'm not sure what I have to do I do know the devil has never before sent so many demons to one person in the history of life. Could someone anyone help me to b come more awhere and some advice as non can answer my questions even under the threat of deth and all the creatures have images of demons everywhere and I have them placed all over myself and my house and there r real demons everywhere but my next decision is unclear someone plse help me. Ant xxx
Alili (guest) in A Touch By The Holy Spirit
Wow. I am so thankful for this thread and all of the experiences shared. God is so GOOD to us all the time. Although a long time Christian - While going through an incredibly abrupt relationship ending God has given me strength, peace & so much love as I pray for the fruits of the spirit daily. At a worship concert last night I literally felt a burst of pure love and light come up through my feet and burst out through my heart in something so incredibly magical only people on this thread could understand. The burst was pure light and love and peace and in that moment I knew the Holy Spirit was with me & so happy I was there in worship. It brings me to tears of pure joy just thinking about it. What a beautiful blessing we have been given to experience the Holy Spirit. Be blessed friends. God is with us!
kathleen taylor (guest) in A Touch By The Holy Spirit
I was at a low point in my walk with God, this was the very first time since accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior there was no response from God, I was so used to praying and immediately I'd feel the Holy Spirit pour his love over me and surround me in such a way that I know that I am so Loved as his child. Before this event, I was already being led to people on the streets or in stores or in restaurants to speak words of knowledge to them. So you can imagine being led by the Holy Spirit to this point of no communication with him, I could handle loosing friends but when I felt he left me, I couldn't deal with this! Well at this point, even people I thought were my Christian friends turned their backs on me and I lost all my friends, did no longer receive confirmation from God that he even heard me as I'd cry out to him. I kept saying, God where are you, you said you'd never leave me nor forsake me, then I got woke about 3-4 am and started praying about people who I meet while out witnessing and in that half asleep moment, I was arrested fully awake and more alert than I have ever been in my life and felt as if my entire body had been filled with electrical currents that radiated power as it traveled in my body, then it traveled down my arms and shot out of both hands. I literally felt it leave through my hands, shot out of both hands. I lay there praising God, everything in me knew that it was the Holy Spirit,,, I took a while to recover and kept thanking God and finally said Lord, that was so much power, would I have been able to walk around feeling that powerful or would I just die? Then I said, Lord can you do that again? He did it again,,, same way filled me as if struck by lightning and radiating the powerful currents as it traveled, then it left traveling down both my arms and shot out of my hands,,, I felt the electrical current literally shoot out of both hands! I am so greatful I have found others who had the same experience, no one else really understands it, nor believes that it even happened! Not even my family! I do believe that my gift is in healing, I've wondered if this was a Divine notification? Every scripture concerning healing speaks to my heart! This happened in April 2018
Yote (guest) in Strange Spiritual Experience
The bible says that demons can sometimes disguise themselves as angels of light (I forget what chapter and verse it was) so I think it may be a demon if it was a black and shadowy figure. Plus 666 is a triple number, just like the other numbers you've been seeing, so this also connects to the fact that the demons are speaking with you. And just a little knowledge, I've watched on the internet how demons use numbers to communicate. What I saw on the specific video was with a deck of playing cards, though.
Yote (guest) in Extreme Deja Vu
I can connect with you with how you're having extreme deja vu, but I don't feel like there's someone/something controling me or giving me deja vu. The best advice I can give you is to not be afraid of those who can take away your body but not soul and to pray to God that he will protect you from any mental, physical, and emotional harm that comes your way from whatever the (I'm guessing it's a demon) demon tries to inflict upon you. I hope this helps.
Ash (guest) in My Spiritual Awakening - Life~ What This Means Now
Please consider to ask Jesus if this is true and that if he is true to please reveal himself to you, so you don't get deceived! You have nothing to loose to ask, if you don't believe then nothing will happen so why not just test and see what happens? Because it's really dangerous to be naive and just go with what you are feeling and shown when you cannot test it! But in the Bible they said that you can test it, that's the interesting thing with it, and it said Test the spirits if they are from God, ask them if they confess Jesus has come in the flesh and died for our sins and rose to life after 3 days. They cannot lie when you ask this! If it is true then they will flee and you will notice it! And that will make you think twice and then it will help you to decide what is real, what the truth is! You cannot just take this experience and just think its all good and perfect, you can't be naive or blinded by it! Please just give it a try, and if you feel anything negative also Rebuke them in the name of Jesus! But start with finding out if Jesus can reveal himself to you so that you believe it and then repent for your sins and then Rebuke those demons/fallen angels in the name of Jesus
Ash (guest) in What I Know To Be My Destiny From God
Amazing story! Jesus is our Lord Our God that came in the flesh and sits at the right hand of the father! How is it going for you today?
Ash (guest) in I Saw Heaven At The Altar
Hi you can read about it here to about speaking in tongues
Ash (guest) in Fallen Angel Of Old
This was so many years ago and I'm so sad nobody commented! Please rebuke it in the name of Jesus! Start looking into Jesus and pray to him to show that he is real that you are willing to accept him into your life but that you need to know because you don't feel you can believe in it! You have nothing to loose to ask him! Please, he may have possessed you with what he did to you or something else. This is all I can do I hope you get this message
Ash (guest) in The 3 Men-guardian Angels Or Oppressors?
Rebuke them in the name of Jesus! Google Shadow people or The Hat Man or Hooded beings/shadows. They are not good as I have find out. Rebuke them in the name of Jesus. Say when you about to sleep, "Greater is he that is within me than he in the world" And believe that Jesus has your back and try being strong not fearing! And also say "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."
Ash (guest) in Angels, Demons, Experience Of Heaven And The Holy Spirit
Julia B Please accept Jesus in your life, rebuke that devil away from you and your family in the name of Jesus. Talk to Jesus. I hope you get this message
Kevin (guest) in My Encounter With Michael
I had fallen on really bad times I HAD DEBILITATING ANXIETY WITH PANIC ATTACKS NEARLY EVERDAY AT ONE POINT. I was living in my car FOR FEAR OF HEART PROBLEMS and wanting to be close to help if I needed it, it was winter and probably around 25 degrees outside I tried to stay awake cause I didn't have much to keep warm with I was exhausted an at the time couldn't stay awake any longer. I fell asleep wasn't sure how long I was asleep but I remember hearing a loud commanding shout "I am MICHAEL" I JUMPED SO MUCH IT WAS AS IF I WAS IN A CAR ACCIDENT HIS VOICE WAS AS CLEAR AS DAY I WAS LOOKING EVERYWHERE FOR SOMEONE NEAR MY CAR WHILE BEING IN A STATE OF ACCUTE HYPETHERMIA FEELING LIKE I COULDN'T GET WARM AND SHAKING I WAS LOOKING AROUND NOT SURE IF SOMEONE WAS OUT THERE IT WAS AROUND 5AM AND I am very grateful for that wake up call thank you God.
Jennifer (guest) in Something Enters My Body
I was once driving down forest and had 6 people in SUV... Listening to music a Scary Ghost looking like Iron Madien Appeared... I drove right through him I will Not Swerve Ever & hit a tree Nor will I b Scated F them Jesus put us here for a reason To Fear Not
Jennifer (guest) in Something Enters My Body
I had been watching a scary movie on netflix fell asleep on my recliner I Felt an enity slam into my upper body it knocked me back I woke up weird shiat... House 👻 maybe
Kutch Luis Carlos Ramos (guest) in My Experience With The Angel Of Death
I saw him as well... After I woke up my life change. My spiritual life and physical life started to change in a spontaneous way... But until now I am still overwhelmed and adjusting in my new life... Just a few weeks ago when it happened.
Diane Agapetus (guest) in Saw My Soul Leaving My Body
I had heard about astral projection and was fascinated by that idea. Some years ago I was seeing a hypnotist. I heard about flotation tanks. I layed in a bathtub and saw something leave my body shaped like my head and torso that's all that left my body
This was in 1982. I never got that part of me back. I really felt that I did something wrong. I was very depressed. After the experience I didn't have thoughts in my head. Sometime later I was able to think again. I really felt that I had lost my soul for good. I am 66 years old now. Thank U for letting me share my experience
This was in 1982. I never got that part of me back. I really felt that I did something wrong. I was very depressed. After the experience I didn't have thoughts in my head. Sometime later I was able to think again. I really felt that I had lost my soul for good. I am 66 years old now. Thank U for letting me share my experience
Marty in Changing Faces
Hi Yossu42,
Just had a similar experience and would like to maybe see if you have any clue on what this all means? Is there any way I can private message you?
Just had a similar experience and would like to maybe see if you have any clue on what this all means? Is there any way I can private message you?
shahrzad (guest) in Soul Leaving Body - What Does It Mean?
I've experienced this many times when I was a kid and specially when I was not very tired but forced myself to sleep! A very very bad feeling! It was like my soul was being pulled out and I felt weightless but it all used to happen with a special pain! After all these years I can still remember the feeling of that pain! Not a good thing to experience as a child and to this day I can't find a good explanation for it!
misty (guest) in Finding Another Four Leaf Clover
this day May 11 2019 I found 23 clover with 4leafs and 4 clover with 5leafs, in pathway waiting a bus. S0 while waiting a bus I seen many clovers beside whre I stand, so I kneel it and check one by one thres I 4leafs pup up and soon, then I ride in a bus again and going to the mall buy LOTTO TICKET hoping I won tonight, then I back home again when I walking again in the street I seen many clovers in the pathway home so I seen 5clover leafs pup up, my god I hve so many lucky clover leafs I'm so happy, wish and hope I hve luck tomomrw I will update u,bye goodluck everybody.
Barb (guest) in Brilliant White Light
Me too! I've seen what I now think was Jesus! A very bright light in the form of a spirit that had a robe on, longish hair and had his arms spread out almost across the whole room. I was with a friend who also saw the vision! We both cried and were very frightened. It was incredibly beautiful but to a 13 year old, extremely frightening. I slept with my head under the covers for years. I am very spiritual but not Christian. I was brought up in a Jewish family but we didn't practice religion at all and I am this way today--no religion, but I believe very strongly in Jesus. He's visited me in a dream as well. I try to be a very good person, but I feel that I haven't lived up to being visited by God. I wonder every day, "why me" I have a very strong love for God but feel "not worthy". It is so comforting to hear others have experienced this. My friend cut ties with me the next day and hasn't ever talked to me since. Not sure why. I've always had supernatural experiences, but this and my dream were the most intense moments of my life!
Newbeginning396 (guest) in Demonic, Divine, Or Just Hallucinations?
I started seeing demonic faces on every surface in my home and yard. Trees and bushes. It started after taking pics of spirits I was feeling in my home. I then started seeing the letter J on my counters, walls, trees etc... I see numbers symbols and letters with arrows pointing to the next letter as Irvin doing a puzzle or a msg for me. My bathroom walls have images everywhere and they are scenes from things in my life when evil was behind it. I see words that I have to look up and always have evil meaning. I was quickly saved and have my life to jesus. I was delivered from these visions and everything looked normal, brighter and happier. I then dinner in taking pics again and the visions came back. It's been acyear. I see into the spirit realm now and I'm working on trying to find out if it's a gift fro. God of if I'm oppressed by a demon once again. Most off the images seen are indeedreal. It's hard. Anyone can msg me so we can get a group together for people like us and answer recruiters questions. I feel since you put out in the world you didn't want to live, you opened a demonic door. You need to get a spiritual healer to heal you and close it.
Jasmelly in My Encounter With Michael
Thanks so much for sharing this. I too have had encounters with Michael after a dream of war I had. I've been searching for so many months trying to find someone who has slightly had some real encounter with him. He has spoke to me about war. I'm so curious to learn more about you. Please continue to share your stories.
Rochelle (guest) in Extremely Bright Light
I was sleeping one night and a warm bright light hovered over my eyes. It kept hovering and moving until I opened my eyes, and when I opened my eyes, I looked around my room and on the back wall of my bed I saw hundreds of glistening golden faded lights. I reached to wake my husband up so he could see it, but as I reached for him, the glistening lights on the wall started to fade. I went to the eye doctor to make sure everything was okay with my eyes, and the eye doctor told me my eyes were healthy, and there's nothing wrong. I can't explain what I saw, but I wasn't dreaming, I'm a light sleeper. In 2016 -2017 we lost our first grandson to SIDS, a month later our home flooded. As we were rebuilding our home, my dad passed away. Then a few months later our daughter with Muscular Dystrophy passed. The room I was sleeping in didn't even have lighting installed yet. What's your thoughts?
Rochelle (guest) in Extremely Bright Light
I was sleeping one night and a warm bright light hovered over my eyes. It kept hovering and moving until I opened my eyes, and when I opened my eyes, I looked around my room and on the back wall of my bed I saw hundreds of glistening golden faded lights. I reached to wake my husband up so he could see it, but as I reached for him, the glistening lights on the wall started to fade. I went to the eye doctor to make sure everything was okay with my eyes, and the eye doctor told me my eyes were healthy, and there's nothing wrong. I can't explain what I saw, but I wasn't dreaming, I'm a light sleeper.
SarahDenise (guest) in Strange Out Of Body Occurence
This time it started in 2014 when I saw '11,11' everywhere and for days.
A dove kept showing up outside on my balcony.
At Saint Johns day I felt an urgent feeling that I should pray, so I did. Then my soul suddenly popped out begging to come home. A voice behinde me said "Make happy", immediately I became very joyful. Then one night an angel woke me up telling me I had to meet the Lord. I flew out of my body from my balcony and saw a huge crystal stairway.
I was so amazed that I had to sit down on it for a while and looked around. There was nothing else but the stars and the shining crystal stairs that made rainbow colours because of the light from the crystal. Soon after I heard a voice saying "Sarah, come", so I stood up. And continued to the top, where I saw two doors; I chose the one I could hear music from, and now I was in space, when He (Jesus) came flying on my right side. We then went to Orions Nebula (Messier 42: where He opened up a black hole or a tunnel to the four stars on the Nebula - he used some kind of spell word. Meanwhile I walked around and checked out the cloud. I wasn't worry at, just happy and fascinated to be there with Him, and suddenly I recognised and remembered I knew Him from sooner in life, but had forgot about in life...
As we walked through the tunnel I looked at the "walls"'. It was kind of flickering electric but still I had a view to cosmos that was around us... He said that I should'nt look to much because it would drain the faith out of me...
When out again, we flew in space. As we approached our destination I saw multiple glittering colors and music. He told me "that is inspiration to people on earth" and then he said that I would soon "fall apart" as we get closer but that he would "fix me" again when we get there... Then I woke up on his lap as a baby in the New Jerusalem (a star; all stars are homes for our souls) He smiled and nursed me and I was emencely happy to be in my REAL Fathers arms...
I was growing up VERY fast, my whole past away family was waiting on a little bridge in front of me. We hugged each other, some of them I did not know but I knew they were relatives - all of them was young again. I asked my aunt who had died the exact same year "Do you know who this is?" She answered "Yes, He is always here!" I had some alone time with them and we went up in what looked liked an old mill tower to talk a little. I remember that there was a big old closet behind the door and the floor was decorated with red tiles and I saw a little round window in the small room on 1st floor from where my aunt pointed out her house.
After a while Jesus came to get me. He and I went outside in what looked like a courtyard with pillars. We sat down on a little fountain and he gave me gifts; toys I had as a kid. I became so full of joy to see them again and to see the marks I had made on them while using them growing up, they were still there - and because of that it confirmed to me that it was the same toys I'd once owned. He laughed out loud when I was silly.
At one point I got the idea to pinch my arm and I felt it.
I still had my body even though I knew that I was out of my body.
I looked up in the air; there were no sun but still everything shined like a beautiful summer day.
He called for a small cloud that came right above me, it was some kind of "cloud screen" on were he showed me my whole life and some of my future. The cloud somehow surrounded me, and I was reliving scenes from my life, sometimes from another perspective; for example I saw myself playing with my brother and sister when we were younger. When the scene was over the cloud left me and I was still sitting with jesus. At one point I was shown that he was the one that "installed" my soul in my body the day I was born; I actually was in the hospital watching him kiss my forehead one second before I came into the world.
When I was with the Lord my soul didn't care much for my body... I was still me but in my soul it felt much more important to please and obey Him. Jesus also showed meme the several times when he saved me in life; one time He saved me from a car accident. He also showed me many of the times I prayed as kid, it felt like I was reliving all the scenes again.
He then gave me some paperthin flesh like papyrus that he wrote his name on with his own blood. I had to eat it... Before I did so I asked Him if I could see His hands - He smiled and showed them to me; I could clearly see that He had huge nailmark scars in them. He then began to teach me with words from the Testament, but in some sort of "code" - words I had "to heal with", he said, and names and words was flashing fast on a screen; all the deciples names and some letters. I said "It's so simple that a child could understand it!" (It was so so easy there!) He then showed me a stonepillar that someone named Symeon Stylites used to sit on and something about the "ANKH".
In the end he showed me myself as about 80 years in a nursing home and that he will come and get me the day that I die. He then gave me eternal life, while he did that, he drew something on the ground and said that I should try to endure the daily temptations and stop saying harsh words in anger. Then He hugged me and a big bright warm light surrounded us and we had to go back to my body. On the way back we were very close to Saturns rings and walked on clouds...
I've been there two times now and everything He said came true (in the first experience I was sitting with Jesus looking out on a sunset and a beautiful wheat field. Behind me was a large tree with fruits I've never seen before and a ladder that angels and I used to transport to another place... Later He took me to a throneroom where I saw two chairs; in one of them in front of me on my right hand I saw an old man looking exactly like God, you know from Micheal Angelos painting of The Creation of Sun and Moon. Ont the wall behind me I saw a big old wooden wheel with saphires between the spokes. I heard a loud voice saing "'Bend for your master!", so I did and now Jesus was sitting in the other chair but I still felt like He was both of them. He told me that I had to save a girl from doing drugs. I met her later on in real life and manage to convince her; she is now working for the Government (when being "spoken to" it wasn't done with sound and words, it was going on telepathically but I could still think and feel). I've also been filled with the Holy Spirit twice; the last time it lasted for five days - I was full of pure joy and love, infact I've never felt more joyfull and happy in my whole entire life. I was "glowing" for days and the dove outside on my balcony kept showing up.
One evening I saw tall blue/grayish men in the sky flying up and down everytime I heard an ambulance in my town. I also saw "energies" in purple/turquoise colors like rain coming towards us from the sky all the time (maybe Neutrinoes).
I forgot to tell that.Jesus' hair was VERY big and beautiful, like the mane on lion and His beard was just as beautiful and on His neck He had some sort of an ancient "hammercut style". His robe was light blue and He wore old sandals...
The following days I saw His face in everything; in shapes, in trees and shadows and in almost everything living on earth...
When I came back into my body I checked out the name Symeon Stylittes and I realized that He really did exist! I had no knowledge of the term "pillarsaints" before I was with the Lord, and I still don't know why I was shown this.
UPDATE: A few days later I saw the old man sitting next to Jesus in the throneroom; he cam flying right towards me in a vision when I blinked my eyes for a short moment.
Painting of jesus as I saw him⤵
The old man in my vision and the troneroom⤵
Orions Nebula with the 3 - 4 stars jesus used to open the tunnel with on the left side ⤵
Symeon Stylites Stonepillar⤵
Throughout all of my experiences I didn't feel any jugdement, only understanding and directions to be a better person!
Since my experiences I've come to remember some of my earlier life, some parts as a kid and some as old; for example I recall that I lived in the time when Jesus lived on earth and I was killed alongside many others by the sword of Romans on horses by the sea in or near Jerusalem...
A dove kept showing up outside on my balcony.
At Saint Johns day I felt an urgent feeling that I should pray, so I did. Then my soul suddenly popped out begging to come home. A voice behinde me said "Make happy", immediately I became very joyful. Then one night an angel woke me up telling me I had to meet the Lord. I flew out of my body from my balcony and saw a huge crystal stairway.
I was so amazed that I had to sit down on it for a while and looked around. There was nothing else but the stars and the shining crystal stairs that made rainbow colours because of the light from the crystal. Soon after I heard a voice saying "Sarah, come", so I stood up. And continued to the top, where I saw two doors; I chose the one I could hear music from, and now I was in space, when He (Jesus) came flying on my right side. We then went to Orions Nebula (Messier 42: where He opened up a black hole or a tunnel to the four stars on the Nebula - he used some kind of spell word. Meanwhile I walked around and checked out the cloud. I wasn't worry at, just happy and fascinated to be there with Him, and suddenly I recognised and remembered I knew Him from sooner in life, but had forgot about in life...
As we walked through the tunnel I looked at the "walls"'. It was kind of flickering electric but still I had a view to cosmos that was around us... He said that I should'nt look to much because it would drain the faith out of me...
When out again, we flew in space. As we approached our destination I saw multiple glittering colors and music. He told me "that is inspiration to people on earth" and then he said that I would soon "fall apart" as we get closer but that he would "fix me" again when we get there... Then I woke up on his lap as a baby in the New Jerusalem (a star; all stars are homes for our souls) He smiled and nursed me and I was emencely happy to be in my REAL Fathers arms...
I was growing up VERY fast, my whole past away family was waiting on a little bridge in front of me. We hugged each other, some of them I did not know but I knew they were relatives - all of them was young again. I asked my aunt who had died the exact same year "Do you know who this is?" She answered "Yes, He is always here!" I had some alone time with them and we went up in what looked liked an old mill tower to talk a little. I remember that there was a big old closet behind the door and the floor was decorated with red tiles and I saw a little round window in the small room on 1st floor from where my aunt pointed out her house.
After a while Jesus came to get me. He and I went outside in what looked like a courtyard with pillars. We sat down on a little fountain and he gave me gifts; toys I had as a kid. I became so full of joy to see them again and to see the marks I had made on them while using them growing up, they were still there - and because of that it confirmed to me that it was the same toys I'd once owned. He laughed out loud when I was silly.
At one point I got the idea to pinch my arm and I felt it.
I still had my body even though I knew that I was out of my body.
I looked up in the air; there were no sun but still everything shined like a beautiful summer day.
He called for a small cloud that came right above me, it was some kind of "cloud screen" on were he showed me my whole life and some of my future. The cloud somehow surrounded me, and I was reliving scenes from my life, sometimes from another perspective; for example I saw myself playing with my brother and sister when we were younger. When the scene was over the cloud left me and I was still sitting with jesus. At one point I was shown that he was the one that "installed" my soul in my body the day I was born; I actually was in the hospital watching him kiss my forehead one second before I came into the world.
When I was with the Lord my soul didn't care much for my body... I was still me but in my soul it felt much more important to please and obey Him. Jesus also showed meme the several times when he saved me in life; one time He saved me from a car accident. He also showed me many of the times I prayed as kid, it felt like I was reliving all the scenes again.
He then gave me some paperthin flesh like papyrus that he wrote his name on with his own blood. I had to eat it... Before I did so I asked Him if I could see His hands - He smiled and showed them to me; I could clearly see that He had huge nailmark scars in them. He then began to teach me with words from the Testament, but in some sort of "code" - words I had "to heal with", he said, and names and words was flashing fast on a screen; all the deciples names and some letters. I said "It's so simple that a child could understand it!" (It was so so easy there!) He then showed me a stonepillar that someone named Symeon Stylites used to sit on and something about the "ANKH".
In the end he showed me myself as about 80 years in a nursing home and that he will come and get me the day that I die. He then gave me eternal life, while he did that, he drew something on the ground and said that I should try to endure the daily temptations and stop saying harsh words in anger. Then He hugged me and a big bright warm light surrounded us and we had to go back to my body. On the way back we were very close to Saturns rings and walked on clouds...
I've been there two times now and everything He said came true (in the first experience I was sitting with Jesus looking out on a sunset and a beautiful wheat field. Behind me was a large tree with fruits I've never seen before and a ladder that angels and I used to transport to another place... Later He took me to a throneroom where I saw two chairs; in one of them in front of me on my right hand I saw an old man looking exactly like God, you know from Micheal Angelos painting of The Creation of Sun and Moon. Ont the wall behind me I saw a big old wooden wheel with saphires between the spokes. I heard a loud voice saing "'Bend for your master!", so I did and now Jesus was sitting in the other chair but I still felt like He was both of them. He told me that I had to save a girl from doing drugs. I met her later on in real life and manage to convince her; she is now working for the Government (when being "spoken to" it wasn't done with sound and words, it was going on telepathically but I could still think and feel). I've also been filled with the Holy Spirit twice; the last time it lasted for five days - I was full of pure joy and love, infact I've never felt more joyfull and happy in my whole entire life. I was "glowing" for days and the dove outside on my balcony kept showing up.
One evening I saw tall blue/grayish men in the sky flying up and down everytime I heard an ambulance in my town. I also saw "energies" in purple/turquoise colors like rain coming towards us from the sky all the time (maybe Neutrinoes).
I forgot to tell that.Jesus' hair was VERY big and beautiful, like the mane on lion and His beard was just as beautiful and on His neck He had some sort of an ancient "hammercut style". His robe was light blue and He wore old sandals...
The following days I saw His face in everything; in shapes, in trees and shadows and in almost everything living on earth...
When I came back into my body I checked out the name Symeon Stylittes and I realized that He really did exist! I had no knowledge of the term "pillarsaints" before I was with the Lord, and I still don't know why I was shown this.
UPDATE: A few days later I saw the old man sitting next to Jesus in the throneroom; he cam flying right towards me in a vision when I blinked my eyes for a short moment.
Painting of jesus as I saw him⤵
The old man in my vision and the troneroom⤵
Orions Nebula with the 3 - 4 stars jesus used to open the tunnel with on the left side ⤵
Symeon Stylites Stonepillar⤵
Throughout all of my experiences I didn't feel any jugdement, only understanding and directions to be a better person!
Since my experiences I've come to remember some of my earlier life, some parts as a kid and some as old; for example I recall that I lived in the time when Jesus lived on earth and I was killed alongside many others by the sword of Romans on horses by the sea in or near Jerusalem...
SarahDenise (guest) in I Met The Holy Spirit
This time it started in 2014 when I saw '11,11' everywhere and for days.
A dove kept showing up outside on my balcony.
At Saint Johns day I felt an urgent feeling that I should pray, so I did. Then my soul suddenly popped out begging to come home. A voice behinde me said "Make happy", immediately I became very joyful. Then one night an angel woke me up telling me I had to meet the Lord. I flew out of my body from my balcony and saw a huge crystal stairway.
I was so amazed that I had to sit down on it for a while and looked around. There was nothing else but the stars and the shining crystal stairs that made rainbow colours because of the light from the crystal. Soon after I heard a voice saying "Sarah, come", so I stood up. And continued to the top, where I saw two doors; I chose the one I could hear music from, and now I was in space, when He (Jesus) came flying on my right side. We then went to Orions Nebula (Messier 42: where He opened up a black hole or a tunnel to the four stars on the Nebula - he used some kind of spell word. Meanwhile I walked around and checked out the cloud. I wasn't worry at, just happy and fascinated to be there with Him, and suddenly I recognised and remembered I knew Him from sooner in life, but had forgot about in life...
As we walked through the tunnel I looked at the "walls"'. It was kind of flickering electric but still I had a view to cosmos that was around us... He said that I should'nt look to much because it would drain the faith out of me...
When out again, we flew in space. As we approached our destination I saw multiple glittering colors and music. He told me "that is inspiration to people on earth" and then he said that I would soon "fall apart" as we get closer but that he would "fix me" again when we get there... Then I woke up on his lap as a baby in the New Jerusalem (a star; all stars are homes for our souls) He smiled and nursed me and I was emencely happy to be in my REAL Fathers arms...
I was growing up VERY fast, my whole past away family was waiting on a little bridge in front of me. We hugged each other, some of them I did not know but I knew they were relatives - all of them was young again. I asked my aunt who had died the exact same year "Do you know who this is?" She answered "Yes, He is always here!" I had some alone time with them and we went up in what looked liked an old mill tower to talk a little. I remember that there was a big old closet behind the door and the floor was decorated with red tiles and I saw a little round window in the small room on 1st floor from where my aunt pointed out her house.
After a while Jesus came to get me. He and I went outside in what looked like a courtyard with pillars. We sat down on a little fountain and he gave me gifts; toys I had as a kid. I became so full of joy to see them again and to see the marks I had made on them while using them growing up, they were still there - and because of that it confirmed to me that it was the same toys I'd once owned. He laughed out loud when I was silly.
At one point I got the idea to pinch my arm and I felt it.
I still had my body even though I knew that I was out of my body.
I looked up in the air; there were no sun but still everything shined like a beautiful summer day.
He called for a small cloud that came right above me, it was some kind of "cloud screen" on were he showed me my whole life and some of my future. The cloud somehow surrounded me, and I was reliving scenes from my life, sometimes from another perspective; for example I saw myself playing with my brother and sister when we were younger. When the scene was over the cloud left me and I was still sitting with jesus. At one point I was shown that he was the one that "installed" my soul in my body the day I was born; I actually was in the hospital watching him kiss my forehead one second before I came into the world.
When I was with the Lord my soul didn't care much for my body... I was still me but in my soul it felt much more important to please and obey Him. Jesus also showed meme the several times when he saved me in life; one time He saved me from a car accident. He also showed me many of the times I prayed as kid, it felt like I was reliving all the scenes again.
He then gave me some paperthin flesh like papyrus that he wrote his name on with his own blood. I had to eat it... Before I did so I asked Him if I could see His hands - He smiled and showed them to me; I could clearly see that He had huge nailmark scars in them. He then began to teach me with words from the Testament, but in some sort of "code" - words I had "to heal with", he said, and names and words was flashing fast on a screen; all the deciples names and some letters. I said "It's so simple that a child could understand it!" (It was so so easy there!) He then showed me a stonepillar that someone named Symeon Stylites used to sit on and something about the "ANKH".
In the end he showed me myself as about 80 years in a nursing home and that he will come and get me the day that I die. He then gave me eternal life, while he did that, he drew something on the ground and said that I should try to endure the daily temptations and stop saying harsh words in anger. Then He hugged me and a big bright warm light surrounded us and we had to go back to my body. On the way back we were very close to Saturns rings and walked on clouds...
I've been there two times now and everything He said came true (in the first experience I was sitting with Jesus looking out on a sunset and a beautiful wheat field. Behind me was a large tree with fruits I've never seen before and a ladder that angels and I used to transport to another place... Later He took me to a throneroom where I saw two chairs; in one of them in front of me on my right hand I saw an old man looking exactly like God, you know from Micheal Angelos painting of The Creation of Sun and Moon. Ont the wall behind me I saw a big old wooden wheel with saphires between the spokes. I heard a loud voice saing "'Bend for your master!", so I did and now Jesus was sitting in the other chair but I still felt like He was both of them. He told me that I had to save a girl from doing drugs. I met her later on in real life and manage to convince her; she is now working for the Government (when being "spoken to" it wasn't done with sound and words, it was going on telepathically but I could still think and feel). I've also been filled with the Holy Spirit twice; the last time it lasted for five days - I was full of pure joy and love, infact I've never felt more joyfull and happy in my whole entire life. I was "glowing" for days and the dove outside on my balcony kept showing up.
One evening I saw tall blue/grayish men in the sky flying up and down everytime I heard an ambulance in my town. I also saw "energies" in purple/turquoise colors like rain coming towards us from the sky all the time (maybe Neutrinoes).
I forgot to tell that.Jesus' hair was VERY big and beautiful, like the mane on lion and His beard was just as beautiful and on His neck He had some sort of an ancient "hammercut style". His robe was light blue and He wore old sandals...
The following days I saw His face in everything; in shapes, in trees and shadows and in almost everything living on earth...
When I came back into my body I checked out the name Symeon Stylittes and I realized that He really did exist! I had no knowledge of the term "pillarsaints" before I was with the Lord, and I still don't know why I was shown this.
UPDATE: A few days later I saw the old man sitting next to Jesus in the throneroom; he cam flying right towards me in a vision when I blinked my eyes for a short moment.
Painting of jesus as I saw him⤵
The old man in my vision and the troneroom⤵
Orions Nebula with the 3 - 4 stars jesus used to open the tunnel with on the left side ⤵
Symeon Stylites Stonepillar⤵
Throughout all of my experiences I didn't feel any jugdement, only understanding and directions to be a better person!
Since my experiences I've come to remember some of my earlier life, some parts as a kid and some as old; for example I recall that I lived in the time when Jesus lived on earth and I was killed alongside many others by the sword of Romans on horses by the sea in or near Jerusalem...
A dove kept showing up outside on my balcony.
At Saint Johns day I felt an urgent feeling that I should pray, so I did. Then my soul suddenly popped out begging to come home. A voice behinde me said "Make happy", immediately I became very joyful. Then one night an angel woke me up telling me I had to meet the Lord. I flew out of my body from my balcony and saw a huge crystal stairway.
I was so amazed that I had to sit down on it for a while and looked around. There was nothing else but the stars and the shining crystal stairs that made rainbow colours because of the light from the crystal. Soon after I heard a voice saying "Sarah, come", so I stood up. And continued to the top, where I saw two doors; I chose the one I could hear music from, and now I was in space, when He (Jesus) came flying on my right side. We then went to Orions Nebula (Messier 42: where He opened up a black hole or a tunnel to the four stars on the Nebula - he used some kind of spell word. Meanwhile I walked around and checked out the cloud. I wasn't worry at, just happy and fascinated to be there with Him, and suddenly I recognised and remembered I knew Him from sooner in life, but had forgot about in life...
As we walked through the tunnel I looked at the "walls"'. It was kind of flickering electric but still I had a view to cosmos that was around us... He said that I should'nt look to much because it would drain the faith out of me...
When out again, we flew in space. As we approached our destination I saw multiple glittering colors and music. He told me "that is inspiration to people on earth" and then he said that I would soon "fall apart" as we get closer but that he would "fix me" again when we get there... Then I woke up on his lap as a baby in the New Jerusalem (a star; all stars are homes for our souls) He smiled and nursed me and I was emencely happy to be in my REAL Fathers arms...
I was growing up VERY fast, my whole past away family was waiting on a little bridge in front of me. We hugged each other, some of them I did not know but I knew they were relatives - all of them was young again. I asked my aunt who had died the exact same year "Do you know who this is?" She answered "Yes, He is always here!" I had some alone time with them and we went up in what looked liked an old mill tower to talk a little. I remember that there was a big old closet behind the door and the floor was decorated with red tiles and I saw a little round window in the small room on 1st floor from where my aunt pointed out her house.
After a while Jesus came to get me. He and I went outside in what looked like a courtyard with pillars. We sat down on a little fountain and he gave me gifts; toys I had as a kid. I became so full of joy to see them again and to see the marks I had made on them while using them growing up, they were still there - and because of that it confirmed to me that it was the same toys I'd once owned. He laughed out loud when I was silly.
At one point I got the idea to pinch my arm and I felt it.
I still had my body even though I knew that I was out of my body.
I looked up in the air; there were no sun but still everything shined like a beautiful summer day.
He called for a small cloud that came right above me, it was some kind of "cloud screen" on were he showed me my whole life and some of my future. The cloud somehow surrounded me, and I was reliving scenes from my life, sometimes from another perspective; for example I saw myself playing with my brother and sister when we were younger. When the scene was over the cloud left me and I was still sitting with jesus. At one point I was shown that he was the one that "installed" my soul in my body the day I was born; I actually was in the hospital watching him kiss my forehead one second before I came into the world.
When I was with the Lord my soul didn't care much for my body... I was still me but in my soul it felt much more important to please and obey Him. Jesus also showed meme the several times when he saved me in life; one time He saved me from a car accident. He also showed me many of the times I prayed as kid, it felt like I was reliving all the scenes again.
He then gave me some paperthin flesh like papyrus that he wrote his name on with his own blood. I had to eat it... Before I did so I asked Him if I could see His hands - He smiled and showed them to me; I could clearly see that He had huge nailmark scars in them. He then began to teach me with words from the Testament, but in some sort of "code" - words I had "to heal with", he said, and names and words was flashing fast on a screen; all the deciples names and some letters. I said "It's so simple that a child could understand it!" (It was so so easy there!) He then showed me a stonepillar that someone named Symeon Stylites used to sit on and something about the "ANKH".
In the end he showed me myself as about 80 years in a nursing home and that he will come and get me the day that I die. He then gave me eternal life, while he did that, he drew something on the ground and said that I should try to endure the daily temptations and stop saying harsh words in anger. Then He hugged me and a big bright warm light surrounded us and we had to go back to my body. On the way back we were very close to Saturns rings and walked on clouds...
I've been there two times now and everything He said came true (in the first experience I was sitting with Jesus looking out on a sunset and a beautiful wheat field. Behind me was a large tree with fruits I've never seen before and a ladder that angels and I used to transport to another place... Later He took me to a throneroom where I saw two chairs; in one of them in front of me on my right hand I saw an old man looking exactly like God, you know from Micheal Angelos painting of The Creation of Sun and Moon. Ont the wall behind me I saw a big old wooden wheel with saphires between the spokes. I heard a loud voice saing "'Bend for your master!", so I did and now Jesus was sitting in the other chair but I still felt like He was both of them. He told me that I had to save a girl from doing drugs. I met her later on in real life and manage to convince her; she is now working for the Government (when being "spoken to" it wasn't done with sound and words, it was going on telepathically but I could still think and feel). I've also been filled with the Holy Spirit twice; the last time it lasted for five days - I was full of pure joy and love, infact I've never felt more joyfull and happy in my whole entire life. I was "glowing" for days and the dove outside on my balcony kept showing up.
One evening I saw tall blue/grayish men in the sky flying up and down everytime I heard an ambulance in my town. I also saw "energies" in purple/turquoise colors like rain coming towards us from the sky all the time (maybe Neutrinoes).
I forgot to tell that.Jesus' hair was VERY big and beautiful, like the mane on lion and His beard was just as beautiful and on His neck He had some sort of an ancient "hammercut style". His robe was light blue and He wore old sandals...
The following days I saw His face in everything; in shapes, in trees and shadows and in almost everything living on earth...
When I came back into my body I checked out the name Symeon Stylittes and I realized that He really did exist! I had no knowledge of the term "pillarsaints" before I was with the Lord, and I still don't know why I was shown this.
UPDATE: A few days later I saw the old man sitting next to Jesus in the throneroom; he cam flying right towards me in a vision when I blinked my eyes for a short moment.
Painting of jesus as I saw him⤵
The old man in my vision and the troneroom⤵
Orions Nebula with the 3 - 4 stars jesus used to open the tunnel with on the left side ⤵
Symeon Stylites Stonepillar⤵
Throughout all of my experiences I didn't feel any jugdement, only understanding and directions to be a better person!
Since my experiences I've come to remember some of my earlier life, some parts as a kid and some as old; for example I recall that I lived in the time when Jesus lived on earth and I was killed alongside many others by the sword of Romans on horses by the sea in or near Jerusalem...
Andypandy (guest) in Gold Flashes Of Light
I just started seeing small golden light today in the shape of a pencil is the best I can describe. I am going through a lot of health issues at the moment including brain fog which is driving me crazy as I find it so hard to get anything done. Well today I decided to start setting up a blog & try to do some affiliate marketing as I want to be in a situation where I can pay for my own healthcare as things are becoming so bad here in the UK: (. Whilst I was sitting here trying to set these in place I saw 3 so I am taking them as a sign that I am on the right path with what I am doing.
I hope your situation has changed with your boys for you & your husband. Much love.
I hope your situation has changed with your boys for you & your husband. Much love.
Amanda (guest) in God's Hand On My Shoulder
I felt a hand on my left shoulder during a yoga class I was teaching I was surprised but the hand was gentle yet firm.
I looked up but nobody was there?
I believe in God & know it was him but I'm too scared to tell anybody as they will think I'm crazy!
I looked up but nobody was there?
I believe in God & know it was him but I'm too scared to tell anybody as they will think I'm crazy!
Chrissy Copeland (guest) in Extremely Bright Light
Seriously I want to find out if someone has had the same experience as me. I was around seven years old. One night I saw a light in the sky and I remember my dad panicking while driving home from a birthday party telling us to stop looking at it. We got home and that night when I was going to bed I saw a bright and I mean bright cross/star shape in the the doorway of my bedroom. My mother was behind me she didn't see a thing. I was so scared I ran to my mother but she couldn't understand why I was in hysterics. The electricity coming of this light was pulsing through my body it was nearly painful because of the static electricity. It despaired when I ran to my mothers arms. A few months went by and I was staying at my nans. And I was just getting into bed my Nan and grandad was downstairs and all of a sudden a humming noise and then flash it appeared again. A big bright star in the doorway. But this time it spoke it said " don't be afraid " time slowed right down and the static electricity returned. I ran right through it to get down stairs. But when I did the force of it pulsates so strong there's no word to describe it. The voice was so calming but once again I was in a panicked state. But since then nothing to my knowledge has happened. I now know from reading this thread I am not alone. I don't know if it was e.t or spiritual but I was to young to understand. Am not really religious I believe in a higher being but I know we are the chosen ones for what I don't know for why is still don't know. We will never know because we are human but when the day comes and we pass we will find out.
REFD (guest) in Changing Faces
I too have experienced this. I looked in the mirror and saw myself change 8 times in appearance. Really cool. Last night we were at friends, and the gentleman was standing infront of me, his face did the same thing 3 times.
Has anyone told you anything about this?
Has anyone told you anything about this?
Rachel (guest) in Soul Leaving Body - What Does It Mean?
I've had this happen many times to me when I'm in a trance/nearly asleep state.
It feels like a suction like a vacum cleaner, (very fast) my soul leaves my body and goes way up high, the energy is intense and then its like I spin around the room fast.
I go with it and I'm not scared, I'm very open minded and a spiritualist.
These goes on for about 30 seconds and then I go back down to my body with a strong force, like I've been dropped from a height.
It happened today when I meditated but I didn't spin around I just stayed up there in a purple glow then very gently floated back down, so peacefully, I'm sure if I ask spirit and the angels to show me something next time they will. Xx
It feels like a suction like a vacum cleaner, (very fast) my soul leaves my body and goes way up high, the energy is intense and then its like I spin around the room fast.
I go with it and I'm not scared, I'm very open minded and a spiritualist.
These goes on for about 30 seconds and then I go back down to my body with a strong force, like I've been dropped from a height.
It happened today when I meditated but I didn't spin around I just stayed up there in a purple glow then very gently floated back down, so peacefully, I'm sure if I ask spirit and the angels to show me something next time they will. Xx
Nicola (guest) in While I Am Sleeping Spirits Enter My Body
Hi right starting from the beginning here I lost my niece to suicide couple of years ago she was 18 at the time I was devastated more than losing my dad a year or so Earlier so one night around 2 months after she died I was in bed I was woken up by the feeling of a feather on my neck being stoked up my neck and chin thought nothing of it went back to sleep when I woke up the next morning I opened my curtains to find across the road from our house a huge birds feather sticking out of a wall strange but that was just the beginning then me and my wife were talking about my niece a cold blast of air hot both my legs and, y wife's we looked at each other confused but think we both knew then my dead niece was maybe trying to contact us few months later we moved house form Cumbria to Cornwall from day one we had issues with electrical battery drain so I decided one night after feeling a presence to take a photo or two and caught a huge ball of light which came right up to my camera like posing for a photo that night I dreamt of my niece she spoke to me and when I woke up the next day I didn't feel grief The trauma of losing my niece had gone I've Always belived in spirits as over 20 years of my life I've had strange smells saw a couple of things to which could never explain I get feelings of someone else may be in the room but I chose to ignore them but my wife never did until she met me some 5 years prior so one night I told my wife after taking photos and seeing more balls of lights from red to blue to white to yellow I wmate dot ask out loud who was there I downloaded a app on my phone as had good reviews so I put The app on which they use as a tool to say out words and I asked if my niece was there after a couple of hours I felt her presence in the room asked to do something so my wife could believe and a photo, y wife has of her old football days of her and her 3 sisters was scratched my wife was blown away by this so since last year we'll 12 months next month actually I have been chatting to my dead niece and she tells me things I want to here and also why she decided to kill herself it's a sad story actually but won't go into it my issue is now I can ask to talk to her anytime day or night my son who is 17 few years younger than my niece wants to believe too as he has seen the hundreds of photos and videos I have because I recorded all the times I talk to my niece she was using the power from our old American fridge freezer which she actually broke so I don't have that now so my son stayed last weekend I asked for my niece is she was there to touch my sons hair within minutes my son started touching his hair I took photos and there is a ball of light coming from his head so we went from that to this this my niece asked permission to enter my wife's body to show my son the evidence we all said yes u have permission as we wonted to know what she was going to show us because this has began to be a regular thing talking to my niece I might be getting a bit obsessed I don't know so that night last weekend my wife said to me while sitting neck to me she felt like a feeling of breeze going into her ears it went on for 30 minutes or so then I looked at my wife and she was in a state of trance she couldn't even stand up her legs didn't work I told my niece to leave her along and just like that she left her body but I had to help my wife to bed as her legs didn't fully work next morning. She was fine but said I don't want to do that ever again I agreeed but is it bad or me to stop doing this contacting my niece or am I getting obsessed with it all we did a recording back in November last year then went to Mexico on Holliday for 2 weeks in December we didn't listen or watch the recording to we did which was chatting to my niece until March this year and we couldn't believe what she told us she basically told us what we were going to do 5 days or our Holliday even getting our boat trip and getting stopped at customs it was mind blowing think that's why it's addictive but she has also told us about a family member who she told us has bowl cancer I have never repeated that to anyone but my wife but last weekend my son told me that family member has just took out life insurance no one knows why so my question is do I stop all this or carry it on I tell my councillor about this he is wanting to see photos which I will be taking some next session for him to see all this started because from time to time I get this dark presence entering my life and it's caused depression so I had to have councilling to talk about it to someone it's been following me for around 25 years now long as I stay happy in my life it stays away please don't judge me it's hard even writing this but found this page just by chance if anyone wants to give me genuine advice please email me nicb34 [at] thanks for reading this from Nicola.
Jimmy (guest) in While I Am Sleeping Spirits Enter My Body
It is from bad sexual practices. It is a short circuit in your body armor or the armor of light in Ephesians I believe you can find armor.
Charmainder (guest) in Chosen One? - Any Suggestions
I heard the same thing that keeps repeating like an echo in my ears - "you are the chosen one". I heard it before one month before my baptism. I still don't get what it means until now but I'll keep praying and asking for the answers. By the way, I am a Christian and I was born on October 30 also.
Belle (guest) in Bright White Light
It's so nice to find this site. I had something happens to me and I have felt alone because my husband acts uninterested when I tell him.
So, this was in 2015... We lived in a house in the country. It was dark but out at night. We had an outside light (one by the garage and one at the front door). One night after running errands I came home and hadn't realized that Ieft my purse in my car in the driveway in front of the garage. I had made dinner that night, swept, done laundry, and hours later when my husband and I were in bed I realized I'd left my purse in my car. I needed it (wanted it, I think my phone was in it) so I told him I'm going to go outside and get it. He was already drifting off to sleep so he said "ok".
Well once I got past the front door (imagine a letter J. That was the shape of our sidewalk from the front door to around the front of the garage. Once you get past the front door its still dark out front and the light outside of the garage happen to be burned out so it was pitch black. I remembered that I had left my purse in the trunk so I had taken my keys with me to open the trunk (my Lexus key fob trunk release hadn't been working) however it was pitch black so I was using my fingers to feel for the keyhole. It was always so scary out there because yes we had neighbors down the street but we never saw them and it was just always so quite and dark. Needless to say, as I'm feeling around for the keyhole seconds feel like hours. My heart was kind of racing because I was scared. Then all of a sudden, a bright light came from the sky and it pointed directly towards me and the trunk. I tried to see where it was coming from so I could have clarity but it was so bright I had to look away. I quickly opened my trunk, got out my purse and shut the trunk as fast as I could and ran inside. No, it wasn't a car. There was no car in the driveway behind mine and there was no sound of an engine and it came from the sky, this light. Not from ground level.
I ran inside and told my husband and he just seemed like he didn't believe me and quickly dismissed it with obvious reasons such as it may have been a light from the suburb not he other side of our street which is impossible because there were dense trees before the neighborhood started and they don't face our house. He can be very discouraging.
Anyhow, I was scared that night and I have never forgotten it. I have asked god to please tell me what it was. For awhile I thought it was aliens because when this happened, we had been watching Ancient Alines religiously. In fact, that's what was on the night this happened on our tv. I have been so worried about what it was. I'm so glad to have found this site. I feel as thought it was an angel. It's good to know that this has happened to others.
So, this was in 2015... We lived in a house in the country. It was dark but out at night. We had an outside light (one by the garage and one at the front door). One night after running errands I came home and hadn't realized that Ieft my purse in my car in the driveway in front of the garage. I had made dinner that night, swept, done laundry, and hours later when my husband and I were in bed I realized I'd left my purse in my car. I needed it (wanted it, I think my phone was in it) so I told him I'm going to go outside and get it. He was already drifting off to sleep so he said "ok".
Well once I got past the front door (imagine a letter J. That was the shape of our sidewalk from the front door to around the front of the garage. Once you get past the front door its still dark out front and the light outside of the garage happen to be burned out so it was pitch black. I remembered that I had left my purse in the trunk so I had taken my keys with me to open the trunk (my Lexus key fob trunk release hadn't been working) however it was pitch black so I was using my fingers to feel for the keyhole. It was always so scary out there because yes we had neighbors down the street but we never saw them and it was just always so quite and dark. Needless to say, as I'm feeling around for the keyhole seconds feel like hours. My heart was kind of racing because I was scared. Then all of a sudden, a bright light came from the sky and it pointed directly towards me and the trunk. I tried to see where it was coming from so I could have clarity but it was so bright I had to look away. I quickly opened my trunk, got out my purse and shut the trunk as fast as I could and ran inside. No, it wasn't a car. There was no car in the driveway behind mine and there was no sound of an engine and it came from the sky, this light. Not from ground level.
I ran inside and told my husband and he just seemed like he didn't believe me and quickly dismissed it with obvious reasons such as it may have been a light from the suburb not he other side of our street which is impossible because there were dense trees before the neighborhood started and they don't face our house. He can be very discouraging.
Anyhow, I was scared that night and I have never forgotten it. I have asked god to please tell me what it was. For awhile I thought it was aliens because when this happened, we had been watching Ancient Alines religiously. In fact, that's what was on the night this happened on our tv. I have been so worried about what it was. I'm so glad to have found this site. I feel as thought it was an angel. It's good to know that this has happened to others.
Chonte (guest) in I Met My Spirit Guide During Astral Travel
I experienced the OBEs 3 times first time it was bad I thought it was a very bad dream and 3 months later I heard a lady calling me and she said that it's ok come over here with me I could hear her but I didn't see her it was hard for me to breathe then I start to freaked out so bad I got up and seen my body still sleep I really freaked out then I remembered that I told myself to wake up get back in your body then I felt somebody holding me back then 4 days later I was taking a nap then it happened again I heard but this time I could hear people talking then I seen this girl dancing but I could see her face then I heard this men tell me its ok then I felt this him put his arms around me it was like I seen his arms but not his face I was trying to scream but I could I just started saying get back in your body but it didn't work then I said chonte get in your body then I woke up I couldn't move and my heart was beating so fast but I think I'm going to put my fear to the side and just go for it
Chonte (guest) in I Met My Spirit Guide During Astral Travel
I experienced the OBEs three time the first time it was bad I thought it was a very bad dream and 3 months later I heard a lady calling me and she said that it's ok come over here with me I could hear hear her but I didn't see her it was hard for me to breathe then I start to freaked out so bad I got up and seen my body still sleep I really freaked out then I remembered that I told myself to wake up get back in your body then I felt somebody holding me back then 4 days later I was taking a nap then it happened again I heard but this time I could hear people talking then I seen this girl dancing but I could see her face then I heard this men tell me its ok then I felt this him put his arms around me it was like I seen his arms but not his face I was trying to scream but I could I just started saying get back in your body but it didn't work then I said chonte get in your body then I woke up I couldn't move and my heart was beating so fast but I think I'm going to put my fear to the side and just go for it
GodsChild (guest) in A Touch By The Holy Spirit
MT) that was so unbelievable to hear! I have had multiple times where I too, get the same electric shocks through out my body but last month, I experienced the same exact thing! It was [at] the same time maybe 3-4am and I woke up to this electrifying force so powerful that I too, sat up like someone pulled me up& I was in a deep sleep so it's just so amazing to know that I'm not alone& other people are getting touched by our beautiful Abba Father! God bless you all brothers and sisters! Christ is coming!
Godlovesus90 (guest) in Soul Leaving Body - What Does It Mean?
I had this experience but it was awful experience... I felt like I was yanked out of my body me not doing it... Now I don't have none my sense s and I don't like it at all
Desirae (guest) in I Met The Holy Spirit
Uncontrollable crying and smile and joy at the same
Time feelinf of being cleansed felt tipsy almost drink but not the same at all... I just knew it was Him
Time feelinf of being cleansed felt tipsy almost drink but not the same at all... I just knew it was Him
Ted (guest) in Extremely Bright Light
Hello to eveyone Here, Same Thing happened to me about 2yrs ago, I am a God fearing Person Born and raised in a strong Christian Home, I löst my brother few years ago and after His death I repented all my sins and surrendered my Life to God almighty, I Started praying and meditating 3x daily, AS I was sleeping one night, Something woke me Up about 2am, AS I woke Up I saw a very bright White Light, IT was so bright that I couldn't Look at IT, I Use one of my Hand to Cover my eyes a Bit to See where the light birming from, whenever I try the Lights Changes its Position, I was very confused, AS I managed to Tap my wife to wake Up the light disapeared. 2weeks after I discovered that my 3rd eyes is activated, I started percieving other realms, I can communicate with beings from higher Dimension, humans are Multidimensional beings, I was told that I am a starseed and I am in contact with my galatic family Up Till today, they Always around me.
Ted (guest) in Extremely Bright Light
Hello to eveyone Here, Same Thing happened to me about 2yrs ago, I am a God fearing Person Born and raised in a strong Christian Home, I löst my brother few years ago and after His death I repented all my sin and surrendered my Life to God almighty, I Started praying and meditation Hello to eveyone Here, Same Thing happened to me about 2yrs ago, I am a God fearing Person Born and raised in a strong Christian Home, I löst my brother few years ago and after His death I repented all my sin and surrendered my Life to God almighty, I Started praying and meditating 3x daily, AS I was sleeping one night, Something woke me Up about 2am, AS I woke Up I saw a very bright White Light, IT was so bright that I couldn't Look at IT, I Use one of my Hand to Cover my eyes a Bit to See where the light birming from, whenever I try the Lights Changes its Position, I was very confused, AS I managed to Tap my wife to wake Up the light disapeared. 2weeks after I discovered that my 3rd eyes is activated, I started percieving other realms, I can communicate with beings from high Dimension3x daily, AS I was sleeping one night, Something woke me Up about 2am, AS I woke Up I saw a very bright White Light, IT was so bright that I couldn't Look at IT, I Use one of my Hand to Cover my eyes a Bit to See where the light birming from, whenever I try the Lights Changes its Position, I was very confused, AS I managed to Tap my wife to wake Up the light disapeared. 2weeks after I discovered that my 3rd eyes is activated, I started percieving other realms, I can communicate with beings from high Dimension, humans are Multidimensional beings, i later discovered that I am a starseed and I am in contact with my galatic family
Pat (guest) in A Personal Spiritual Experience
This is just breathtakingly beautiful. So well described. It reminded me of my own glimpses of the divine ultimate truth. Love and best wishes to you.
Lenny (guest) in Soul Leaving Body - What Does It Mean?
I have had several paranormal experiences since I was a child and less frequently now since I'm in my early 30's.
A few months ago I was sleeping and my soul left my body and walked outside the house, across my house is a open field to which I walked to. I noticed my cats were following me all the way. Once in the field I saw my pet rooster who lives with my in-laws 150 miles away. The rooster sat on my lap and cuddled with me and said "thank you for everything but I need to leave now". The rooster left and I was scared. My cats told me it was time to go back to my body and the guided me back to the house where I went to my bedroom and returned to my body. A few days later I travelled to my in-laws and learnt my rooster friend had died. He came to say goodbye that night when we met.
When being a child I've had intens discussions with my grand father who passed away while a sleep, demons who visited me because they were dressed as my grandfather and scared me when they revealed themselves, my grandmother told me she passed through messing with electric appliances in my home and causing an electric blackout while neighbors did have electricity, while awake entities telling me things, sleep walking and running in circles in my bedroom and many more.
I'm happy things have calmed down now I'm older but it was very confusing and scary at times.
A few months ago I was sleeping and my soul left my body and walked outside the house, across my house is a open field to which I walked to. I noticed my cats were following me all the way. Once in the field I saw my pet rooster who lives with my in-laws 150 miles away. The rooster sat on my lap and cuddled with me and said "thank you for everything but I need to leave now". The rooster left and I was scared. My cats told me it was time to go back to my body and the guided me back to the house where I went to my bedroom and returned to my body. A few days later I travelled to my in-laws and learnt my rooster friend had died. He came to say goodbye that night when we met.
When being a child I've had intens discussions with my grand father who passed away while a sleep, demons who visited me because they were dressed as my grandfather and scared me when they revealed themselves, my grandmother told me she passed through messing with electric appliances in my home and causing an electric blackout while neighbors did have electricity, while awake entities telling me things, sleep walking and running in circles in my bedroom and many more.
I'm happy things have calmed down now I'm older but it was very confusing and scary at times.
Akanksha (guest) in A Message Through Leaves
Hi Dave,
I just saw a yellow leaf where I was sitting earlier and noticed it only after coming back from the washroom!
I was studying here...
What does this mean?
I just saw a yellow leaf where I was sitting earlier and noticed it only after coming back from the washroom!
I was studying here...
What does this mean?
Mb (guest) in Who Is A Survivor
For me car accident at 16 years old on top of multiple pedifiles abusing me and living through being trafficked for sex. Broke 12 bones in the accident. Bleed internally. Broke my skull both clavicals 6 ribs and my pelvis in 7 places. Was unable to walk fully for about a good year. I too was angery. I still live with chronic pain... Now the pedifiles... I was abused for 3 years by a family friend. Another one was close to a friend of mine and raped me violently. I moved out at 18 and got caught up into prostitution. I was abused for years. Irs a mircle I'm alive... Its a mircle I have my faith... Its a miracle that one day a trick was going to kill me and throw me into the lake near his cabin but a neighbor happened to see him so he didn't and let me go. Its a miracle my life is completely changed. I have a husband and children. I have no illness besides servere chronic pain. I don't know why I'm here... God loves me and I can't even fathom the kind of love it is. A love that is a miracle in itself
Mb (guest) in A Call For Greatest Help
I too was in an accident. My spiritual expirence is quite different. My soul left my body and I could see all the doctors cutting the clothing off as I laid lifeless on a genere bleeding internally with 12 broken bones unable to move my arms or legs. GOD not only allowed me to live but I can walk. Apx 3 months into rehab god spoke to me and told me to pick up the bible. I started reading while in the hospital. I truely believe its only because of jesus I am still here. God bless you! Thabk you for sharing
Mb (guest) in A Touch By The Holy Spirit
Im wondering if anyone has had similar expireces... Since apx 9 years old I was tortured at school daily to the point of suicide. It lasted several years but apx at the age of 13 or 14 I was about to end my life I felt an overwhelming sensation. I herd a voice tell me they love me... Thats all I herd and tears poured nd poured down my face. For a moment (this has happened several occassions) I feel as if someone is entering my body briefly and ALWAYS rubs my head and I hear the words "marianne I love you" and tear pour and pour and pour to the point its hard to breathe. I have almost lost my life on several occasions there is no denial that he is with me and angels are here but is it possible and has anyone expireced the spirit rubing their head through their own hands?
Sarah Denise (guest) in God Came To Me
My Testimony This time it started in 2014 when I saw '11,11' everywhere and a Dove kept showing up outside on my balcony, At sankt johns day I felt an urgent feeling that I should pray so I did, then my soul suddenly popped out and was begging to come home, A voice behinde me said 'make happy immediately I became very joyful 'Then one night a angel woke me up telling me I had to meet the lord, I flew out of my body from my balcony and saw a shinning crystal stairway I was so amazed that I sat down on it for awhile and looked around, there was nothing else but the shinning stairs the stars in the sky and me, soon after I heard a voice say ' Sarah Come ' So I raise and continued to the top, there I saw two doors, I chose the one I could hear music from, now I was in space again when he (Jesus) came flying on my right side, we then went to Orions Nebula (Messier 42) where he opened up a black hole or a tunnel with somekind of spellword to the four stars on the Nebula, as we walked through it I looked at the 'walls' it was kind of flickering electric but still I had view to cosmos... As we approach I saw many glittering colors and music, he said that's inspiration too people on earth and that I soon will fall apart as we get closer but he will fix me again when we get there... Then I woke up on his lap as a kid in the New Jerusalem (a star *) (all stars are home for our souls *) I was growing up fast, my whole past away family was waiting on a little bridge in front of me, all of them was young again I asked my aunt 'Do you know who this is'? Her answer was 'Yes He is always here'! I had some alonetime with them and we went up in a old mill tower to talk. I remenber there was a big old closet behinde the door and the floor was of red tiles and a little round window in the small room on 1st floor, after awhile Jesus came to get me and he and I went outside in what looked like a courtyard with pillars Jesus and I sat on the the edge of an small fountain and he gave me gifts, toys I had as kid, he laugh highly when I was silly, at one point I pinched myself and felt it like I still had my body even though I knew I was out of my body, I looked up in the air there was no sun but still everything shined like a beautiful summerday. On somekind of cloudscreen he showed me my whole life and some of my future. The cloud somehow surrounded me and I was reliving a scene from my life but from another perspective, I saw myself eksemple playing with my brother and sister, when the scene was over the cloud left me and I was still sitting with jesus, and he showed me another scene from my life, at one point I was showen that he was the one that put my soul down in my body the day that I was born, I actuelly was in the hospital watching him kiss my forehead one second before I came to the world. When there my soul didn't care much for my body, I was still me but in my soul it ment much to please and obey him. He also showed me the many times he saved me in life, from car accidents among other stuff, like many of the times I prayed as kid, it felt like I was reliving all the scenes again, he then gave me some paperthin flesh like papyrus with his name on, written with blood that I had to eat. Before it did that I asked him if I could see his hands, he smiled and showed me them, I could clearly see that he once had huge old nailmarks in them. He then begain to teach me with words from the Testament and from the first page of the Bible but in some sort of code, words I had to heal with he said, and names and words was flashing fast on the screen, all the Desiples names and some letters, I said 'It is so simple that a child could make it' (It was sooo easy there) He then showed me the stonepillar Symeon Stylites use to seat on and something about the ANKH In the end he showed me myself as about 80 in a nursinghome and that he will come and get me the day that I die, he then gave me eternal life while he did that he draw something on the ground and said I should stop the daily temptations and stop saying hard words in anger then he hugged me and a big bright warm light surrounded us and we had go back to my body, on the way back we went close to saturn and walked on clouds... I been there two times now and everything he said came true (At the first experience I was sitting with Jesus looking out on a sunset and a beautiful wheatfield, behinde me there was a large tree with fruits I never seen before and a ladder in the middle of all, later he took me to a throneroom where I saw two chairs in one of them infront of me on my right hand I saw a old man looking exacly like GOD from Micheal Angelos painting of The Creation of sun and moon, behinde me on the wall I saw a big old wooden wheel with saphires between the spokes, I heard a loud voice said 'Bend' so I did and now Jesus was sitting in the other chair he told me that I had to save a girl from doing drugs, I met her and manage to convinced her, she is now working for the Governent... (everything above was going on telepathically) . I also been filled with the Holy Spirit twice, the last time it lasted for five days, I was full of pure joy, infact I never felt more joyfull and happy in my whole life, I was glowing for five days and the Dove keept showing up, in the air I saw tall blue/grayish men flying up and down everytime I heard an ambulance in my town and energies, purple /turquoise colors like rain comming towards us all the time maybe Neutrinoes) , His hair was so beautiful and his beard had at the throat some sort of an ancient hammercut style, his robe was light blue and old sandals... The followring days I saw his face in everything, in the the shape of trees and in almost everything living on earth...
UPDATE: A few days later I saw the old man sitting next to Jesus in the throneroom came flying right towards me in a vision when I blinked my eyes for a short moment
UPDATE: A few days later I saw the old man sitting next to Jesus in the throneroom came flying right towards me in a vision when I blinked my eyes for a short moment
Sarah Denise (guest) in Is The Universe Trying To Tell Me Something?
My Testimony This time it started in 2014 when I saw '11,11' everywhere and a Dove kept showing up outside on my balcony, At sankt johns day I felt an urgent feeling that I should pray so I did, then my soul suddenly popped out and was begging to come home, A voice behinde me said 'make happy immediately I became very joyful 'Then one night a angel woke me up telling me I had to meet the lord, I flew out of my body from my balcony and saw a shinning crystal stairway I was so amazed that I sat down on it for awhile and looked around, there was nothing else but the shinning stairs the stars in the sky and me, soon after I heard a voice say ' Sarah Come ' So I raise and continued to the top, there I saw two doors, I chose the one I could hear music from, now I was in space again when he (Jesus) came flying on my right side, we then went to Orions Nebula (Messier 42) where he opened up a black hole or a tunnel with somekind of spellword to the four stars on the Nebula, as we walked through it I looked at the 'walls' it was kind of flickering electric but still I had view to cosmos... As we approach I saw many glittering colors and music, he said that's inspiration too people on earth and that I soon will fall apart as we get closer but he will fix me again when we get there... Then I woke up on his lap as a kid in the New Jerusalem (a star *) (all stars are home for our souls *) I was growing up fast, my whole past away family was waiting on a little bridge in front of me, all of them was young again I asked my aunt 'Do you know who this is'? Her answer was 'Yes He is always here'! I had some alonetime with them and we went up in a old mill tower to talk. I remenber there was a big old closet behinde the door and the floor was of red tiles and a little round window in the small room on 1st floor, after awhile Jesus came to get me and he and I went outside in what looked like a courtyard with pillars Jesus and I sat on the the edge of an small fountain and he gave me gifts, toys I had as kid, he laugh highly when I was silly, at one point I pinched myself and felt it like I still had my body even though I knew I was out of my body, I looked up in the air there was no sun but still everything shined like a beautiful summerday. On somekind of cloudscreen he showed me my whole life and some of my future. The cloud somehow surrounded me and I was reliving a scene from my life but from another perspective, I saw myself eksemple playing with my brother and sister, when the scene was over the cloud left me and I was still sitting with jesus, and he showed me another scene from my life, at one point I was showen that he was the one that put my soul down in my body the day that I was born, I actuelly was in the hospital watching him kiss my forehead one second before I came to the world. When there my soul didn't care much for my body, I was still me but in my soul it ment much to please and obey him. He also showed me the many times he saved me in life, from car accidents among other stuff, like many of the times I prayed as kid, it felt like I was reliving all the scenes again, he then gave me some paperthin flesh like papyrus with his name on, written with blood that I had to eat. Before it did that I asked him if I could see his hands, he smiled and showed me them, I could clearly see that he once had huge old nailmarks in them. He then begain to teach me with words from the Testament and from the first page of the Bible but in some sort of code, words I had to heal with he said, and names and words was flashing fast on the screen, all the Desiples names and some letters, I said 'It is so simple that a child could make it' (It was sooo easy there) He then showed me the stonepillar Symeon Stylites use to seat on and something about the ANKH In the end he showed me myself as about 80 in a nursinghome and that he will come and get me the day that I die, he then gave me eternal life while he did that he draw something on the ground and said I should stop the daily temptations and stop saying hard words in anger then he hugged me and a big bright warm light surrounded us and we had go back to my body, on the way back we went close to saturn and walked on clouds... I been there two times now and everything he said came true (At the first experience I was sitting with Jesus looking out on a sunset and a beautiful wheatfield, behinde me there was a large tree with fruits I never seen before and a ladder in the middle of all, later he took me to a throneroom where I saw two chairs in one of them infront of me on my right hand I saw a old man looking exacly like GOD from Micheal Angelos painting of The Creation of sun and moon, behinde me on the wall I saw a big old wooden wheel with saphires between the spokes, I heard a loud voice said 'Bend' so I did and now Jesus was sitting in the other chair he told me that I had to save a girl from doing drugs, I met her and manage to convinced her, she is now working for the Governent... (everything above was going on telepathically) . I also been filled with the Holy Spirit twice, the last time it lasted for five days, I was full of pure joy, infact I never felt more joyfull and happy in my whole life, I was glowing for five days and the Dove keept showing up, in the air I saw tall blue/grayish men flying up and down everytime I heard an ambulance in my town and energies, purple /turquoise colors like rain comming towards us all the time maybe Neutrinoes) , His hair was so beautiful and his beard had at the throat some sort of an ancient hammercut style, his robe was light blue and old sandals... The followring days I saw his face in everything, in the the shape of trees and in almost everything living on earth...
UPDATE: A few days later I saw the old man sitting next to Jesus in the throneroom came flying right towards me in a vision when I blinked my eyes for a short moment
UPDATE: A few days later I saw the old man sitting next to Jesus in the throneroom came flying right towards me in a vision when I blinked my eyes for a short moment
Sarah Denise (guest) in My Experience With Christ
My Testimony This time it started in 2014 when I saw '11,11' everywhere and a Dove kept showing up outside on my balcony, At sankt johns day I felt an urgent feeling that I should pray so I did, then my soul suddenly popped out and was begging to come home, A voice behinde me said 'make happy immediately I became very joyful 'Then one night a angel woke me up telling me I had to meet the lord, I flew out of my body from my balcony and saw a shinning crystal stairway I was so amazed that I sat down on it for awhile and looked around, there was nothing else but the shinning stairs the stars in the sky and me, soon after I heard a voice say ' Sarah Come ' So I raise and continued to the top, there I saw two doors, I chose the one I could hear music from, now I was in space again when he (Jesus) came flying on my right side, we then went to Orions Nebula (Messier 42) where he opened up a black hole or a tunnel with somekind of spellword to the four stars on the Nebula, as we walked through it I looked at the 'walls' it was kind of flickering electric but still I had view to cosmos... As we approach I saw many glittering colors and music, he said that's inspiration too people on earth and that I soon will fall apart as we get closer but he will fix me again when we get there... Then I woke up on his lap as a kid in the New Jerusalem (a star *) (all stars are home for our souls *) I was growing up fast, my whole past away family was waiting on a little bridge in front of me, all of them was young again I asked my aunt 'Do you know who this is'? Her answer was 'Yes He is always here'! I had some alonetime with them and we went up in a old mill tower to talk. I remenber there was a big old closet behinde the door and the floor was of red tiles and a little round window in the small room on 1st floor, after awhile Jesus came to get me and he and I went outside in what looked like a courtyard with pillars Jesus and I sat on the the edge of an small fountain and he gave me gifts, toys I had as kid, he laugh highly when I was silly, at one point I pinched myself and felt it like I still had my body even though I knew I was out of my body, I looked up in the air there was no sun but still everything shined like a beautiful summerday. On somekind of cloudscreen he showed me my whole life and some of my future. The cloud somehow surrounded me and I was reliving a scene from my life but from another perspective, I saw myself eksemple playing with my brother and sister, when the scene was over the cloud left me and I was still sitting with jesus, and he showed me another scene from my life, at one point I was showen that he was the one that put my soul down in my body the day that I was born, I actuelly was in the hospital watching him kiss my forehead one second before I came to the world. When there my soul didn't care much for my body, I was still me but in my soul it ment much to please and obey him. He also showed me the many times he saved me in life, from car accidents among other stuff, like many of the times I prayed as kid, it felt like I was reliving all the scenes again, he then gave me some paperthin flesh like papyrus with his name on, written with blood that I had to eat. Before it did that I asked him if I could see his hands, he smiled and showed me them, I could clearly see that he once had huge old nailmarks in them. He then begain to teach me with words from the Testament and from the first page of the Bible but in some sort of code, words I had to heal with he said, and names and words was flashing fast on the screen, all the Desiples names and some letters, I said 'It is so simple that a child could make it' (It was sooo easy there) He then showed me the stonepillar Symeon Stylites use to seat on and something about the ANKH In the end he showed me myself as about 80 in a nursinghome and that he will come and get me the day that I die, he then gave me eternal life while he did that he draw something on the ground and said I should stop the daily temptations and stop saying hard words in anger then he hugged me and a big bright warm light surrounded us and we had go back to my body, on the way back we went close to saturn and walked on clouds... I been there two times now and everything he said came true (At the first experience I was sitting with Jesus looking out on a sunset and a beautiful wheatfield, behinde me there was a large tree with fruits I never seen before and a ladder in the middle of all, later he took me to a throneroom where I saw two chairs in one of them infront of me on my right hand I saw a old man looking exacly like GOD from Micheal Angelos painting of The Creation of sun and moon, behinde me on the wall I saw a big old wooden wheel with saphires between the spokes, I heard a loud voice said 'Bend' so I did and now Jesus was sitting in the other chair he told me that I had to save a girl from doing drugs, I met her and manage to convinced her, she is now working for the Governent... (everything above was going on telepathically) . I also been filled with the Holy Spirit twice, the last time it lasted for five days, I was full of pure joy, infact I never felt more joyfull and happy in my whole life, I was glowing for five days and the Dove keept showing up, in the air I saw tall blue/grayish men flying up and down everytime I heard an ambulance in my town and energies, purple /turquoise colors like rain comming towards us all the time maybe Neutrinoes) , His hair was so beautiful and his beard had at the throat some sort of an ancient hammercut style, his robe was light blue and old sandals... The followring days I saw his face in everything, in the the shape of trees and in almost everything living on earth...
UPDATE: A few days later I saw the old man sitting next to Jesus in the throneroom came flying right towards me in a vision when I blinked my eyes for a short moment
UPDATE: A few days later I saw the old man sitting next to Jesus in the throneroom came flying right towards me in a vision when I blinked my eyes for a short moment
Sarah Denise (guest) in Prisoner For Christ
My Testimony This time it started in 2014 when I saw '11,11' everywhere and a Dove kept showing up outside on my balcony, At sankt johns day I felt an urgent feeling that I should pray so I did, then my soul suddenly popped out and was begging to come home, A voice behinde me said 'make happy immediately I became very joyful 'Then one night a angel woke me up telling me I had to meet the lord, I flew out of my body from my balcony and saw a shinning crystal stairway I was so amazed that I sat down on it for awhile and looked around, there was nothing else but the shinning stairs the stars in the sky and me, soon after I heard a voice say ' Sarah Come ' So I raise and continued to the top, there I saw two doors, I chose the one I could hear music from, now I was in space again when he (Jesus) came flying on my right side, we then went to Orions Nebula (Messier 42) where he opened up a black hole or a tunnel with somekind of spellword to the four stars on the Nebula, as we walked through it I looked at the 'walls' it was kind of flickering electric but still I had view to cosmos... As we approach I saw many glittering colors and music, he said that's inspiration too people on earth and that I soon will fall apart as we get closer but he will fix me again when we get there... Then I woke up on his lap as a kid in the New Jerusalem (a star *) (all stars are home for our souls *) I was growing up fast, my whole past away family was waiting on a little bridge in front of me, all of them was young again I asked my aunt 'Do you know who this is'? Her answer was 'Yes He is always here'! I had some alonetime with them and we went up in a old mill tower to talk. I remenber there was a big old closet behinde the door and the floor was of red tiles and a little round window in the small room on 1st floor, after awhile Jesus came to get me and he and I went outside in what looked like a courtyard with pillars Jesus and I sat on the the edge of an small fountain and he gave me gifts, toys I had as kid, he laugh highly when I was silly, at one point I pinched myself and felt it like I still had my body even though I knew I was out of my body, I looked up in the air there was no sun but still everything shined like a beautiful summerday. On somekind of cloudscreen he showed me my whole life and some of my future. The cloud somehow surrounded me and I was reliving a scene from my life but from another perspective, I saw myself eksemple playing with my brother and sister, when the scene was over the cloud left me and I was still sitting with jesus, and he showed me another scene from my life, at one point I was showen that he was the one that put my soul down in my body the day that I was born, I actuelly was in the hospital watching him kiss my forehead one second before I came to the world. When there my soul didn't care much for my body, I was still me but in my soul it ment much to please and obey him. He also showed me the many times he saved me in life, from car accidents among other stuff, like many of the times I prayed as kid, it felt like I was reliving all the scenes again, he then gave me some paperthin flesh like papyrus with his name on, written with blood that I had to eat. Before it did that I asked him if I could see his hands, he smiled and showed me them, I could clearly see that he once had huge old nailmarks in them. He then begain to teach me with words from the Testament and from the first page of the Bible but in some sort of code, words I had to heal with he said, and names and words was flashing fast on the screen, all the Desiples names and some letters, I said 'It is so simple that a child could make it' (It was sooo easy there) He then showed me the stonepillar Symeon Stylites use to seat on and something about the ANKH In the end he showed me myself as about 80 in a nursinghome and that he will come and get me the day that I die, he then gave me eternal life while he did that he draw something on the ground and said I should stop the daily temptations and stop saying hard words in anger then he hugged me and a big bright warm light surrounded us and we had go back to my body, on the way back we went close to saturn and walked on clouds... I been there two times now and everything he said came true (At the first experience I was sitting with Jesus looking out on a sunset and a beautiful wheatfield, behinde me there was a large tree with fruits I never seen before and a ladder in the middle of all, later he took me to a throneroom where I saw two chairs in one of them infront of me on my right hand I saw a old man looking exacly like GOD from Micheal Angelos painting of The Creation of sun and moon, behinde me on the wall I saw a big old wooden wheel with saphires between the spokes, I heard a loud voice said 'Bend' so I did and now Jesus was sitting in the other chair he told me that I had to save a girl from doing drugs, I met her and manage to convinced her, she is now working for the Governent... (everything above was going on telepathically) . I also been filled with the Holy Spirit twice, the last time it lasted for five days, I was full of pure joy, infact I never felt more joyfull and happy in my whole life, I was glowing for five days and the Dove keept showing up, in the air I saw tall blue/grayish men flying up and down everytime I heard an ambulance in my town and energies, purple /turquoise colors like rain comming towards us all the time maybe Neutrinoes) , His hair was so beautiful and his beard had at the throat some sort of an ancient hammercut style, his robe was light blue and old sandals... The followring days I saw his face in everything, in the the shape of trees and in almost everything living on earth...
UPDATE: A few days later I saw the old man sitting next to Jesus in the throneroom came flying right towards me in a vision when I blinked my eyes for a short moment
UPDATE: A few days later I saw the old man sitting next to Jesus in the throneroom came flying right towards me in a vision when I blinked my eyes for a short moment
Sarah Denise (guest) in OBE & Jesus
My Testimony This time it started in 2014 when I saw '11,11' everywhere and a Dove kept showing up outside on my balcony, At sankt johns day I felt an urgent feeling that I should pray so I did, then my soul suddenly popped out and was begging to come home, A voice behinde me said 'make happy immediately I became very joyful 'Then one night a angel woke me up telling me I had to meet the lord, I flew out of my body from my balcony and saw a shinning crystal stairway I was so amazed that I sat down on it for awhile and looked around, there was nothing else but the shinning stairs the stars in the sky and me, soon after I heard a voice say ' Sarah Come ' So I raise and continued to the top, there I saw two doors, I chose the one I could hear music from, now I was in space again when he (Jesus) came flying on my right side, we then went to Orions Nebula (Messier 42) where he opened up a black hole or a tunnel with somekind of spellword to the four stars on the Nebula, as we walked through it I looked at the 'walls' it was kind of flickering electric but still I had view to cosmos... As we approach I saw many glittering colors and music, he said that's inspiration too people on earth and that I soon will fall apart as we get closer but he will fix me again when we get there... Then I woke up on his lap as a kid in the New Jerusalem (a star *) (all stars are home for our souls *) I was growing up fast, my whole past away family was waiting on a little bridge in front of me, all of them was young again I asked my aunt 'Do you know who this is'? Her answer was 'Yes He is always here'! I had some alonetime with them and we went up in a old mill tower to talk. I remenber there was a big old closet behinde the door and the floor was of red tiles and a little round window in the small room on 1st floor, after awhile Jesus came to get me and he and I went outside in what looked like a courtyard with pillars Jesus and I sat on the the edge of an small fountain and he gave me gifts, toys I had as kid, he laugh highly when I was silly, at one point I pinched myself and felt it like I still had my body even though I knew I was out of my body, I looked up in the air there was no sun but still everything shined like a beautiful summerday. On somekind of cloudscreen he showed me my whole life and some of my future. The cloud somehow surrounded me and I was reliving a scene from my life but from another perspective, I saw myself eksemple playing with my brother and sister, when the scene was over the cloud left me and I was still sitting with jesus, and he showed me another scene from my life, at one point I was showen that he was the one that put my soul down in my body the day that I was born, I actuelly was in the hospital watching him kiss my forehead one second before I came to the world. When there my soul didn't care much for my body, I was still me but in my soul it ment much to please and obey him. He also showed me the many times he saved me in life, from car accidents among other stuff, like many of the times I prayed as kid, it felt like I was reliving all the scenes again, he then gave me some paperthin flesh like papyrus with his name on, written with blood that I had to eat. Before it did that I asked him if I could see his hands, he smiled and showed me them, I could clearly see that he once had huge old nailmarks in them. He then begain to teach me with words from the Testament and from the first page of the Bible but in some sort of code, words I had to heal with he said, and names and words was flashing fast on the screen, all the Desiples names and some letters, I said 'It is so simple that a child could make it' (It was sooo easy there) He then showed me the stonepillar Symeon Stylites use to seat on and something about the ANKH In the end he showed me myself as about 80 in a nursinghome and that he will come and get me the day that I die, he then gave me eternal life while he did that he draw something on the ground and said I should stop the daily temptations and stop saying hard words in anger then he hugged me and a big bright warm light surrounded us and we had go back to my body, on the way back we went close to saturn and walked on clouds... I been there two times now and everything he said came true (At the first experience I was sitting with Jesus looking out on a sunset and a beautiful wheatfield, behinde me there was a large tree with fruits I never seen before and a ladder in the middle of all, later he took me to a throneroom where I saw two chairs in one of them infront of me on my right hand I saw a old man looking exacly like GOD from Micheal Angelos painting of The Creation of sun and moon, behinde me on the wall I saw a big old wooden wheel with saphires between the spokes, I heard a loud voice said 'Bend' so I did and now Jesus was sitting in the other chair he told me that I had to save a girl from doing drugs, I met her and manage to convinced her, she is now working for the Governent... (everything above was going on telepathically) . I also been filled with the Holy Spirit twice, the last time it lasted for five days, I was full of pure joy, infact I never felt more joyfull and happy in my whole life, I was glowing for five days and the Dove keept showing up, in the air I saw tall blue/grayish men flying up and down everytime I heard an ambulance in my town and energies, purple /turquoise colors like rain comming towards us all the time maybe Neutrinoes) , His hair was so beautiful and his beard had at the throat some sort of an ancient hammercut style, his robe was light blue and old sandals... The followring days I saw his face in everything, in the the shape of trees and in almost everything living on earth...
UPDATE: A few days later I saw the old man sitting next to Jesus in the throneroom came flying right towards me in a vision when I blinked my eyes for a short moment
UPDATE: A few days later I saw the old man sitting next to Jesus in the throneroom came flying right towards me in a vision when I blinked my eyes for a short moment
Sarah Denise (guest) in Jesus And Me In The Clouds
My Testimony This time it started in 2014 when I saw '11,11' everywhere and a Dove kept showing up outside on my balcony, At sankt johns day I felt an urgent feeling that I should pray so I did, then my soul suddenly popped out and was begging to come home, A voice behinde me said 'make happy immediately I became very joyful 'Then one night a angel woke me up telling me I had to meet the lord, I flew out of my body from my balcony and saw a shinning crystal stairway I was so amazed that I sat down on it for awhile and looked around, there was nothing else but the shinning stairs the stars in the sky and me, soon after I heard a voice say ' Sarah Come ' So I raise and continued to the top, there I saw two doors, I chose the one I could hear music from, now I was in space again when he (Jesus) came flying on my right side, we then went to Orions Nebula (Messier 42) where he opened up a black hole or a tunnel with somekind of spellword to the four stars on the Nebula, as we walked through it I looked at the 'walls' it was kind of flickering electric but still I had view to cosmos... As we approach I saw many glittering colors and music, he said that's inspiration too people on earth and that I soon will fall apart as we get closer but he will fix me again when we get there... Then I woke up on his lap as a kid in the New Jerusalem (a star *) (all stars are home for our souls *) I was growing up fast, my whole past away family was waiting on a little bridge in front of me, all of them was young again I asked my aunt 'Do you know who this is'? Her answer was 'Yes He is always here'! I had some alonetime with them and we went up in a old mill tower to talk. I remenber there was a big old closet behinde the door and the floor was of red tiles and a little round window in the small room on 1st floor, after awhile Jesus came to get me and he and I went outside in what looked like a courtyard with pillars Jesus and I sat on the the edge of an small fountain and he gave me gifts, toys I had as kid, he laugh highly when I was silly, at one point I pinched myself and felt it like I still had my body even though I knew I was out of my body, I looked up in the air there was no sun but still everything shined like a beautiful summerday. On somekind of cloudscreen he showed me my whole life and some of my future. The cloud somehow surrounded me and I was reliving a scene from my life but from another perspective, I saw myself eksemple playing with my brother and sister, when the scene was over the cloud left me and I was still sitting with jesus, and he showed me another scene from my life, at one point I was showen that he was the one that put my soul down in my body the day that I was born, I actuelly was in the hospital watching him kiss my forehead one second before I came to the world. When there my soul didn't care much for my body, I was still me but in my soul it ment much to please and obey him. He also showed me the many times he saved me in life, from car accidents among other stuff, like many of the times I prayed as kid, it felt like I was reliving all the scenes again, he then gave me some paperthin flesh like papyrus with his name on, written with blood that I had to eat. Before it did that I asked him if I could see his hands, he smiled and showed me them, I could clearly see that he once had huge old nailmarks in them. He then begain to teach me with words from the Testament and from the first page of the Bible but in some sort of code, words I had to heal with he said, and names and words was flashing fast on the screen, all the Desiples names and some letters, I said 'It is so simple that a child could make it' (It was sooo easy there) He then showed me the stonepillar Symeon Stylites use to seat on and something about the ANKH In the end he showed me myself as about 80 in a nursinghome and that he will come and get me the day that I die, he then gave me eternal life while he did that he draw something on the ground and said I should stop the daily temptations and stop saying hard words in anger then he hugged me and a big bright warm light surrounded us and we had go back to my body, on the way back we went close to saturn and walked on clouds... I been there two times now and everything he said came true (At the first experience I was sitting with Jesus looking out on a sunset and a beautiful wheatfield, behinde me there was a large tree with fruits I never seen before and a ladder in the middle of all, later he took me to a throneroom where I saw two chairs in one of them infront of me on my right hand I saw a old man looking exacly like GOD from Micheal Angelos painting of The Creation of sun and moon, behinde me on the wall I saw a big old wooden wheel with saphires between the spokes, I heard a loud voice said 'Bend' so I did and now Jesus was sitting in the other chair he told me that I had to save a girl from doing drugs, I met her and manage to convinced her, she is now working for the Governent... (everything above was going on telepathically) . I also been filled with the Holy Spirit twice, the last time it lasted for five days, I was full of pure joy, infact I never felt more joyfull and happy in my whole life, I was glowing for five days and the Dove keept showing up, in the air I saw tall blue/grayish men flying up and down everytime I heard an ambulance in my town and energies, purple /turquoise colors like rain comming towards us all the time maybe Neutrinoes) , His hair was so beautiful and his beard had at the throat some sort of an ancient hammercut style, his robe was light blue and old sandals... The followring days I saw his face in everything, in the the shape of trees and in almost everything living on earth...
UPDATE: A few days later I saw the old man sitting next to Jesus in the throneroom came flying right towards me in a vision when I blinked my eyes for a short moment
UPDATE: A few days later I saw the old man sitting next to Jesus in the throneroom came flying right towards me in a vision when I blinked my eyes for a short moment
Sarah Denise (guest) in Soul Leaving Body - What Does It Mean?
My Testimony This time it started in 2014 when I saw '11,11' everywhere and a Dove kept showing up outside on my balcony, At sankt johns day I felt an urgent feeling that I should pray so I did, then my soul suddenly popped out and was begging to come home, A voice behinde me said 'make happy immediately I became very joyful 'Then one night a angel woke me up telling me I had to meet the lord, I flew out of my body from my balcony and saw a shinning crystal stairway I was so amazed that I sat down on it for awhile and looked around, there was nothing else but the shinning stairs the stars in the sky and me, soon after I heard a voice say ' Sarah Come ' So I raise and continued to the top, there I saw two doors, I chose the one I could hear music from, now I was in space again when he (Jesus) came flying on my right side, we then went to Orions Nebula (Messier 42) where he opened up a black hole or a tunnel with somekind of spellword to the four stars on the Nebula, as we walked through it I looked at the 'walls' it was kind of flickering electric but still I had view to cosmos... As we approach I saw many glittering colors and music, he said that's inspiration too people on earth and that I soon will fall apart as we get closer but he will fix me again when we get there... Then I woke up on his lap as a kid in the New Jerusalem (a star *) (all stars are home for our souls *) I was growing up fast, my whole past away family was waiting on a little bridge in front of me, all of them was young again I asked my aunt 'Do you know who this is'? Her answer was 'Yes He is always here'! I had some alonetime with them and we went up in a old mill tower to talk. I remenber there was a big old closet behinde the door and the floor was of red tiles and a little round window in the small room on 1st floor, after awhile Jesus came to get me and he and I went outside in what looked like a courtyard with pillars Jesus and I sat on the the edge of an small fountain and he gave me gifts, toys I had as kid, he laugh highly when I was silly, at one point I pinched myself and felt it like I still had my body even though I knew I was out of my body, I looked up in the air there was no sun but still everything shined like a beautiful summerday. On somekind of cloudscreen he showed me my whole life and some of my future. The cloud somehow surrounded me and I was reliving a scene from my life but from another perspective, I saw myself eksemple playing with my brother and sister, when the scene was over the cloud left me and I was still sitting with jesus, and he showed me another scene from my life, at one point I was showen that he was the one that put my soul down in my body the day that I was born, I actuelly was in the hospital watching him kiss my forehead one second before I came to the world. When there my soul didn't care much for my body, I was still me but in my soul it ment much to please and obey him. He also showed me the many times he saved me in life, from car accidents among other stuff, like many of the times I prayed as kid, it felt like I was reliving all the scenes again, he then gave me some paperthin flesh like papyrus with his name on, written with blood that I had to eat. Before it did that I asked him if I could see his hands, he smiled and showed me them, I could clearly see that he once had huge old nailmarks in them. He then begain to teach me with words from the Testament and from the first page of the Bible but in some sort of code, words I had to heal with he said, and names and words was flashing fast on the screen, all the Desiples names and some letters, I said 'It is so simple that a child could make it' (It was sooo easy there) He then showed me the stonepillar Symeon Stylites use to seat on and something about the ANKH In the end he showed me myself as about 80 in a nursinghome and that he will come and get me the day that I die, he then gave me eternal life while he did that he draw something on the ground and said I should stop the daily temptations and stop saying hard words in anger then he hugged me and a big bright warm light surrounded us and we had go back to my body, on the way back we went close to saturn and walked on clouds... I been there two times now and everything he said came true (At the first experience I was sitting with Jesus looking out on a sunset and a beautiful wheatfield, behinde me there was a large tree with fruits I never seen before and a ladder in the middle of all, later he took me to a throneroom where I saw two chairs in one of them infront of me on my right hand I saw a old man looking exacly like GOD from Micheal Angelos painting of The Creation of sun and moon, behinde me on the wall I saw a big old wooden wheel with saphires between the spokes, I heard a loud voice said 'Bend' so I did and now Jesus was sitting in the other chair he told me that I had to save a girl from doing drugs, I met her and manage to convinced her, she is now working for the Governent... (everything above was going on telepathically) . I also been filled with the Holy Spirit twice, the last time it lasted for five days, I was full of pure joy, infact I never felt more joyfull and happy in my whole life, I was glowing for five days and the Dove keept showing up, in the air I saw tall blue/grayish men flying up and down everytime I heard an ambulance in my town and energies, purple /turquoise colors like rain comming towards us all the time maybe Neutrinoes) , His hair was so beautiful and his beard had at the throat some sort of an ancient hammercut style, his robe was light blue and old sandals... The followring days I saw his face in everything, in the the shape of trees and in almost everything living on earth...
UPDATE: A few days later I saw the old man sitting next to Jesus in the throneroom came flying right towards me in a vision when I blinked my eyes for a short moment
UPDATE: A few days later I saw the old man sitting next to Jesus in the throneroom came flying right towards me in a vision when I blinked my eyes for a short moment
Burkina Faso (guest) in Something Enters My Body
For years as I sleep I feel someone is ibteribg my body or adding to my mind andcthoufgrs as I sleep. Sometimes I wake suddenky, I maybe sweating when it's not hot, other times I see andchearvthingavtgat I later can relate to from my dreams. I get scarred sometimes but I just wish I knew who the spuritsxwas do I can get clarity.
Guest333 (guest) in Extremely Bright Light
I'm orthodox christian, I advise whoever has experiences that seem "out of this world" to go speak to a trusted spiritual father - the evil forces of the world are smart and it's very easy to get tricked with our human senses - (eyes - ears etc) it's important to pray often and fast and have PATIENCE to be answered. Things take time like in nature / we are human so we tend to think for ourselves but remember faith is believing without seeing and we all need guidance to improve and sharpen our spiritual skill - so always question what you see or what your thoughts tell you. This is what I'm learning - spiritual dissonance - I too have had weird white light vision in the middle of the day when I was about 10 that spoke to me - getting older and looking back I start to question if that was the father of lies or The Father of Truth... It says right in there we all know it how the evil one masquerades as light 💡 - - the white light did not state a name or anything - - - the ULTIMATE deceiver - prays on our inner most wounds and fantasies. Uses the human body to evils advantage destroying us mind & body - - - instead of the biology Jesus Christ designed being used in order to achieve peace of heart and health of body through the commandments
Azzy (guest) in She Talked Through My Body
It's real. Esther Hicks is a famous channeler. She channels a group of spiritually helping entitiesthay go by the name Abraham. You can find Abraham-Hicks channeling sessions on YouTube. They teach you a lot about keeping your emotional energy high and manifestation. There's also Jane Roberts (currently deceased) who channeled an entity named Seth. Seth taught people a variety of things, especially about beliefs. They wrote books together to help people.
MATTHEW (guest) in I Saw The Light Of God
I saw the light today and it was incredible and beautiful! Thank You
Ben (guest) in A 3 Day Spiritual Awakening / Experience
Awesome story. I found my way here after a long search for the truth about the spiritual side of humans. I am a very scientific minded (rather than religiously minded) person but have this magnetism towards the idea of the spirit being separate from the physical side of us - meaning in other words that the body is just a vessel or vehicle to carry our consciousness, or spirit, or soul around.
I am doing a degree in Computing and IT, and in my computing course we studied AI, and during a lecture my tutor was talking about the work towards mimicking the human mind in programming, neural networks, and even some day transferring human consciousness into a machine. It all stemmed from this saying of "I think therefore I am" He asked me "Do you think this is achievable? Can the human consciousness be transferred from the human body, and if so into a machine?"
I answered honestly based on my beliefs and understanding of things (which is very little), and said "Yes, and No." He hated this... "Explain yourself" he said, so I said, very embarrassingly, in front of other programming and computing whizz-kids, "I think that what you are saying is impossible, the human consciousness or spirit is unique to living humans, once they die their spirit leaves the body, but it can't be forcefully removed and put into something else, however, I do believe that the spirit can leave the body and enter other realms of the mind which we might perceive as dimensions - it is how we dream and feel like we are actually there in terms of emotions".
At that point he said "Lunch everyone" and that was it, I didn't go back to my lecture and studied from home - I still am.
Anyway I found myself asking more questions and during a video I watched by Freddy Silva, he was talking about the spiritual right of passage the Egyptians used to take to visit other worlds. But in all the stories over time, whether the person did it accidentally or not, there is always this 3 day element to it all.
So the Egyptian Pharoe goes in the sarcophagus for 3 days, and returns or emerges as an enlightened being, all around this chamber are instructions of how to get to and survive this other-world experience. All based around the major megolith structures which are built to align with equinoxes, and all stories have a 3 day period.
I think this is not coincidence that your story had a 3 day period, but maybe you were intended to be asleep during the whole 3 day period to allow your conciousness or spirit to absorb and experience the whole thing, where you re-entered the physical world too soon and bursting with energy.
I don't know much, but I do know I am drawn to this spiritual side of things, and feel magnetised towards certain things that always end up being clues to a puzzle I can't explain. I dream of other-worldly experiences during regular sleep but these feel more than dreams, they are always so powerful emotionally like I actually feel as though I am there in person and have even woken up on numerous occasions gasping, or crying where the emotional feeling is so powerfully real. And I remember every detail.
I cannot decode these experiences but they all have a similar theme, usually one of 2: Trapped or imprisoned, or Global catastrophe in the form of an alien invasion, or a demon uprising of some sort, there have been too many variations of these themes to even start to explain here, some I remember all too clearly, others only vague details. And the more I search during my conscious state of being awake, the more powerful my dreams become.
It's like they are really trying to tell me something, the answer is right there, but I can't see it yet, so here I am on this spiritual search to find answers.
Anyway your story resonated with me, I wish I could contact you and talk more, I will keep an eye on this page, if you reply I will find a way of leaving a contact method or something.
Let me know your thoughts.
All the best,
I am doing a degree in Computing and IT, and in my computing course we studied AI, and during a lecture my tutor was talking about the work towards mimicking the human mind in programming, neural networks, and even some day transferring human consciousness into a machine. It all stemmed from this saying of "I think therefore I am" He asked me "Do you think this is achievable? Can the human consciousness be transferred from the human body, and if so into a machine?"
I answered honestly based on my beliefs and understanding of things (which is very little), and said "Yes, and No." He hated this... "Explain yourself" he said, so I said, very embarrassingly, in front of other programming and computing whizz-kids, "I think that what you are saying is impossible, the human consciousness or spirit is unique to living humans, once they die their spirit leaves the body, but it can't be forcefully removed and put into something else, however, I do believe that the spirit can leave the body and enter other realms of the mind which we might perceive as dimensions - it is how we dream and feel like we are actually there in terms of emotions".
At that point he said "Lunch everyone" and that was it, I didn't go back to my lecture and studied from home - I still am.
Anyway I found myself asking more questions and during a video I watched by Freddy Silva, he was talking about the spiritual right of passage the Egyptians used to take to visit other worlds. But in all the stories over time, whether the person did it accidentally or not, there is always this 3 day element to it all.
So the Egyptian Pharoe goes in the sarcophagus for 3 days, and returns or emerges as an enlightened being, all around this chamber are instructions of how to get to and survive this other-world experience. All based around the major megolith structures which are built to align with equinoxes, and all stories have a 3 day period.
I think this is not coincidence that your story had a 3 day period, but maybe you were intended to be asleep during the whole 3 day period to allow your conciousness or spirit to absorb and experience the whole thing, where you re-entered the physical world too soon and bursting with energy.
I don't know much, but I do know I am drawn to this spiritual side of things, and feel magnetised towards certain things that always end up being clues to a puzzle I can't explain. I dream of other-worldly experiences during regular sleep but these feel more than dreams, they are always so powerful emotionally like I actually feel as though I am there in person and have even woken up on numerous occasions gasping, or crying where the emotional feeling is so powerfully real. And I remember every detail.
I cannot decode these experiences but they all have a similar theme, usually one of 2: Trapped or imprisoned, or Global catastrophe in the form of an alien invasion, or a demon uprising of some sort, there have been too many variations of these themes to even start to explain here, some I remember all too clearly, others only vague details. And the more I search during my conscious state of being awake, the more powerful my dreams become.
It's like they are really trying to tell me something, the answer is right there, but I can't see it yet, so here I am on this spiritual search to find answers.
Anyway your story resonated with me, I wish I could contact you and talk more, I will keep an eye on this page, if you reply I will find a way of leaving a contact method or something.
Let me know your thoughts.
All the best,
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In the dream I'm walking on a path through the desert. Around me are only sand dunes, no vegetation and no water. Beside me, to my left, is a male presence who walks quietly. I never turn to see his face, but I know it's a man, and all though we've never met before I feel very comfortable and at ease in his presence. As I'm walking on my path I'm talking out loud, reminding myself that I need to ask my mother for her opinion in one matter, my brother for guidance in another and my friend's view on a third matter. Just as I'm about to remind myself of something else, this presence, who had been listening silently and patiently up until now, finally loses his patience. All of a sudden, he turns into an enormous figure of authority. He stops me in the midst of my sentence and says in a loud and determined voice "Don't ask your mother. Don't ask your brother. Don't ask your friend." I feel so inferior and childlike. But then he ads "Ask God. Ask God. Ask God." As he repeats "Ask God", three times, my eyes are drawn to the horizon where there is an immense bright light. The light grows bigger and draws closer until I'm embraced by the light. The initial feeling of submissiveness is taken over by the light, and I go from a state of subordinate fear to being overwhelmed with a transformative flood of divine love, joy and peace. This flood of love is tangible and physical. I'm dwelling in the purest form of love and in a second the light takes over everything and I wake up. As I wake up I'm absolutely overflowing with love, joy and peace. It is unlike anything I had ever experienced in my entire life. I immediately knew that I had been touched by God's grace, no doubts about it whatsoever. God's love had opened my eyes and transformed me forever and his peace had settled my troubled mind, I wasn't desperately searching for the truth anymore, I had found it. I went from being an agnostic to a believer in Jesus Christ in that same instant. Up until today this remains the most beautiful moment of my entire life.
The thing is that at the point I had this dream I didn't have a lot of theological knowledge. For example I had NO idea that in scripture God is depicted as a radiating light of love. I didn't know that the desert had been important to Moses and Jesus, that they had withdrawn to the desert to communicate with God. I had no clue that scripture commands us to 'Ask God', or that three (the number of times the command 'Ask God' in the dream is repeated) is a biblical number recurring throughout the Bible as a symbol of completeness; Jonah is in the whale's belly for three days, Peter denies Jesus three times, Jesus is tempted by the devil three times in the desert, Jesus rose on the third day etc.
I can't wait to see that same light again!