I'm changed forever by this one night, jesus appeared to me in his spiritual loving spirit while I picked up the pocket sized bible to read it for the first time seriously. It was almost four years ago when I was seventeen. If I could paint a picture as to what I was feeling that night when I picked up my bible to read it, and when the spirit and love of Christ entered my body, well, he made it glorious! Internally, inside of me, Jesus was glowing, and illuminating everything inside of me, he, the lord Jesus was radiating all of his light and precious spirit from within me, no one saw it but me, as I laid on my bed reading this little bible.
But everything changed, I felt the rivers of the power of the lord god to be deeply replenishing me, and invigorating me, changing my spirit from a spirit of hate, which is what I had a lot of, into a very peaceful character, for I was full of the love of god. God was clean and when he had entered into me, he made me clean, cleansing me by the water of the word, which is Jesus, the magnificent god almighty. The lord is a river to those that thirst for him, he will replenish the dry ground and bring you to become a fruitful field in no time, just so grateful was I for that time the spirit bountifully came upon me, to bless me with his blessing, which was Jesus, my creator to shed his light upon me and in me, to the point to where I saw him, spiritually, and his kingdom did I see it with the spiritual eye, or anointing that Jesus had opened in me to see.
I was filled with god, and he is not to be spoken of with words, but you are to experience Jesus revealing himself to you and In you, Jesus Christ declaring to you of his marvelous goodness. All of you can be ready to experience him. I'm just speaking forth my experience, which to me was a very happy time for me, god is good and gracious, forgiving and full of mercy, loving all and waiting to show his power and spirit in you, so you can experience him, Jesus Christ as I did. He will appear to you in spirit, and his love will mightily roar and come upon us and change our ways. How excellent is the spirit of the lord. This is for all you devout Christians out their, whose faces are set towards the holy city of our god. Jesus is our leader, guide, supporter, king, lord and everything, god is our life, refuge, strength, hope and glory! I praise you Jesus!
In the midsts of all your glory, do I give you oh lord alone do I give the glory to you and may the kingdom of god prosper forever and ever, be of good cheer said Christ. We are all a mere nothing compared to the glory of out infinity god, that created the universe with his own strength, power and wisdom. Oh precious are you, the power of the sun and our whole world is at your hands, to do what you will with it, this I understand, as from one who has tasted the lord, and felt and do feel his eternal powerful presence, for which I adore the god of this universe, blessed are you god, for sharing with me the fullness of your eternal house, may their be many more times where I dwell richly within your presence, to my joy and yours, and to all those who come into union with my spirit. May the lord god make his eternal kingdom known unto the hearts of men, that we may stand perfect in his presence forevermore, so he can radiate his light upon us at all times, even forever and ever even unto all eternity, shine your light upon us! In Jesus name amen.
Email: kingdomdreams4life [at] yahoo.com