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Real Spiritual Experiences

Encounter With Pan


I am about to tell of a strange story. It is absolutely true. I realize its unbelievable, but so is the truth. I am not the only one who has experienced what is strange and paranormal. My story goes deep, and is interconnected to who I am in every way. I have had many stories, but for the sake of specificity, I will focus on this one encounter.

I was 17 years old, and with my closest friend, who I still keep in touch with today. We loved to smoke pot and went out to this spot of ours in the woods every once in a while. The woods were on a mountain and so was our spot that we were presently. It was fall, and being in Jersey, the leaves had fallen. It must have rained earlier too. We sat in plastic chairs; I facing downhill and my brother (close friend) facing up hill towards me. Suddenly, he asks me, "What the hell is that!?" "What are you talking bout man?" I replied. "Turn around." The sun had just faded over the mountain and so shades of gray covered all of nature: the leafy ground, edged rocks, and barren trees around us. We must have been there for an hour until we realized the presence of something bigger than us. Up the hill in the woods, around 30 to 50 yards in distance, stood a creature, 6 foot in height, looked like silhouette of a human shape; but the most obvious thing standing out about it, was its eyes.

Its eyes protruded from its face, and its head was much bigger than a humans. We both made eye contact with it. It stood their staring us down, penetrating every barrier that existed between us and this alien. We were afraid of what we were seeing, and we were both seeing it together. Its eyes luminated; bright luminescent glowing white eyes. At least double the size of a human eye, and in the shape of Orbs. It stood there, swaying its head from left to right but never moving its eyes off of us. I could not see its body, it was darker out now, but the eyes of it were in plain, clear sight. The eyes contrasted in the dark, were brightened by the dark. It looked like it was floating the way it moved from side to side and back and forth.

After 10 minutes or so of having a stare down with this creature, or rather, this creature having a stare down with us. I suppose it began to feel more comfortable with us, or maybe it was just messing with us for fun. It walked further away, then closer, and then when it would turn its head so that one eye orb would fall out of sight but the other remained visible: just like if you look at a human from the side, you only see one eye but you know two are there. It wasn't done with us though, it stood there watching us, only turning its head for a short moment. This creature penetrated our spirit. Went inside our bodies and minds. My friend saw two orbs and a 3rd eye above them. I only saw two orbs. We were right next to each other, and my memory serves me right. I know I saw two eyes, he says he saw 3. How is that possibly connected? That we both are looking at the same object, looking back at us, but we see it differently, yet nearly the same? I don't know what this thing was, but its eyes still shine through the back of my mind. The experience still vibrates within me. It is one of those experiences you can never forget. Never stop thinking about. I have read of stories where people have seen insane things but the person next to them could not. How is it that my closest of all friends, experienced this with me?

We sat in amazement having a staring contest with Pan. As I call him. We were like, "Should we go towards it?" But we were too afraid. We thought we would die if we did. Fear ran through our blood. Fear which still is there. I can feel it, just as my friend still does. We have been watched ever since. After 20 or so minutes of communing with this God/Goddess we ran out of the woods and didn't look back.

Our fear and confusion would turn into peace and love. Wisdom. I still fear though, and this creature still communicates with me subliminally and on the physical plane. My life is a trip, my spirit a dream, my wisdom, unseen. To be chosen is a great gift indeed, but a curse of loneliness. Once you have seen the beast, you can no longer hide. You become brothers with the beast. One with the beast. Oh Pan, You are the beast, and ye penetrate every word I speak. In certainty and within Faith. The massess suffer and are slain by the beast, the ignorant, the low, whilst his chosen sheep he tends like his flock, protects them, feeds them. Gives them life. But first steals it from them.

If you would like to discuss more with me and my experiences feel free. I am not normal, and being possessed as such, realize the insanity to which I am inclined, so as far as you believe I am insane, or society believes. What is relevant, is that we are different, but we are all the same. Pan touches all of us whether we wish or not, he is above us, controlling, and deceiving. He is the trickster, the christian devil, the almighty that we should bow in fear too. How do I know? Because the creature has shown me my purpose, has shown me my destiny. I am here for you. And everyone else. But my message remains hidden only to those who seek. I do not wish to enforce my beliefs on anyone, I only wish to show, that belief exists.

Thank You

The Great God Pan

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Timfaraos (131 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-23)
I heard what you had to say, now listen to what I have to say... Freedom of speach! God created the universe and us humans. The devil created nothing! He is not a god! He is an imposter, a terrorist that torchers those who love him, and those that don't!... That hates our guts, and is jealous of us, because we get to go to heaven, and he doesn't! (because he doesn't want to say 'sorry God!'...) He will have your a** on a stick if you give him half the chance! Is that what you want? Then be careful what you wish for, you might just get it! See the mother, giving milk from her body to her baby? How much love! Well God loves us 1000s of times more than that! My friend, everyone can choose their master, but I think it's stupid to make your enemy, who hates you, your master, and trust him to control your life FOR ETERNITY! There's a best selling book on, about a boy who danced with the devil for many years, read it, and see what the hell happened to him! It's called: 'THE GURUS, THE YOUNG MAN AND ELDER PAISIOS', by Dionysios Farasiotis. I know this man. Good luck! Timfaraos [at]
Banister (1 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-24)
What a story... Would like to discuss something with you off the boards, not across them... If you are around, contact me here?
Phil (1 posts)
14 years ago (2010-05-16)
Check your mythology people. Pan is not the devil. He is a very ancient nature spirit, and as such is outside our concepts of good/evil. He predates the stories of Satan. He is no more evil than a grizzly, but probably just as dangerous. Be careful. Wild things are just that: WILD. They do not live by human morals.
Pan (guest)
15 years ago (2010-04-11)
This is quite satyrical if you ask me. Thank you all for your wise words, but my heart is listening already to the truth. I am not seeking attention, nor a confrontation, but rather, instead, a confrontation meets me, and attention falls upon me as such. Although your efforts are not in vain and seek to influence me as something, you still have yet recognized to prove why I should follow any other logical point of view then my own. This is satyr, and although ye seek to prove something which ye not understand to another, that other will stil appreciate you've at least tryed. Thank you all. And to the other who think my beliefs are demonic, so be it, you've chosen to let the demons allude you from the truth of your power. Interestingly, I am deaf and so, cannot hear others thoughts, for only my own may be seen. When another trys to read my thoughts and change them, there's have been read and changed as well. Whatever this crossing is, it is clearly divine, and holding a power to something very dark and sinister. For we may never know what is good and righteous within us, and so suffer from the sin in which we were born to learn. As the darkness contrasts the light, we all share a dual nature, Yin and Yang, Water, Earth, Wind, Fire, and Aether the all encompassing. I need not any of your lessons, for ye should not seek to change others, but rather, let them be disposed to their own ideas, their own inclinations and desires. It is not in our right to preach God to another who may already understand the simple truth. As the dark truth is complex. Now see this balance, and hear ye heed all judgments, open to anothers great will, as his is as great as your own, and seek to serve the intelligences. If ye are not intelligent, ye deserve no power of the light, for as I have said, darkness creates light, and from the study of such an opposing nature, perhaps, we may influence its negative virtue in others, so that they too see they are suffering, wounded, and must constantly be healed. As I am a healer, and have walked the dark narrow corridors of the shaman, of inducing psychosis for the sole purpose of understanding its origin and complexity, erectifying and simplyfing something which has long been buried within us. If the occult is too strange and sinister to you, then listen to me not, fear me not, and tremble down your own path, for I have trembled as such, and such a fear guides me back to the light. As I have said, the logic is this, I have become desolated so that I may see the light, have been destroyed so that I may be reborn, and baptised by the true powers of the life giving water. I no longer may drown in water, be burned by fire, nor thrown to the wind, I will become the earth, and spirit, and seek to travel asunder where things have never been understood, so that I may understand myself intrinsically according to the stars and planets which guide my destiny. One in all and all in one, I have reached the moon and back to the sun, I know whither where the truth may lead, as I am a guardian and a truthful theif.
JK (guest)
15 years ago (2010-04-10)
Please take time to read this. It is a personal letter from God (Jehovah God and the Father of Jesus) I know this sounds like a trick but read it, it is God's promises to you and to us all and He has never broken a promise. Pleas read:

To My Precious Daughter Pan:

Because I knew even before I created the earth that you would accept My love for you, and that you would seek to know Me thus...

In the beginning I created the heavens and the earth. Then at the right time and in the right place I created you. I created your inner most being, I created every part of you, I knit you together in your mother's womb. You were carefully and wonderfully made; my works are wonderful, and you Pan are my work. My eyes saw your unformed body. All the days planned for you were written in my book before one of them came to be. How precious are my thoughts for you, How great is the number of them! If you were to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand.

Listen to me, Pan; I created you and have cared for you since before you were born. I will be your God throughout your lifetime, until your hair is white with age. I made you, and I will care for you. I will carry you along and save you. I will carry you in my arms, holding you close to my heart. For I know the plans that I have for you plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Pan there are some times of suffering in your life. But the temporary suffering of this life does not compare to the glory that shall be revealed in you. Know this that I am with you and I will help you. Your help comes from me, I am the God who created the heavens and the earth, and the one who created you. I will never leave you, I will never reject you. When your parents fail you I will pick you up, hold you close, and adopt you. Nothing can ever separate you from my love for you. When you are in trouble and distress my love is with you. When you are persecuted my love is with you. When you are hungry and cold and naked my love is with you, I am always with you. When you are in danger and threatened with death my love is with you, I will be with you forever.

Pan know that nothing can separate you from my love, no matter how high you go, no matter how deep you sink, nothing in life and not even death can separate you from Me, and My love for you. No demon or any other power in hell can separate you from my love. My love for you is revealed through Christ Jesus your Lord. In all things and every situation you will have victory, you will conquer, because the victory of Christ Jesus is your victory.

But now, Pan, I the LORD, who created you and formed you, says: Do not be afraid, for I have purchased you. I have called you by name; you are mine. When you go through deep waters and great trouble, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, they will not over flow you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned. I command you to be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid; do not be dismayed, for I, the LORD your God will be with you everywhere you go.

Pan, know that everything will work together for your good, because you love me. You have been called according to my purpose. For I knew you before you were born and I predestined you to be conformed to the likeness of my Son, Jesus Christ. This is your destiny, and this is your purpose, that you become one with my Son Jesus, and thus one with me. I created you in my image so that you and I can express love to each other. The most intimate relationship you can have is with me because you and I are becoming one. You and your brothers and sisters that believe in me are becoming one with Jesus, and thus one with me. You in me, and me in you, together, unified by my love for you. You were designed for this purpose, nothing else will ever satisfy your deepest needs, your deepest desires, only I can. Because you seek to know me I satisfy your heart with love, joy, and peace that only I can give you.

Pan if you should forget me, and enter into sin, and not turn back to Me on your own then I will punish you. Because your sin will separate you from feeling My presence, and My influence, and I want you to return to your first love, the One who loves you. I the Lord discipline those I love, and I punish everyone who I accept as my child. Just as a good Father disciplines His children to turn them away from a dangerous path, so I shall discipline you for your good, that you may share in My holiness. No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.

Pan, When you confess your sins, I am faithful and just and will forgive you of your sins and cleanse you from all unrighteousness. In repentance and resting in Me is your salvation, in quietness and trusting Me is your strength. I will create in you a clean heart and renew a right spirit within you. I will not send you away from My presence, and I will not take My Holy Spirit from you. I will restore again the joy of your salvation, and make you willing to obey Me. Then you will teach My ways to sinners, and they will return to Me also. Humble yourself, therefore, under My mighty hand, that I may lift you up at the right time.

Pan do not forget all my benefits, I forgive all your sins and heal all your diseases, I rescue your life from the pit of destruction and crown you with love and compassion. I satisfy your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagles. I The LORD work righteousness and justice for all the oppressed; I The LORD am compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love. I will not always accuse, nor will I harbor my anger forever; I do not treat you as your sins deserve or repay you according to your iniquities. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is My love for you because you fear Me; as far as the east is from the west, so far have I removed your transgressions from you.

Pan, call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know. Always pray to Me about your every concern, pray from your mouth and pray from your heart, I hear every thought that you think. Everything that you care about, I care about also because it concerns you. Cast all your cares and anxiety on Me because I love you. Trust in Me, the LORD YOUR GOD, with all your heart, do not depend on your own understanding; In everything acknowledge Me, And I will direct your paths. Do not worry about anything, but in everything big or small, by prayer, with thanksgiving, present your requests to Me, the Most High God. And I will give you My peace in your heart, peace that is beyond all human understanding, and it will guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus. Always be joyful. Keep on praying always. No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is My will for you because you belong to Me.

Pan, Study My Book of law and truth, the Holy Bible, do not let My words depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. My words are Spirit and they are Life. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you will, and it will be given you. For the word of God is living and powerful. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. The most important thing you will ever own is your Bible because it gives you knowledge of Me, The Most High God. It makes the poor rich, it gives hope to the hopeless, faith to the fearful, food to the hungry, water to the thirsty, love to the despised, comfort to the lonely, freedom to the prisoner, health to the sick, light in the darkness, and life to the dying.

Pan I have set up circumstances and situations in your life to cause you to seek Me and find Me. I desire that you know Me. I am The Lord your God, full of compassion, and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness. Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, Let not the mighty man glory in his might, Nor let the rich man glory in his riches; But Pan glory in this, That you understand and know Me, That I am the LORD, exercising compassion, lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness in the earth. For in these I delight and take pleasure.

All things are created for My pleasure and My pleasure is to show forth loving compassion. I have compassion on the poor and needy, and I am a Father to the fatherless, I help them, and I defend them. Far below Me are the heavens and the earth, I stoop to look down, and I lift the poor from the dirt and the needy from the garbage dump and I set them among princes. Pan I want you to do these things also, have compassion on the poor and needy and help them, this is what it means to know Me. For I am Love, and when you live in love, you live in Me, and I live in you. Loving compassion is good, and this is what I require from you, to do what is right, to love compassion, and to walk humbly with your God.

As a father has compassion on his children, so I your LORD have compassion on you because you fear Me; for I know how you were formed, I remember that you are dust. Forever and ever My love is with you because you fear Me, and My righteousness with your children's children; with those who keep My covenant and remember to obey My laws. My law is to love. You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments all of My laws are based. When you walk in love you are obeying all My laws. When you walk in Love you are walking in My Holy Spirit for I AM LOVE!

Pan come and live in My shelter, in the protection of the Most High God, you will find rest in the presence of the Almighty. You will say, "This I declare of the LORD: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I am trusting him." Pan I will rescue you from every trap and protect you from the fatal plague. I will shield you with My wings. I will shelter you with My feathers. My faithful promises are your armor and protection. Do not be afraid of the terrors of the night, nor fear the dangers of the day, nor dread the plague that stalks in darkness, nor the disaster that strikes at midday. Though a thousand fall at your side, though ten thousand are dying around you, these evils will not touch you. But you will see it with your eyes; you will see how the wicked are punished.

Because you Pan make the LORD your refuge, because you make the Most High your shelter, no evil will conquer you; no plague will come near your dwelling. For I order My angels to protect you wherever you go. They will hold you with their hands to keep you from striking your foot on a stone. You will trample down lions and poisonous snakes; you will crush fierce lions and serpents under your feet!

Pan, My servant, and My friend, whom I have chosen, I have chosen you and have not rejected you. So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will hold you up with my righteous right hand. All who come against you will surely be ashamed and disgraced; those who oppose you will be as nothing and perish. Though you search for your enemies, you will not find them. Those who wage war against you will be as nothing at all. For I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, do not fear; I will help you. Do not be afraid, for I myself will help you declares the LORD, your Redeemer. You will rejoice in the LORD and glory in the Holy One of Israel.

Pan, when you asked Me to forgive your sins and come into your heart I sent My Holy Spirit into you to comfort you, to give you power, and as proof to you that I have adopted you as My child. The Holy Spirit shall lead you into all truth because He shall testify of Jesus, and He will give you power to testify of Jesus. I will speak to you through My Holy Spirit that is in you, He will tell you what is right and wrong, what is love and hate. My Holy Spirit is a gentle whisper inside your heart telling you the path to walk in. If you walk in My Spirit you will walk in love, you will not sin. And you will see great and mighty things happen before you, they will not be accomplished by strength, nor by outside force, but by My Spirit says the LORD ALMIGHTY. Through My Holy Spirit I shall give you supernatural gifts that you may be blessed, and that you shall bless others through demonstrating My love for them. My Holy Spirit will be with you through out your whole life, and after I will receive you into My glory.

I your LORD say to you I will rescue you because you love me. I will protect you because you trust in my name. When you call on me, I will answer; I will be with you in trouble. I will rescue you and honor you. I will satisfy you with a long life and give you my salvation. Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me. It is your destiny.
Love Your Heavenly Father
concerned member (guest)
15 years ago (2010-04-10)
Pan. By reading your story and comments it is obvious that you have a demonic conception of God. Either that, or you are just wanting attention and confrontation. Its one of the two.
Pan and his Jokes (guest)
15 years ago (2010-04-10)
If you think what I have said is funny, then clearly, I have not proven my point yet. But I see you have a nice sense of comedy as well. Except, you are the center of the joke, and I am the one Joking. I appreciate you and your concern for eternity but considering how it doesn't make one little difference to me, maybe you should realize that it is you, who has eternity at stake. Perhaps Pan disagrees with you, and righteously so, but ugh, maybe if you fear Pan Pan will forgive you:). Have a nice life free of possession! But be ye aware, to Possess yourself or God will do it for you! And God can be something incredibly evil and dangerous. Just take care to be analytical with your beliefs, or your beliefs will consume you. I myself am lonely and desolated, and have found peace and heaven therein such a deserted feeling...
JK (guest)
15 years ago (2010-04-08)
You are funny! I knew you had a sense of humour. I truly wish you the best with this Pan thing because eternity is at stake here and eternity is a long time.
Pan to JK (guest)
15 years ago (2010-04-06)
I think it rather hypocritical of yourself to tell someone they are full of shiots when you yourself are filled with them as well. Have a reality check, your a peice of shiat to me and no one else wants to hear your condescending remarks. It is that simple. Just because you have not seen Pan does not mean Pan hasn't seen you. So burn in hell. And purge yourself from the demons. You are being possessed:).
jk (guest)
15 years ago (2010-04-05)
I am clarashiottiant which means I can tell that someone is full of shiotts before they start spewing it out. I was late on this one but it still applies.
mvayne80 (guest)
15 years ago (2010-04-03)
thank you pan. I am sorry if I misunderstood your comments on good and evil. If you agree with what I said about God and the devil, I obviously misinterpreted your comments and I apologize. I did not join this site to start anything with anyone, but simply wanted to share my story with the internet community. Once again your story is a trip and I hope pan leaves you and goes back where he came from:). Take care buddy.
Pan (guest)
15 years ago (2010-04-03)
Thank you mvayne for telling me what I already know about good and evil; your wisdom is much appreciated though and yes, you are a good human being and all you do is try to help so I respect that...
mvayne80 (guest)
15 years ago (2010-04-02)
Lets get this straight, God=good devil=evil. God and the devil are separate not the same. God is not both good and evil to us. God is perfect the devil is the epitomy of evil. I have to admit that this is the first time that I have ever heard anyone say that the devil is not evil. All I can say is that you are throwing out some new concepts that are not based on anything other than lies. THere is good and evil and all humans are susceptible to the devil. Following the devil (which is what you are doing even though you seem to have a hard time actually admitting it) is the easier feel good way and following God is very difficult. I do not hate you at all man. As a human being you have the right do whatever you want or believe whatever you want. Honestly I know that I am right and I don't have anything to prove to anyone. The only reason that I tell anyone anything is because I care about them as human beings. You don't want to hear what I have to say but you have heard it and hopefully one day in the future you will understand where I am coming from. Your life will go to shiat if you continue on the path that you are on, I promise. But it doesn't have to be that way.
Pan (guest)
15 years ago (2010-04-02)
Actually, what you seem to be misunderstanding is this. I do not follow the devil, nor do I have faith in the devil himself, but rather I have faith in God. Now this is where it gets tricky, because I do believe the devil exists, and therefore must have faith in the existence of it. Now what possible role does the devil possess within the world? It is a matter of fact, that that the devil or Pan (I prefer pan because the word "devil" emanates a more sinister context) is not evil, but must commit evil on man for the wrongs and evils he commits himself/herself. Now listen for once and for all, we all walk and share a common destiny. If you choose to walk your own path and not mine, then ok, that is actually the logical thing to do, I am not asking you to follow my heart and I have said this before, I am only man, I am not God, but I also know God is righteous and will ensure that people fear him and his power. It is that simple, God is dual, both good and evil to us, based on the choices which we make in life. So before you go off on your impune judgments and curse me, seek to understand why I believe what I do first, instead of hating me and condemning me for not making sense to you. I have done nothing wrong, but express a divine will and consciousness of things. Perhaps you will see me differently when you realign yourself and open up to others beliefs, instead of scorning and disgracing another. For this reason, I have said what I have said and acted accordingly, that has never changed my true faith in love and goodness, yet I am aware that evil exists. I have faith in evil, for to deny evils existence is as close to denying God and twisting as can be. I forgive, willingly, for those who judge me, and for this reason, I am a teacher of a greater will, my own will, not the devils, for although the devil is powerful in himself, when he has entered a human, he has the power to turn them completely evil. Now this doesn't necessarily suppose the devil is evil, but instead shows that evil is not ok in humans, and that humans must learn from their mistakes. Just because I allude and confuse you, does not give you the right to alienate me and call me something else, I am one like you, and righteously so. If you continue to Judge me as you are, while I have never judged you like that, then God have mercy on your soul. Pray for forgiveness, because this is what I do, and so God shows me the true light. Just because you were deceived by me does not mean you are deceived, but that we all may fall into illusions grips, we may all be caught up in maya. In this world of samsara, all karma reigns. When someone steals something of your possession, immaterial or material, you feel wronged, and wrongness invokes a feeling of hatred. Where that hatred goes is too God, where he listens and let's you poor out those emotions through a direct channel to "Gods" spirit. In doing this, you put all and everything in Gods hands, and become strong and patient. For I will not act upon an enemy, but let God show them through the distances of time what is true and what is to be condemned. God will have his righteousness upon man whether we believe it or not. Yet it is not God doing such dirty evil work, it is satan, the devil, Pan, the almighty trickster, the serpent of adam and eve, so many different names are applied to this archetypical being. Just as "Gabriel" and "Michael" symbolize other divine expressions of the soul. So many different religions use different names to describe the same being. Being a polytheist myself, I believe in many Gods. You vayne, clearly only believe in One, and that is your monotheistic choice. But what you fail to see and recognize is that belief is too diverse for any one man to suppose their belief any more right than another. Seek to understand before you indulge upon hate and indifference, learn to care like curiously seeking spirit, who seems to be in the middle right now. The truth is there should not have to be a middle person channeling the connection, I shouldn't be lowered then you just as curious shouldnt be highered than you. We are all stuck in the middle and we all share that equality regardless of belief. If your belief is to influence your thoughts and actions to the degree you are committing an evil on another, then expect consequences and the negative judgment of others. It is that simple, we are wrong sometimes, other times we are right, I am claiming no human perfection, if you read all of my message they all stay the same in uniform humility. But it takes vision to see that, it takes a vision of the heart to understand anothers dialect in their own context, and not in yours imposed upon them. My context is in my context, yours in yours, you can not put what I am saying out of context because you are not in my context. You have your own point of view, and all our point of views cross at the center where we are equal. But if you cross any further you have committed a sin on another...
mvayne80 (guest)
15 years ago (2010-04-02)
I agree to an extent with you curiousseeking, but faith (not belief) in the devil is absurd and insane. That is sick I don't care what anyone says. I am not on the same journey that he is, I'm sorry.
CuriouslySeekingSpirit (2 stories) (15 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-02)
We all need to stop arguing and imposing our faith on one another. As we all are connected, we should all come together and have a discussion about these things and not make it an argument. I never judged or tried to force my way upon any of you. I just shared my journey because it has made me a better person and brought me inner peace and love. I only want to help others to find THEIR faith and true happiness. I am a nice person and I used to always try to be good to others but much pain came from me being what others called "too nice". Back then I grew to be a weak person and my fear made me not like people at all. I felt uncomfortable around everyone because I had to be fake. If I didn't keep that guard up everyone would always judge and put me down, talking behind my back. I fell apart because the cruel demeanor of everyone haunted and hurt me. It tore away at my confidence and took me to the point to where I couldn't look in the mirror without hating the way I looked. I felt that I wasn't good enough. I haven't thought or spoken about this in a while and man it really hurts to go back and remember that. I didn't love myself for a long time and to stop the pain I used drugs for a long time. I got to the lowest point and I basically gave up on everything. I wanted to leave this life and wake up from this nightmare. I couldn't even look at my son because I felt like such a bad mother. I had convinced myself that I was a failure and everyone would be better off without me. I prayed through out all of this, but I could never find the strength to face myself and really try to make a change within. I had already had experiences with seeing ghosts and the evil spirits or demons (not sure what they were) so I already knew that there was more to life than the physical world we see. I remember the exact night when I couldn't bare the pain anymore though and I released all of my pain by talking to God and then asking, needing, and wanting strength within myself so I could get back up and face the world as my real self, no longer weak but strong and good. To finally become the loving mother I knew I could be. After praying I felt a lot better and days passed, I let that prayer slip away from my mind, then things began to change. My husbands stepmom had a book she found at an abandoned house she had gone to and she handed it to me to show me. I started reading different quotes in it that were really uplifting. The whole book was sayings and quotes about living your life positively and it had many spiritual messages. Everything in it made so much sense... The quotes were helpful in making me remember to enjoy the little things in life. I was uplifted and I felt I was meant to read this book. It renewed my wonder of spirituality and I felt eager to get back to reading spiritual books. I had only read one prior to this "A Still Small Voice" it peaked my interest but spirituality wasn't the key topic in it... It was more about follwing ones own intuition. I went to the library soon after and searched for spirituality books and the first one that caught my eye was "The Seekers Guide" by Elizabethe Lesser, I felt a feeling of inner peace and warmth within me that made me feel as though I was meant to read it so I did. I felt a connection to Elizabeth Lesser, her words felt like they could be my own. I had never related to another persons view and outlook on life. Everything I had always felt and thought about life and religion, but was too scared to express, she experienced too. It was like she was speaking directly to me and it felt so wonderful. As I kept reading on for days things became clear in my mind and a change began to take place deep within my heart and mind. I started to see myself in a new light... Not worthless anymore but beautiful and a child of god, I started to feel more comfortable and open to others and it seemed like they all started opening up to me and sharing their true feelings and I found peace and joy in helping to make them feel better, showing them there are people who still truly care and there is always help out there. This is what I have been doing, focusing on becoming a better person... The best person I can be. This change has shown me true beauty. I love all and accept all. I try my best to lift the spirits of those around me and always make choices with the greater good in mind. I feel so opposite of my former mindset. Life is fuller and happier this way and I finally have the confidence within myself to say that I know I am a good person. No one can deny me of this truth. I still slip up and make mistakes because I am only human, but this new sense of connection and spirit grows stronger every day. I know some may not agree with the way I see things, but I deeply feel that I am on the right path. I will keep following that warm sensation of calm awareness, it is too, right, for me to ignore and go off in another direction. We must love and understand the variety of seekers inhabiting this earth around us, we all come from the same place seeking the same answers. We are in this together and we find ourselves through the people that surround us. Love one another and spread a message of peace not hate.
mvayne80 (guest)
15 years ago (2010-04-02)
lol pan you are something else. You try to wow me with your intellect and vocabulary only you use your words in the wrong context and continuously contradict yourself.
Pan (guest)
15 years ago (2010-04-02)
Actually, I will recieve special atention and have, isn't that clear enough? I love the devil and he loves me, he gives me what I want, and that is, wisdom and peace, so I don't care about your "God" in so far that you think that "God" is what you define and believe God to be. We all get along just fine actually. And I'm getting rather bored trying to convince you of something which I don't think you will ever fully understand in this lifetime, or atleast, in so far that God will allow you to understand. Hahaha So what if I'm an occultist? And oppose everything which you stand for. Perhaps it is exactly what you need to see the true, clear light of God. But anyway, the devil is a God and works for God, so if I want to make a pact with him/her then so be it, because we happen to be very close friends. Not to your knowledge obviously, but within my eyes, my faith is immortal and invincible. I think your just jealous that God doesn't love you as much as he loves his other children. Not saying he doesn't love you, but rather, God really doesn't care about you as much as you think and believe. Shit God doesn't even care about me for all I know. So what, so what if I am a rebel and have rebelled against your God, so what if I curse myself, that is all my choice, so just because you look at it as something evil and diabolical doesn't mean it is. Actually, if you want to be precise, it is rather a liberating kind of martydom. While your busy trying to "fit in" I'm going to stand out. Standing out is as close to the truth as the devil is far from it. So like I've said, so what If I can see darkness, so what if I follow darkness instead of light, perhaps the light is within darkness? Ever thought about that. That I will tear down your beliefs at my own willful inclination to suffer, as you clearly believe you don't. And so, get this straight once and for all, you may not convert someone who has already been converted. But rather, accept them for who they are, or fight the Devil himself and fall further into sin. Good Luck on your journey to the real truth, as my path has already been laid out in front of me. And quite divinely so if you ask me, whether that makes me wrong or right I do not bother or care to be aware of something which one person may look at as evil while I myself see it as something Good. Hahahah Absolutely good actually, beautifully good. Mercifully good. Judgmentally good. And forgiving. I have been forgiven, and if ye seek to continue to punish me with your words, as I have done to you now in redemption for what you have done to me, then so be it, for you will fall regardless into the Devils hands whether you believe this or that or whatever. Sure its scary, but you should fear God, you must fear God if your ever to realize that you have no power in life and that you must Follow this God. Not your own God. Try to fight me and just like you said, it is pointless, "you even knew" before you tryed too? Hahah like that means anything verifiable, no it doesnt, rather, you did not know, and still do not know. I know and will raise myself above you until you realize to be highered is to be lowered. As I clearly lower myself below God, so must you, for you are merely a mortal and have no justice in God. I am of course not claiming anything, but rather have accepted my mortal and evil nature just as I have accepted the good nature within such a nature. Learn to think outside the box instead of being consumed by others thoughts. For as much as I indulge and enjoy my God, I realize the limits which Pan has set before me, and Pans judgments are immortal, and justified, and glorious, and powerful, while your "GOD" is nothing but a fancy of your own imagination. I have seen God enough to know what is the purpose I behold, and must influence if God tells me too. Just as God is right now, and is defending my belief. So will God come to your rescue and aid one day so that you too, may follow his son and saviour, the devil, and Jesus Christ. Christ is already within me and is trying to speak to you now. Through riddles and divine comprehension. Through myself. A joker and deceiver of the truth, a man unto himself and his own beliefs, following no other man but his own heart and wisdom which guides him to the eternal light of strength...
mvayne80 (guest)
15 years ago (2010-04-02)
Pan, I tried buddy. Maybe I am bored, trying to relay the true message to someone that I knew from the start would not hear it. Remember, hell with the devil is not a good thing. You will not be receive any special treatment because you and pan kicked it in the woods.
mvayne80 (guest)
15 years ago (2010-04-02)
I am done Athena so now you are free to engage in psychic wars without disturbance.
Pans final words (guest)
15 years ago (2010-04-02)
Athena, I am laughing inside just as hard. Oh and mvayne please figure it out on your own. And stop preaching to me. Thank you.
athena-and-Kej (25 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-02)
After all this... "I'm done!"

Laughing so hard... What next... Let's move on!... Athena
mvayne80 (guest)
15 years ago (2010-04-02)
"I never said I choose the devil, but rather the devil is something very complex and should be praised as much as God." There it is. You are choosing. You are a sick man. That speaks for itself pan. And you deny infatuation but prefer to call it fascination. What is the difference between infatuation and intense fascination? You seem to be in love with this creature although you are fully aware that it is demonic. Man, I could understand if you were in the dark on whether this thing was good or bad but you are fully aware. By the way, how am I hypocritical for telling you what your infatuation is when you clearly stated it in your writings?
Pan once more (guest)
15 years ago (2010-04-02)
Mvayne, I find it rather hypocritical of you to tell me what my infatuation is. When you understand not why I am fascinated. Believe in your own religion in so far that God allowed, but do not seek to impose your religion on others for this is as good as a sin. God made the world as God did, whether we label it as this or that will not change the world in itself, but rather will only change the world in itself in our perception. Your perception is as good as mine. Realize this, so we may overcome all strife and become aware of the truth which we all are seeking and tempting to explain. A truth which by its very nature is contradicting and in conflict with itself. Is it not apparent enough through the discords we all feel between eachother? Love and belief is about peace and harmony, not hatred and contempt for anothers view. Thank you... Pan
Pan (guest)
15 years ago (2010-04-02)
Athena, I think I agree with you in so far as the "religious zealots" are concerned. It is clear and obvious when you have found someone stuck within their OWN faith. Not Gods. I have never judged you Athena, but rather, felt judged, and could not help but state my reasons as to why you have been wrong to me. That doesn't make you a bad person at all, that actually makes you just as beautiful as myself. For we are all psychic warriors, and all share something deep and intrinsic no matter what our differences. We all are one. It is as simple, but as complex as that. If you find yourself to still be in contradiction to me, then clearly my point has not been proven, and in that case so be it, but if your mind has changed at all after reading what I have written, then Bless you for being genuine. Although you did call me schizo, it really was of no offense to me, but still gave birth to this argument I find myself stuck in. An argument which now I am greatly trying to release myself from. All of our thoughts are too powerful and we all have to realize this. We all think were right over another and this only makes us wrong. If we can all share this quality and realize when we are wrong and apologize, we will be liberated from all judgments. So I am sorry to all who feel I have offended them with my beliefs, or think my beliefs not sane, regardless the truth remains the same, that to be a hypocrit is to be as wrong as the other...
Pan (guest)
15 years ago (2010-04-02)
This is all very interesting to me, but still, life is too diverse in belief, and all people hold their own beliefs however sinister they appear, does not mean they are actually sinister, but rather, have been made sinister by your judgments. Just because you consider my faith occult means nothing to me. I am not judging your faith and what you believe nor am I saying what you believe is wrong, and you should not judge mine and do the same. It is only fair and equal that way, for God wishes us all to have an open mind towards eachother, not instead tell another there faith is diabolic or whatever. This is where hypocrisy comes from. The very thing which you seek to deny and boast yourself above has not been affected by your boasting, call my a hypocrit for boasting my self now to your level, but it doesn't matter, I do believe in Christ and everything you believe, but in another form. You have your own form of belief, and so do I, so how could you possibly raise your beliefs above mine? Labeling another for their beleifs is as good as evil. Just cause you label me as an occultist does not change what I believe or what people believe about me, it just changes your own perception. You are only as powerful as yourself allows to be, you are not as powerful as two people, or as God, you are human and your judgments are just as human. I never said I choose the devil, but rather the devil is something very complex and should be praised as much as God. If this makes no sense to you, then I am sorry, but this is my ideal and I impose it on no one, and expect no one to believe me. That is how one remains humble, through admittance of the fact they know not what they preach, which follows that we may all communicate our ideas so that they grow and become uniquely alike... "Every action send ripples across the galaxy. Every idea must touch another mind to live. Every emotion must mark another's spirit. We are all connected. Every living being united in a single, glorious existence. Open your mind to the universe."...
mvayne80 (guest)
15 years ago (2010-04-02)
I am not judging you athena, I am sorry that you feel that way. I guess I along with the rest of the world can be a hypocrite at times. If anyone says that they have never been hypocritical they are liars. If they say that they don't sin or have never harmed another, they are liars, or in denial. Once again I am not judging you but am only trying to tell you the truth. There was a time when I was into what you are deep into and I saw the light. At the time I believed in God but decided what in the bible was true and what wasnt. If there was something that I did that the God of the bible found objectionable then I chose to believe it untrue because since I was doing it, it was ok. I was trying to decide for myself what was right and what was wrong and that is not the way to live.
mvayne80 (guest)
15 years ago (2010-04-02)
Pan, you are extremely infatuated and one day it may be your undoing. You say that you do not choose a side but in reality you already did. If you do not choose God you choose the devil. It is as simple as that. Jesus is the only way. People don't want to believe that Christianity is the real religion because for the most part it is very hard and goes against what feels natural. It tells you that you cannot do what feels good but must repent of your old ways in order to see Paradise. People don't like that at all but the reality is, it is the truth. "The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting, it has been found difficult and left untried."-G.K. Chesterton
athena-and-Kej (25 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-02)
By the way... Who are you to judge me? If you don't judge what would you call it... Hipocritcy? Like what all the religions do? It's a good question you should think about... Because I think everyone would like to know... Oh yes they already know... So do I... I'm over it!


Mvayne80 (1 stories) (4 posts) 2010-04-02By the way athena I am not catholic, I am non-denominational. Anything, like traditions etc, that are not in the bible I do not buy. But one thing I don't do is judge a religion like catholicism based on what certain priests do. I will however judge a religion that claims something that is outside of the Bible (like catholicism for example). Another thing, I don't know where you get your information but there is one God, and He created everything (Heaven and earth). You know a lot less than you think. You don't know it but you are the one that is serving Lucifer by engaging in the occult. You think that you possess special abilities and are doing good things for people I am sure. You are right though, this planet is a mess because of Lucifer. He continues to deceive mankind by pushing man away from the bible, telling man certain things are ok, all religions lead to God, Jesus was a prophet, we all are gods, etc. Nothing but lies. I am pretty sure that you are not going to take this as help and will likely take it personal again like you did with my last comment. I will pray for myself and I will continue to pray for you.
athena-and-Kej (25 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-02)
You act very better than thou just like those "religious zealots"... You can wear the name prouddly... Because you like to shove it down our throats... YUK!

And I don't take anything pesonally... I call a Spade a Spade... Athena

Mvayne80 (1 stories) (4 posts) 2010-04-02By the way athena I am not catholic, I am non-denominational. Anything, like traditions etc, that are not in the bible I do not buy. But one thing I don't do is judge a religion like catholicism based on what certain priests do. I will however judge a religion that claims something that is outside of the Bible (like catholicism for example). Another thing, I don't know where you get your information but there is one God, and He created everything (Heaven and earth). You know a lot less than you think. You don't know it but you are the one that is serving Lucifer by engaging in the occult. You think that you possess special abilities and are doing good things for people I am sure. You are right though, this planet is a mess because of Lucifer. He continues to deceive mankind by pushing man away from the bible, telling man certain things are ok, all religions lead to God, Jesus was a prophet, we all are gods, etc. Nothing but lies. I am pretty sure that you are not going to take this as help and will likely take it personal again like you did with my last comment. I will pray for myself and I will continue to pray for you.

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