Wow! JESUS is always listening! Wow. I woke up this morning and finished getting dressed as my granddaughter was letting me know she was ready to go to school. I had no lunch to take as I decided not to take any today. But, as my granddaughter and I started out of the driveway. I started to think about lunch and if I was going to have something at work in the cafeteria.
As I dropped off my daughter at school, I started to think about purchasing a cafeteria "Meal Card" so I can eat. While also thinking about the card, I was also thinking of the cost and with my financial situation very seriously hardship because of a layoff I had for 9 months. And mortgage, Water and Power, etc bill due and thinking how it is going to get paid. I started to forget about the meal card purchase as there where other things which I needed to make sure I paid first. I have learned to put the all these situation in the JESUS hands. Everything going on and having trust in JESUS and gave and spoke to JESUS and put it in his hands as I am not able to cope with the situation. It is impossible for me, but not impossible for JESUS. Amen!
About 10:00am this morning I received a visit from one of the chefs in the cafeteria saying to me with a few words. He tells me. I don't come for myself but I come in obedience. Because the man above (JESUS) has put in my heart to come and give you something.
Out of his pocket comes a "Prepaid Meal Card" from our Cafeteria. He says to me. I prayed to the LORD last night. And he told me to give this to you. Please don't thank me. Its our LORD JESUS which has instructed me to give this to you.
I did not know what to SAY. Except to accept the blessing from JESUS and thank the gentlemen for bringing it. But, he just said. Please, please accept it as I was told do this via prayer.
Can you imagine how I felt? I called my wife and told her about the encounter with the blessing. As I spoke to her I could hardly speak to her. I had to pause a few time to control my self. As you know the HOLY SPIRIT was working on me and my wife.
She said to me. The LORD knows your heart and listens to your thoughts and is saying with this gesture. I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS. DON'T WORRY ABOUT TOMORROW as it will worry about it self.
I would like to ask for you to pray for my family and I in these times we are passing. As I know JESUS is listening and will provide. I would like for anyone which reads this blessing story, to pray with us. Where ever there are two in his NAME he is also there. Amen.
Serving Him Always
I hope you and your family are doing well. God's love and light be upon us always.
If it isn't too much, may I ask you to include me in your prayers because everytime I feel the wonderful feeling I have my chest gets heavy and I know something within me is blocked, I can feel and I don't know how but I know it. Thank you.