I was 16 years old when I started having mild hallucinations. The hallucinations are what could be the result in sleep deprivation but I also get a strong feeling that it is on a spiritual level. The first hallucinations were what I thought would be the faces of demons. These were mild and I only saw few. The second was a bizarre phenomenon of colors and figures in the sky. I was on my way to church on a sunny blue sky day. I was going there out of extreme depression and thoughts of suicide. I started to get lost and couldn't remember where the church was.
I fell to my knees in front of the sun as I started to weep. In my weeping voice I said "I don't wish to live any longer" The next moment I felt overwhelming warmth and comfort come into my chest and felt as if someone was telling me "you must" I got up and felt no need to find the church so I decided to walk further into nature. Clouds suddenly started moving in from all directions leaving me right under what was left of the visual sky. The sky had turned dark with many strange colors and patterns that I could not perceive any significance. The visions had gone for three years.
I am now 19 where recently I have started a natural insomnia pattern of 24 hours, three days a week of no sleep. New extreme visions have taken place. In the start of this pattern I started to see very vivid hallucinations of faces and even whole bodies of "demons". They have taken place in the form of clouds, carvings on the wall, and in my protective spiritual stones. What's even weirder is I would look at a tree and hundreds of what I think are native Indian faces would pop out. These faces had moving eyes, always with a smile, and would even laugh. These extreme visions happened for three days.
I still have insomnia but I only see things in my stones. I am very confused at what it all means and I want to know if there is significance. I also saw things that may be good but why am I seeing so much evil when I seek positive?