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Spiritual Experiences from Connecticut, United States: Page 1
Extreme Deja Vu by Ben
For the past two years approximately, I have had persistent and somewhat fearful deja vu. I had been traveling working throughout the us, and began having experiences of meeting people and being in the same places, and also being at times fearful and memories of even being hurt in past lives over th...
Start Of My Spiritual Death & Resurrection Through Christ by Janira
To begin, all my life I have had very strange experiences but the one I will be discussing takes the cake. Due to my not wanting to be long winded I will only summarize some of the details. It all began around my 22nd birthday last year (2015). I was born on my father's birthday which is oct. 11 and...
Becoming One With Nature by Richvtx1800
A friend of mine asked me to go see a Frank Lloyd Wright house she just bought. F.L.W. Houses always involve encompassing nature with the house. On arriving and walking towards the house she points out three ground wasp nests IN the driveway, 3 holes in the asphalt with wasps going in and out of...
Vision of Hell by KristenMJ
This is a true vision where I was spiritually taken to Hell to be shown the consequences of a completed suicide. I believe that this vision occurred due to my suicidal tendencies, and that I was planning at some point to end my life. I didn't have a very specific plan as to when I would commit suici...
Traveling Through A Black Hole by Richvtx1800
In October of 2009 I decided once again it was time to step up my meditation practice. I started with an apple detox, eating a minimum of 6 apples a day and drinking 100 ounces of spring water. This always seems to get me into a higher gear as I prepare to do a personal spiritual retreat at home. Co...
Out Of The Body Experience by Sandy
I am a born again christian and today I had an out of the body experience. I never had one before. As I was kneeled down praying at the altar in my church, I was experiencing great peace and contentment. As I was praying, I hear my teacher getting ready to start bible classes and I thought that ...
Rainbow from Heaven by Holly
I was 19 years old at the time and in a bad way. I was with my parents in the South of France at the time (I know that doesn't sound so bad, but at the time, I barely noticed my surroundings). My parents had move there a year before while I was in college. It was now summer break and since they no l...
Angels Among Us by Mark Sanderson
As Tuesday July 26th faded into Wednesday, I was grieving the loss of my wife Karen, who had passed away after a year long battle with cancer, and the recent passing of my mother, Lillian. I was pretty overwhelmed. Karen and I shared a very special love. She was my Angel and my rock and believed in ...
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