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Real Spiritual Experiences

A Beautiful Heavenly Light And Life Changing Experience


I am a hindu. Living in india. After the death of my 3 little kitten pets, I was deeply hurt. I felt intense pain in heart. Mostly I don't feel sad for any human death. A few months back. A cat came to my house and became friendly with us. We use to feed them... That cat was really beautiful.

One day that cat gave birth to 4 kitten. I was really happy and I used to watch those kitten playing and all 4 of them are really beautiful and they are like angel. When ever I see them playing - I felt really good and my blood pressure went down. We had great time playing with that kittens.

After 3 month - they grew healthy. Suddenly one day one of the kitten died. I felt really sad - extremely painful. I never even cried for any human death. But after a loss of my pet, it was shocking and I was mentally affected. 2 weeks later another 2 kittens died. I can't explain how terrible it was.

I was helpless and I can't do anything to stop its death. I searched internet to know what death is all about. Then I stumbled upon on near death experience. Then I downloaded a ebook called "nothing is better than being dead". I don't want death of my beloved kittens go in vain.

I started reading those NDE experiences, suddenly a world in front of me disappeared. There was no body around me at all. All I see is a vision, at first there is only void empty blackness around me. Here I don't feel any fear. I was totally in other dimension. I still have the awareness of me without my body at all. Suddenly I started moving (not moving but void emptiness vanishing slowly) towards a beautiful light. The light is so beautiful you can't see those light on this earth. Light I saw was changing very slowly from golden brownish, then orange to greenish blue yellow hues so on. Mixture of all colours and hues I see. Nearest possible explanation about light I saw is this. Real beauty can only be experienced when you feel it. It was so beautiful to look at. And I also heard a beautiful sound which is more like angels howling in chorus or may be it is sound of "OM". It was so pleasant to hear it.

Suddenly I could feel presence of others around me. There were other like me in this beautiful dimension. It was like heavenly. I could feel other being like me in this dimension surrounded by beautiful light and sound. I feel some being next to me. Suddenly a wave of intense happiness or may be bliss or extreme happiness covered my being. I never felt those happiness ever before in my life here on earth. Remember there was no body of mine but only the feeling of "I" and vision. I could see without my eyes and I could hear without ears. There were no thoughts in me but only this vision. No thoughts, no earth but only heavenly light and sounds and heaven beings like me. I really don't know why those happiness surrounded me. Whether it came from other beings around me in this beautiful dimension or it came from god itself.

Then suddenly this beautiful vision vanished. Then world in front of me reappeared again. I mean I regained this world. Tears came down my cheeks. I felt very emotional. I DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH TIME PASSED. Maby few seconds or maby be few minutes. Actually, I felt no time at all in this heavenly beautiful dimension. The dimension I saw in my vision may be belong to some eternity and infinity. Time simply stopped. The heavenly vision I saw was like a flash. I can explain lot, better way to understand my experience is by experiencing yourself.

Now I feel that those 3 kittens which came to me were god himself to awake me from ignorance. Now only one kitten is alive. We are living happily. I prayed god that after my marriage the kittens which died must reincarnate as my children. I promised him I will look after my children (kitten) and we will live happily.

This incidence totally changed me. A life changing experience. Where ever I see a animals, like cat, dog, squirrels, birds etc I wish them to live longer and attain salvation, mukthi as soon as possible. I summon god, I request god with love to give them salvation as soon as possible. I believe only unconditional love can bring me towards god.

After the that heavenly vision I feel everything is ok. Just fine. One day I will go to the same place I saw in vision. I will meet those my lovable kittens and we will be in bliss eternally with love and love alone. We loved ones will be absorbed in this heavenly dimension and remain in eternal bliss. Now I believe there is no death at all. Only our body dies not our awareness (self or being).

I searched for internet, I want to know whether same thing happened to any one else. I ended up here. I extremely happy to see two people in this web site wrote very similar (99% similarity) experience like me.

God is not limited to particular religion he is for all. God is something more than what our church or hindu religion thought us.

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alakeshwar (3 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-11)
After reading your story and other stories about NDEs the conclusion I've drawn is that for all we know we might be better off dead than alive. I believe your story because Indians love cows more than kittens but you love kittens more, so this story has a ring of truth about it. Saravanamp your name does sound strange a bit. Anyway I love kittens too and all of God's creatures except mosquitoes and flies maybe.
GoldenGate (22 posts)
14 years ago (2010-02-27)
Very beautiful story you write. I think people should go out of the border of their belief system if they should seek their real spiritual awakening. Sometimes broken heart, sadness, even the protest to the divinity why we experience such sorrow and meaningless life could send us into divine enlightening experience like what you have put so nicely.
neelu (guest)
15 years ago (2009-11-02)
hi...i am disappointed with the way you have concluded... Hinduism also teaches meditation... The path of mother kundalini shakti... Who also takes you to this beautiful place you experienced everyday... Hinduism has a lot to offer... It also teaches no matter what religion or path you follow you reach the same destination [bhagwat geeta] the vedas talk about one single formless god who is light and sound... I guess you have never read about the vedas... But yes you are a lucky soul... God bless you... Love
selena (2 stories) (13 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-14)
I have really enjoyed reading your story. I only pray to have such enlightenment. You are very blessed to have received this "special invitation" as I call it. Only a few are chosen... I hope you realize how extremely fortunate you are.
Franca 😉

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