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Spiritual experiences comments: Page 4

Anon (guest) in Extreme Deja Vu
Also mushrooms have hive minds and they have negative energy sometimes

I used to love mushrooms yeah well they don't love us not some species anyway

I don't think I should blame mushrooms just be aware they're another hive mind

So are ants
Anon (guest) in Extreme Deja Vu
Ok I'm a bit manic at the moment so here's another comment

If it were demons or demon like it's from second heaven in 5D

Okay so the mind outside body

And these other minds give it information

But there's a bigger mind and information flows down also

Tells you its dejavu or go here or there

Could be your higher self not always demons

Think it's a demon maybe it is but is it an actual demon or is it more like this weird invisible connection they don't even know about

Trust me these people are being honest with you they really arent trying to hurt you either

If you were getting tripped out 5D downloads as a group you would not know obviously

Are these actual dejavus and past lives

Or more like groundhog day scenario

Are you afraid because there's information you are missing

Like what choices are they talking about

If you are into esoteric multiverse stuff

Okay the 5D idea is like a big hive mind thing that is like what u said

But there's also the ARTIFICIAL and NATURAL version

The artifical one promotes FEAR because the machines use infrared and microwaves

But our brains can pick up signals both artificial and natural

So our brains shut it out lots of signals got shut out

Cos imagine your mind trying to generate images of every signal coming from the sunlight its drive u bananas straight up

Thus some gets through and mind interprets

Does it get it right

Sometimes yes sometimes no

It's a fine art just figuring out
Anon (guest) in Extreme Deja Vu

Look I get why people say it's a demon I get that better than a lot of people

But I also know that just saying its demons is needless fear and telling people to read some new age crap is misleading or sending this fella to get tested for epilepsy is probably inaccurate.

(Get tested anyway)

There is other explanations like maybe hes primed himself to expect this sort of thing and feels it subconsciously and the other person picks up on that feeling and next thing you know repeat repeat

Not quite dejavu if it IS happening again

If its not happening again and just feels like it that's dejavu

Feeling controlled is his minds way of trying to explain the causes

Theres no demon in this case

Or no need for one
Anon (guest) in Extreme Deja Vu
Many ways to look at that one

1. People tend to repeat themselves as nauseam. It's just noticing that banality in the novelty

2. Maybe it's a message like what do you need to learn why does this message keep happening what is your mind trying to teach you. Avoid the far out conclusion. What's the theme they talking about?

But they talk to you right?

But nothing. Mind out of body. Your mind talk to their mind on the sly. And they say something to help your mind.

What does your mind need help with?

*note material monism means mind isn't out of body but actually if you observe what people are doing enough including yourself that's BS mind is out of body

Dont know why
Sorry Ahmad

I didn't even see you are in Egypt

Salaam no offense intended

Maybe it was ruqyah chants on YouTube or dua from friends I don't know maybe you know
Hey Ahmad

I don't know if you changed your name because your experience lead you to revert or not

If you have Arabic language before you have the experience if you were already Muslim this is your intuition guiding you to your noble Koran for further guidance

Although I have heard of khodam and these are good beings maybe they guided you... They care a lot those guys

I am not Muslim but I got told by a spirit recently they were a mowakil messenger and due to exceptional circumstances they would help me. I had to avoid smokes and clean my room. So I taught myself a little that's how I heard if khodams

Unfortunately I didn't do that.

So I await my own thing maturity or something. And you just taught me a word that probably means I forgot to do that bit so I never met them yet

Be cool to meet mowakil they sound like good ones

I thought it was weird they wanted to see me but I've been in the shiat so maybe they felt sorry for me

And yeah I should have given up the smokes and cleaned my room cos they can help aye

Thanks for sharing

I don't know how to say that word but maybe my thingies of that sort kept me smoking ciggies and not cleaning my room

So yeah Salaam and remember your mowakil are looking out for you and even unbeliever like me and I just didn't clean my room

Or maybe I was imagining things I don't know seems a bit much for mowakil to want to help me

Be nice if they did though I really had a rough trot lately. Thanks and salaam

It was the drugs and trauma

Glad you are out of harm's way

Drugs can be doorways

But you don't want to walk down them as you know it can lead to the crack house

See a counselor and try meditation

To keep balanced

You might long time away have experienced without drugs but if u in a better frame of mind you will be safer

Wait until u get safer and stay clean

Good job on getting clean

Pain can lead to dissociation which can lead to OBEs (out of body experience)

Find another way to cope with pain and call yourself back in
Trust your own gut instinct more

Keep your head level

But trust your gut

Your mum is right, don't believe what you hear or read and only believe half of what u see

So trust your gut

If it says something different that's fine

I got omen of u becoming a dad, could be wrong but I read that I used logic not my guts

Congrats by the way

Way cool

I look forward to going back there again

I think I know what u mean

It's an interesting way of putting it

I saw an orb at the end of a rainbow bridge and I jumped in and there was a squllion fractals of perfect geometry in every colour

And this was a multiverse

So I was like full on who needs drugs

I suppose each bit would be like different appliances as analogy

The strangers don't know that's happening

This is coming from your trauma. Its root is shame come from. That trauma

If someone hurt you not your fault no shame needed

The feeling it make people worry we being watched and judged

When people actually too busy going about life to even notice
Dont have to freak out about demons but you still need to be careful with some of that theosophical crap

Main thing is your generating some of these experiences. And not all of them. All manifestations are collective. And some things are just observations or semi-manifested (for you)

Once you get the hang of comprehending that you might find it easier

Okay so like let's say all this stuff is real like everything is

Why and how do we experience many same things (like the sun) and lots of individual spirit stuff

Is the spirit stuff not real?

Sometimes it is utter BS.

Sometimes it isnt.

You need to learn discernment and attunement

The angel numbers are tuning your mind in lieu of you coming up with your own system of attunement... Do you want your mind attuned to a blog or do you want it attuned to your truth?

Although I must admit when I see 1111 I get a bit excited and hope an angel come to help me
Take it from someone that has had the experience of a soul and heart being ripped out of my body while awake that

1. That wasn't what u were going through
2. I'm not dead so that wasn't me

I don't know what that was. But I'm.not dead.

Garbage comes to mind. So does fears.

People are afraid of losing their souls.

They might have dreams about it.

No need to fear it.

Even if a horse of invisible bad guys try to rip it out, while awake, you can live through it.

It could be schizohectics in my case but my background suggests otherwise.

Point is dead bodies don't have souls and they don't type comments on websites either.
Balance is the key here.

Yes you can channel spirits.

Yes they can also lie. And yes it is sometimes fake

Yes it's sometimes dissociation.

You need to get in control of your trance states and learn discernment.

See s counselor to learn about your mind and other reasons why you are in trance states

Mediums need to keep strong. Those things are not supposed to come and go as they please. It's your body and mind.

So get yourself strong.

That way if u are a medium you get better at it

And if you are not you get the help you need

Trust me. I know medium ship. In strong spiritual state mega clairvoyant I could speak just about anyone living or dead

Whoops I wasn't good at guarding

Then dark mages stuffed with me and bad experiences happened

You gotta get strong FIRST
Anon (guest) in Satyr In My Room
Conjurinh an entity does not mean you serve the entity.

It means you asked to meet them.

You can also ask the entity to leave, and guess what 9 out of 10 times they will

Some entities don't want to leave. They don't want to because they believe strongly they have rights they do not. So you gotta stand firm in advance.

Let me ask you can a goat like entities sign a contract? No it's got hooves.

So if it can't sign a contract there's no signature which means there is no contract.

You ask that thing to just leave politely and see what happened.

In some ways you created it. Not quite

It's like a manifestation.

Conjuring is like "everything that can exist does so let's call in this thing" and if it shows up it's a manifestation

If it's not a physical manifestation its ethereal or astral usually.

Some people can see that stuff better than others

It's sort of "semi real" in the sense that it is real but not for everyone

By the way that's cool and if you struggle to peacefully get it to leave you can conjure up one of its enemies. They all got one, those "gods". Pan is similar to Dionysus so hes the get drunk and party god. Basically call in whoever keeps him in line if u need back up. You can probably even call in an entity you invent. Like what would keep a horny drunk goat in line? Maybe some god carrying a bucket of water to tip on his head and asking him to walk in a straight line?

Dont flip out cos you wind up in the nuthouse that way
Michael Knight (guest) in White Light Experience
Last June of this year 2019 I was at the end. Heavy functioning alcoholic
the sloppy details of my life.
The basic one was my father was a Russian orthodox priest and we had no choice but to be
His circus performers on Sundays and holidays. He was so into god. God god. His religion and his ideals. He could do no wrong but yet he broke all the commandments. He was so selfish. Cheated and beat my mother,divorced,My brother died 4 years ago of renal cell carcinoma, he was 59, I am 58. I took a year off to take care of him and Evan took pictures of the experience of his death. His life taken by cancer.
I could not understand why my brother didn't tell me my father was molesting him. How could he sit at the supper table and not say anything. My brother had a nervous break down and asked if I could put him up. I did. Then he asked is I could get him a job where I was working at a Mercedes restoration shop. Back then they didn't use safety precautions when dealing with the chemicals. I feel to blame that I got him a job that would later take his life. The last parish we were at he said he was going to New York and we were not going with him. Little did we know he was going to get defrocked. He met a lady with money there. Anyhow he came back to town, i didn't know and was staying at the church secretary's house and wanted to mary her. He got a job and rolled co van thinking she would come to his rescue. But instead she called me up to pick up his luggage, go to the hospital and convince the doctors he won't commit suicide. Do not bring him back here. He spent 11 years after supper going over there. But she had money. He cornered her in the kitchen and said let's get married. My dad felt he never had to work. I stopped my life to rescue him.
He met a lady in new york. I took him to the train station a few months later. He would have been homeless and no money with out the rich lady.Barbara.My father died and I told Barbara all about my dad but she said I still love him, that was his prior life... Anyhow then Barbara was on her death bed and we rushed to say good by to her. She only had a cousin left. We thanked her for everything she did for us. She had had a stroke when they took her off the blood thinners to do a surgery it was the beginning of the end. In the icu She kept holding her head and I asked her if she was in pain and she moved her head. People talked as if she couldn't hear. I saw her peak out of the corner of her eye. I askd if she was in pain and she moved her head around fast. They did not want to give her morphine cause it could kill her. I went to the nurse and said you have no choice. I made the call. She died just before they were going to put her in a hospice home to die the next Monday. So we went back to new york for the funeral. She had left all her money to the church. The cousin must have found her lap top and read all the emails she saved. She asked if we wanted her jeep so she asked the bishop and they replaced all the bad and cleaned it up and gave it to us. She was very kind to do that.
MY EXPERIENCE... I was sitting in my garage just before dusk, we live set back in the woods and I restore cars out of my home. This tiny bright light flew in my shop and floated in the corner. I saw it and said wow that's great I want you to stay around and maybe help me through life. I knew it was awesome. Then it flew so fast at my face that I swiped it away and all I could hear is feathers and see the light coming at me. At first I thought it was my wife with a flash light, but there was no one there. Then I looked by the door and the lite was floating by the wood stove. I wanted to check my phsycy so I asked if it could move the box on the wood stove and it did 10 inches. Then I asked if it could move it back and it did. I communicated with it. I talked with it for it seems hrs, until the moskitoes started getting me. I said wow bill you can move a box but you can't help me win mega bucks. I was suppose to think of the number 1 and do a quick pick power ball so I could get money to finish his home on lake winesquam. Share the money with my family. It still sits 8 acres in the woods the road built. I'm sure its starting to grow back in. It was his pride. I can't help anyone because I have no money to help myself. That night just after 12 I got woken up by this festering energy in my body. It was something I never felt before. After I fell asleep it must have given me something because I had no desire to consume alcohol. It gave me strength. I have lost 60 pounds. I only eat good real foods and I look for that energy every day. There is nothing on u tube that collaborates with communicating with the light. I want to see it again. I want to talk to it. What was it or who was it that appeared. Was it barbara?bill?my guardian angel? My mother?. I look every day for more signs. I believe all religions are for the fanatics. This is the real deal. My cell phone is 603-661-2113.If you can help me in my journey please call. There must be a way to call it back... Ive been to physics that only took my money... I think the light gave me something special. I want to know more. I am going to register to be a member. Thank you for this site. Michael Knight.I live in new hampshire
I dreamt last night that my soul was leaving my body. I felt light and free. Was flying. After few seconds, I got scared and got back into my body.
Iwas hsd a terrible flue so one night I could feel my soul fighting to leave my painful body my body resisted to lrt my soul go and I was in excruciating pain beyond discriotion until in the end my soul won I could see my soul floating above my body what does this mean
I've been researching this because something recently has happened that relates to this.

I was laying in bed, and I was about to fall asleep, and then I heard a girl's voice say "You're Good." And it scared the crap out of me! I assumed it was my own voice and that I accidentally talked while laying there.

A few days later, I was laying in bed again, and I heard the same voice say, "You're Good." I was still shocked. It was kind of horrifying, I thought maybe there was a spirit in my room. I researched about it and I think it might be a Sleep Hallucination. I sure hope it is, I would hate to have a spirit; (
Lionel Hunt (guest) in Extremely Bright Light
I had the strangest experience this morning around 3:30am. I was laying in my bed, I was wide awake when I saw a very bright light start flashing down the passage by the front door, initial I thought it was lightning, but the light became brighter, made it's way up the passage and then to the bottom of my bed again the closet. I was circular but flickering (if that makes sense) I thought it was maybe the neighborhood security patrol so I went to the bathroom window, looked out side but never saw any patrol vehicles at all, and given the position on the bathroom window, there was no ways that the light from a patrol vehicle could have shone through so brightly and so circular. My father passed away on the 19th December 2019. I did pray to God to give me a sign that all way well with my dad.
I experienced this same thing last night. I walked out to our back yard and heard the most amazing music ever, never heard anything like it. For a second I stood there thinking who could be playing this now and loud enough that I could hear it. I suddenly got the goosebumps and realized that what I was listening was not of this world. Something so unique I can't even describe it, just beautiful. It last for about 20 seconds and slowly disappeared, I was stunned.
Allegra Assouline (guest) in Psychic Messages In Arabic
Egyptian born and raised in Alexandria. Live in Miami. Looking for honest knwledgeable coffee reader (not charlatans). My aunts of blessed memory were extraordinary coffee readers. (Allah yerhamhom). If you know of any reliable tasseography reader please let me know at: rassouline [at]
Alf shokr for your attention.
bluegreengrass in Positive In Black
It does not seem shadow people are positive beings at all. I would maybe suggest you contacting or your daughter contacting a true lightworker to help. I did a search for The Reiki Help Page (here in the U.S.) and got help for free from there. I also went to and there's also to help her protect herself. I am very sorry and wish there was more I could do for you. I had also read a book where a woman was able to push a shadow person away from her bedroom psychically by envisioning a power animal filled with light pushing it away.
I'm so sorry in my quest for truth, I got lost, and opened doors to something very dark, I don't want to deceive anyone with this article, cause Jesus Christ saved me from the darkness O naively got myself into, seeking truth through meditation, and other forms of the occult took me to someplace very dark, although love is beautiful, only when it is from Christ is it real! Ebi
child of God (guest) in Satyr In My Room
You should seek a deliverance minister. These beings are evil. Call out to the only lord and savior Jesus Christ.
James Martin (guest) in I Saw The Light Of God
Hi James we all miss you so much and it's not the same without you I wish you were still here on earth.
But I know you are proud of me and Jason too. I'm always thinking about you all these years you help mother to raise me
And I appreciate that. Sometimes when I think about you I feel like crying because I miss you so much you help me a lot and I always help you do the same. Even you were my stepdad but you were like a friend to me and I love you so much.

Sincerely Dillen justice
All these stories are so interest; that's why I came here. I too have been experiencing some entity touching me or even entering my body. I live alone. It doesn't matter if I'm asleep or awake. This seems to happen between 10:30 PM to 12:PM. I feel it enter and take up a presence within me. Sometimes I also feel the tingling in my head. How I get it to leave is pray. I command it to leave my body, leave my house, that it has no business here and it must move on. I always close with "In Jesus's name, Amen", then it leaves. I actually feel it lift from my body and leave. Sometimes it'll come back, so I go through the routine again. But - this happens just about every night.
Last night I had a laptop computer sitting on an adjacent table. The lid was in the open position but it had gone to a black screen due to it being in non-use mode. The entity came at about 11:PM and entered my body. I hadn't fallen asleep yet. When it entered my body I immediately prayed for it to leave, and it then left. I could feel it leave in a hurry. It must have triggered something with my computer because the computer lit up like I had hit the start button or something. It eventually went back to screen saver mode and went to a black screen again. About 30 minutes after that the entity came back and entered me a second time. So - I prayed again and again it left my body again. Again my computer lit up as though I had hit the start button. So - there's obviously some electronic connection that this entity puts out. I certainly can't explain it. I've been experiencing this phenomenon since 2009. I only experience it in my house; nowhere else. Also my house was new when I bought it in 2005.
I'd sure like some help with getting rid of this thing once and for all. In Jesus name.:-)
I once saw a dream I was skateboarding on the streets of my old neighbourhood and suddenly I came across a big herd of birds in front of me in the middle of the road.
I stopped because I didn't want to scare 'em off, I remember hearing something about disstress and that's when something strange happened. My breathing slowed down to a point that it normally never reaches, it almost stopped and then suddenly it felt as if I was going to slip out of my body and float up towards the sky!
But I thought I would die and then I woke up...
I don't know what would've happened if I didn't woke up, but it was a scary feeling, that I can say!
Almost surreal...
I had a similar out of body experience on the 19th of Dec 2019 betweeen 18:10-~18:14. My soul left my body and was watching my landlord cleaning the yard with some gardeners. I was even able to follow their discussions. I thought it wad all a dream until fear gripped me and I wanted to wake up. I realised that only one of my fingers was active as I hit it on the matteras several times. I shouted Jesus, cried, holy spirit and got tired. Then I suddenly gave up and lied still, I then so my spirit getting back into my body. I saw my head very clearly and how my body was helpless as I tought it was an evil spirit coming to take control of my body. I couldn't get up, nor utter a word. When it finally entered, I got up and I was terrified. I have alwats had attacks and fights in my sleep, including other spirits following me ans I am running, but this one was the height of it as I was scared I was going to die.
This is just my own beliefs and what I know, but I hope it helps.

Most people's spiritual senses are quite underdeveloped. But there are some in society that just extraordinary spiritual sense, even if they haven't done anything to improve it. And I'd say there are multiple factors which determines this. One is the kinds of ancestors you've had. Another is the type of people/group you spend time with, and the overall actions of your own self as well.

I think that we are currently living in an abnormal world, where things are unnatural. Just think about it. Almost every major religious scriptures says that God is a God of benevolence and love, and yet, there is suffering all over this world. So if God really exists and is one of love, then why is there so much suffering and pain? I'd say that it's because God truly and deeply loves us as his own children.

Have you ever thought of God as a parent before? I think it's the lack of recognition of God as a parent that stops people from answering this question. This may not sound like it makes sense, but it really does. Let's say there is a person that was very successful in life, due to his effort and devotion. Furthermore, he was also a very morally good person. Let's say that he the type of person we can call the "Ideal" person.

Then that person decides to have a child. What do you think he would want for the child? He'd likely want his child to inherit the good qualities of himself, and grow up to become like himself. This is basically the same with God. God is our parent, and he/she as a perfect being wanted us humans to inherit God's qualities. But imagine if God made it so that all humans always followed his orders no matter what. It would basically be like commanding a bunch of robots, or like handling artificial intelligence. This is why God gave us free will.

God wants us to be like himself with our own will. And so he/she created us in his/her own image, with free will. Also, have you ever wondered why God created female and male? That's because they were a part of God's properties. Just so you know, I do not hate gays or trans or lgbtq+. But if we look at how God created us as man and woman, due to his actions of creating us in his own image, I'd say being lgbtq+ is not something God wants.

In everything there is a figure of a male figure and a female figure. In animals, there is male and female. In plants there is stamen and pistil. In atoms and subatomic particles, there is positive charge and negative charge. And even things that reproduce asexually have some form of female and male figure. Furthermore, God made humanity the owners of the earth and the universe. So it's obvious that through the things we've made, we've affected the plants and animals in a way to cause abnormalities. For example, pollution, gmo, crossbreeding etc.

But overall, pretty much everything has a female type part and a male type part, including humans. Without 1 part, everything will break down and be ruined. This is an example of one of the qualities of God, duality. So the purpose of man a woman is for us to successfully come together to completely resemble God. Without 1, we cannot resemble God, which is why I believe we should not be lgbtq+. I'm just going to say again, I have no hate against anyone in lgbtq+. They are all still God's children, and deserve God's love and such.

Just because someone does something wrong doesn't mean God will hate them. God will simply dislike those such qualities, but not the people themselves.

Anyways moving on, why is it that God let's us suffer? Well, the first humans failed to accomplish their missions, which caused the fall. And according to most religious scriptures, it says they fell due to eating some fruits, which I believe is metaphoric. In the bible, it says that Adam and Eve covered their private parts right after they fell. Why would they cover their private parts, when their wrongdoings were done by their mouths and their hands?

Furthermore, it seriously doesn't make sense for humanity to go through so much suffering just because they ate some fruits which they weren't supposed to. One thing that can make such thing happen is if the holy lineage of God was broken.

In other words, the real fall was actually due to illicit sexual love/relationships. Eve was tempted by Lucifer and "ate the fruit", causing her lineage to be taken by Lucifer, the archangel/satan. Then Eve, with the lineage of Satan did it with Adam, causing Adam to also lose his lineage. Now all the humans were taken away in the domain of Satan. This is worth the thousands of years of suffering of humanity. The loss of God's full lineage.

And so, I believe human history was basically just a part of the process of restoring our original lineage and original selves. And God could not interfere. Why couldn't he interfere? If he had interfered, and if he just saves us all without reason, then we'd never become the owners of ourselves. We'd never be qualified to be the owners of the creation which God wanted us to become. In some parts of the bible, it said that God said 3 things. "be fruitful", "multiply", and "have dominion and care of the universe".

Being fruitful means to perfect ourselves and unite our mind and body centred on God. Multiply means to multiply human kind, and create a family. And expand the family to a tribe, to a nation and to a world. And the third quote is to literally just have great dominion and care over the world. Human kind was meant to be the owners of creation, like God. And we can't do that if he just interferes and does the work for us. The only possible way he can interfere is if we create the conditions for him to be able to help.

This is why prayer can allow God to give messages or help in some way. It's basically like a trade system. You are investing your time and effort, and in trade, you get God's help. And his help is equal to how great the condition made was. But it's much more complicating that this. As I mentioned before, there are many factors as to why some are very spiritually awakened why some aren't.

I think people are affected through ancestors (heredity), the group you are with (collective), and your own actions (individual). For example, Noah cursed his son, Ham and his descendants, due to Ham's mistake. I guess that's a case of both hereditary and collective effect. Anyways, everything has a reason. Why might you have these special spiritual abilities? I don't know. Maybe your ancestors were largely involved with this type of stuff and did a lot of spiritual practices. Or maybe it's because of the church you attend. Or maybe it's because of your efforts. Or maybe it's all of those reasons combined.

So what I'm trying to say here is that you weren't just randomly chosen by God to have all these spiritual experiences or this awakening or whatever. It just turns out that you were born with these factors, and created these factors as you lived. If you really were chosen by God to do a very special mission, then you'd know, and you'd probably have been given a clear message from God.

But even so, I'd definitely recommend you to do good and use these abilities to help others. Just try your best to live not self centred. Try to live for the sake of others. Also, considering you have these abilities, I'd recommend you to just sincerely pray to God, and try to know him better. Try to love him and comfort him. God is definitely in pain, seeing his children suffer for thousands of years. He is also in pain, seeing that some of his children even regard him as a fantasy, or as a non existent being. Furthermore, I recommend you to pray really really hard to ask for truth. The bible isn't all there is to the truth.

You're probably aware that you still have so many questions unanswered. Best way to get the proper answers is to just sincerely pray to God with the most effort. Do it with good intent and live a life of love and prayer. And you may find answers.

What I recommend not doing is doing bad deeds. What you do will come back at you. Do good and good will follow. Do bad and bad will follow.

As for Jesus Christ, he will not come from the clouds and save those who simply believe in him. He won't even come down from the clouds. Jesus will come in the flesh, like a "thief in the night". The bible says that the 2nd coming will come quietly. But at the same time, it says that everyone will know of the second coming. I'd say it means that Jesus will come again as another person. No one will know that he has come, until he does his work and bears great fruits.

In that sense, a majority of the world will know that the 2nd coming has come. Not in a literal sense, where Jesus will really come down from the clouds. Jesus in the bible said that there will be a lot of false prophets and false messiahs. He said that we will know them by their fruits. He also said that there will be the "lawless one". Or the "man of lawlessness". He said there will be the "antichrist". And in my opinion, he is not talking about specific people or 1 specific person. The antichrist is the people that go against Christ. There will also be many false prophets and false messiahs. As for the lawless one, I think it means a certain ideology.

The bible verses acts as if it's a person. It says "shall exalt himself and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak astonishing things against the God of Gods". It says "above EVERY God". And I think we all know there is only 1 God. So I'd say God in this case doesn't literally mean God, but it means the tools of God, such as religion and things that will help restore human kind. And the "God of Gods" basically symbolises the real God.

Not only that, the bible says that the lawless one was also working with Satan even in the days of Jesus Christ (I don't remember these specific verses). And obviously, no man alive has ever lived that long. And there has never been any kind of mention of a certain entity or being that has the role of the "lawless one". The lawless one is also not Lucifer or the archangles, as it says that the lawless one is in work with Satan, in a way that the lawless one is seperate from Satan.

From this, the most fitting of the "man of lawlessness" would be a certain ideology that will nearly dominate the world, and go against God and the idea of a creator. For example, it could be like communism. The person who created communism (Karl Marx) made it with the intention of creating a utopian society. It's intention was good, but obviously communism would never have worked. It was uniting nations in a false manner of what was supposed to somehow create peace in the end. Something like that can be the "man of lawlessness".

Or who knows, maybe communism was the lawless one. Maybe the messiah has already arrived. What if the messiah already came and is doing his work already. Who knows. I guess we'll find out later. But whether or not he already came or not, I believe that as the bible said, he will come "like a thief in the night". But the fruits he will bear will eventually let the whole world know that he is the messiah, after a certain amount of time passes. I just don't think he will come on the clouds. Just as how John the baptist had the position of Elijah, I believe another man will come with the same position of Jesus.

I suggest you should try to ask God about this, and maybe you'll find an answer. I'm personally not very spiritually open of awoke. I did have some spiritual experiences, but not as nearly as much as you claim you have. But anyways, I hope this helped you.
Godchild (guest) in Born a Blue Baby
I just wanted to share my story. My son was born with cord around his neck. I'm not sure how long it was around his neck to the time he was born. The first hospital I went to didn't do an ultrasound or sonogram. I was dehydrated and having contractions they sent me home from being there 15 minutes. I was only dilated 1cm. I had to wait another day to go to a different hospital due to weather and power outage. I felt went he pull on the cord it hurted so bad all I could do was cry and pray.
But I'm very blessed and thankful to God for saving his life he's now 13 year old.
I am now 32 and will never forget the heavy almost scarey strong hand that rested on my left shoulder at a time when I thought I was alone, almost 15 years ago and will never forget the feeling... Child of God 👑
Acka in In A Dream
Your story is moving. Only sorry I read it 2 years later. A lot of people refer to christ... Do you believe this also?. I'm just being curious. I'm just wondering how one corroborates this sense of knowing that one has met christ... I met some gracious kind, and helpful people once. They talked about how one can grow and broaden like the branches of a tree moving upward as the tree grows. And then they spoke rhe lords prayer in another language. It turna out to have been in hebrew.
Hmmm. I like this story. It reminds me of something similar, but in reference to becoming an independent adult living in boston, on my own for the first time. "My friend" (a special guide/messenger perhaps) advised me of the beautiful garden, but also cautioned me that there were 'little monsters' like troubles that can occur if you're not careful. But 'my friend' encouraged that I would make it...
Tracy Caldwell (guest) in Finding Four-leaf Clovers
I've been finding four leaf Clover since I was a kid, literally five years old picking clovers and giving them to my aunts that I found out today were white witches. So there is a spiritual connection as clover finders, we are spiritually gifted.
James (guest) in Changing Faces
I have seen a woman's face in the face of now two different women when I looked at them in a certain situation. Now one would probably say I might have another on my mind when I was with these two individuals, but the woman's face in which I saw, is not someone I have known in this physical life, I'm sure of this... At the same time, the feelings that hit me were overwhelming and full of elation and joy, a warmth I've not felt from anyone or anything before. When I first saw it in the first woman it was a close an intimate moment, not sexual though. I was sitting face to face and had her head in my hands and I shiat you not, the woman sitting in front of me transformed before my eyes. Still had same color eyes and hair, but the facial structure changed. The same thing happened with the second woman. Has anyone ever experienced something like this or knows what it could mean?
timi (guest) in Am I Descending?
what can never be taken away from you ever is your divine birthright. You can never not be a part of 'god', the 'creator', the 'universe' whatever you wish to call it. You can be in seperation by what you claim and by what others claim for you. This is a matrix only and not Truth with a capital T.

I had a similar dark night of the soul. Although, mine manifested as lots of health issues and depression. I became so opened up spiritually but was not experienced well and did not have a community around spirituality and it became quite easy for me to stay dangerously ungrounded. It was also a lack of energetic boundaries that kept me under psychic attack and at the mercy of everyone elses emotions and vibration. This was a neccessary passage for me as now I am able to offer grounded support for others through their turbulant awakenings...
I have some sort of demon attached to me. I have never seen him but he has pretended to be two things I am obsessed with. I hear him clear as day and he hurts me and others I know. He also makes me very ill. I can cleanse with sage and he goes away for a day or half a day. I recently started talking to Arch Angel Michael and his prayer is the only thing that makes it go away.
Mike h (guest) in Changing Faces
So I was told by this very old japanese lady that I "change faces" she also kept calling me "Jimmy" and said I followed her around for 50 years.
I had something like this last night. Sometime in the night while I was sleeping, I woke up feeling a vibration throughout my body. It was brief, but then moments later I felt an even stronger vibration throughout my whole body, and so I sat up. After sitting up, I looked around the room, and in the dark I could see my husband sleeping next to me. Right after this, I felt like I was completely paralyzed, and it felt like something else controlled my bodily motions. It felt like something was pulling me over off the bed (the top half of my body was now over my husband's side of the bed), swinging my arms up and down (either like a dance, or after thinking about it, maybe whatever was trying to control me was trying to pull and shake me the rest of the way out of my body). I couldn't even move my lips, but I could vocalize sounds. I felt so scared because I was not the one shaking my arms up and down, so I spoke out (like a ventriloquist, since I couldn't move my lips) "Satan, I rebuke you in the name of Jesus!" several times, and next thing I know I was laying like normal on my pillow. It was like my soul had been lifted up halfway out of my body when I had "sat up" in bed, and then something was trying to pull me out the rest of the way, and then I snapped back into my body.
Betty (guest) in Changing Faces
I have experience this before and I'm looking for answers as my story is similar to like yours I've known this man for about 3 years and his face changes a lot to be honest it's very scary it feels like my mind is being played with and Everytime this happen my mouth is glued shut and a great amount of fear shallows me away the feeling will last for about 5 to 8mins and when I snap back into reality things feel so awkward between us but he doesn't see anything wrong with this picture he actually calls me crazy I feel like he has voodoo on me some time or that he really have bad mental health issues that he needs help with but maybe be afraid to admit to I swear it reminds me of the movie split
"ALL TRUTH, CAN ONLY BE FOUND IN MESSIAH YAHSHUA." His FAITH in us enables us to believe his Fathers words. IN His anointed dwells his GOD and Fathers word. His GOD and Fathers teaching. JONH 7:16-17- Jesus answered them and said, 'My teaching is NOT mine, but HIS who sent (commissioned) me; if any one may will to do HIS will, he shall know concerning the teaching, whether it is of GOD, or, I do speak from myself: JOHN 20:17b- "... I (Jesus) ascend unto my Father, and your Father, and to my GOD, and to your GOD:" PSALMS 33:6- By the word of Yahweh were the heavens made; and all the HOST of them (SUN, MOON AND STARS) by the breath of His mouth (spirit).

Truth found ONLY in the Fathers anointed, was replaced with ERROR, stemming from Judeo-Christianity and the traditions of men (synagogue/ church) and OUR misunderstanding of what the scriptures teach: The reason being, bible translators give us their version of the Hebrew, Aramaic & Greek texts, in English, NOT necessarily a literal translation, but their biased opinion of what they believe to be true (mans doctrine). Take the capitalisation of words for instance, which gives the reader a false impression of the authors original intent; Changing word into Word (Name) or changing devil into Devil (Name) or changing satan into Satan (Name) doesn't help anyone seeking truth: Most people take for granted that the bible they are reading is TRUE and without ERROR. Take the KJV ONLY believers, they insist that their KJV bible is the ONLY bible that is inspired by God and has NO ERROR. For that statement to be TRUE, that would mean Yahweh's doctrine/teaching is FALSE and His word is NOT found in us. The KJV and some other translations that people use, IS what the authors state it to be, a VERSION and not a TRANSLATION...

Persian dualism, a view of two Gods in the cosmos battling for supremacy, was carried out of Persia with the repatriated Hebrew people in the 6th Century BC. A Greek takeover filled the Persian idea of a lesser evil God with all the myth and lore of the Greek pantheon. Greek theology brought us to the Satan we have in our minds today.

What Did The Persians, Greeks, And Pharisees Bring Us? The Pharisees brought us just the info we were looking for. These most derisional religious icons had a leading role in the saga of Christianity's Satan. A look back at their journey and connections with Persia shows how the Pharisees were raised up by Persian Magi from Farsi. As spiritual children of Persian magicians, the power hungry Pharisees glommed onto the idea of an evil lesser God and forced it into the psyche of the Jerusalemites under their care. As the group most responsible for guiding religious thought in the centuries after leaving Persia, the Pharisees were able to instruct the masses in the ways of Satan. The sequel to their epic move was even more subtle. The Hellenization of a people allowed Greek ideas to fill the holes in an oddly unbiblical doctrine of Satan. Voila, Satan was then given to the Christians and we now have the Greeks to thank for that.

Any unbiased scholar will tell us then, that the Greek word must represent and be defined by the Hebrew meaning of the word. Therefore, the Satan in the New Testament is informed by the sawtawn of the Old Testament. That leaves us with some pretty clear conclusions on what a satan and a demon are. Context shows that satan, demons, devils, and unclean spirits are several things, And one of those things is not the supernatural entities Christendom has suggested they are. We find the satan of the Bible to be; an adverse person, an adverse situation, a physical illness, a mental infirmity, a false teacher of false doctrine, an erroneous belief or false doctrine, a person who is a deceiver, a person who opposes God's plan or another person, and yes, even God Himself is at times the sawtawn. So we see that Yahshua was indeed tempted in the wilderness, but God's spirit sent Him there to be tested. In the entire ministry of Yahshua, there were no stronger adversaries than the religious leaders. We see that Yahshua was tested by these satans on many occasions and it was these jealous, pride filled, and tenacious scrutineers who would test the Messiah because they had an obligation to test any figure who appeared on the scene and was said to be a candidate for Messiah.

Why does the noun sawtawn get translated as a NAME by scholars when translating out of the Hebrew?
Ministers quote Rev 12; about the "war in heaven" and "the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan..." and insist that "satan" is a "fallen angel." But, in verse 3 that "satan" has "seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads." That is the SAME seven headed "beast" upon which Mystery Babylon rides in Rev 17; and there it is quite plain - it is a conglomeration of nations! They say the "war" in Rev 12; was fought in God's "heaven," but, in verse 1, we find the "woman clothed with the sun," was, also, in "heaven." The woman is Israel, and Israel was on the earth, so the "heaven" of Rev 12; is on the earth, also! These 2 facts: (1) The "satan" of Rev 12; is identical to the "kings" (nations) of Rev 17; and (2) the "heaven" of Rev 12; is where Israel is, absolutely rules out Rev 12 as being about any supernatural, omnipresent, immortal fallen angel. The "Satan" of the Churches cannot be found in Rev 12; The truth about "satan" is nothing short of ASTOUNDING. The Satan of the churches is as real as the hell of the churches!

1. The title "Lucifer" appears only once in the Bible and it is a mistranslation! Even then, the passage is plainly addressed to a mortal man who is identified and told he is going to die soon! Yet that passage has been used for centuries by "the clergy" to expound about an old archangel called "Lucifer!"
2. "Devil" is NOT found in the Old Testament at all.
3. "Devils" (plural) is used 4 times and ONLY in reference to idols of wood and stone. It does NOT refer to any "living" IMMORTAL thing.

JOHN 1:1- IN the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. KJV

When Paul and Barnabas were at Lystra (in Asia Minor) spreading the Good News of Messiah's Reign, Paul healed a lame man. Witnesses began shouting: "The gods are come down to us in the likeness of men. And they called Barnabas, Zeus, and Paul, Mercury, because he was the lead spokesman (Gk. Logos) ".Acts 14:11-12 Wait a minute! I thought Yahshua was The Logos: JOHN 1:1 Because of these basic errors in theology, churches have twisted, mistranslated and misread the first chapter of the Gospel of John for centuries: The churches misread John 1:1 to say: "In the beginning was Jesus, and Jesus was with God, and Jesus was God." Church people who have heard it read this way over and over have come to accept it. How ever, that is NOT what this verse says. The correct rendering is: "In the beginning was the communication (the logos). And the communication was regarding God. And God was the communication" (i.e., God was expressing Himself). Some may say, "Yes, but Jesus is the Word: the Logos" However, as you can see, that is not what this verse says. You cannot find the word Jesus there. Rather, it says that God was the logos. " Logos " means communication. In fact, a few verses later (vs 14) it says that the communication (logos) BECAME FLESH. In other words, in due time God finalized his communication with man by expressing Himself in flesh... Through his Son. Yahshua was the image of his Father expressed in flesh. "Who being the light of his glory and the express image of his essence, sat down on the right of the Majesty on high;" The real question of John 1:1 is this: Who or what, is "the logos?" Genesis 1:1 clearly tells us that Yahweh, ALONE, existed in "the beginning." Therefore, it was Yahweh who communicated to man in "the beginning." That communication to Adam was the first "logos." It was God's word. His law. "And Yahweh God commanded Adam..." Gen. 2:16 It is a fact that the term "logos" was used for God, Yahshua and Paul. This makes perfect sense because the word
" logos " means communication. Paul was called "the logos" in Acts 14:1. God's logos came first in the form of law commands to Adam. Later, when Yahshua came upon the scene, God's logos (communication) took on the form of flesh. That came NOT in the beginning but AFTERWARD! Don't misread it. Yahweh communicates to mortal man. In Hebrews 1:1-2 we read: "God (Yahweh) who at sundry times and in divers manners SPOKE in time past to the fathers by the prophets, Has in THESE last days SPOKEN (communicated) to us by His Son, whom He has appointed heir of all things, through whom also He fulfilled the ages..." God spoke (communicated) to Adam and to the prophets. But NOW He speaks (communicates) through His Son, Yahshua. Paul, too, spoke as Yahshua's logos. In the beginning Yahweh spoke. Later his word came via his prophets. Yahshua was, of course, his greatest Logos. Men communicate with each other by way of symbols, words, pictures, or sign language. These symbols communicate ideas and thoughts. God, like wise, revealed Himself by communication using symbols that were understandable to men. Yahshua is the ultimate symbol: the best logos God could give us. God reveals Himself to man in three ways: (1) By spirit: He inspires people. (2) By his word: the Scriptures. (3) By his Son, Yahshua Messiah: our Reigning King.

NO argument can be built for plurality in the El from the plural ending of Elohim God; Moses, who is a single person, is called Elohim
In Ex. 7:1; The Messiah who is a single person is called Elohim in Heb. 1:8; King David who is called Elohim he too is a single person in Ps. 45:6;
NOTE: that the Greek version of the Old Testament and the New Testament always render the word God by theos which is a singular, NOT plural, word: In Judges 8:33; 16:23-24, a single idol is called Elohim. In 1 Kings 11:33 Ashtoreth, the goddess of the Zidonians, Chemosh, the god of the Moabites, and Milcom, the god of the Ammonites, are each designated Elohim, though each was a single god. Furthermore, Abraham is called lord, where a plural form, adonim lords, is used in Gen. 24:9-10; Potiphar is called the adonim masters of Joseph, Gen. 39:2, 3, 7, 8, 19, 20; and the lords of Joseph in Genesis 39:16 and 40:7; Joseph is called the man who is the lords adonim of the land and the lords of the country, Gen. 42:30, 33;
Other examples of a plural ending with singular meaning may be found in Num. 25:1-5; Deut. 4:7; 1 Sam. 4:5-8; 1 Kings 11:5; 2 Kings 1:2; 19:37.

Parousia- presence
The sign of Messiah's presence (parousia) in Matthew 24:3-was revealed when Yahweh's Judgement CAME with vengeance in A D.70, with the destruction of the (made with hands) temple: A vital point, totally ignored today, is that prophecy never implied two comings divided by millennia. That kind of language is not used by the Hebrew prophets. It should BECOME apparent very quickly that Isaiah did not know of any "second coming". For it is the day of Yahweh's vengeance. The year of recompense for the cause of Zion. (Isaiah 34:8) The spirit of Yahweh is upon me; (Yahshua) Because Yahweh has anointed me to preach good tidings to the poor. He (Yahweh) has sent me to heal the broken hearted; To proclaim liberty to the captives; And the opening of the prison to those who are bound.) To proclaim the acceptable year of Yahweh, AND the (day of vengeance) of our Yahweh. Indeed Yahweh has proclaimed to the end of the world, "Say to the daughter of Zion. SHURELY your (salvation is coming) Behold, His (Yahweh's) reward is with Him and His (Yahweh's) work before Him." (Isaiah 62:11) For the (day of vengeance) is in My (Yahweh's) heart. AND the year of My (Yahweh's) (redeemed has come). (Isaiah 63:4) There is not ONE distinction between "a coming in redemption and a coming in vengeance." Nowhere do the Hebrew prophets teach a "second coming" to fulfill the rest of the things Yahweh was unable to fulfill the first time. They saw one short fulfillment period with two phases to it; a suffering humiliation phase and a victorious consummation phase.

(Lk 21:22 "...For these be the days of vengeance, that ALL THINGS THAT ARE WRITTEN may be FULFILLED.")

In Matthew 26:63-65 we read where Yahshua promised the High Priest, Caiaphas, that he (Caiaphas) would "see (perceive) the son of man coming on the clouds of heaven."
As a ruler and High Priest of Israel, a fleshly seed of Abraham, who rejected Yahweh's anointed one, he would see (perceive) Yahshua's return in judgment. A fleshly (bodily) return of Yahshua's presence (parousia) on the clouds was contrary to the nature of Caiaphas' understanding of the
OT prophets.

In Biblical language, "clouds" are symbolic of Yahweh's wrath and judgment against the enemies of Yahweh's people. David said that Yahweh delivered him from his enemies while descending on the clouds. (Please read Psalm. 18:3-15). Of course, clouds also speak of Yahweh's majesty and divine presence and power.

In the OT, Yahweh came many times. He CAME on the clouds, with fire, with messengers, in judgment, and "heaven and earth" passed away. He CAME when He delivered Israel from Egypt (Exodus 3:8). He CAME in the fall of Babylon (Isaiah 13-14). He CAME in the fall of Edom (Isaiah 34). He CAME with the destruction of Egypt at the hands of the Assyrians (Isaiah 19-20). He CAME with fire and the shout when He defeated the Assyrians as they besieged Jerusalem (Isaiah 30, 37).

Each of these events showed the COMINGS of Yahweh. They were manifestations of the majesty and glory of Yahweh in judgment. They manifested Yahweh's sovereignty and justice (Isaiah 26:9). The fulfillment of His predictions to "come" showed Him to be the true ONE (Isaiah 41:21f).
When Yahweh used the means of a nation or people to carry out a judgment, He was said to, come on the clouds. The Day of Yahweh was tumultuous, frightening and awesome. But Yahweh did not visibly appear.

It is clear that Yahshua's presence parousia was to involve clouds (Matthew 24:30; 26:64; Mark 13:26; 14:62; Luke 21:27). Let us look at some OT passages that would help us to understand the NT.

Exodus 16:10 - It came about as Aaron spoke to the whole congregation of the sons of Israel, that they looked toward the wilderness, and behold, the glory of Yahweh appeared in the cloud.

Exodus 19:9 - Yahweh said to Moses, "Behold, I will come to you in a thick cloud, so that the people may hear when I speak with you and may also believe in you forever." Then Moses told the words to the people of Yahweh.

Exodus 34:5 - Yahweh descended in the cloud and stood there with him as he called upon the name of Yahweh.

Leviticus 16:2 - Yahweh said to Moses: "Tell your brother Aaron that he shall not enter at any time into the holy place inside the veil, before the mercy seat which is on the ark, or he will die; for I will appear in the cloud over the mercy seat."

Numbers 11:25 - Then Yahweh came down in the cloud and spoke to him... NOTE: that in several of these passages, Yahweh is said to have come, He descended, came down, and appeared. This is language similar to that which Yahshua used in reference to His own presence parousia.

QUESTION: Was the "body" of Yahweh/Yahshua seen at these times or was it just that the cloud signified the presence of Yahweh/Yahshua?
Were these manifestations of Yahweh/Yahshua bodily and physical?" The answer is obvious.

* Please consider the PDF Link below titled Angels & Demons; In Messiah Yahshua's Love.

terry79211978 in My Encounter With Michael
I just found this site and put my own experiences on this site as well. Interesting enough for the last several years now about two or three my spiritual viberations been going crazy. Its feels like God snap his finger and made me even more sensative to things. I'm just now getting the hang of everything. But I do feel like I'am one of Gods soliders its crazy. I felt a rush of emtion and crying I asked God why people have to hurt and I did not want to see anyone hurt. I heard a voice in my dream (said my name) that not everyone will make it. It was deep and I'm not one of those people to preach. But lately I feel like God wants to me to tell people he loves them and he has not foresaken them.
to tell God "I love You" and it all came rushing back to me but a hundred times stronger. I felt was immersed in love
I was with my friend and she was walking towards me and all of The sudden I felt this wave of confusion and her face was mine, it was my face on her body. Then I saw my friend again, and then it was back to my face on her. Then it finally switched back, and nothing like that has happened since. What is this? Was I hallucinating?
I think there is quite a few of us that have had a cosmic experience. How did you get back to reality. Did you ask
Ask God to help you?
me for God (guest) in God Came To Me
Thanks for sharing. I have had many experiences that I have tried to understand. You have given me reason and courage to start sharing mine.
All I want to do now is to give God all praise and glory. God is revealing Himself to us.
Hello! I have experienced really strange things. Strangers around me reading my inner thoughts and acting out the energy they receive from me. It's like an invocation of my inner child that I don't want to hear any more because of trauma. This started after I broke down and all the childhood pain came in at once. Felt like dying. My question now: what can I do to stop this? It's really frightening. I am willing to pay for your advice. Kind greetings from Austria, Gabi
Bernard (guest) in Losing My Spiritual Gifts
Hi I don't know where you're at with your questions. If you found the answers you were looking for or not. If not or interested check out
Ellel ministries
rm (guest) in Bright Light Cross
can u please post the mentioned pic in the paragraph? I would like to c... Also what was the source of
light? Twilight or artificial light that took the revered shape?
I was depressed and I thought God couldn't help me. It was during the day. I looked ahead of me. I was laying at the end of my bed. I saw a black robe that was crinkled. It just seemed to sway like the wind was blowing. I was too afraid to look up to see what its top half looked like. I smiled and tried to act like I could see through it. I was so afraid and then I thought to myself: God? At that moment it walked away. It was gone. I don't like being alone and I don't like my bedroom any more. I just pray most of the time.
Jason wright (guest) in Changing Faces
i was talking to a very spiritual lady one night we where both in deep conversation about spirits and how we can do readings I myself have seen spirits and can do readings. Nothing prepared me for this though while we where talking I slowly seen her face change into my aunties face who is still alive today that was weird even she couldn't give me an explanation for this so I am very keen to know why this happens and what does this mean?
Bright light (guest) in White Light Experience
I was at a bus stop bench sitting with my older brother and a bright white light surrounded us. I asked him did he see what I just saw and he said he did. I'm always thinking of it and it's happened over 15 years ago. I've also seen many metallic balls in the sky and watched them just disappear. Like they where whiped away in mid day
Nancy (guest) in Lifted Into Air
I've been lifted up like raised straight from my bed during a prayer. I believed it was the Holy Spirit filling me with Himself. I sure slept heavy that night. Right before being lifted the window behind me shook and the mini blinds rattled... Immediately laying back on the bed the window shook and blinds rattled again. I believe it was the Spirit of God entering and then leaving.
Nancy Lowrie (guest) in Safely Escorted To Heaven
I just want to thank you for your kind words about my experience with my mom's passing.
I miss her and my dad terribly to this day. It's 16 years now and sometimes still feels like yesterday.
I was prepearing to take a nap one day, before hand I was outside and I observed the heat waves on my truck. I thought how interesting that I can see it and feel it but not touch it.

I hadnt practiced astral projection in a while, so I decided I would start my nap in meditation and I pictured fire, I believe I used the tri fold flame as a focus point.

Eventually I dozed off. When I awoke, I thought I was awake, but quickly realized I was in AP. After this realization, images quickly flashed before my eyes. I centered my focus and relaxed.

The moment I completely focused, like a torch ignites, I heard and felt a fire, it crackled and popped, I could feel it surging upwards from the bottom of my feet to my head, and I could feel it everywhere in and around my body, while I was in AP slightly above my body.

I didn't understand it, but I stayed relaxed. Even after coming back into my body and awakening physically, for a few minutes or so, I could still feel the sensations throughout.

I have had this experience 3 times now. It is the same fire that consumed the burning bush, maybe even the fire that only Jesus can baptize with. Thank you to everyone who shared.

We Are One.
Bijoux 144 (guest) in Vision Of Golden Light Energy
I just saw a vision of pure golden light and felt peace and a voice said this is the light of the kingdom at hand it was pure bliss, joy peace and whomever light fell upon was purified. I had to google to see if anyone else has had that experience. Beautiful.
lastnight me and my boyfriend heard a soft voice singing coming from our bedroom that our baby was sleep in... No the tv wasn't on and today is my great grandma birthday! It's her first birthday not alive she would be 107 today!
SOUTHERN JEWEL (guest) in Extremely Bright Light
Wow. Some of these ring very true to my experiences. I'd share with rochelle if it's not so late... That a good manual on curses deliverance and others diy style are found on amazon by gene b. Moody... My spiritual father...they're on youtube recorded as well... A work in progress.
But my experiences are truly of god and can be even attacks of the enemy satan. But most of my experiences of seeing light are of angels dashing across my back yard and such. I constantly pray for the host of heaven army angels to protect my neighborhood, home, city, state, and usa... Of course the world as a whole...i've even prayed for demonic poltergeist to leave my home and saw a few leave from my refrigerator and garage and bedrooms's creepy a little but since i've been in ministry with some deliverance ministers and other apostolic folks this is normal activity. I even get dreams that come to, yes, this and other experiences are to let us know that there is an unseen world/dimension. Not to fear and we need to learn as much as possible about it because god gave his chldren; christian dominion over these and the world. So we need to learn how to deal with this unseen world. Thanks for the sharing from everyone... Oh his website; free pdf's of the manuals diy... I'm 60 years old and this is not shouting... So take the words accordingly I need to see what i'm typing xoxox
Agape Love (guest) in The Realization Of My Purpose
To the guest that commented that Dani was courageous enough to speak, her own experience and truth. She never said she was equal to God and she seemed humble and brought all recognition to Jesus Christ not herself. Perhaps you should re-read. There are many Scriptures that back her stance. We are divine partakers of God as He placed His spirit within us and we are made in His image. Most of us have simply not surrendered our will yet or it wasn't in Gods time so the Holy Spirit has not born witness to their spirit (Romans 8:16) but for those who seek truth or are truly lost with good intentions in their heart not ones filled with fear, bias, judgement and everything else that goes along with human imperfection, God may at His will decide to enlighten someones else momentarily to get them to seek Him. I pray that the Holy Spirit bears witness to your soul and you too discover that you can be a divine partaker as well. Your comment is not filled with love but rather fear and condemnation.

2 Peter 2:1-4 For by these He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises, so that by them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world by lust.
Rachel (guest) in Room Filled With Light
I went to bed last night and after 10 to 15 minutes of my eyes closed I was aware of a light (as you do when the first bit of light comes through your curtains) When I opened my eyes the bedroom was still dark, but the hallway outside my bedroom door was filled with a bright white light. It lasted for around 10 seconds. In the hallway there is no way any light could have filled that area. If it had come from my bedroom window then the bedroom would have been light also. I had just been praying as I have felt quite low and was telling God in my prayers that I still believe in him even though I feel I was loosing my path of spirituality. I feel it was God's way of communicating with me and saying it was going to be alright.
Nitin Goyal (guest) in Yoga And Out of Body Experiences
Hey Man, I don't know If this will reach you as I'm replying almost after 4 years of this post. But I'm a Yoga Teacher. Not a very spiritual one but I'm working on my way to that. And let me be honest with you about this that sometimes when the teachers Haven't had some of their own experiences, therefore they don't have answers to these questions you may have and in result they will be ignorant and tell you stuff like not to attach meaning to everything etc. But let me tell you that I have experienced something similar but not exactly as you. You may be aware of the corpse pose (Savasana) that is done at the end of the asana practice generally. So many a times when I'm in savasana and I am taking my whole body through the process of deep relaxation, I can feel a sense of separation between my pshysical and astral body. It still, surely very much a beginner stage but I know it's a different experience than just deep relaxation. But everytime It happenes, my fear of ghosts and unknown same as you, at the same time my excitement to be having a possible OBE brings me back into my physical body and then it's very difficult to find the same state right away. I wait for a day where I am able to keep myself relaxed throughout and allow the experience to come to me. Now, coming to your point about Siddhis are to be avoided "According to Yoga". Well, yes there is a whole chapter dedicated to this in the yoga sutras by Maharshi Patanjali. And the reason is that when you're on the path of Yoga, you are seeking liberation from the cycle of birth and death. You're seeking to understand and settle in your original form that is Pure consciousness. That is why you start the work by cleansing the body through kriyas and asana, then moving higher into the energetic practice of pranayama to then control the fluctuations of the mind and mediate to eventually merge onto the pure consciousness. But through this journey this extra ordinary abilities may get acquired by the Yogi, now if you just take it as an experience as part of the process and let it go, then you move forward towards your original destination. But if you get fascinated by it, then yoi want to do it over and over again then you eventually want to show off to others etc and this brings you back to the world you were initially planning to depart from. I hope this reaches you... And If so, I'd love for you to write me about your progress on the spiritual journey at nitingoyalyoga [at]
Steven (guest) in I Saw The Light Of God
I am so thankful to find you and others here!

My baptism into The Holy Spirit occurred on a Sunday morning while driving to a job location. (Oilfield) My job required me to work 17 days on duty and 4 off. It involved getting up sometimes by 2:30 or 3 am. Driving possibly 200-350 miles to the site, working several hours (Texas heat) then driving back home and possibly not getting to bed before midnight or later. Very long, hot days away from my family and any sort of a decent life. We would repeat these types of days over and over possibly 4 or 5 consecutive days. Not much of a life but work and work more.
This Sunday morning was no different. Up at 3:30 to be on location by 7:00am. All the days Pryor, I had become so sour and hated my boss, my coworkers and was hateful to everyone around me. Always tired, always wishing to do things with my family that I had missed out on for several years. This morning, however, something told me to be different. As I left the house in my pickup, I turns on a song of inspiration. I listened to it, then again and again. Each time I poured out my heart and soul more and more. Believing more and more in Jesus Christ until I gave all of myself to Him. Believing with every inch of my being, letting go of all of myself! Suddenly, a bright, blinding light came over me. The most beautiful, brilliant light that I can never do justice to in my description. In this light, I felt such peace, comfort, love, forgiveness and assurance! The most wonderful existence... Like when I was a little boy and my dad picked me up and hugged me except it was a hundred? A thousand? A million times greater. In actuality, I did nothing. I only laid down my arrogance, that The Lord could save me. From that point on, the old me is gone. I continued working for 3 years at that job but the anger, bitterness, hate and sadness were gone. I feel that I saw a glimpse of what heaven is like. Each day I humbly grow, I learn and I share. I love to tell my story to anyone who will listen.
I must say that prior to this I had hoped there was a God. I hoped there was Jesus Christ. At one point in my life, I did not believe at all. The darkest days of my life.
I tell everyone to take that blind leap of faith. Jump... Leave all that you think you know, all that you think you are behind. Kneel at the cross. You have nothing to lose and so so much to gain.
Thank you very much for allowing me a place to share my experience. I have longed to be with others who have seen the light. Praise be to God The Father, God The Son and God The Holy Spirit!
sue (guest) in White Light Experience
need to share
Driving towards a place of past
See a cloud of white filling my whole view
It wants me to drive through
I slow down and see its intensity
Its the whole infront of me
I feel love
And then it's gone
And I'm gratefull for what just happened
Wow (guest) in The Demon On My Back
"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

Talk about signs of things to come. It was literally written that there would be so many religious leaders who abuse kids.


Anyway, at least there's orange and crap tv.
For the last 7 weeks I have constant songs in my left ear that I can also hear in
My head it sounds like a choir and the constant song that keeps playing is something like I will never find another one like you? Also Amazing Grace and Abide with me and Please release me let me go? There are other songs that I don't know but it is driving me mad... I get no sleep its day and night only time I don't hear anything is when watching TV... My Dr is sending me to a Mental Health centre, but I am not mad just an ordinary mum working and not mad can anyone help because I defo need to no what is going on. Thank you.
I just expereinced something bad and terrifying. Usually I m not sleepy so as was today I only closed my eyes and within an instant I felt my ears could hear anything from far distance, as if my hearing is heightened. I was amazed and confused at the same time then it happened to me, I found myself paralysed not able to move or say anything! I saw my roommate, she was talking on the phone I tried calling for her but no sound came from my mouth!
I tried to run towards her but I cannot move. Then I felt myself getting up but I've never felt this light weighted before, also my chest felt heavy but at the moment, I just ran towards my roommate, I tried shaking her telling her that I need you help me, move my body but she was acting like as if I am not there. I got scared, I kept on telling her to wake me up but she can't listen to me!
Then I felt a very strong pull towards my bed. I didn't wanted to go as then I'll be trapped, I shut my eyes so that I could wake up once I reach back to my body but when I opened them, I was still stuck in my body, this was horrible! I thought that now I am dead! But then something clicked that I should start counting backwards, so I did that mental exercise too, I started counting back from 30 to 1 when I finished counting, I was still there stuck!
I thought I am dead now, my soul is somewhere just then I snapped back to my body and I immediately woke up!
The room was same as I saw in my dream or in soul state. I closed my eyes at 01:06 but I woke up at 02:15.i am confused of how I lost so much time because it felt like a minute when I was in there.
Mike (guest) in Extremely Bright Light
Two weeks ago having a lucid dream of my wife and the cat being in the bed when they were not there. I was so deep asleep and felt I had to wake up to see if my wife was really in the bed. Finally I forced my self up and flung myself around to see if she was in the bed with me. Instead of seeing her I saw a very bright light in the dresser mirror. The light was very bright and was lighting up the ceiling fan. No light was on in the room. It lasted for what seemed about 10 seconds. It went away when I kept looking away from it to the other side of the room. The room went to dark and I went back to sleep
Lucifur Morningstar (guest) in My Black Guardian Angel
My God people you guys talk to much about how bad it is in hell but its very nice or else the road wouldn't be paved with good things now would it also he is good I haven't sent anyone in forever
Gmom (guest) in Extremely Bright Light
I was about 50 years old. I was standing in my dining room looking out my large window onto my backyard. I was talking on the phone to a priest who is saying a prayer for my family and all my ancestors back in time. We had wanted to do this in person but could never seem to get our schedules straight. When he finished the prayer and said goodbye I was suddenly engulfed in bright light. I could no longer see out the window and when I looked around everything looked like a bright white fog. It stopped suddenly and I was very emotional, good tears, no fear. It was beautiful. I walked into my living room, Got down on my knees and thanked the Lord for his blessings. I KNEW it was from the Lord. I will never forget it.
Cesar (guest) in Something Enters My Body
Approx. 5 years ago, I experienced a force rushed into me, It happen while I was taking a piss outside my house, since the bathroom was busy at the time... Well I was zipping up my pants, as I was turning around I felt and almost saw the rush of energy come into me... Almost like it went into me as I took that super deep breath at the same time I was going through my experience. It was something I had never felt before... And Trust me I have had the worst sleep paralysis ever. But this was nothing like it. I feel like satan is always out working on taking souls. I Pray for Salvation... I have always fought to stay sober but somehow I always end up drinking again. Please comment!
earthangel2297 (guest) in The Awaking Of My Father And I
I experienced a lot near death experiences over my lifetime (40 yrs) one back in 1994 left me disabled. I've had a lot of suffering throughout my life. (Chronic Pain) Back. On 6/2019, I learned about Meditating, never really had the desire to experience meditating. After realizing for the past 2 yrs, I was constantly receiving heart shaped objects & not knowing where they came from, I decided to give it a try, once I learned Meditating Techniques. Please, Please, PLEASE! Do not meditate without proper instruction. It is VERY dangerous. Read "The Holy Bible" & Recite The "Rosary" My God Bless You. I am not a practicing and/or professional Physic. Check out my post on Instagram ~ earthangel2297
Katie (guest) in God's Hand On My Shoulder
This evening I found a mouse on the street and took it in and cared for it for a few hours when it looked healthy I put it back in the place I found it. My mum was standing in front of me but I felt her hand in my left shoulder. I turned around and no one was there, I completely freaked out at first but I now feel completely calm and happy I have never experienced anything like this in my life I'm 15 years old
Aw wow that is adorable! I bet she will look exactly the same when she's 9...Maybe try and draw it in a diary? Or write her a letter about it for her to read when she's older?
SolitudeBluebell in Happy Birthday
Aw bless that's so sweet:) Glad your hope/wish was answered! Happy birthday! X
Solitude (guest) in The Awakening Sunset
The first story I have read with Ganesha, Shiva and Buddha:D
I have a ring with Ganesha on it, A spoon, fork and a statue of Shiva on it and a ring and a necklace and statues of Buddha:)
Thanks for sharing this story with us:) Love + light x
Solitude (guest) in Two Lives
Wow man... What an amazing story! The longest by far but so well put. Thank your experience, thoughts and feelings... And well done with sobriety x
I had the feeling that my soul would leave my body last night. It was terrifying. I stopped it from happening by taking the drug Haldol. I believe I caused the phenomenon by over methylating using vitamin B9 so now I've damaged my soul. So I hope that I can fix this problem using some kind of natural remedy. Any ideas would be welcome.
Charmaine Pearson (guest) in Dying And Being Reborn
Parents, step parents and other child care takers don't realize how their negative abusive behavior can affect a child's life. Timfaraos was truthful in his comment about fasting praying and reading the bible. Children and teens need to be taught how to read the Bible when they are being bullied by their peers. Staying strong spiritually is their strongest WEAPON that will enable them to survive abusive ordeals from other young people.
Many years have passed since Dharmaga posted his ordeal I hope he is doing better now
Peace be with him.
Fear? I have met this being under circumstances best not spoken of lest someone repeat them. Fear? What fear doth thou have of that which is not God? None.
Basically from my belief as a muslim, it can be of two creation of god but definitely isn't god. It is either an angel (most likely angel of death) or a jin which is a creation that's made out of fire (example satan).

If it was angel of death, he is an angel whose assigned by god to take the lives of humans by snatching their soul. The reason why you could of saw him is to give you awareness or give you warning that your time of death is coming but god knows when.

If it was a jin, he was posibily thinking of trying to possess you. But who knows. Glad you woke up and realised that you need to search for the truth.
You shouldn't want to leave this world unless you are confident that you are ready for the afterlife. The description of the angel of death seems accurate and your grandmother could be right that he was trying to warn you that your time of death could be near or you just seeing a dream that satan is making you visualise. Never the less, you shouldn't tell people your nightmares and tell them to only those nearest to you and your confident those people want the best for you.

Hope your doing well Caroline, may god be with you.
Martin (guest) in A Touch By The Holy Spirit
I just had a similar experience. St
Patricks in Texas. I felt something for sure. A heavy burden lifted. Extreme bliss and peace overcame my body. THE LORD IS REAL! Peace be with all who follow. AMEN!
Experienced this just now while trying to fall asleep. I've had some weird things happen when I'm sleeping like. A vibration feeling or that I couldn't breathe well, but this time was really scary. I was asleep having a dream I was walking in the dark woods during a thunderstorm. I'm with someone else and we begin to run toward a house in the woods. Suddenly it's dark and I feel my something pulling on my body like a vacuum as if my soul is trying to leave my body. I felt like I couldn't breathe, and I feel my body make a sound like a gag but not necessarily that sound, and then I snapped back in and woke up. To say I'm shaken up is an understatement, I'm a bit scared to fall back asleep as I thought I was dying. Does anyone have answers for what this is or what I should do?
I posted this elsewhere here but I want to see if any part of my story seems familiar...
About 2 months ago while visiting my parents place I had a strange experience... It was like an OBE and a paranormal experience all in one. I was super tired from a long flight and was laying propped up in the bed getting a nap. Ny parents place has a high level of strange activity. I woke up, still with my eyes closed, and could feel a very awesome vibration not in my body but every part of me that was touching the bed. It was a very comforting vibration but at the same time I was scared that a negative entity had taken control of my body. I could hear a low low earth type of rumbling in my head. Then I started physically feeling the top part of my body and head lifting off the bed. Maybe it was just an inch or two but I actually heard the pillow I was laying on shift. It moved! It couldn't have moved if my head was on it. I then hear and feel a bang on the headboard. In my mind I felt as if I was being lifted and about to be thrown towards the ceiling. This caused me to open my eyes. The vibration and noise was still there. It felt really comforting. When I would get scared, it would calm down and when I relaxed it would ramp up again. At the same time this was happening, my parents dog started barking at nothing in the living room. Every once in a while he does this at a specific spot in the house, sometimes accompanied by weird events. That night, hours later, I could still faintly hear the rumbling and the vibration but much much less intensity. That night I heard a female call my name and ask if "it was me". The weird part of all this was the vibration was more underneath me than inside my body... Just the part of my body touching the bed. It was either an obe or some type of other worldly contact.
About 2 months ago while visiting my parents place I had a strange experience... It was like an OBE and a paranormal experience all in one. I was super tired from a long flight and was laying propped up in the bed getting a nap. I woke up, still with my eyes closed, and could feel a very awesome vibration not in my body but every part of me that was touching the bed. It was a very comforting vibration but at the same time I was scared that a negative entity had taken control of my body. I could hear a low low earth type of rumbling in my head. Then I started physically feeling the top part of my body and head lifting off the bed. Maybe it was just an inch or two but I actually heard the pillow I was laying on shift. It moved! It couldn't have moved if my head was on it. I then hear and feel a bang on the headboard. In my mind I felt as if I was being lifted and about to be thrown towards the ceiling. This caused me to open my eyes. The vibration and noise was still there. It felt really comforting. When I would get scared, it would calm down and when I relaxed it would ramp up again. At the same time this was happening, my parents dog started barking at nothing in the living room. Every once in a while he does this at a specific spot in the house, sometimes accompanied by weird events. That night, hours later, I could still faintly hear the rumbling and the vibration but much much less intensity. That night I heard a female call my name and ask if "it was me". The weird part of all this was the vibration was more underneath me than inside my body... Just the part of my body touching the bed. It was either an obe or some type of other worldly contact. Last time I was at my parents house (6 months before this trip), something kicked the bed in the middle of the night and woke me up...
Last night During my sleep there was a point in which I felt like my soul was getting ripped out of my body. While it was happening I was scared that if I let go, I would die. So I fought with everything and then I woke up to me screaming and reaching for something. All I knew is I couldn't/didnt want to die then I suddenly woke up to myself yelling like I was falling and reaching in the air... Weird. I searched it up and found this. It wasn't an out of body experience because I didn't see myself or my surroundings like so many people explain. All I felt was a force trying to rip my soul out of my body. It was scary. Anybody else? Please let me know by emailing me kristopherwtferg (at)
LibbyKitty (guest) in A Touch By The Holy Spirit
I had an experience while singing to God and the Universe. My eyes were closed and I saw a flash of white light behind them then I felt a gust of wind. I get that often, the breeze going past me, but the white light I have only seen in dreams. I have been waiting on my house closing (its been 6 months) and this was validation that everything will fall into place. I feel light and I can't stop smiling.
LuckEmc2 (guest) in The Silver Fox
IT'S CRAZY I had the same experience today... Only it was on the street at around 3:30am where there were no lights while I was on my way to work.
Man same here it was approximately my second week and while sleeping I felt too much pressure in my third eye and I was also going deep through it and I Was highly lucid at that time suddenly the scary pictures start coming then I start focusing on lord shiva (the most powerful god of hinduism whom I like too much and I everyday focus upon) . Then his pictures start coming in my mind and I felt the more power and I wasn't able to hold the power as I was lucid so I start to open my eyes and any of the eyes didn't open then I was feeling that I can watch the outer surroundings without opening my eyes

And this my next day and man today I swear my intuition is unknowingly too much high and accurate can anyone tell me what's going on
Graeme (guest) in Extreme Deja Vu
I live in Wirral and can only say I'm just like you if not you are me
I myself had a really strange dream were I was locked in an old house attic and I mean old like western times. I was laying on a twin size bed and I couldn't move... I remember hearing the door knob jiggle and I felt freightened the the door slightly opened maybe about 4-5 inches and I gazed into the darkness of it but couldn't see anything. About 20 seconds or so after I literally felt like I was being sucked out of my body as this feeling was going on I could see my body leaving my skin as I was being pulled into the darkness from the door. Then I woke up but honestly I myself have not felt the same ever since. I've even had panic attacks/anxiety while driving and I can't seem to focus on anything. It feels like part of me had been taken from me. Honestly I wish I could have that dream again so I can fight what ever that presence was.
It happens to me even now. I will leave my body fly to heaven to play with clouds then the voice will call me I will fly back home see my body and my spirit will go back to my body

Again I leave my body to fight with other spirits small people. The thing is it start as parallel sleep then My spirit escape my body to fight with this small people who causes me to have parallel sleep. I will kill them after my spirit will go back to sleep.

Sometimes I control it sometimes I don't it just happen
Guest (guest) in The Angel With Red Wings
Maybe this isn't the place to say this, but I like to practice reading tarot, and I believe that it is completely in sync with my religious beliefs. Anyway, the red-winged angel is major figure in the tarot, specifically in Key 14: Temperance. The red-winged angel symbolizes internal balance and healing. The appearance of the red-winged angel often means that a greater spiritual force is entering a life to right what is wrong, restore what was lost, cool what was too hot, heat up what was too cold, and temper our lives for balanced, harmonious health.
I believe this interpretation of the red-winged angel could help with your spiritual journey, Rivka, and thank you for your story.
Jennifer (guest) in Extremely Bright Light
I grew up in a secular family, didn't know much about Christianity or other world religions and I labeled myself as an agnostic. But in 2016, at the age of 28, I was on a path of seeking God. I was seeking Him earnestly, trying to figure out Christianity. However the christian concept clashed with my world view and my rational mind. I was at a point of desperation, I truly wanted to believe, but I couldn't come to faith because I was trying to reason my way to faith, as if the truth was through a mathematical equation. That's when I received a dream from God, and let me tell you I've never had a dream of this sort, so real and strong.

In the dream I'm walking on a path through the desert. Around me are only sand dunes, no vegetation and no water. Beside me, to my left, is a male presence who walks quietly. I never turn to see his face, but I know it's a man, and all though we've never met before I feel very comfortable and at ease in his presence. As I'm walking on my path I'm talking out loud, reminding myself that I need to ask my mother for her opinion in one matter, my brother for guidance in another and my friend's view on a third matter. Just as I'm about to remind myself of something else, this presence, who had been listening silently and patiently up until now, finally loses his patience. All of a sudden, he turns into an enormous figure of authority. He stops me in the midst of my sentence and says in a loud and determined voice "Don't ask your mother. Don't ask your brother. Don't ask your friend." I feel so inferior and childlike. But then he ads "Ask God. Ask God. Ask God." As he repeats "Ask God", three times, my eyes are drawn to the horizon where there is an immense bright light. The light grows bigger and draws closer until I'm embraced by the light. The initial feeling of submissiveness is taken over by the light, and I go from a state of subordinate fear to being overwhelmed with a transformative flood of divine love, joy and peace. This flood of love is tangible and physical. I'm dwelling in the purest form of love and in a second the light takes over everything and I wake up. As I wake up I'm absolutely overflowing with love, joy and peace. It is unlike anything I had ever experienced in my entire life. I immediately knew that I had been touched by God's grace, no doubts about it whatsoever. God's love had opened my eyes and transformed me forever and his peace had settled my troubled mind, I wasn't desperately searching for the truth anymore, I had found it. I went from being an agnostic to a believer in Jesus Christ in that same instant. Up until today this remains the most beautiful moment of my entire life.

The thing is that at the point I had this dream I didn't have a lot of theological knowledge. For example I had NO idea that in scripture God is depicted as a radiating light of love. I didn't know that the desert had been important to Moses and Jesus, that they had withdrawn to the desert to communicate with God. I had no clue that scripture commands us to 'Ask God', or that three (the number of times the command 'Ask God' in the dream is repeated) is a biblical number recurring throughout the Bible as a symbol of completeness; Jonah is in the whale's belly for three days, Peter denies Jesus three times, Jesus is tempted by the devil three times in the desert, Jesus rose on the third day etc.

I can't wait to see that same light again!
Great description. I experienced similar a couple of days ago. I came back home early in the morning from dropping my partner off to work and I usually come back home and jump into bed to have a snooze before I begin my day. I thought I was having sleep paralysis (because I do remember experiencing this just under a year ago) but this was very different this time. I felt as if my soul was trying to disconnect from my body and a very bright light was above my head... To be completely honest I thought this was the end of me and this was the 'gate to heaven'. I knew I wasn't dead because somehow I could see my room but not entirely sure if my eyes were open or if I was just imagining it. I tried my best to wake up and I had the urge to pick up my phone that was beside my pillow and call my partner but I wouldn't move or at least my 'spirit' wasn't intact with my body. I was so scared and I almost convinced myself that this was it, I was going to let go and be gone from my life and I was sad because I started thinking about the people in my life that I haven't said goodbye to and I didn't know how they'll make a conclusion to my death. I didn't want anyone to be blamed for anything to do with my 'death'... So I laid in bed and tried to relax. I felt as if my soul was being lifted out of my body. The next thing I remember after the bright light above my head was being placed on an empty beach, just hearing the ocean crash together and this was when I began to get really emotional and started to cry and was scared to find out what was going on. I woke up immediately like my soul snapped back into my body and reached over to my phone to try and send a text or call my partner just to check if I was real.

My whole day felt unusual, I didn't feel like myself and I was worried that I was going to feel like that for the rest of my life! Whatever it was, it was terrifying and I was definitely not ready for it. Maybe this is the gate beyond our physical ability as humans? So mysterious.
Jane (guest) in Room Filled With Light
Last night July 29, 2019. It must be 3am or so I was in my bed trying to sleep for it's a hot night. Suddenly turned to my other side facing the door which is wide open. I saw the living room blue in color like a light... I live in basement and I was. This was so confusing and strange. This morning I was thinking about it. Was I awake? I know I am awake because I saw it and I could not sleep. I hope I am not going crazy...
It's happened to me lots of times It energised me.
I keep trying to meďiatate as I don't know when it is going to happen.
I welcome it when I leave my body even though it scary because youbody is dead.
Some spirit say you have to go back to your physical body.
Then all suďen back into your body.
Remember once some spirit said not going back to your body ok said what will be will be.
Suddenly back in my body.
Some lovely experiences some scary.
I am a Christian, I was in the shower at a desperately dark time in my life, I didn't want to live. I felt Jesus right hand on my left shoulder blade, I turned around thinking someone was there, I felt remarkable peace after that day. I now have a relationship with Jesus. Peace and blessings. Thanks for reading.
Warrior for Christ (guest) in The Black Wolf
Your discernment is getting sharpened. I'm a native American from the Midwest that used to help conjure spirits. One thing that didn't go hand in hand was being a born again Holy Spirit filled believer and living in spirit worship. There's always a payment that spirits require as opposed to the Lord and his Spirit always gives. And a gift or manifestation of the Holy Spirit is Discernment of Spirits. You will with one or more of your senses pick up on the spirit realm or world that the bible calls heavenly realms. The spirits we worked with turned when I confessed Jesus and invited him in my heart and asked for his Holy Spirit to guide me. I seen them. The evil one tried hard to break me when I first came to Christ. But I kept at it. There is a world of these beings with all kinds of assignments to keep the sons and daughters of God from manifesting. Wolves, coyote, spiders, cougar, Tiger, snakes, octopus, and many more are in this realm wreaking havoc. The Lord is raising us up to see as I have been seeing a rise in brothers n sisters with the seer gifting. Once you discern go to war in prayer and worship. I used to see only the kingdom of darkness but being born again I seen of the Kingdom of God. There is a war going on. We have to fight. God gives you armor a sword and shield. You don't give these weapons without cause... We are warriors. Yeshua akicita inazinpo! Soldiers of Christ rise up stand!

There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews: The same came to Jesus by night, and said unto him, Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him. Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
John 3:1‭-‬3 KJV

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