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Spiritual Experiences from New Zealand: Page 1
Life Is Energy. Universe, You Have My Attention! by NZ85
Just recently I have had some awakening/enlightenment moments which have included intense body vibrations, interaction with energy, revelations/messages, and, powerful feelings of love and happiness. I know my story isn't finished yet but I want to write what I know, just to have it out there. I ...
Sleeping Lights by Alsmith
I'm not sure if this fits here, to be honest I'm not sure what it was, but I have experienced it recently several times. This morning the most clearly, I could not be sure my partner saw this, and haven\'t asked her. Our room is very dark to the point of not being able to my hand in front of my ...
Spiritual Visualization by joelnz
I will start by giving you a bit of background about my life. I have always had some belief in god throughout my life but when I've been at my worst my faith would weaken. In my early 20's I had three separate episodes where I was clinically depressed and each time it took me 4 to 6 months to recove...
Suicide And Split Souls by makingachange
Suicide and Split Souls Brigid Curran 10 November 2013 It has taken me 3 years to write this article as I am quite an analytical person and require confirmation for the work I do. (Clairvoyant Medium) This event is dedicated to Peter Middleton who passed to a better place 8 March 2010. You will ...
The Blessing by Donah
Back in 1988, my best friend's mother came to stay with me for a few days. The night before she was due to leave, we sat at the kitchen table and talked about her husband who had passed from cancer and her daughter, my best friend Heather who died tragically. Whilst listening to her talk, I kept see...
Soaked In Light by shimeah
When I was 28yrs old I had an incredible experience that changed my perception and my being over night. At the time I was living with an alcoholic and was not fulfilled or happy in my life. I had no belief in anything and didn't think at all deeply or question anything about life. This particular n...
My Cat Guardian Angel by Jasmine
I strongly believe that my cat up in heaven is my guardian angel. He was born in a box in my wardrobe, he was an only kitten in that litter. I always felt sorry for him because he would cry and cry as he had no other kittens to snuggle up with when his mother was gone. So I'd put him with me in my b...
Spirit Guides And Becoming A Medium 2 by Phoebe
Firstly, thank you for the assistance that I have already received from a reader. I will certainly follow-up on their advice about staying healthy in my aura. As an update I am feeling a lot better, this is mainly due to having recently signed up for a correspondence course in advanced tarot reading...
Spirit Guides And Becoming A Medium by Phoebe
I have been running a successful business for some time now, with little thought for religion or the spiritual realm. Several years ago my beloved grandmother died and I read Allison Dubois' first book for comfort and did nothing more in that regard until very recently. A few months ago, I began ...
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