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Real Spiritual Experiences

Hearing And Seeing Demons


When I was 16, it was hard for me appreciate our religion and Christianity. I love the Lord and have a close relationship with him. I have been drunk and slain in the Spirit several times throughout my life. I can share various instances when the Lord has used me, either to speak to strangers, or to participate in a certain activity. It was conflicting to my family to do what 'normal' teenagers do. I couldn't hang out with other friends unless they were Christians.

One night, frustrated, I questioned our religion. I knew there was a God, but I needed confirmation that there are demons. My family would say, "that's demonic" whenever I wanted to explore other options. It's easy for me to speak about our Lord because I have confirmation in my heart and personal experiences; I don't know why (other than because I was a teenager) but I asked God if he could show me a demon. It came out of my mouth (I often speak to God out loud) and I wasn't thinking.

That night, I was awoken. I felt a presence behind me; it was calling me (not by my name or even in a verbal sense). I turned and saw an average height figure standing next to my bed. It was dressed as if in a black grim reaper costume complete with a hood over its head and wearing black gloves. It seemed to be saying to me, "is this what you wanted to see?" as it spread its hands horizontally.

My room, unfortunately, has a big window that faces the East. I have put up heavy, dark fabric on the windows which also has vertical blinds, and dark purple curtains. These are all successful attempts to block out the sun when it rises at 6 AM. I'm thinking, how in the world could I have seen this dark dressed figure in this pitch dark bedroom? Not to mention, very detailed. I wear glasses (perhaps should have asked for perfect vision instead) and cannot see a thing without them.

This figure was gone after I turned away and mentioned to myself, "ask, and you shall receive". There was no glowing light, or mists. Just as present as any other being.

Two nights later, I hear my Mother stomping in the middle of the night. She was saying, "I rebuke you, devil, in the name of Jesus..." I wanted to go down the hall, but I felt that I could ask her in the morning. She told me she saw a demon. It appeared next to her bed as she was reading the Bible (with the lights on). I asked her what did it look like (I hadn't told her I had seen one since I thought she'd comment on "how demonic" it would have been). She said it was wearing a black cloak-ish dress with a hood and when she mentioned Jesus, its face had many different colors, vivid, and grimaced at her. She started to karate chop and kick at the demon as it backed into the hallway.

Her demon had a face and seemed to be of taunting nature. My demon, although similarly dressed and in height, did not have a face and was very calm and non threatening.

I was wondering if anyone has had a similar experience. I have read comments on others experiences with demons and what they look like (differences in size, color, etc...) and since I haven't come across a story similar to mine (outside of my family) its hard to relate.

Thank you, and God Bless.

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J.A.D (guest)
5 years ago (2020-07-25)
When I was a small child I used to constantly think I saw my brother who is 2 years older. He would be behind me or running passed me, then he would disappear. It would turn out that either he was in another room or not home. One day I saw a figure dressed in a black grim reaper looking robe with hood. He had my brothers face and child size. I looked away thinking it was my mind playing tricks on me then it was right next to me with a creepy smile. I just looked away and ignored it until it went. I had many instances where I thought I saw or felt things throughout my life. Sometimes not creepy, but I felt in my spirit that I shouldn't engage with whatever it was. Other times people, places and things have felt so wrong that it would make me nauseous, and give me the sense to flee, or rid myself of the object.
Jaye (guest)
5 years ago (2019-12-10)
I have some sort of demon attached to me. I have never seen him but he has pretended to be two things I am obsessed with. I hear him clear as day and he hurts me and others I know. He also makes me very ill. I can cleanse with sage and he goes away for a day or half a day. I recently started talking to Arch Angel Michael and his prayer is the only thing that makes it go away.
Kiddo (guest)
6 years ago (2018-11-12)
For everyone that knows me... I'm not religious. I'm 15. I'm not even sure if I have a God or if a God exists. I've struggled with this thought since I was 12. Recently I have felt pretty useless, ugly, and terribly depressed and it's not a great feeling. I did something idiotic because I thought that perhaps if I do this, he will solve my parent's money issues, make me less self polluting to the image I see daily in the mirror, and just maybe pull my life together. It was partially a joke and partially just all of my thoughts rambling together. I summoned Satan and offered myself. I told him to take me for the list I wrote. A kind of selfless list that I considered would be worth more than my soul and worth more than every part of me. Well then I felt stupid because nothing happened. No light flickering. No cold breeze of air. Nothing. I fell asleep. I woke up from some loud sound in the kitchen (I suspect was my parents or siblings) and I rolled over in my bed to find some weird shadow on my wall, it was moving down... Almost like it was oozing down. I turned on my phone light and nothing was there... And as soon as I turned it off, the shadow was gone. I thought it was just the affects of me waking up. The next day I started to get these weird feelings something was just close to me but not. It's hard to explain but it's like something is right beside me but it's not. I felt sick the entire day (like I was going to throw up) but ignored it. Recently I've slept in my sisters room with her and I've been waking up with a cough (coughing to the point of tears in my eyes and gagging) but then it goes away when I'm fully awake. I get a weird feeling in her room. When she leaves to get a glass of water or to do something, I can hear dogs barking or different sounds but when she comes back... They're gone. When she went to the bathroom to brush her teeth and closed the first door (two doors I can see into both of them because the door to her room) I could still see into the second one. The first door was shut but I could see the light through the creases, the light was fading in the creases constantly but the light in the bathroom was on and my sister was in there. In the corner with the door, I thought I seen a shadow of something around 5'7 or 5'8 and it was just there. A big jolt hit my stomach. This other thing... It feels like I'm rotting... Like I was NEVER sick before. NEVER. Everyone fakes a cold here and there to get out of school but I've never felt with allergies or any skin issues (NOT EVEN ACNE) and I'm not really the type to get a cold because I'm precautious around sick people (not a freak but I carry germ-x and tissues everywhere) but I noticed these weird rashes on my upper neck near the hairline and on my bottom left foot. I'm completely terrified for my family. I don't give a rats tail about myself but I cannot put my family through this.
Brinkx (guest)
6 years ago (2018-10-22)
I too had more than one experience with a demon no face no sound the cloak was red with a hood a staff in its hand and it was slowly coming towards me in visions of mines no sound no face an it was if it had a purpose and that was to get me and me alone it passed everyone straight like it didn't even see them but was constantly coming for me the feeling it gave off was nothing nice I felt fear hate confusion and lost I haven't seen it since I started rebuking its awareness in my visions or life.
Open Heart surgery (guest)
6 years ago (2018-09-25)
I saw my black shadow figure during open heart surgery. I was very worried when they stopped my heart that I would die like my father did on the table. My best friend said she asked her guardian angel to watch over me. I remember seeing him, yes it was a male, very tall and thin all black with a suit and hat from the 1920's. He just stood there with his hands in front of him and I remember thinking oh great this is the angel of death just waiting for me. The room was very misty and I could hear talking. I remember him reaching out with his right hand and touching me on my left arm and everything got very quiet and I felt so at peace it was amazing. The next thing I remember is my wife talking to me as I was waking from surgery. My friend asked me if I had a mark on my left arm as she asked her guardian angel to leave a mark so I knew he was there. I just told her Oh he was there believe me he was.
Sharon (guest)
6 years ago (2018-09-22)
I woke up to my two cats screaming and they flew off my bed and ran into living room, I turned around towards my husband smelling a really bad stinch in the air that smelled like burnng skin, I realized there was this half burnt creature that appeared to be burned and was half human and snake hubbering over my husband in his sleep! I screamed staring right at it and it looked like it was shocked I could see it, then it crawled off the bed! My husband woke up and I told him what I just seen and he told me I was just dreaming and to go back to bed, I said I was not dreaming and it was real, he said what us that smell I said it was the burnt demon that was hovering over you in your sleep and told him what the cats did, we both said a prayer and cast it out of our home! I will never forget it as long as I live!
Chris (guest)
6 years ago (2018-08-16)
I'm sorry for spamming but I can't seem to help myself. Hopefully this is the last one.

I think that Jesus sacrificed himself not only willingly but also wantingly because, to be blunt, it was his preferred option. I think ultimately, to him, it was his only option because he knew himself and knew what he wanted.

I'm so sick of Christians not realizing that Christianity isn't really about the Bible or being good to each other casually or saying prayers (IMO). It's only really about becoming more like Jesus. Jesus was and is the ultimate anti-evil and to fight evil, I believe, we must become more like Jesus.

When someone has much pride, selfishness, selflessness (unbalanced!), self delusion, jealously, pettiness, self-loathing etc they will be defeated by true evil when confronted (by the anti-Christ).

To became like Jesus, I believe, is a terrible thing to have to go through because I think it involves much suffering.

I think that's what happened to me i.e I wanted to be like Jesus but I failed because of my so many not so great character traits. I didn't even know at the time that I wanted to be like Jesus (before everything hit the fan). I just wanted to be good and brave and honorable etc. Now I've realized what it really means to be as Jesus. It's a powerful person who makes the choice to walk into hell willingly because it's what they want... Because they are good and brave and they are honorable etc. It's not a game, it's awful but that's what it is to be a real Christian. Imo
Chris (guest)
6 years ago (2018-08-16)
I apologise for my language in my last comment.

I've never been into anything dark like practicing the occult or using those board things btw.

Once I had a dream where I thought I was out of my physical body (like a ghost). I was underground in the dream in some underground caverns. A ghostly woman was holding my hand and I thought she'd bought me there. An entity, a male, was down there. He had an energy field of absolute terror. The feeling of terror completely overwhelmed me and his energy seemed to pierce my brain and take control of my mind. I then saw, what appeared to be, some of my future. I saw myself with a future friend that I make one day and I think he's a practicing Buddhist monk. He was freaking out in the vision and researching ancient texts desperately. I also saw myself, one day, as a ghost, down there with the him (the guy showing me my future). I was under his control and I said to him "look what I've made for you!" and it was a dark tower on earth and there were screams and suffering coming from its base. I knew at the time that bad and terrible things had happened to create the tower.

It's sad to me because when I left the town I was in, my chakra aka the location of my feelings and my inner guiding light felt covered up my something ghostly. I couldn't feel my feelings of sweetness and compassion nearly as strongly. When I left that town I thought that my room eminated sadness.

It wasn't long, at home, with my parents that I started seeing "666" popup. I'd lost all of my motivation in life. "666" kept popping up while I was on my computer. My parents home was so think with a paranormal atmosphere (I'm the only person that noticed). Weird static electricity discharge sounds on the walls and ceiling began. Alarms were beeping as I walked past. This one dark looking shadowy character (a man that seemed to hate me) was entering my body now and again and I couldn't believe how cold he was making me feel, almost like ice. Then things go really bad and I was sectioned in a mental institution by my parents and I was told by doctors that I'm schizophrenic.
Chris (guest)
6 years ago (2018-08-16)
I'm insane (schizophrenic) and I think that I can see shadowy looking figures and sometimes grey, semi-transparent people in great detail. With the darker shadowy figures I can't make out their physical details well at all. With the lighter, brighter ones it's way easier for me to see their physical features.

Sometimes it can get sexual i.e. Sexual feelings of organismic like pleasure in traditionally non-sexual areas of my body.

I see one sitting on my bed right now and a lighter one behind me, again on my bed.

I don't know why they are here and I'm not unafraid of them because they can control me sometimes and they tell me bad things and sometimes they make me want to do bad things; Humiliating things to myself and evil things to others and as my resistance and willpower decrease gradually over time I feel less tormented mentally but I'm sad inside. I feel so sad inside like I'm secretly crying. Lord have mercy on my soul. I do want to love Jesus but it's hard because he died or other's sins and it's not fair on HIM (IMO). I don't know if I can be like Jesus. Inside I do want to be but not so much in my mind. To be a true hero, like Jesus, it is as beautiful as it is dreadful to me and talk and belief is one thing but I think that truly walking the walk is very, very hard. That's what I think and people who love those that are willingly to sacrifice themselves, like Jesus, but not make the same sacrifice ARE NOT REAL CHRISTIANS. BEING A TRUE CHRISTIAN IS NOT A JOKE, IT ISN'T ALL LOVE AND POLITENESS. It's a fukcing warrior religion. In a fukcing war. That's my opinion anyway...
Cliff (guest)
7 years ago (2018-07-05)
When I was around 10 years old I seen a figure in the hallway of my bedroom door darker than the darkness of the house. It had a well built human body with the head of a longhorn or bull it seem like it stood about 7 feet tall I was terrified I laid there on the floor staring at this figure until I fell asleep too scared to move or speak I will never ever forget that night
Blue Bird (guest)
7 years ago (2018-06-27)
Recently, I've gotten much closer to God. After getting closer to the Lord, I had a dream about a man that claimed to be God. He was wearing this brown hooded cloak and I could clearly see his face, but it's hard to describe. I was in a room with him. He was super tall and was floating off the ground slightly. There were no walls in the room and it was like we were under a spotlight. Everything around us outside of the spotlight was pitch black. There was a tall, brown, wooden door with a gold handle next to him and there was an armchair next to me. Next to the armchair was this small table that had weird flowers I have never seen before and that had magizines, too. The man spoke to me and said "I am God.", But I knew he wasn't God, so I said "No, you're not." And he said "Why don't you think I'm God? I am God." And I said "No, you aren't. You don't have the same presence as God and you don't make me feel comfortable." The man goes "You're right. That was a test. I'm actually a messenger sent by God." I shook my head and said "No, you're not." The door cracked open slightly, but I couldn't see what was behind it. The man was getting angry, but I didn't feel afraid of him for some reason. He said "Why do you think I'm lying? What reason do I have to lie?" And I said "I don't think you're lying, I know you're lying. You are no messenger of God, nor are you God. Leave me alone." Then, I woke up. Also, everything in the room was bigger and taller than me. It was weird. To describe what the "man" looked like, he looked oddly innocent, but you could tell he wasn't. He had such an innocent baby face that looked... Unnatural. His features were soft and his expression always remained blank, as if he felt nothing at all, but you could tell how he felt by reading the atmosphere. He had fair skin, meaning he was kind of pale. He had a weird color to his eyes. They, like, changed color kind of. And not with his mood. They were dark and had some sort of sinister look to them. Sometimes they were brown, others they were maroon, and others they were black (only the Iris went black. It was never his full eye). He looked surprisingly human, too, but you could tell something wasn't right about him. His hood covered his hair and head. His cloak covered his entire body. The way you described the demon you saw to look kind of reminds me of what this "man" looked like, but I don't truly know if what I saw was even a demon. I thought that, even though you saw a demon in your waking life, our experiences were somewhat similar, so I wanted to share mine with you.
Jacks (guest)
7 years ago (2018-03-11)
It was about two months ago I saw the same figure. Pretty much I describe it as the devil or demon portrayed in the movie the Exorcism of Emily Rose. It was about 6'5"-7' tall in a fully shrouded black cloak. I turned on the light it wasn't there, turned off the light it was standing there in the corner. I told it I belonged to Jesus and in Jesus name I command you to leave and don't ever come back. I had to say it a couple times and also declare as a child of God you have to obey me. It looked back at me and left. It was eerie but a little weird, my strength in my faith and absolute love and trust in Jesus I was not as scared as I marched towards it with confidence as commanded it to leave. Have not seen it again and I hope that I don't ever see it again.
NO SUSAN (guest)
7 years ago (2018-02-21)
contacting spirits with a medium to talk to your "loved one" is just going to curse you in God's Kingdom HE SAID TO NEVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR DO THAT! Demons are just going to masquerade as that person and it is not even them! Dont be tricked! Dont do this grievous thing which is a terrible sin!
Spade Head (guest)
7 years ago (2018-02-06)
I used to sleep with my mom when I was very little since it was just the two of us in the house. I think I was about 4 when this happened and I've never found any information matching the description to explain what I saw. 28 years ago, I remember waking up one night to see the similar figures everyone has described. Grim Reaper like, dark cloaked, etc. The main difference was that there was no face or hands. It was just a black cloaked figure with a spade-like shaped head or hood. It was standing right next to he bed watching me silently without moving. I remember being terrified and squeezing my eyes shut to pretend to still be asleep while I slowly moved my arm over to shake my mom pleading silently that she wake up but she wouldnt. When I finally got the courage to face it, I opened my eyes but it was gone. I haven't found any explanation as to what I might have seen. There are no descriptions of a demon that fits what I saw or what kind of demon it might be. It was just a heavily clad shape. I just want to know if these things are there to curse you, harm you, or are they past souls watching us?
Daniel 817 (guest)
7 years ago (2018-01-08)
It mostly started when everything went downhill I started shaming God and started being more on the Demonic side I started speaking out more and more as time progressed thinking negative thoughts I've did everything Good throughout my life until I lost my job house and car so I move to the country with my mother which I previously lived they have a two story home that has 150 + Acres the closest people is my brother that lives far down the street one night we were in a RV we have sitting outside the house when my mom had yelled for my name so I ran to her she started saying she heard whistling coming from a barn I started to say your full of it but I heard it in the middle of my sentence sounded like a human close by nothing else can describe it and this is the same night I was shunning God and talking to the devil so we left everything in the RV and went inside for the night a couple days have passed when I went outside on the balcony as I searched around with my flashlight I spotted a glowing set of green eyes looking into my soul as me and these eyes made contact I felt like it ripped my insides out I've never been scared of a country until I witnessed these things I'm not so much a believer in ghosts or demons but those green eyes steering at me change my whole perspective I was shuning God for my downfall I remember this night specifically because I was shuning God more than ever when I went upstairs after seeing the green eyes I Googled what was close in the night and has green eyes one of the first things it's pulled up with demonic encounters and I kid you not I truly believe it was a demon making me realize there is a heaven and a hell I stopped talking to the demons that night and praying for forgiveness from God this is all happening out in the country these eyes and whistling are coming from a barn we have out there I pray to God until this day that I'm still accepted into heaven I understand if I'm not cuz I actually believe that putting our Lord down for my actions this is one of the worst things you can do after that I started preaching and stopped talking to the demons and I haven't seen or heard anything since I feel like if you are doing these things and please stop thank you
st (guest)
7 years ago (2017-11-25)
My question is: did I really experience this? After a suicide attempt, I was in ICU, was very sick... Should have died... Had a breathing tube, etc., I saw... When my eyes were closed... I was awake, black shadows sweeping at me... Tormenting me... I was never so scare in my life... I felt the evil... I remember praying, for God to save me and prayed for forgiveness... I then saw Jesus... A vision of from his neck up... Side view only... He was looking at the shadows... Immediately the shadows formed into a ball and became smaller until they disappears... I knew I was going to be okay... He stayed for what seems like 3-4 seconds longer and then disappeared. Jesus was in a bright light and the rest of the vision was not. Did I really see this?
Susan (guest)
7 years ago (2017-11-18)
A little over a year ago I was helping a friend out at her house. She had a two story beautiful home. When I would go upstairs I would get such a cold and uncomfortable feeling, especially when I would walk into the spare bedroom. I would immediately get goosebumps and feel very lightheaded. I never put two and two together why I never saw my friend go up there, the one time I do remember her coming down from upstairs she was pale as a ghost. I finally sat down and told her how I felt when entering that room. She looked at me shocked and just said, "you feel it too?" She actually had a very special gift where she could actually see spirits. She would tell me over and over, "Sue, you're an earth angel!" Which I had absolutely no clue what she was talking about. I've felt like I've had a sensitivity toward spirits. My husband always picked on me and would tell me everywhere we move a "ghost" seems to follow you. I always pushed what I thought I heard or seen out of my mind out of fear. Anyways, my friend confided in me and told me how she could see this evil spirit and that it would stand in a corner of that room and laugh at her with an evil laugh. She felt that it "wanted her." One night we had a mutual friend over and stupid me decided I would take her upstairs to see if she felt the same as I did. A very big mistake. It immediately took interest in this friend and the friend who was the owner of the home could actually hear it say "I want her!" She was literally standing there arguing with this being that I could feel was there but could not personally see. She finally just yelled out, "FINE I will do it, you win." I was confused and a little doubtful of what was going on. I decided to try and sage and bless the room. Out of curiosity I video taped as I was going through the process. I was raised in a Christian home and believed in the blood of Jesus. As I was reviewing the video in slow motion an image kept coming up during different durations of the video. I screenshot each image and they were the exact same image made out of the sage smoke. I knew there was no way that smoke could make the same image multiple times. I sent the image to my friend and she said, "omg that's it." She then began to tell me, you did it, the demon is out of my house. Rewind a little, after I heard her negotiation, the next day I got a feeling that I needed to call my friend. She was in the process of preparing to commit suicide. I literally sat on the phone with her and talked her out of it. She never told me what drove her to that point. It was not long after that my family and I ended up moving in temporarily with the "mutual" friend until we found a new place to live. I've always felt very comfortable going to her house. We have always been close friends since the age of 13. It wasn't long after we moved in I noticed that I had the same feeling in my friends room as I did in the "other" house. It was in her bedroom. I saw such a change in her attitude and she became real drawn in her room, she would literally only leave it to go to work. I spoke to the other friend about what I was experiencing and all she could say is, "oh god, it's going after her, I should have kept my end of the deal." It was then that she finally confided in me what her negotiation was all about. The demonic spirit wanted our mutual friend but it told her it would take her soul instead. So that explained the suicide attempt. When she didn't go through with her part of the deal it went straight to our friend. I tried the sage process again in the bedroom when she was at work and I undoubtedly made it very angry with me instead of making it leave the house. It moved across the hall to the room that I was staying in and literally tormented me. It actually revealed its appearance to me twice. Once I woke up and I could see it running around my room very evilly laughing at me. Another time I woke up and it was literally in my face. It started to physically harm me. The night that I was almost nose to nose with this hideous spirit, it scratched my nose. I woke up one morning with a complete row of deep dark fingerprints that was bruised on the inside of of my left thigh. The position of the prints were in a way that there was no way possible I could have done it to myself. I would wake up completely drained in the mornings and it would affect my work day. The most scariest thing that this demon did was I woke up to my bed shaking continuously. I thought it was my husband tossing around on the bed. It was so bad I yelled out, "baby can you stop moving I'm trying to sleep." When I sat up and opened my eyes he had not even gotten home from his night shift yet. My bed kept shaking and I just froze for a minute. The shaking finally stopped and I looked over at my 3 year old son who was lying next to me and he was being shaken back and forth. His body looked like I was taking my hand and rocking him back and forth trying to wake him for school or something. This demon was actually shaking my baby boy back and forth like a rag doll and I didn't know if there was anything I could do to stop something that was not even human. I just grabbed up my baby and cried and begged God to make it stop and I spoke directly to this evil presence commanding him to leave my son alone. I prayed and prayed until it finally stopped. When my husband got home he said I looked so petrified and I was. The image that was revealed to me those two times was almost exactly how "Jacks" explained in his story. It was very short in stature and it reminded me of an extremely scary gargoyle. The only difference is this demon had horns and was wearing a black hood. I'm not sure if it was an entire cloak but I could definitely see the hood with the horns sticking out in front of the hood and not pushing through the hood. It's an image that I don't think I will ever get out of my mind. When we left that house it completely left me alone. I have never seen or felt it since. This demon came in between me and my friend and made it to where I would never come back to that house, I truly feel that way. We have not really spoken since I've left. She became a different person and not in a good way. It's good reading that others have experienced this and that I can reassure myself that I was not going crazy and imagining things... Thank you everyone for all of your stories. I'm sorry that mine is so long. Also, if anyone could recommend a reliable medium, could you please email me susan.cloud3383 [at] I had a very special loved one that passed away. He visited me one time in 2010 and spoke to me. I have never heard anything since then. I would love to find a medium that could try and connect with this loved one for me. Thanks guys so much.
Jacks (guest)
7 years ago (2017-11-17)
When I was a kid, up until the age of 18, I saw little demon creatures sometimes. When I saw them the following day something would happen... An event both good or bad. I saw them as a warning. They did scare me. I had visions also. I was a troubled child, unhappy, had a dysfunctional family. When I was 18 I saw two demons in my bedroom, laughing at me. They looked liked the demons from a Goya painting. They were short. Had faces like gargoyles. It was the laughing at me that got to me and so I prayed. I asked God to take them away. Instantly they disappeared. Never to see them again. I do see and feel ghosts still and have had prophetic dreams. I do warn people of impending trouble if I can. I am sure people must think I'm on the weird side but this is who I am. I'm a non denominational Christian. I do believe in heaven, as I've seen it. Believe that it's so beyond beautiful with colors that we cannot see on earth. We can see with exceptional clarity and see every detail. Heavens light is so pure and envelopes with unjudgemental love. I have gone through a great deal in my life. I have been suicidal at times and have been in a hospital. Sometimes I just wanted to step off the world because the pain of it has been too much. While I believe we have an earth mission, to learn and help others, I also feel very little is under our control. We are watched all the time and have spirits guiding us. I have had my life saved multiple times by my guardian. It's a women with a strong, firm voice. I have seen so much that it would take too long to write it here. You aren't alone. We share these life events and we can learn from them.
Zandalen (1 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-04)
After seeing this post I had to make an account. I have only told 2 people of my experience. I am going to be honest. I am a spiritual believer I don't believe in any one god specifically even though I was raised in a Catholic home. I have always believed in the paranormal and my sister and I have always been sensitive. I occasonally take magic mushrooms to try and get in touch with my spiritual side and to let down my mental guards. I have done them many times and only once did I exeperience something I have never and hope to never have happen to me again. I only plan to speak of that experience and I want to know if others have seen the thing I could see.

I could tell it was in my head because I could not see it when I opened my eyes. I can imagine the hall way outside the room I was in. I had my boyfriend and his family in the same house but they were down stairs. In that hall way about half way through my journey I reached the dark point. That is what I call this experience. And what I saw was a black figure. Human shaped in apearance except the legs were wrong when it stood upright. It also didn't walk while standing, it could only move while crouched like a dog (picture how Remus Lupin moved in the harry potter film in his werewolf form that is the only visial I can think of).
It was colored black yet it had a static kind of apearance. Dark like a shadow but not solid. It had no face and its hands were oddly long fingers. If it opened its mouth it too was solid black and was jagged.

This thing was telling me to do stuff even though I never saw the mouth move when it spoke. It was telling me to do horrible things to my boyfriend and his family. I of course fought off those thoughts because I love them with all my heart and I could not hurt them.
When my boyfriend came to check on me he said I kept mumbling "shut up" and "murder/kill" over and over. I still feel scared and I can still picture that monster. This happened in either November of 2014 or 2015. I can't remember the exact year anymore.
I had dreams of a similar monster as a child and in high school but it never spoke like this it was just an image and did no harm at those times.

Does this sound like a demon? Or just a bad spiritual journey? Is there a known demon that is shaped like that? I have tried to google and look it up but I can't find anything. And I can't find drawings of it either online.

**I do not want to hear any negatives about how I choose to take my spiritual journeys I know people don't approve of hallucinogens its the only way I can relax and understand myself and my purpose. As stated before this is the one and only time I experienced something bad on my journey.
csabo1969 (1 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-26)
I remember being in kindergarten and going to a Christian school. We did dress up in costumes on Halloween, my mom dressed me like a red devil. When I got home, we had just moved into a home, I looked out our hallway and I saw a little red devil my size... But he was a costume. Never saw him again
.we just stared at each other a bit... The area was pretty spiritual tho... Could see and feel things. I often wonder if I'm meant to explore that side of spirituality.
Jdivine2016 (1 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-13)
Hello Carlie:

I wanted to chime in for a second. If I understood correctly, you asked God to show you a demon? Well, let me say as a person with the gift of clairvoyant dicernment that there are many questions I have. First, you doubted God. God is non denominational. Christians are not the only beings going to "heaven." Second, your doubt of God regardless of your denomination and asking this insidious question did not help your situation, butthat is not your fault. Here is how the other side (s) work. There is another dimension connected to the earth plane where human spirits go to work out their stuff, a redemption so to speak. No matter how much you pray, ask for forgiveness, or do good deeds this does not guarentee your ascension to higher planes. Next, the polarity paradigm does not exist. Theres no hell in fire or pearly white gates of heaven. What is there are many planes of spirits working on stuff to become one of God again. God is a divine spark in us all. He seeks for us all to reunite with him again. As for Jesus, he was a man connected to source (God) like many other profits, Jesus' in other religions, and people with the gift. He was not God incarnate. We are all God incarnate. Now, your actions in life cannot be prayed away, but guidance from the source will lead you down the right path. By questioning the source, you received your answer. If the being is cloaked, looks animal like, acts vicariously, causes intuitive negative emotions, and hurts you, heres a great suggestion. First, reclaim your space. God gave you free will. Tell him you got it and to guide you back to him. You don't need the bible or any other religious artifact for this. What you need is an unshakable connection to your higher self (spirit/soul) and ask God though you to command this being to leave now. Do not be sweet, caring, curious. You look right at it and from a place of serene calm you say" I humbly revoke what I said to God. The one true Godof pure light outaide of polarity dogma is my father, brother, source, whatever you want to say. Then say this God is redirecting you now, forever, and always from humility into the light. I say humility as it was probably humiliating. Whatever emotion is fine as long as it fits the situation you created. Since Jesus Christ was the best teacher, healer, and brother known to man and promised us that we can do great things trhough him and god and that we will do them greater and better is the go ahead for the final part. Now, you must remain unfearful. Fear is what feeds it along with negativity. You say: In the Name o Jesus Christ and or God, I revoke all energy I given to you right now, I no longer accept you in my home or life in any way whatsoever, and I command you to leave me forever through tje power of Jesus Christ. Thats it. You can light a white candle if you like when doing it. Certain crystals, rosaries, holy water, crucifixes, etc. Are good. I do not suggest you go crazy with them. By becoming too religious, obsessed with said stuff, and so on is fear driven and won't work. It needs to come from you, but get your mom in there too. You invited it in, kick its butt out. Just like a rude guest. Das boot out the door, window, wherever. Then get closer to god everyday and your vibrations will lift and you will be more protected. One more thing. Not all spirits are demons. There are human, loving animals, and others. The trick is dicernment. If it doesn't feel right, remove it even if it is cute. If its for your highest good, it will understand and be with you regardless as a true loving and compassionate companion. You set the rules, hun. Also, you might be open to spirit now. A lot of stuff will change, especially religious dogma. Find God, not what others tell you he is. Ask him to come to you for your highest good. Hes not judgemental. He didn't send this thing to you. You opened the door. No amount of bible study, religious artifacts, or materialistic stuff will ever work. It will work to keep you grounded as a tool only, not protect you. That comes from God, Jesus, and your connection with him. If you need further help, I know professionals whom deal with this more than I have. Message me.
Unapologetic (1 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-04)
Please email me I had the same occurrence happened to me as a young girl when I was living in Maryland and has been wanting me to this day I have so many questions please contact me beautyglow88 [at]
WindWalker (2 posts)
9 years ago (2016-05-22)
I was born with the ability to see demons and other things.
It terrified me as a child making me freeze not speaking or moving. It's hard to describe if one hasn't experienced it. The evilness that demons have seems to steam off of them like a gas that causes complete total paralysis to the humans that can see them. They omit a foul stench sometimes.

I told my Mom about it and she taught me how to use the name of Jesus to make the demons leave. It worked.

Anyways it scared me a lot seeing them so somewhere in my teens or early 20s I asked God to please take the ability to see them all the time away and He did.
I still feel and smell them and sometimes get a glimpse of them but not like it used to be.
Im much older and wiser now and I have often looked back and wondered if it was wrong of me to ask God to take that ability away because now as a grown up perhaps I could have used that ability to help others. For examples if I could still see the demons it would help me realize why some people are being afflicted with illness and so on because if I saw a demon around them I would know how to pray for them or how to use Jesus name to chase the demons off of the person.
I told God I'm willing to use the "gift" if He gives it back but I admitted that I would need guidance and teaching and the strength to endure and know what to do.
So far the gift hasn't been fully restored.
But when I turn it on I very often see into the spiritual world via what some call the 3rd eye or inner mind. It is lot less scary seeing things that way verses seeing them right there in full view in the same room as us.
They all look different. Some don't have a body that defines how they look. Some are shapes, dark cloudy blobs and shadows.
In my experience only Jesus has been strong enough to help me and chase off the demons.
darkassassin92 (40 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-23)
I don't believe in god or the devil anymore so I'm a athiest my dad is religious I'm not. But I'm still interested in the afterlife or in reincarnation that is if they are real.
Sean (1 posts)
10 years ago (2015-04-19)
Ever since I can remember I could see a dark figure moving round where ever I was sometimes it would show it self and others hide in a dark corner. I have a memory that I've never been able to forget from my childhood I was walking down our hall way and we had a linen cupboard and mum wanted a tea towel so I went to grab one and something grabbed my arm from between the linen and tried to pull me in I've always tried to tell myself it is an allusion but over the last two years iv been a strange detailed figure regularly it's a bald pale skinned man with bright green eyes as If they were reflective he's wearing a dark like coat and he just stands there and watches I tried to approach him as I was having a smoke as if he was just some sort of local weirdo but when I got close he was gone. I am looking for some feed back as you don't hear about these sort of things in New Zealand...
Timfaraos (131 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-23)
I'm greek orthodox. A holy romanian orth. Monk, who lived in the mountains by himself, for 15yrs, (cause communists were persecuting the priests and monks), said: 'if you are tied to a tree, and see a demon how he truly is, you would uproot the tree and run...!' Because God rarely permits us to see a demon how he truly looks like, we would get a heart attack! In a orthodox monastery on mount Athos, the monks were preparing a man, who was previously a black magician, to be tonsured a monk the next day... Well, that night in the corridors of the monastery, the monks heard terrible wailing, high pitched screaming, dogs barking, (they had no dogs...), doors of monk's cells slamming open... And next day, in the vegetable garden, all the plants were uprooted or trampled, everything in a mess! This happened, because the man was a black magician, and when he became a monk-a spiritual warrior of God- the devil couldn't handle losing him, who was one of his servants! A fantastic bestselling book to read on this topic is: 'THE GURUS, THE YOUNG MAN AND ELDER PAISIOS' by Dionysios Farasiotis, at An excellent true story of a young new ager, and the battle between God and the demons for his soul, body and mind (which he nearly lost!). Timfaraos [at]
Polaquita (1 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-11)
I'm not sure if you can access your account anymore or visit your page. I wish for you to be able to ready experience. Which is connected to yours.

I saw THE SAME entity. I was 5 years old, and randomly woke up. It was still dark outside, and I was living in a strictly catholic household.

When I woke I saw the grim reaper entity staring me down. He looked just as real as a human. He had the hood on, and black cloak. He was bony, and very dark.

I hid under the covers, and don't rember the rest of the night.
I told my mother the next day, to this day she remembers.

That energy never left, nobody has answers, nobody can understand it. 😐
Bellanjelah (2 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-10)
I had the same experience/encounter when I was 6 years old. It was almost midnight, oh well, I felt I needed to relieve myself but the comfort room was downstairs. All the lights were off except in the room where my parents and my two siblings share since it was too big, there's partition though for my parent's privacy. So there I was wide awake and trying to fight the urge of nature. I couldn't make myself go downstairs since I was afraid of the dark. How I wanted to rouse my Mom so I can ask her to accompany me but then knowing my father might get mad I just kept silent. Fortunately, the urge waned overtime so I decided to get some sleep. I was sharing the bed with my two siblings and as a child, I had a share of being mischievous. What I did was, shove my two siblings on the side until all the bed was spaced just for me. Then I told myself, this bed is all mine "bwah haha". But then, when I turn to my left where the built -in closet was, a solid dark figure was standing before me. He was wearing a hat similar to a farmer's hat and its tail was hanging on air. Its hands spread open wide as if it was ready to grab me anytime. My eyes were affixed at it trying to figure out if I was just having some kind of delusion propagated by my discomfort and fears. But I know I was real, it was bold and solid and not just a shadow or something. Of course I was scared that I couldn't move for awhile. Then in my mind I was telling myself I'll be alright. I found myself slowly moving to the right side where my two siblings were shoved. I cringed and covered myself with blanket, closed my eyes and after saying a prayer I fell asleep. The next morning upon realising I was all alone in the room, I ran as fast as I could but never did tell anyone about the encounter. It took me years before I told about it to my bestfriend for fear that people may judge me or label me nuts or weird. I know there's a demon lurking, but we all have the power over him.
carlo0612 (1 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-22)
It also happened to me before however my experience is detailed and longer that's why I will never forget it. It was October 2006 I don't know about the time, during that time My parents and my brother are sleeping with me. I suddenly woke up and saw a man wearing a black coat with hoody his hands are together and he is moving (swinging) like observing us while sleeping. It took me a couple of minutes staring at him. The thing is I was not afraid because mom and my brother are sleeping beside me. I also make some conclusion in my mind because I'm not sure if its really human. First is it might be some shadows of a tree from windows (so I look at the window) but its not possible because the figure is like human not a branch of tree. Second is it might be my dad trying to scare me wearing my devil costume (By the way It was my first year in a pure catholic school and every october we have Christian living week and we have school play and my role is demon. But I'm sure my dad is sleeping down the bed and I hear him snoring and beside He doesn't know that I'm awake) And the because I'm sure that this is not my dad and not a shadow from outside, so what I did is to pull my upper body up to seen it clearly (he's standing from our feet) but what happen next scared me. He move from our feet going our left side between my dad and mom. In that location he's really near me where I can even touch him if I wanted to (I'm sleeping in my mom's right side) that's the time I started to wake up my mom. I'm whispering to her ears " mom someone is standing beside us" I told her that several times on the couple of times she respond "pray" that's what she said then I start praying "Our father, Hail Mary and Glory be" but nothing happened he's still standing and swinging beside us. I am really afraid and I think that's the time when mom stand up without looking him and turned the lights on. And he disappeared. From then on we never sleep without any lights on, We now sleep with lamp. (the figure is really clear I am really sure that its not shadow or anything because I am already awake might be around 1H because of my conclusions) I'm not sure if its evil or spirits until last night I watch the exorcism of emily rose where the priest saw like this and he said it was a devil.
yereocasio (1 posts)
12 years ago (2013-07-10)
This is an answer to psalm96v2. But it may help a few of you also.
These are prayers from the Bible specifically to help you deal with an evil or demonic presence. They really work and if you doubt well you may check the Bible. I hope this helps you guys. Good luck!

Romans 12:21
Be not overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel

Saint Michael the Archangel, Defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, By the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander throughout the world Seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

The Lord's Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done On earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread And forgive us our trespasses As we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power And the glory Forever and ever. Amen.

The Twenty-third Psalm

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures. He leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul. He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil For Thou art with me. Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies. Thou annointest my head with oil. My cup runneth over. Surely, goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life. And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Amen.

The Prayer of Jabez
I Chronicles 4:10

And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying: "Oh, that You would bless me, indeed, and enlarge my territory. That Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain." So, God granted him what he requested. Amen.


In You, O, Lord, I take refuge. Incline Your ear to me and save me. Be my rock of refuge, A stronghold to give me safety. Amen.

If you are experiencing a troublesome or malicious haunting, the following prayer is a very powerful tool to use against negative entities.

"Exorcizo te, immundissime spiritus... In nomine Domini nostri Jesu Christi"

(Translation: "I exorcize you, unclean spirit... In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.")

From the Roman Catholic Rites of Exorcism, found in the Rituale Romanum

Phonetically: Ex-or-see-so tay, em-moon-diss-uh-mee speer-e-toos, in nom-en-ee Doh-men-ee no-stree Yay-sue Kris-tee.

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