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Real Spiritual Experiences

Reaching NO Mind


I am a 31 years old factory worker from Australia, my younger years were full of trouble including drugs, jail and complete disrespect for myself and others. For the past 6 years, I had tried every type of scientific treatment (pills, therapy, hypnosis, etc) with no effect whatsoever, I was actually hospitalized with renal failure after trying to "end" my nagging negative thoughts. During this experience, 2 men appeared and told me "there is a plan for you". Then I could not see where they went, and I have never told anyone about that...

For years, I had try to stop my thoughts but never had success or ever believed I would. Then something happened one night, I was as usual, trying to ignore myself, when suddenly there was nothing to ignore. Now, I know this next bit will sound very far fetched but I'm hoping that others who have experienced similar situations will empathize with me on this one... Anyway, I grew, not only in height but in width, I became solid (in a sense) it is very hard to explain but it felt as if my soul/spirit was spreading outwards from my center, then I was able to see empty space, which upon inspection was not empty at all, it has a viscous almost water like appearance to me, I could feel it against my body as I moved through its space. I then became acutely "aware" of my own existence (as a brain and spirit being separate) and I could feel the existence of whatever I looked at, I felt a leaf's life (its warmth and needing to feel warmth), I felt the earth's existence and the direct connection it had to my own existence.

This extra perception has now lasted for 10 months, recently I have become aware that I now do not even hear that nagging voice anymore, in fact I can control it completely. I have absolutely no idea why this happened to me, I was never a "spiritual" guy and do not believe in religion. I am still trying to control this perception I know have, reading people's thoughts has become very distractive, although I am starting to control emotions I receive from others, all in all, I believe we all have these skills, if only that nagging voice would turn off for us.

Since the event, everyone involved in my life has told me how remarkable the change has been, but honestly I do not need to be told anymore, I can now feel what they feel. I am now a non drug user, don't drink, don't smoke etc. I have found that that state of NO mind can be achieved with only a seconds warm up. I would really love to hear from anyone experiencing this feeling as being the only "known" one gets very hard, as talking to people who do not understand is not only pointless and embarrassing, it is creating a label for myself that others can use.

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Martin (29 posts) mod
17 years ago (2008-04-13)
Thanks Gra for your comments I thought they were highly interesting. I'm not always big on "classifying" things of the inner experiences world, but it made a lot of sense without falling in the trap of intellectualizing everything, leaving the door open to mystery.
Gra (guest)
18 years ago (2007-07-01)
I forgot to mention that many consider this to be expansion of consiousness, while clearly it gives you great spiritual insight, being spiritual may not be a requirement, it is the act of remembering your full nature or clearing your consiousness of all the junk you have taken on. Many peole say that spiritual development can be achieved without expansion of consiousness too, and that true masters do both. :)
I have experienced the first stage and beginnings of the second, similar to you. One thing to remeber, this isn't permanent, you can move up and down and loose it all togeher.
Gra (guest)
18 years ago (2007-07-01)
In some systems this is considered the 1st of 3 distinct frames of consiousness in expanding your consiousness(mastery of the 3rd is often called enlightenment)
1st stage is sometimes called "witness" consiousness in some schools, though it has many names and is often though of as the goal, when it is the first breakthrough. Witness seems apt, because often its like your watching your thoughts, emotions, etc. Not actualy being under thier influence, also another common experience from this witness point of view, is a deep feeling of peace that noting can shake and a deep connection with things/people around you.
As such you can function quite well in the world, your consiousness is in a deep peace, though you still have thoughts and emotions, they are like a little piece of you, not what you identfy as self anymore, and some people turn thier focus away from them all together for periods of time, like a knowing you are not your thoughts/emotions/physical sensations, when these are not present you still remain,...
2nd stage often is tricky because you can get distracted by experiencing many wonderful "celestial" type things which can be very distracting and you can get obsessed with them, also you start seeing your self in your surroundings - more than just connected, distinction of self becomes blurred.
Many people get stuck here, some of the experiences are just mind blowing, but arnt the path to further growth, just your hightened awareness.
3rd stage. Wiser people than me can't describe it, I couldn't do it justice. Just think of it as knowing with the core of your being oneness with everything, though this fails miserebly to describe it.
Martin (29 posts) mod
18 years ago (2007-05-16)
I agree, I'm a huge fan of Keith ;) But this kind of achievement usually happens only after fierce determination or life factors that put tremendous pressure on the mind to finally subside and let the Self (big S, not little ego) shine through.
Shane (2 posts)
18 years ago (2007-05-16)
Thanks Martin, I also signed up for the psychic site also ;) Trying to keep my name pure, no guest post on my part. I finally figured out where I had read the emptying of ones mind, it was a part of the gnostic teachings not sure exactly where I had read it but I knew it sounded so familiar to me. I know Keith isn't religious or anything, but this maybe something he might look into. He has become able to distinguish between the self and the I. This according to the gnostics is the way to gnosis or the knowledge. Very impressive.

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.
Martin (29 posts) mod
18 years ago (2007-05-16)
Welcome Shane ;) This experience (and the other two) originally come from the psychic site, if you want to read more comments:
Shane (2 posts)
18 years ago (2007-05-15)
Oh man I was just reading something similar to this not to long ago. I will have to go back and see if I can find out the title to it. Basicaly if what you are saying is true you have found the path to being one with the one, or from the buhdist stand point, you have reached enlightenment. The silencing of the mind the ridding oneself of worldly cares. Very interesting. If I remember the title of the book I will let you know.
Martin (29 posts) mod
18 years ago (2007-05-10)
Keith, I do have a question related to more practical matters. When you reach that state of no mind, are you able to function in the world just as you would with a busy mind? Better? Worse? I mean, you being a factory worker, for example, how dangerous could it be?

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