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Real Spiritual Experiences

Seeing God's Light


This happened around 8 or 9 years ago. I've told a lot of people. Some believed and some said I had a black out or was on drugs. I know what a blackout is. But any way this is my experience. It happened on a Sunday afternoon while sitting in my living room watching the nascar races on TV. My wife went out to fill up the bird feeders. I had two or three beers (honestly). All of a sudden out of nowhere while watching the race, I was standing in what I call Gods great light. There was nothing around me but his bright light. I had the most beautiful and loving feeling ever imaginable while standing there. I somehow felt that I was being told that everything was going to be alright. I couldn't see any thing but this brilliant light. Gods light is unexplainable in words. And in as fast as I got there, I was back to the races. My wife came in and see me crying. She asked what was wrong. I couldn't talk. I tried but my emotions were overwhelmed by Gods light. I would choke up and cry every time I tried to tell my wife what happened. It took over two years to tell the story without crying. I still get tears when I think and talk about it. If I ever had doubts about our God, I don't now and never will. By the way, The part about everything was going to be alright. It was alright. A week later I got a letter telling me that there's been a mistake in my pay for over 9 years. A week after that I got a $17,000 check. I didn't think I was depressed, but God new different. God works in masteries ways. Got to love him. Trust in the lord. God Bless you all. Take care.

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Betty (guest)
3 years ago (2021-09-21)
I had the experience of God's Radiant Light several years ago. I was asleep and it was early morning around 4 or 5 am and all of a sudden a bright light from up above was beaming down at me. Lil by lil I was being taken into the light and as it took my soul into it the brighter it kept getting and it was Soo bright but it didn't hurt my eyes and deeper and I was going into the light then I started to feel the warmest sensation I had ever felt in my whole life. At that point in my mind I knew it had to be God's Light! So then I started to feel Soo much Peace, Warmth, Love and as if I had never been hurt, nor physically or emotionally, like I had never been betrayed just such a Beautiful feeling that was no comparison to a Beautiful Day here on Earth. Then suddenly my alarm clock or phone went off and I was awaken and brought back from God's Light. When I awoke I cried for about two hours straight Praising and Thanking our Lord Jesus for showing me that there will be Beautiful Peace in Heaven for all Eternity!
c (guest)
6 years ago (2018-05-19)
I was in my 20's. My parents broke up, dad left. My mother was crying that night something I never heard before, it was awful extreme pain. I felt her pain and cried in my room, could not stop, then determined to ask God to take away her pain. I sat up (despite wanting to sleep) and told God I would sit up and pray until the end of eternity, if that is what it took. I was stubborn and I prayed over and over, take away her pain, please. There came a light in the absolute darkness of my small room. It came from above and slowly grew, soft white light, brighter and no sound, I will filled with bliss, happiness, lifted and wanted to go with the light. My ego did not exist. There was no self awareness or questioning mind (as is human). It was as if I was basking in this healing light. It was I that slowly let go and laid back into my bed, no tears, completely dry face. It was miraculous. I felt the uplift then the heaviness of life itself afterwards. I understand now that being human is like emotional gravity. A few things, I prayed with clarity of mind, tossed out any intruding thoughts, and had 100% faith I would be answered, if it took me a life to sit up in that bed. God answered.
Reneegirl64 (guest)
7 years ago (2018-03-30)
It was December Christmas week. I sleep in a recliner sometimes because I got a bad back. I was reaching over to get the blanket I got insomnia bad to. So I'm sitting thinking how much stuff I had to do that week starring across my living room. When all of a sudden this beam of light came down from ceiling which is high up. Then it was like lighting spreading inside of my living room it was bright but didn't hurt my eyes. I closed my eyes and it was so bright came through my eyelids. It Struck like 5 times and it spread lighting every time. Not a sound. I got up after it was over wondering just what happened. Someone told me I had angelic experience. I'm a Christian but I have no clue why I was picked to see this. It was best feeling ever!
joni437 (3 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-16)
Your story is a good one, Someone came through for you, that's awesome, although I have had my past share of experiences, I just don't feel recognized is how I call it, I myself have never been in the glory of the light, been seeking for all my life, been asking for help, declaring it, etc. But it hasn't come... The small things that arrive are just that small... Still making it the hard way, struggle of life, and very close to not believing in divine help anymore, it doesn't seem to bless me, no matter how good I intend, help others, suffer, it doesn't make a difference, no matter how much I fast, attend or not attend church, it makes no difference. I often question, why suffering? Havent I been good enough? Peace it be, joni

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