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Real Spiritual Experiences

Guruji Blessed My Infant Years After Passing Away


My father met my Guru Ji (spiritual teacher) about two decades back. My father was an atheist in his youth. His first name was given to him by a spiritual Guru who is probably the most famous Guru Ji from India. My father was of course an infant when he was given his first name. While naming my father that Guruji said that this child is going to be a greatly spiritual human being. When someone told my father this he laughed out aloud for he was an atheist

Two decades back my father met the Guruji who was the disciple of a famous disciple of that GuruJi who had given my father his first name. I am deliberately withholding names here because I do not have permission from concerned people or rather I have not sought permission because I believe names are not that important.

After the time of meeting with the spiritual leader my father's attitude changed. He became a profound believer in Hinduism and knew by heart those esoteric teachings and mantras which it takes scores and scores of years to learn. He knew the finest points of Ramayana. On the practical side on meeting this spiritual leader our income has risen considerably. My income increase ten fold in the last ten years and that too without cheating anyone, without being very smart and without working very hard. This is a miracle for someone as lazy as myself.

I too took diksha from my father's Guruji who loved me very much and never scolded me like he did some others. I may add here that even industrialists and police officers were scared to sit in front of him without being invited to do so. When he looked into my eyes I felt God himself was looking at me and was scared he would see the vice and frailty in me. Sadly some days years ago he left for his heavenly abode. Just before passing away he had told us that it is the Gurutatva that is important not the Guru which perhaps means that spiritual teacher like qualities are more important the spiritual teacher.

After his passing away our daughter was born who is still a toddler of about two and a half years. Recently we were on a pilgrimage to Badrinath Kedarnath two of the most holy sites for pilgrimage in the Himalayas. On our way back we stopped over at Rishikesh at a new ashram established by one of Guruji's chief disciples and personal assistant. For the sake of simplicity I told my daughter that the personal assistant is Babaji and there was a big picture of our Guruji there and I told my daughter that the picture was of Baba's Babaji or Grandfather of my daughter's grandfather.

While Babaji was engrossed in his puja (formal Hindu worship) my daughter went inside his puja room I ran after her lest she disturb Babaji but Babaji strictly told me to let her be.

Then I came outside and sat near his puja room where I could hear him distinctly. He asked my daughter to recite "Ram" three times and in as loud a voice as his. Surprisingly my daughter who is otherwise very mischievous did this exactly as asked by him. Then he said and I quote "I would be failing in my duty if I do not give you something after you have done exactly as told", then there was sound of opening of an iron cupboard and Babaji gave my daughter something, perhaps a picture of Ram Darbar (a typical assembly of God Rama and those he loved most). He also told her to always keep that with her and never to give it to anybody else.

After this my daughter came out carrying a very beautiful silver Ram Darbar before my wife and myself. I asked her as if in a joke "Who gave it to you?" and she said pointing towards the big portrait of Guruji who had passed away years back - "Baba's Babaji gave it to me", my wife, myself and Guruji's chief disciple were witness to this. I thought maybe she is confused so I asked her again and every time I asked she pointed towards the big portrait and said "He gave it to me", without faltering even once. We were dumbstruck but Babaji made no comments about this.

Well what do you call this! No matter how hard you try you cannot make a child of two and a half years believe that a picture can give it something can you?

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Yashotha (guest)
16 years ago (2009-07-22)
Hi, a very touching and interesting story. I'm also a Hindu, if you don't mind me asking, can I please know your Guru Ji's name?
Thank you.

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