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Spiritual Experiences from Florida, United States: Page 1
Meeting Spirit Guides by Anamel
I figured I would consult this forum because I'm not sure what to make of my experience. I completed a YouTube hypnosis for "third eye activation" (I was just bored so I did it, not expecting anything). I entered a part of the hypnosis that was left up to my mind, although I do not know if it is ima...
Jesus And Me In The Clouds by Fred
When I was about 16 or 17 (27 now) I was in my room middle of the day using my computer. I believe I was burning a CD or surfing the web. I was wide awake so it could not have been a dream like many I have told the story to have told me it was. Out of no where I was literally in the clouds, not phys...
The Realization Of My Purpose by daniii
I want to share this story in hopes of enlightening everyone on the existence of our spirituality which resides in each of us, and of the the spiritual realm, which I believe heavily influences, and governs our lives here on earth. I want to preface this story by shedding light on my religious bac...
The Unknown Is Scary, Unless Given A Chance by ImmortalKitty
The unknown is often feared by the uneducated and close-minded, unless you step out of your comfort zone and give some things a chance (Even if they are unexplained often times). It's been three years that I had disconnected my relationship with the Lord and Savior, Jesus H. Christ, God, and the Hol...
Panic Attack, Or Spiritual Intervention? by SpiritualSeeker
So I'm 26, and have been through a lot emotionally and still continue to. Back in 2011, the accumulation of stress of 20 years of life had finally taken its toll on me. I was attending college and had been intensely researching a lot of things on my own free time. I was a mad man. One of the things ...
Healing Feeling by mshealer42
This is the first time I actually write about my experiences that I've had. I would like feedback on this topic I haven't came across any one mentioning this. When I was 20 years old as I cried myself to sleep I ask the Lord to take my life in between sleep and awake I went through this tunnel that ...
The Vibrant Colors Of Jewels by riverrose
I was about eight or nine years old when I experienced something that I have never before seen or felt again. The year would have been somewhere around 1963 or 1964. I was playing house in my mother's bedroom, as I shared my room with my great grandmother. There was a twin bed under an open window w...
Yoga And Out of Body Experiences by earrthchild
I have been practicing Sivananda Yoga recently which is a very spiritual practice. Yoga in general is spiritual, but the Sivananda tradition gives special attention to spirituality, unlike some other more athletically focused styles. Anyway, because of this, I have been practicing asanas (poses) les...
A Visitation From An Angel by halieghb
I was born with cancer and beat it twice with no medication. Soon after I was completely free of it I had the most life changing experience at such a young age. I will never forget it, I don't tell many people this story because I know people will be highly doubtful of it or think it was a dream. I ...
Butterflies, Signs Given From Some Higher Power? by arcane
My name is April and I would like to share my personal spiritual experience with you. I have had too many experiences to share with you in one writing so I will share just one that is significant. This has to do with Monarch Butterflies. What some of you may be asking is what is so spiritual about t...
Oh My God by tallenb49
Like so many stories this one starts with my birth. My current earthly birth of course. The only reason I mention this is because at the finish of this story (the whole story is of course far from over) I understood how each event of my life, like a pinball bouncing from one bumper to another, led m...
God Is Real by myeargins
3 Februay 2002, Sunday night, I got on my knees and asked Jesus to be my Lord and Savior. I also asked Him to let me know if he hears my calling. I just wanted some kind of sign to let me know if He hears me. Three days later (how ironic, three days later) I was driving out of the city to see one of...
Spiritual Shaking by Metasopher
Last night, after I woke up from a nap, I was lying in bed and didn't really want to get up. So I just sat there thinking about nothing in particular. For some reason, I started contemplating infinite. I imagined a marble rolling on a plane above me and was able to "see" it. Then it dissolved and I ...
Holy Spirit So Intense by IntenseSpirit
I feel the Holy Spirit So intense and strong it is absolutely, positively, like no other feeling, it is pure Love from Father God and there is no doubt about it! I was raised Catholic and I have to say that I felt the presence of the Holy spirit in the Catholic Church especially when I was young bo...
Awakening To A Voice by miszivy
I am fairly new to this web site but it seems to be the right place for me. A few months ago, I had one of the strangest and most profoundly life-changing experiences of my life. I was sitting at home doing nothing particularly special when all of a sudden I was flooded with an electrical wave o...
My Recent Holy Spirit Transformation, Baptism, Infilling by scarlett2
I wanted to reach out/find others that have had a similar experience where the Holy Spirit has completely, dramatically, and unexpectedly change dramatic lives! 3 days after Easter last year (2010), the Holy Spirit woke me up at approximately 10 am from a sound sleep. I started praying and deeply...
Seeing Jesus In My Dreams by amartinez
About 3 years ago, I had a powerful dream. My aunt calls them visions, messages, signs from GOD. Before I had this dream I never hardly attended church, sometimes I would read my bible, but I hardly understood what it was talking about. I knew some stories. I was confused, part of my family grew up ...
Spiritually Touched... Ummm Yes by Bill
Spiritually touched?... Ummm yes, you could say that... I have felt the presence of god and the power that binds us all together. I have also had a few encounters with I guess you could call them angels or demons but spirits definitely. Most make me feel full of the most joyful feeling and others th...
Bright Light by Corrine
I thought I was alone and I saw that I am not with this experience. It was in November 2009, and it was around 1am or so I was sleeping and the room was dark. I woke for some reason don't know why? Just did I had my eyes closed trying to go back to bed, but then it happened... It was the BRIGHTEST a...
Touched By God by Cathy
Everyone was asleep in my house. I was feeling bad, so I went on my back porch and began to pray for healing. It started to pour rain side ways and lightening struck hard. All of a sudden, I was filled with intense light and started to laugh and cry with joy. The only thing I can compare it to was w...
My Inner Awakening by Ponali Ramos
I was attending a Buddhist retreat and while I was listening to Rigpa, the Buddhist monk giving and guiding the meditations, a voice spoke to me and said "I am supposed to be here." The voice was talking about me and sounded as if it was my higher self delivering the message. That day, I was medi...
Dragonflies and Spiritual Luck by Daydreamer
The story takes place in my middle school on the date of September 11th, 2009. You might think that it can't be a day to have good luck on but, the story I am about to tell you is 100% true! It started as any other September 11 at my middle school. We would have a ceremony to honor the people who...
God Is Trying To Tell You Something by Truth
I am 23 years old and I have experienced both the good and the bad when it comes to the spirit realm. When I was young A Evangelist told my father that I would be a prophet. Needless to say I ran as far away from that as I could in rebellion and fear of rejection from my friends. I believe that all ...
A Gentle Reminder That God Wants Our Time by Joel B S
I consider myself a spiritual person. I communicate with God constantly through prayer, mental dialogue, or open discussion. This past weekend I wasn't able to attend my regular church service and found myself somewhat removed from my normal spiritual weekend experiences. I didn't notice this until ...
The Day I Saw God's Face by Kelly
I remember specifically to this day, the day I saw Jesus' face. I am a strong Christian and ever sense I was very little I say prayers every night. My mom taught me them when I was 4 and we would say them every night before we fell asleep. One day, I forget how old I was I'm guessing 5?, I remem...
Felt Like Floating by deannah
I recently became aware that I am an Empath, and I've also had experiences with the paranormal. But this is something totally different and I've always wanted to know if anyone could explain to me what I experienced. I was 15 years old, and home alone at the time. I had been sleeping very well an...
Teachers In My Dreams by velvet-wings
Anyone ever drifted off to sleep, and in the state between actually falling asleep and being asleep, pictures, voices and what seems to be film scenes begin to "pop-up" in your minds eye? Or have dreams of galactic reference, like the sun bursting into tiny fragments, multiple horizontally aligned m...
Stonehenge - All Hail Great Stones by merrycbattles
Kathy and I hit the ground running. She got into the English car on the wrong side and started driving on the "wrong" side of the street. We were off to Avebury, a four thousand year old standing stone circle shaped in the form of a dragon through a circle, the symbol of alchemy. The town of Avebury...
Jesus Blessed Us In A Dream by Pamela
The early morning of Ash Wednesday I had a dream. In my dream me and my boyfriend were standing over small figurines of Jesus and Mary about the same length of my hand. Mary was clothed in light blue and Jesus wore a red robe. The room was dark except for a light shining on the round table with the ...
Twice Touched By The Spirit Of God by BrianM7625
When I was 14 years old my brother came to me and wanted me to go with him to steal gasoline. Our family wasn't a church going family. Having heard the 10 commandments I knew stealing was wrong. I laid in my bed and prayed to God, God if there is a God make my stomach hurt. My stomach hurt. There is...
Experiences of Intense Blessing from God by Neil
I've recently come to gain clarity over a random and repetitive spiritual experience (hereafter called "The Gift"), I've encountered throughout my 54 years of life. "The Gift" has occurred approximately 2 or 3 times a year with no apparent rhyme or reasons in its arrival. Although I'm now clear ...
A Voice Said "My Beloved Son" by Leo_Dreamer_08
Now mind you, I never induced these experiences (my church would disagree) but I felt "pulled" into the astral world and I would call on God to pull me back out because of my fear. Now that I know what it is, I can't wait to let go and travel! One of the experiences that I remember well was sudden b...
Ya Gotta Believe by leonwalker
Grandfather Walker took me to the ball game regularly. We were required to call him Grandfather. He was a gentleman, and a sportsman, in the truest sense. Baseball was only one of his passions. I remember him to be a man of few words and among all of his grandchildren, he spent lots of quality time ...
My Encounter with a Being of Light by ENLIGHTENMENTNOW
I came from a church going background. I always had the thought of Jesus. He was a person on a cross... After many year's of hard drinking and drug abuse I found myself in a place where I could not go on in any way shape or form. Drinking wasn't working anymore nor drug's. I spiraled down... I wa...
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