My story is different than most but none-the-less just as profound. All my many years of living my life I have searched, prayed and studied to find "God". My search has ended thus far. I found no God. I found no answer to prayers... No personal relationship with a higher power. Nothing! The only thing that is real to me that I have a sure knowledge about is here and now. This to me is reality.
I did however reach my own spirituality so to speak. I am free now! Free of personal unreal expectations of myself and this is a very calming realization. This is something that was not hoped for and not seen. Something that is desired by faith seems to me to have some element of doubt attached to it.
I honestly believe that I could never return to my former way of thinking. To me... It is just not possible. I believe I have reached the "point of no return" to my former ways of thinking and believing.
I in no way doubt others spiritual experiences. What is true for each of us is very important and real. It is blatantly obvious to myself just what happens in this world of ours when we do not and cannot seem to honor others beliefs.
In my search for God I found myself and myself is just fine. I am a much happier person.