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Spiritual Experiences from Alaska, United States: Page 1

An Angel? Or God? by kingdixie01

This event had happened to me in mid December 2011. To be honest, I didn't believe in god or anything religious like that, but I did believe in the devil. From the beginning of November up until what had happened to me that night, I felt I was being followed by something evil. And I believe it was t...

My Spiritual Awakening by quixoticqt

I was raised in Assemblies of God and nondenominational churches majority of my life. I've lived in about 14 different places in Alaska (my mother was always accepted to different colleges while I was growing up.) When I lived in Homer is where I would say my spirituality grew to the point of unde...

The Black Wolf by Maddam_M

Last year I had a spiritual awakening and understanding. I wanted to post this here to see if there happened to be anyone else that had a similar feeling. I'm Christian but I don't run around judging it means I see my life through Gods ways, if you see it differently through some other God or spirit...