About a month ago, I had an amazing dream. Although it was really short, it had a major effect on my daily life. All I can think about is my dream with Jesus, knowing that He had communicated with me.
I was some kind of teacher, or chaperone at a Catholic School. This school in particular was so beautiful, and huge, with lots of stairs. All the teachers and students were walking in the same direction, because we all knew "Someone" was coming to make an appearance. I think were heading to a huge mass. All I can hear was "He's coming! He's coming!" So I've instructed the kids to hurry up, so we don't miss it. As we were going up the stairs, I saw a bright light, and heard "There He is!".
It's very hard for me to explain what I saw, so I'll do the best that I can: I looked up at this huge bright light (I've never seen anything brighter), and the light illuminated into a magnificent figure of Jesus, floating in the air. He was a giant, and took up the size of the entire building. Maybe as tall as the Transamerica building in S.F. I don't remember seeing His face, but I could see the outline of His hair, with His palms up facing me. I started to cry with my head down, and I'm thinking, I can't believe what I am witnessing. I am so undeserving of this amazing experience. Then, I felt a hand on my head, almost trying to push my head down, and I heard His voice saying: "Come on Carol. Come on Carol. You can do it!" At this point, I could not breathe, and slowly, I started to wake up from my dream.
I know it was His voice, but I don't really know what he meant by that. Lately, my husband and I have been going through major stress, due to financial issues (but who isn't?), so maybe it was his way of reassuring me that we will be ok, and we will get through it. But, still, I am still curious. I am truly grateful to have felt His presence, and heard His voice in my dream.
My fellow dear brothers...
Thank you from then bottom of my heart for your heartfelt reply and for taking the time to write...
I appreciate sincerely your thoughts & suggestions...
Since my conversion... I have nothing but love and tolerance for all my fellow brothers and sisters, regardless of their personal religious beliefs. I belief that every one of us has a G_D given right to their own beliefs without fear of judgment from anyone. Please know that I truly did not intend to "judge" "well-wisher." I am sad if my words came across that way. Typed words are always so hard to interpret because they lack the writer's inflections, etc.
I truly have no ill feelings towards "well wisher" at all. It is hard to explain, I just felt very passionately compelled to point out that his/her words might come across as being intolerant and pushing his/her own personal beliefs as the only true belief... As this forum is for people to write their stories without fear or worry of persecution.
I believe, we are to be examples of tolerance and love... And are not to judge others and force our own beliefs on others. For me, as a Christian, that is the bedrock foundation of my faith. I personally would never tell a friend their religion is wrong. I have many friends of different faiths, and we all respect our differences.
To be honest, after I posted my remarks, I did worry that my intention would come across different from my intent. I must tell you, I truly am grateful you pointed that out. Truly, it was the way the post was "worded" that made me feel protective of each of our rights to our own opinions without persecution. It was solely the... "You are wrong... Jesus is not what you think." I don't know why it affected me so very deeply... But thank you for responding... As I will do some serious soul searching as to why "well wishers" comments affected me so. I have always been keen to standing up for anyone that is persecuted for their own beliefs. I am 100% for religious freedom and tolerance. I love all my brothers and sisters regardless of their religious beliefs or lack of. This I say with a full, sincere heart. I also believe that our Creator presents himself to different cultures in different ways... Somewhere deep inside of me, I often times wonder if G._D didn't come to His children on Earth throughout history differently. For instance, Jesus to Christians, Mohammad to Muslims, etc., etc. I believe perhaps it "could" be a possibilty that cultures saw what G_D knew they would be comfortable with, depending on their culture. Like a teacher using different teaching tactics depending on the needs of the class. There really are just so many similarities!
I love all my brothers and sisters...Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, etc. All the same. G_D has His own way and own plans... And I respect that. I guess bottom line is that my intent was just to comment on the way "well wisher" went about his post... It wasn't about his/her own beliefs... Only the wording... The "you are wrong... Let me tell you why you are wrong"- the lack of tolerance I perceived. I never would say to someone... You are wrong, your G_ D is a fallacy, only my G_D is the true G_D. Yes, that is offensive to me. But being offended does not make me angry or make me dislike someone. My remarks truly have nothing to do with "well wisher" personally... I pray for him/her for peace and love as I pray for others.
But as in all experiences, a lesson is to be learned... And I really appreciate your response... I value both of your feedback and respect your words. Bless you both, James & Michael. I love reading your stories & posts. You both have been very Blessed and I wish nothing but peace and love always to you both.
Blessings, Scarlett ❤ ❤ ❤