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Spiritual Experiences from Pennsylvania, United States: Page 1
White Light Experience by Randy l
I'm 48 years old and have struggled with addiction for all of my life. I've had years of abstinence, however I never treated the root cause which I now know is my spirituality. About 5 years ago I began using again to treat my crippling depression and anxiety. Although I wasn't using to get high my ...
My Spiritual Mentor by Xerath
To begin allow me to introduce myself, I am Xerath. Allow me to preface the experience with this information, I talked about this on Psychic Experiences in the middle of a very long life-story but I did not go into detail, as I feel it should be posted here. Before this experience I was in a very lo...
Going From Atheist To Firm Believer by KingRobinHood
I am a father of three in my late 20's that was thrown into a spiritual pit in my early twenties. It was something that I had to climb out of on my own. I'll explain why it was a pit. Around the age of 19, I was diagnosed with a chronic condition. IgaN, renal disease. Which threw my mental and em...
Tough Battle by Kimberly51
I was diagnosed with stage 4a oral neck cancer in March 2014. I met a hotel maid who offered to pray for me, we were strangers and had nothing in common but we both were very ill. She told me it was her first day back after being in he hospital for many months. We prayed for each other to be healed....
GPS by Pdoty
GPS, technology, isn't it amazing! Sometimes just thinking about how fast things have developed in the last 5 to 10 years just blows me away. Not even considering how far we have come in the last 100 years compared to all of life's existence. Gps is a real good example, almost everybody has on...
Prayer From The Heart by Redsky3
Before I start my story on my spiritual experience. I would like to give a little background information on myself. I am a former atheist prior to my experience. I had a rough childhood due to my parents being drug addicts and my grandmother committing suicide when I was 12. The reason for me adding...
Something Tries To Take My Soul Away From My Body by weirdHappenings
My problem started about 3 months ago. I practice a lot of meditation and letting go. Letting go to me is allowing my mind become blank. I do this all the time and I am fine but something weird happens when I let go before I go to sleep. When I meditate right before bed I feel this energy trying to ...
A Good Friend Passed Away Recently by USA19032
How are you everyone? I understand this post isn't supposed to be about dreams, etc etc. My good friend John passed away in a motorcycle accident months ago. I have been dreaming of him a lot. The last time I dreamt of him, he woke me up. As soon as I seen him in the dream, he physically woke me up....
I Saw God In The Clouds In Arkansas by jedinite2012
It was a very special day for me in a place I had only been for a short period of time. I lived in N.Little Rock Arkansas for about six months, many spiritual incidents brought me closer to God in this very special place. On this particular day I was walking along the Riverwalk in N.Little Rock not ...
My Experience With The Spirit by jedinite2012
Until several years ago, I thought my life was useless. I did not seem to have much interest in many things. I began to understand why by the spiritual encounter I had. I have always had strange experiences that cannot be explained. I thought it was simply a stress induced awakening of my brains hid...
Vision Becomes Reality by spiritualadvisor44
Helping people restore their lives was to become, unbeknownst to me, my destiny when mine fell apart. My educational background consists of a degree in Psychology and two years of Sports Medicine. I have been a Legal Assistant for the last 21 years. (All I ever wanted to be was a cosmetologist!) ...
How I Found My Spiritual Peace by Shaman-Odin-Ra
It all started when I was little: I was raised Judeo-Christian. I was very devout as well. Went to church, prayed, worshipped him, etc. Stayed true to his word. But a lot of bad things hath happened in my life. I don't know if I can even list them on here, it is that grotesque... But I am 17 1/2 now...
The Matrix... What Is True Reality? by Morton
I was hoping for some input since my mind has been extremely confused since the last experience I had. Its like everything I know has been shaken. Its a bit of a long story but I will try to keep it brief. Over the past 5 years of my life I have been learning to answer the call of a prophet on my li...
How Do I Find My Spirituality? by Libra
Growing up, I have experienced many things: seeing shadows, hearing breathing, sensing certain people/animals and things are going to show up and then they do, finding crosses, sensing smells, feeling coldness and fingers on my back, using writing as communication with a spirit (take over my hand/ve...
Transferring Her Pain by gemini17
I have had several people tell me that I have the ability to heal with the touch of my hands. I had a close friend who had a headache and I put her head against mine and focused my energy in my massaging her head. Within a matter of minutes, she felt lighter and pain-free. She explained the feeling ...
My Dream Guide by Tearen
About three months ago, I was visiting my college of choice with my parents during a weekend long trip. On the one night we spent in the town, I was having tumultuous dreams that I couldn't escape from (I'm usually a pretty lucid dreamer). The nightmare started to reach its violent crescendo when ev...
What A Dog Taught Me by blairv
I had rented a small 2nd floor apartment from a lady who lived below with her teen daughter and a quite older Boston Terrier dog. I used to visit often, and became friends with the dog. It had several traits: such as playing with a small rubber ball by shooting out of its mouth against the wall, the...
Sleep Walking And Out Of Body Experience by linda s. lassley
I am 56 years old, a female, Mother of two children... When I was a child, the middle child, I was different, saw the world a different way, this did not make it easy for me, stigma of "crazy" "weird" ahead of her time comes to mind. I was a nervous child and as I recall, my parents were always taki...
A Whisper In My Ear by snowflake
A few years ago, my husband, and I were living in a small town in Pennsylvania. I received a letter from my sister saying that my parents house burnt down, and my mom's dog perished in the fire. (my dad fell asleep shortly after starting up a pot of grease to make some french fries) I cried, because...
Spiritual Adventures With The Graceful Deer And Discovery by Shannon
This is a long, extensive story, but I've been looking all over to find a place to post it. Hopefully you guys can give me some insight and feedback All of it is true, of course... Although at times, it seems far too surreal to be real. I personally feel it is so, but we'll see. I've only looked ...
Angels Came For Esha by Lupiebin
My sister and I were always close, being only 2 years apart we grew up like best friends. When she was about 14, after many illnesses, they found she had Lupus Nephritis and damage had already begun on her kidneys. She spent most of her life in the hospitals, doctor's offices and in later years - on...
My Out of Body Experience and Possible Encounter with God by Nick Rossi
For over 9 years I have been, and still am totally perplexed by the unexplained psychic / spiritual experience that I had on the evening of February 25, 1998 at a small church in Aliquippa, Pennsylvania. Let me first say that everything that I am about to tell you is in no way false, or an exaggerat...
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