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Spiritual Experiences from Missouri, United States: Page 1
Prisoner For Christ by James Alan Eldridge
Prisoner for Christ: Testimony and experience with the Holy Spirit In bondage to fear, depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, lost identity, turning to drugs for comfort; sent to drug treatment, at an altar call during an intercessory prayer, the Holy Spirit consumed me, dropped me to my face, s...
Look To God Within And Feel The Heat Of God's Directions by LooktoGodwithin
About 30 years ago, when I was a young man of about 37 years old, I was struggling over my belief in God. Although, I had been a practicing Catholic since my youth, I was having doubts about the existence of God. At this point in my life, I was married with two children living in a house that we own...
My Life With Jesus by girlforjesus
I grew up in an abusive home. I was so lonely! I remember being thankful to be able to go to bed at night, to escape until the next day. I cried myself to sleep often. Sometimes nights were the worst times of all. I remember lying in bed, plugging my ears as hard as I could, trying not to hear the s...
Wish You Were Here: My Foretelling Of Future Lover by Cgonzalez540
So this is going to be hard to start off considering I haven't quite found out how to put this all together and into words. Let me start off by saying that in this past year my life has changed drastically. I have felt things that I have never felt before and they are breath taking. Alright, so let ...
Jesus In The Clouds by Hecata
One night as I was dreaming I became aware I was dreaming and then I was out of my body and standing in a crowd of people looking up into the clouds as if they were waiting for something. I looked up and suddenly Jesus appeared, but it wasn't really Jesus but the Antichrist appearing to be Jesus. I ...
God And Satan by Hecata
I was a young girl about 16 when one night I laid down to go to sleep. It was as if I had just closed my eyes when I was whisked from my body and standing in a place that looked like a battle field. I looked around and suddenly to my left come what I interpreted as Satan, and looking nothing like...
The Mechanic by blake1122
This is an experience I had with someone at a car dealership. I brought my car in to get it inspected. As I was sitting in the waiting room I heard this very soft gentle voice say Mr. H. I stood up and looked over at the doorway. I noticed a guy about 5'8, Blonde hair and blue eyes walking my way. H...
Finding Another Four Leaf Clover by Arey
Two days ago a friend called to say that, for the first time in her life, she found a four leaf clover. The friend is a professor who teaches a class in Folklore. She was thrilled because four leaf clovers symbolize love, hope, faith, and luck and four leaf clovers are quite rare - one in ten thousa...
An Amazing Orb by angelaheart
One night I went out to eat at a local restaurant. I had hot wings and one beer at the bar and left. When I left it was a beautiful night and I was by myself. I lived in an apartment after my divorce and my children were staying the weekend with their father. My mom had passed away in 2000 and since...
God Comes to an Orphan on a Mountain by BJ
I am a WWII orphan who has searched for information about her father for 50 years. At age 8 I overheard a conversation that changed my life. I learned my biological father was a pilot and died in a plane crash. My family never talked about him and when I asked one day, I learned in no uncertain ...
My Dream with Jesus by Sarah
I must start by explaining that I have always felt very spiritually protected and guided even as a child. I believe I may be an "Empath" although I am still discovering what that means. I have had many dreams in which recently deceased relatives have come to console me as well as answer certain ques...
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