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Spiritual Experiences titles starting with the letter L: Page 1
Laughing Eyes by EmanatePresence
A reader of the blog I write shared with me his spiritual experience, which 'changed it' for him. He was watching Eckhart Tolle and Bradley Holowitz from Google have a conversation about information technology and mindfulness and how they could work together. "Eckhart has a very peaceful demeanor...
Learning The Truth by dalebrinkley
This all happened about 1998. My brother and I were living together in my parents house. They had passed away in 1992 and 1996. There is a difference in our ages. I was 43 at the time and he was 19. He was out with his friends doing drugs as I had when I was his age. I went to bed knowing he was you...
Led In The Right Direction by trueckl
So often you hear about being guided in the right direction by some outside, unseen force and I am sure that this is what happened to me in the following story. Last year we lost a very important part of our family, our beautiful 9 year old black lab. It was a very tragic loss and affects our fam...
Less Spiritually Aware by waterlily
Several years ago I posted my first story about my twirling light (reading my first story may help you to understand what I mean) but as the years have gone by, and I have gotten older I have realized that I am becoming less spiritually aware. I am unsure as to why this is happening but I have som...
Lesson Of The Fire by EmanatePresence
It was early morning, and too dark to see a clock, so I don't know the time by men's counting. But it was before the rooster crowed, so maybe 3 or 4. The fire had burned itself into a thick layer of ash, with just a few sparks left. I had always before awakened before the fire got this low, when ...
Lessons From A Bumblebee by Devin Cowsert
I have heard once that the secrets of the universe can be observed in even the tiniest parts of itself. A bumblebee demonstrated this lesson well for me and although I don't have any questions really, I felt like sharing. I have been working the last several months since my living in Utah as a ho...
Lester by willothewisp
Over 11 years ago, I was studying to be a Massage therapist / Energy Healer. I was raising 3 children with little income, I needed a massage table that I could not afford. I prayed and was guided to a woman who was selling her brand new table because she was full time taking care of her husband who ...
Let It Be by Carl
My first wife and I bought a 100 acre property in the Australian bush. The furthest town was approx. 30kms away and with about 1 km of river frontage we had a large number of wildlife around about, including kangaroos. When we arrived, God said to me that he was going to teach me what the true meani...
Lets Take This Journey by bigmoe
Today I lost my job. You may think this is a strange way to start a story but if the worst is in the beginning then it can only get better. You see I was sitting with a client in her home when I received a call. This call was from a business associate of mine. He proceeded to inform me that he had m...
Liberty Dignity Infinity by NaturalScience
This title means the properties of God I realized directly, not by reading but by knowing, in April 1998. I, beforehand, ask all readers NOT to imitate me in regard to the substance mentioned below. They only would give unnecessary risks to themselves. This is an absolutely exceptional case. "Drug...
Life Is Energy. Universe, You Have My Attention! by NZ85
Just recently I have had some awakening/enlightenment moments which have included intense body vibrations, interaction with energy, revelations/messages, and, powerful feelings of love and happiness. I know my story isn't finished yet but I want to write what I know, just to have it out there. I ...
Life Through Spiritual Eyes by vagabondfaith
I have written now quite a bit about death and its consequences, but what about Life? In the Gospel of Saint John Chapter 10 verse 10, Jesus says very clearly the following. The thief (Our old enemy Satan the Devil) cometh not, but for to steal and to kill and to destroy. I am come that they may hav...
Lifted Into Air by Aligoyette
One day I was reading the Bible and came across the passage about the virgins and half of them didn't have enough oil for when the bridegroom came. Well I laid on my couch and with my eyes closed I talked to Jesus about what that means and that I wanted to make sure I had enough oil for when he retu...
Lightbulb Experience by Edward
My story started a little over 5 years ago. I was having a lot of coincidences happen to me as if I was being taken care of. I started to have materializations happen to me. Too many to be a coincidence. I would go shopping for things I needed and they would appear for me either for free or I woul...
Like An Out Of Body Experience But Different by angelicah66
This has now happened on 2 occasions within a few days. I was simply walking to my bedroom when all of a sudden things went a little foggy. As I walked through the rooms they became unfamiliar to me as though I was a stranger to my house and even as though it was not me walking through the house. My...
Lilly's Spirit In The Trees by Mike
My golden retriever passed away Nov. 15 2008 10:45 am. My love for her was more than just love it was a spiritual love. Her name is Lilly, named after my deceased Grandmother. I have wanted to tell this story for a long time, but couldn't for the over whelming emotions and grief and still have diffi...
Little Butterfly by jamieboy222
This story begins in 1976 when I first moved to oahu, at the time I was 22 and living in Kaaawa. I had gone at first to help build a large house on the beach next to the light house look out at Diamond Head. When the job was finished I sold my return ticket and looked for a place to live. A frien...
Living As We Are Being Watched by vagabondfaith
We are being watched! It is hard to walk down the streets of London without falling under the surveillance of a TV camera. Big Brother is watching you. Apparently, and I am no expert it is very easy for Big Brother to listen in to our cell phone conversations. Many of us believe that our privacy is ...
Look To God Within And Feel The Heat Of God's Directions by LooktoGodwithin
About 30 years ago, when I was a young man of about 37 years old, I was struggling over my belief in God. Although, I had been a practicing Catholic since my youth, I was having doubts about the existence of God. At this point in my life, I was married with two children living in a house that we own...
Looking After Children by AdorableSeven
My daughter Paula died four years ago, and although very, very sad, I have enough Faith to know she would be alright in the Afterlife. One night in the early hours, I felt I was floating, quite rapidly, out of my body, and there she was, my beautiful daughter, dressed in a bright yellow dress. We ...
Looking For My True Self by FaeTalesHime
Everything began when I was a child between the age 5 to 7. Since I was a child I have seen things as well as attacked by the spirits in my dreams and in the physical world. Things have gotten so bad that people around me have gotten hurt as well. Now things have gotten so bad that I have attacked e...
Lord Please Don't Take This One Too by Flutterofwings
In 1970 I gave birth to a baby boy. He lived three hours. I held that tiny tot of six months along in my arms, while laying in bed. I couldn't climb the many steps to the top to get help, as I lived in a basement apartment and had no phone. My son died in my arms, while I held him close to my body. ...
Lord What Do I Do Now? by Flutterofwings
I got into a head on collision, in 2003. I had many injuries and couldn't walk anymore. One minute I am on my way to work, and the next I am in a horrible car accident. As I sat in my car, knowing I was in the accident as I seen it coming. I felt like my heart was broken, it hurt so bad. I later fou...
Losing My Spiritual Gifts by MsMask
I will begin by asking these questions: What am I? Am I even human? Do I still possess the many spiritual gifts that I was born with... Or are they gone forever? I'll start off with a few small details about myself. I'm 18 years old, and in a sense a tad bit inexperienced with all of this. I literal...
Love by vagabondfaith
What is love? Love is the Total answer to everything. How is that possible? Simply because God is Love and He is the answer to every thing. Love is extremely difficult and in fact impossible except for one possibility. What is that? Help from the Holy Spirit. In other words help from God Himself. Wh...
Love And Forgiveness by wayne
In all things done in life I always dedicate them first to God. This way He accepts the offering where there is no ego involved. Also, I do know that it is (He) who brings things about for us in being His instruments where we are able to give of ourselves for the service to others, no matter what pl...
Love Fire by firestarter
After a day of bearing some unusually heavy mental suffering, I took a hot shower and lay in my bed. My breathing became very deliberate and slow, almost without my realizing it. I had this sensation of rising above my bed in a fetal position. This feeling that can only be described as fire started ...
Love Is LOL by BrusselTrout
JIMMY JOE: God, what is love? What is it that ticks these clocks of magnificent ambition? Do we really need not but mystery in this life? I assure you; the mere fragrance through love's nostrils should invoke my pursuit of this entire body. BRUSSELTROUT: Fear not for your idea of love. I know th...
Love Unblocked by freespirit21
After experiencing the intense heartache that comes with unrequited love, many people said to me that I had 'put up barriers' and that I was 'blocking love'. I didn't really understand what they meant, I didn't feel blocked. How could I be putting up blocks without meaning to? Months later I got...
Love, Even Beyond Death, Saved My Life by wisdomthrudeath_m5_44
Where do I begin? My great grandma passed in 1993 at the age of 92. I was 9 years old at the time. In life she was a very spiritual woman who had a very close relationship with GOD. She would get on her knees and pray every morning and every night, until she became bedridden due to diabetes and othe...
Lucid Dreaming And Out Of Body Experience? by LaLaLand79
First off, when I had these experiences I had no idea what lucid dreaming or an out of body experience was. It all started this year, I had started to have dreams where I knew I was dreaming. I was actually conscious of the fact that I was dreaming. I thought I would wake up after finding out that I...
Lucid Dreaming? Alien Abduction? Or Something More Evil? by Shaina
This is quite a long story, but I hope someone will hear me out as I am very confused. It all started about a year ago when I began experimenting with lucid dreaming. I remember what seemed like my first OBE, as I woke startled thinking it had really happened. I confirmed some parts of my dreams to ...
Lying In The Palm Of God by Zapticon
Recently I had an experience I've never had before or after. I'll cut straight to the chase and hope to get some understanding and answers if possible. I was home one weekend to play the piano at a Christian meeting with songs to worship god etc. I've played the piano at meetings like this many m...
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