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Spiritual Experiences from Minnesota, United States: Page 1
Feeling The Holy Spirit by Maf07
Ii grew up in the Midwest and was raised in a middle class blue collar family. We lived in a rural area in the country. My upbringing was very sheltered, born in 1978, we had a TV but only 3 channels. Both of my parents are deeply religious but do not share it openly. My father's family was very...
Odd Experience Waking Up After Listening To A Channeling by Deli
I thought I would share an experience I just had today on here in hopes of some wonderful feedback. I am eighteen years old and the past few years I've been going through so much spiritual change. A year or so ago I became interested in reiki and energy practices, and ever since then I learn somethi...
Holy Spirit At Praise In The Pub by Aimee22
On my campus we have an event on Wednesdays called Praise in the Pub. We gather in the pub on campus and have an hour of worship, usually with a speaker somewhere in the middle. I go every week and I have often felt the presence of the Holy Spirit during worship. But tonight was different. I'm n...
Forced To Sleep by mulder81
This was a very strange occurrence I had last night. Nov, 30th, 2010, I came home from work and as usual I go to my office on my computer to work a few hours. It being a cold day, I stoked up the basement fireplace and went into my office. I was wide awake and having a beer as I was working the comp...
Angels Singing by VM
I haven't really thought about this event in awhile - but it happened again about a week ago out of the blue, so it brought me back to my childhood. I used to go to my grandmothers house in the summer - small town, very quaint and quiet summer nights - I remember on about 3 occasions - I was probabl...
Spiritual Awakening - Told Of Future Lover by Farrah McFloyd
I have had a number of experiences throughout my life that I didn't think much about because I have always accepted that a spiritual plane exists. However, I didn't have a spiritual practice or give it much attention. Then, my life turned upside down. Problems in my marriage slowly surfaced over ...
My Vision Of Angels And Angelic Choir by Gwen
We had been attending a church that I feel I was called to attend. Three different people had told me I should check out this church. We had been going to this church for six months when I had my vision. At a recent church service the congregation was called forward to be prayed over for the Holy...
While I Am Sleeping Spirits Enter My Body by tracirad
Greetings to you all! Several years ago my life was on a path of destruction and the Lord through his love and grace pulled me out! I began walking with the Lord, the more I learned about our Father the more I needed to know about him. It was a hunger that could only be filled by his word. Years ...
The Power And Compassion Of God by NeedGodBadly
I've always been deeply religious. It being the thing which will affect me the longest, I find it important that my beliefs are correct. To me, Truth is not relative, but absolute, like science, so I've spent literally hundreds of hours (a significant portion of my sixteen years here) searching for ...
The Good, The Bad And The Ugly by Erick
I was in a committed relationship with my girlfriend and for the most part everything seemed to be fine. Looking back on it I should have questioned a few things. One evening we had an argument and we couldn't resolve it so we split up. She insisted that I never contact her again. I really cared ...
God Experience through Repentance by jc_7
I became a Christian many years ago, when I was a teenager. However, in recent years I was sort of living a double life, and made a lot of major mistakes. Then I sort of came to the end of myself. I prayed a prayer to repent of my sins, and rededicate my life to Christ. Then I felt the warmth of His...
My Foot Washing Dream and False Prophets by Nick
I am sharing this dream in hope that someone has an interpretation. 25 years ago I was very involved with, King Jesus, a charismatic church. I attended two or three times a week. The church was filled with love, joy, singing and praise. One Sunday, we had a guest speaker. He was a prophet and invite...
My Angelic Experience by godsinstrument
I am just 17 years old and I have had a wide range of things happen to me. I can hear voices but there are too many to understand what they are saying. I can see spirits. I believe that they are lost spirits, in search for a way to pass on and I am suppose to help them some how. There is my guardian...
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