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Real Spiritual Experiences

Gold Flashes Of Light


I was alone in my room yesterday morning getting ready to do some homework (I am in college working on my bachelors in psychology) and all of a sudden a flash of gold light caught my attention out of the corner of my eye. I thought at first that a lightning bug had gotten into my room. I turned to where I saw the light and 2 more flashes of gold light flittered around the room and then disappeared. I got out my phone and turned on the camera to try to capture a picture of it if it came back. I then tried to take a video while asking questions like who are you and why are you here. Nothing more happened and I text my husband about the experience and he asked me what I thought it was. I blurted out 'angels' and I didn't know why I said that or why it felt like that. I finished my homework and took a nap waiting for my husband to come home.

Later that night I had forgot about it and had a strong urge to clean up my storage room, which was a huge mess and more than an all day project. We have lived in this house 9 months now and this spare room had just become a collection room for all the stuff I didn't feel like unpacking from the move. I know, I'm a bit of a procrastinator, lol. I sent my husband downstairs with a box intended for goodwill and I hear him say 'what the f*** is that?!' I looked down the stairs and saw that he was pale white and watching something. He looked up at me and he says 'You weren't kidding! You really did see little flashes of gold light!' I said 'I take it you saw them too?' He said 'yeah, 3 of them' and then his head darted to one side as he saw a fourth one and he ran up the stairs. I said 'So you thought I was crazy? You thought I was making it up?' He said 'No, I believed you, it's just different when you actually see it yourself'. I said 'Ok, so I felt the presence of angels, or at least thought of angels when I saw it, what did you feel?' He said 'I felt comforted, and strangely at peace".

We decided to look it up on the internet to try to find out what we saw. First website that pops up was about angel lights/angel sparkles/angel trails. It gave me goosebumps from head to toe and I read the description of which colors of sparkles mean which angel is visiting you. Gold wasn't on there but yellow was, close enough I guess. This is what it said: "Yellow (dark): Gabriel, who helps messengers and parents". I immediately burst into tears because right now our two boys were removed from us and placed with my sister in law because I posted on a mom blog site that I was overwhelmed (both of them are autistic) and not looking forward to the summer because I would be with them all day long. We have been struggling to understand why they were taken, and why it's taking so long to get them back since DHS already investigated and found nothing wrong and determined that our home environment was safe. My husband and I have been fighting a lot from the stress of losing the boys and all the confusion surrounding the whole ordeal. I took these flashes of lights and references to angels as a sign that God is watching over us, and that everything is going to be ok, and that he has been hearing our prayers.

On this angel website, it had a 5 card oracle reading for free. One of the cards suggested rest (we haven't been sleeping much), another card said to consider donating old stuff we don't use anymore to charity or the less fortunate (funny how that came up after I got the sudden urge to clean the storage room). While upstairs cleaning the room I saw one last flash of gold light and haven't seen anything more today.

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Sheila (guest)
5 years ago (2020-03-17)
Lol Again Anon haves the answers of everything... You should take your medication, you need it Anon!
Anon (guest)
5 years ago (2020-02-07)
Just rule out health issues

When someone says brain fog and gold flashes in the same breath I'm thinking MS but that's curable don't let anyone tell you otherwise

It's got many fricking layers to cure it though

Check your pronouns and your self concepts
Your diet
Environmental exposures
And basically just whatever u need to

Sometimes it really is just your mind playing tricks on you or a health thing or the power lines or whatever

Sometimes it is a proper spirit thing
Anon (guest)
5 years ago (2020-02-07)

Whoops I misread the date and it's been years ok

Hope u already got your family back together and graduated
Anon (guest)
5 years ago (2020-02-07)

I'm not trying to be rude Darlin but you're not helping your cause

I believe you but when you say psychology student and DHS in the same breath as seeing Angel's I'm thinking the system might not be too keen on you hallucinating

It's not fair because

1. Everything is a hallucination
2. Hallucination doesn't say much about parenting skill does it, a little flash of gold light that makes you feel good has got nothing on a stereotypical worrisome one
3. You can just put it down to the temporary stresses of your present situation anyway

I'm saying that to warn you because if putting something on a mum blog got that happen this is a risk for you.

Cover your tracks better.

You say you are a good parent I believe you. You say your husband also saw that. I believe you. You say that you saw Oracle card synchronicity I believe you.

You set yourself up to see the Oracle card through priming. It happens in energy too. People call it other stuff.

You set yourself up through the mummy blog. Again you didn't mean to.

And now I am setting you up.


Because I want you to know that when it comes to the state ESPECIALLY psychology in the main is not open to this stuff at all.

It's called Occult because people want to keep it secret

1. To cover their arses
2. Because we don't know what it is

3. This means people make up answers

It could have been Angel's. Let's go with that. Its helping you.

Okay you want validation

I'm not crazy I'm just tired I needed a holiday because I got special needs kids

Look if you're in the states I'll bet you do, your country is renowned for letting the common folk down and being more or less a police state

Land of the free my foot, sorry the US is a joke from the outside in and I'm living in the land of your presidents "little brother" so yeah I know how messed up DHS can be

So what I'm saying is do yourself a favour

Sane rational people already know that we can sometimes have anomalous cool stuff happening and they don't admit to it because of fear

Do not walk in fear

But do not seek validation like this either

It was just your mind responding to stress okay;)

Learn how to frame and observe your experiences so you can pull yourself together and get your family back

And use psychology to do it;)

"Hard won lessons still being learned"
jay (guest)
6 years ago (2019-07-07)
For months it was flashes of light usually gold. Today they stayed and floated around me starting on the right then some to the left. Seem to have white light mixed in them. Like diamond fireflys. They stayed long enough for me to think " no I'm not dead"
Andypandy (guest)
6 years ago (2019-05-03)
I just started seeing small golden light today in the shape of a pencil is the best I can describe. I am going through a lot of health issues at the moment including brain fog which is driving me crazy as I find it so hard to get anything done. Well today I decided to start setting up a blog & try to do some affiliate marketing as I want to be in a situation where I can pay for my own healthcare as things are becoming so bad here in the UK: (. Whilst I was sitting here trying to set these in place I saw 3 so I am taking them as a sign that I am on the right path with what I am doing.

I hope your situation has changed with your boys for you & your husband. Much love.
Dillmyster (guest)
6 years ago (2019-03-02)
Not long ago I was sitting on my bed and was day light outside. I spoke honestly from my heart with my mind in tune with my heart confessing and asking for all bad things that have been done to me along with lose of time an death of my dog. To help and solve all that I have had so many problems I live with that I know that we're not of my fault even though all who have lied an blamed me for their own doings an scapegoated me an all who listened an not one person besides my new best friend now days didn't listen. Now from having many people that were suppose to be my friends I no have a few. I'm not sure how long after I yelled out to God coming clean with my sins asking for forgiveness and for help to fix everything that been taken from me and all that I rightfully worked for earned and deserved but been robbed off that never should have happened that is something that only I seem to strongly feel that no one else seems to share with me. But about five to maybe ten minutes after words and never experienced before that hard to seem to find info on subject that hope was God's sign that I asked for to truly help me to see something but also left me in confusion. Don't get me wrong but it's not something that much can help explain and always seems to be that be more helpful for God to show in physical form an tell me and that's not how he works. I experienced seeing gold or yellow sparkling which best way to describe as shooting stars all around me going in every direction most of them came from out of my vision like from behind me around me to front of me then vanish with many of them for few moments an possibly like time may have stood still cause may have which seemed to me for short time like maybe for a minute but maybe shorter than that.
Sparked (guest)
7 years ago (2018-08-08)
I see sparkles when I wake up they are floating around up by the ceiling they slowly disappear what is that
Fatima ali (guest)
7 years ago (2018-08-06)
I also noticed this golden light in the corner of my right eye, more than 9 times. What is it really means?

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