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Spiritual Experiences titles starting with the letter V: Page 1
Vibration Like Earth Quake by sssrini65
It happened on the night I had done Krishna Janmashtami pooja, when I was asleep at 12:30 am my whole body started vibrating vigorously. I woke up & could feel the vibration through out my body, I got scared that it was an earth quake. I just let it go as long as it happened since I could not do any...
Vision After Operation by bluesapphire007
My name is MK. I don't want to give you my real name. My story goes like this, I am 22 years old and I have been suffering from a lazy eye ever since I was born, Yes I can tell in baby pictures that I had a lazy eye. What that means is that I did not see through my right eye. I only saw through my r...
Vision Becomes Reality by spiritualadvisor44
Helping people restore their lives was to become, unbeknownst to me, my destiny when mine fell apart. My educational background consists of a degree in Psychology and two years of Sports Medicine. I have been a Legal Assistant for the last 21 years. (All I ever wanted to be was a cosmetologist!) ...
Vision I Had One Morning by geehutch
One morning a short time ago I awoke from a dream that left me feeling a little different. After waking up I noticed I had a light in the corner of my eye that wouldn't go away. I thought at first it was just something in my eye, or just eye strain, but it wasn't. It was a little distracting, and so...
Vision Of Golden Light Energy by altair1
In 1983 I had a Vision of Paradise which consisted of very fine bead like Golden Light Energy, with beings made of this energy. Angels spoke to me, it was an incredible experience, full of wonder, ecstasy, awe, and terror. In the beginning God would have created perfection but needed every Angel to ...
Vision of Hell by KristenMJ
This is a true vision where I was spiritually taken to Hell to be shown the consequences of a completed suicide. I believe that this vision occurred due to my suicidal tendencies, and that I was planning at some point to end my life. I didn't have a very specific plan as to when I would commit suici...
Vision Of The Cross by Michael Hooten
This vision/experience happened not long after I recommited my life to Christ. I made a decision that I wasn't going to live in the lifestyle I was in anymore so I decided to camp it out for a while since I didn't have any where else to go. I was in the woods praying to God and meditating with a ro...
Vision While At Sea by Clark
Saturday April 14, 2018 while still ship board on a cruise off the Northern coast of Cuba I had a vision. I hope you don't think I am out of my mind and I assure you this happened. I tried to get my wife to watch this with me as it appeared in a cloud. I did verbally detail to her what I saw as I sa...
Vision With Four Angels, Weeping And Covered By Wings by jennebrooke
I had a vision about four years ago. When I first had it, I called local churches and they basically just asked me what I was going through or how I was feeling that time of my life. I want to tell someone or a group of people who are knowledgeable in prophecy or general spiritual studies. When I re...
Visions by SweetDeanie
Last year I started getting visions of Jesus talking to me and taking me into the heavens and pointing down at the world below, I saw it and the people in it, mostly all the bad stuff was highlighted to me, this lasted a while as I looked around and felt sadness at what was happening, then the world...
Visions / Tree Beings by ledzeppgal
For a very long time I have had these spiritual visions that come out of nowhere. I notice they happen more often when I'm in a relaxed state. I very recently had this vision that seems very important and I'm wanting to hear others thought on it. The other night when I laid down in bed I was thin...
Visions Of Heaven And Hell by bella
I've been a nurse for almost 7 years now and have always been drawn to my hospice patients. I'll never forget 2 experiences I had where I felt I saw a glimpse of heaven and hell. Oddly enough the patients' rooms where right across the hall from each other, but they did happen at two different times....
Visions That Came True by sarin
August 3, 2016 Morning 8:30 AM) I was taking a shower and I saw a plane and an engine and the pilot and the passengers. I saw the engine of plane was not working. I was uttering these words, "The Engine is not working, o god, at least the pilot, or the passengers or the team who supports with the si...
Visit To The Brahmasthan by Hathaway
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi built a Transcendental Meditation ashram at the central point of India, the Brahmasthan, and I recently visited there. Usually I have very few experiences during meditation, but in my first program in the yogic flying hall I felt a deep silence as soon as I started meditating. ...
Visited By The Holy Spirit by cyndielynna
My name is Cyndie and I am excited to share my story! Here we go... When I was 18, I was living with my dad. My dad was very strict! He didn't allow me to date, watch MTV, or even talk on the phone with my friends. I was very sheltered. Well one week he was out of town and so I went out on a date be...
Voice Of Awakening by EmanatePresence
Year: 1999 Chug-clunka, chug-clunka. Screee, screee! The sounds echoed as I push the heavily loaded mail-cart down the long hallways. There is a mail stop. Drop off the mail, pick up the mail, smile at the person behind the desk. Push on, there are five floors still to go. In my mid-forties, a...
Voices From The Light by llitch
I was driving home with my wife and daughter late one night. Going in a northerly direction on a two lane road. I heard a voice within my mind stating "stop;, don't turn" I looked over to see if my wife said or heard something. They were both asleep. When I was about a block behind another car, I fe...
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