We all hear people say that "This is the real world!" or "You need to have your feet firmly planted on the ground." What they are really saying is that they do not believe in the spiritual world.
The fact is Our world where we live in Time and in a Material Way is not the real world. It is a diminishing world where everything is decaying. That includes you and me too. We are physically decaying just as the trees and plants and even all the man made edifices that look pretty permanent. We know that in time they will decay and there will be hardly a trace of them except for Archaeologists to dig up and discover and examine a few remains. These remains too will eventually disappear.
So what am I trying to say? It is this that around us is an awesome and totally permanent Spiritual World. The Spiritual World is eternal and will last for ever.
I have been studying up on the events surrounding the extraordinary phenomena of Medjugorjia in Bosnia Herzegovina. The Virgin Mary has been appearing there for the past 26 years to what were a group of six children and are now all young adults. Many thousands from around the world flock there from all religions and walks of life.
I have only been there on the internet because I cannot afford to go, but have met many who speak marvelously about this place. Most people who go there go more than once. They seem to get hooked on it.
Out of all that I read about this on the Internet one point comes out strongly and sticks in my mind. If one is seeking for the Truth with a capital T then one will start to find it accompanied by personal spiritual experiences to boost one along the way.
Anyone, I believe, who is genuinely open to receiving more and more truth and does not have that so called normal earthly disinterested attitude will begin in an awesome way not only to discover the TRUTH but will experience spiritual happenings.
In my short life of 70 years I can look back at my spiritual experiences and confirm that they happened when I opened myself up to wanting more Truth. As Christians we know that Jesus Christ is the way, THE TRUTH and the Life. Knowing Jesus is an ongoing and should be ever deepening experience.
Please be open to the spiritual world and one sure way of experiencing it and finding it is to have a deep down attitude of wanting the TRUTH no matter what it might cost. Also it is important to be open to more Truth and not be satisfied with what you have at the moment. Spiritual TRUTH is deeper than any ocean and there is always more of it for the asking.
You may have to leave behind material THINGS be they people or gadgets that are a hindrance to our spiritual advancement. They will evaporate at your physical death anyway.
To walk close to God. To walk hand in hand with Him is the most incredible and indescribable experience that one can have on earth.