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Spiritual Experiences from South Dakota, United States: Page 1
Jesus Saves... Even Me by tigerlily571
This happened a couple years ago but I will recount it to the best of my ability. I am not a religious person, and at this time in my life I hadn't gone to church or prayed in years, probably 4-5. I am more spiritual... I believe in what I do and have no doubts in my beliefs. It was 2007, Februar...
Physical Yoga Experience by Nickr2
I just had an amazing spiritual experience. It felt so amazing; I was doing a little physical yoga (trying to discipline my Physical body.) I made a bridge with my forehead to the ground and my feet touching the ground and holding me up. I then thought about flowing my energy in through my head a...
And There He Was by Nickr2
My name is Nicholas Ryan Rasmussen. I live in South Dakota of the USA. And I have a little story I want to share with you. When I was younger before everything started to happen I didn't believe in god at all. And actually to a very extreme extent, and I may have inadvertently convinced some people ...
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