Last year I had a spiritual awakening and understanding. I wanted to post this here to see if there happened to be anyone else that had a similar feeling. I'm Christian but I don't run around judging it means I see my life through Gods ways, if you see it differently through some other God or spiritual way that's fine.
Now that we got that out of the way, I had this feeling that things spiritually and around this world were making and going to make a new change. Its comparable to how each generation is different, they left a different mark, well I felt that was happening in today's world. I had been running these thoughts through my head and when I went on a road trip with my mother she begin speaking of the same feeling and then we arrived and attended church that week the Pastor preached a sermon very similar to everything I had told my mother. I'm not some Christian fanatic so please I hope other are open enough to hear what I felt.
This time in a spiritual sense is what I call the time of the Warrior. It's a time where one can not stand still and just frolick in their beliefs, the enemy isn't just lounging around he's ready and striking hard. I have felt since this time last year that things we once practiced spiritually have to evolve for the hardship we will experience in the coming times. When I moved back home I tried explaining this to a new friend and he asked me if I could be a lamb, a wolf, or a sheepdog which would I prefer. I said sheepdog and thought what an odd question. He smiled and said I thought so, the story is that the wolf represents the enemy the killers, the lambs are the innocent or just the regular folk, and the sheepdogs keep the wolves at bay from harming the lambs. That was my awakening.
I also realized something, I keep a journal and I had written an entry from about five years ago where I said I saw my demon in my dreams chasing me and he was a black wolf. Then this year I had a quick dream of a gigantic wolf with red eyes in my backyard behind the fence, I quickly made the connection about the story of the wolf and the sheepdog, I know times are always changing but knowing in what way to change is important and powerful in the survival of who we are. I guess if anything it would be helpful to know if anyone else has had such awakenings.