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Spiritual Experiences from Texas, United States: Page 1
Floating by Princesblove23
So this is what happened. I was probably around the age of 21 and recently surrendering my life to Christ. I simply remember leaving my body with a since of peace. I don't think at the time that I realized that I'd left my body but I had. I begin to float out of the room and through my bed room wind...
Fluttering Angel by ladesaulnier
One day I was cruising around my yard on the tractor. I was actually having a lot of fun. Something I haven't had a whole lot of in a long time. Anyway, I was riding around and a little butterfly with a ripped wing landed on my shoulder. I just had to stop and check it out before it flew away. I tho...
I Saw The Light Of God by ISawtheLight
On my birthday, in 2016, I saw the light of God. It was a beautiful, sunny day and I had spent the day in the park with my now ex-boyfriend of six years. He was the love of my life, but we were on the verge of breakup. While driving home from the park, we had an enormous fight that lasted into the n...
A 3 Day Spiritual Awakening / Experience by RCSJR
This experience has fueled my research more and more into the Spiritual. I have been a seeker and a finder and on this particular August day I was settling in to move through a series of practices that culminated into a point where I found myself lying on the floor of my office listening to a visual...
My Heart Was Changed by akcasey2004
I am so glad I am not the only one! After battling abuse, IV drug addiction and an absolute Sodom and Gomorrah lifestyle I was sitting in a jail cell, and I realized the magnitude of what I had done. Finally sober after years of drug use, it all came out. Sobs of pure heartbreak and devastation, com...
Lets Take This Journey by bigmoe
Today I lost my job. You may think this is a strange way to start a story but if the worst is in the beginning then it can only get better. You see I was sitting with a client in her home when I received a call. This call was from a business associate of mine. He proceeded to inform me that he had m...
ICU Soul Out Of Body Experience by messenger
I had open heart surgery on good Friday April 6 2012. Afterwards I was transferred to ICU. On the third day being Sunday late afternoon I had the most terrifying "soul out of the body" experience. I found myself on the floor (back seat) of a huge yellow jeep in a fetal position. I was not able to mo...
A Lesson By A Spiritual Guide? by taiji973
My spiritual story started when I was probably 8 or 9. Me, 2 of my brothers and my sister were walking along the street talking about an event that happened a while back when we were chased by a gang of individuals and we escaped through the woods. While we were walking, we passed this old chinese l...
Signs by vasquez725
In January of 2011 my husband was in a terrible car accident. That morning had started off as usual with him going into work before I did. A few minutes after he had left, he called saying he had gotten into a car wreak and had hit somebody else. With the tone and calmness of his voice I figured it ...
Rebirth by rivirobo
After being agnostic for 25 years, my life felt meaningless. I didn't acknowledge my soul, anybody else's soul, thought when you die its over and done, and that all the spiritual fuss was just an excuse to sin, be forgiven, or manipulation from preachers. Sure, I did the best trying to be happy and ...
My Last Drink, Thanks To God by JayArr
In 1984 I had reached the bottomless pit of despair. I wes addicted to alcohol for many years, had tried AA, but though it helped, I failed to stay sober. I decided to commit suicide after a long drinking binge. Alone, sick and tired of being sick and tired, I picked up my 45 Colt and muttered somet...
The Nde And The Kundalini Awakening by guerro
Twas in July, 1966, I was going to work from my college classes when, seemingly from nowhere, a car appeared aAnd in the instant before we collided I had one thought. It was as if my father was telling me; "Mike, I told you how to live and now here you are dying and you've hardly begun to live." Thu...
OBEs And Sleep Paralysis by mchamma
I've had many spiritual experiences in the past 5 years. It feels like my life just "began" 5 years ago when everything started happening for a reason. This specific experience is about a dream I had, I have many lucid dreams, meaningful dreams, obe's, etc. Even after this dream I am still not sure ...
Glory To Our Lord by Joe
I would like to share an experience. In 2005, our faith and courage was to be tested in a way that if I knew what was coming, I would have ran fast the other way and kept running. At that time I was verrry far from our Lord. End of 2005 marked one of the darkest chapters in my life. Too lengthy to g...
Angels Waited To Catch My Fall by Jeanette Mondragon
I have always been drawn to God since I was a little girl, even though the memories are scattered. I remember times when I spoke to my little brother Angel and older sister Angel I believed were my companions, and protected me. You see, I was born between to full-term stillbirths, we are all within ...
A Prayer For Guidance by CuriouslySeekingSpirit
This is something I wrote back when I had a lot of pain within myself and at the time I felt so overwhelmed with self doubt and fear that I felt I had completely lost myself. I was to the point where I felt I I needed my cries to be heard so I sat down and let my soul pour out onto a piece of paper....
My Near Death Story by DavidJones
Do you realize there are as many near death stories in the United States, alone, as there are people without health care coverage? I have researched this extensively. Doctors agree that there is a massive firing of the brain's neurons at the point of death. The theory is that the firing of millions ...
The Miracle In My Bedroom by Anonymous in Texas
I had something happen to me that took place when I was a teenager in high school. I was extremely insecure and had a lot of self-loathing. I used to cut on myself and eventually found alcohol to help make me feel better. I had a boy friend at that time and along with everything else I had a huge pr...
Evil Haunting Me Repeatedly by CuriouslySeekingSpirit
Before I started my spiritual journey weird things happened. Me and my husband starting seeing what we thought as ghosts coming and going. They stood around smiling, even heard the voice of one in my moms room. I thought someone was at my house talking on a phone, but went back there never saw any a...
The Holy Communion Angel by sospiritual
I did my Holy Communion when I was seven years old. I was a very innocent child even for my age back then (and still am for my age now) and I realize that at the time I had no idea what a holy communion was. I thought it was a party for all the kids at the church and I hardly took any catechism clas...
I Want To Tell You About Someone I Met When I Died by DavidJones
Anyone can see what is physically there in front of them. One of the reasons, or basis of achievement of our life is to be able to understand, to formulate, and to hold to a personal belief system that will sustain us in good times and bad. This personal belief system will define who you are as an i...
The Holy Spirit Walked With Me by heyjude
When I was 9-10 years old, I accepted Christ and wanted to be Baptized. I spoke with my parents and our Pastor and I was instructed to walk down the aisle and to the pulpit at the end of the sermon when the Pastor called for all to be saved. I was very overweight as a child and due to the ridicul...
He Protected Me From Evil by heyjude
I was lying in bed one night unable to sleep. I saw a tall dark shape of a man standing in my hallway by my bedroom door. I felt it was evil. Suddenly my finger were in the shape of a cross by no thought or control of my own. I felt a presence behind me and I knew it was good; prehaps an angel. An i...
My Mother Told Me God Took Her by Ashley
My name is Ashley and I am 22 years old. My mother passed away on January 8, 2010 and I loved her dearly. I know many people can say they had or have the best mother in the world, but I can say with my entire soul that I loved my mother more than anyone in the entire world after our lord Jesus Chris...
Experiences With God And Tricks Of The Devil by Guest73962
Throughout the last three or four years of my life I have had quite a few experiences with God, some of which were glimpses that He gave me of the afterlife. I also have had an experience that I believe was from the devil. Before I talk about my experiences, I want to tell you about my background. ...
My Regret by oly graham
My wife and I had a friend, who has since gone her own way, and she had a small child prematurely and was at that hospital every day, every hour, every minute she could give. Finally, Madeleine came home. In two months she died from SIDS. We met Melanie at the hospital to help her through that time....
How I Communicate With God by jesseb24
God is everywhere. I have always been real close to him. As far as an experience of talking to him. I have done it more then once physically and mentally. God has came to me through certain people. Like He totally became them temporarily. I have even meet him in his true physical form, this expe...
Dreams Can Still Hurt You by Autumn
This is my first year of college I just graduated from high school. Lots of homework and studying, and I have not attended church or read my bible here lately. I have just been the preoccupied student who will party on the weekends and study during my free time. I have put God on hold, and if what I...
Bee Keeper by PlaydohMasta
This story is based off the most terrifying thing that's ever happen to me. I have had a phobia ever since. Also this story is going to be long. One day my mom's boyfriend called her asking if her and I would like to go hunting. She said yes and we stayed in this house made in the early 1800's. Ther...
15 Year Old Agnostic Who Was Forever Changed by Summer
My name is Summer and I am 15 years old. I have never felt very close to god and I always questioned if he even is real. When I was young I went to church but I didn't understand it. I moved about a year ago to Texas and I made some friends who were really religious. They always tried to get me ...
Everything Is One, Everything Is Ok by TakenAptly
I'll do my best to explain what I felt but I'm always hesitant to talk about this because I don't feel like anything I could say could explain the feeling I felt in a just way. I'm not a writer so pardon me if it's not that understandable haha. I'm 20, and this had happened roughly 3 months ago, ...
My Second Sight by Austink08
My name is Austin and I live in Abilene, TX. I am 19 years old and I'm just now realizing how strange my sight is. Ever since I can remember my entire field of vision has been covered with tiny specs of light. It never goes away, eyes open or eyes shut. It has no effect on my normal vision but with ...
Balance by BooBoo
It was during one of our Monday night meditation classes that I experienced this. We were having a meditation of keeping balanced and centered in all ways. When I laid on my mat I had the urge to place my hands above my head, this soon changed to an urge to place my hands and arms straight out to my...
Train Of Thunder by Sarah
I just have a story that I would like to share from when I was younger. My sister and I were playing our backyard on our small playground. We were oblivious to the weather outside, but finally, I looked up and asked my father (who had just walked outside to watch us), "Daddy? What is that thing up t...
My Awakening by terry
My name is Terry and I am about to share a story with you that may seem far fetched, but I assure you that every word is true. And that what I went through and experienced has drastically changed my life, my way of thinking, and guides me daily. As for my past, I was not a very good person. I am ...
A Brilliant Cloud Of Loving Light - A Prayer Answered by Adora
About sixteen years ago an unpleasant incident caused me to fear that I might have a certain health problem. This caused me a lot of anxiety. I made a special prayer spot in my back room where I prayed to God regularly concerning this. Within a month, I had this dream; I was standing on a hill when ...
True Affection From The Lord by Adora
A few years ago I was reading the New Testament book of John. I was feeling so good about how John stated that the Lord loves us so much. A particular sister of mine, who I never got along with very well came over for an unexpected visit. We talked about what I had been reading. I felt so much love ...
Spiritual Warfare by David
When I Lived in Houston, Tx. in June of 2005, I struggled with drug addiction. I had just gotten out of an intensive treatment program, where I met a Jewish friend and had discussed Jesus. My friend Eric was discharged a week before me and we both met up at a half-way condominium. My house manager, ...
Happiness Beyond Comprehension by jesus03
I have had some very extraordinary experiences in my life and would like to share a few of them. I am a twenty seven year old guy and in my opinion have had a very interesting life to say the least. I was a great athlete growing up. Baseball was my sport. My dream was to play professional. After ...
Curing Depression and New Found Abilities by brian
About seven or eight months ago, as usual, I was meditating in the delta state. There wasn't anything different about it from any other past sessions... That's what I thought until the next day. The next day I had more energy then I knew what to do with, it is safe to say I was happier then I had ev...
God Manifesting as Orbs by Cass1
On August 12 or 13, 2004, I had been watching the Perseid meteor shower with my friends and children in a rural community on the outskirts of Houston, Texas. I was not drinking nor was I using any drugs. Things had slowed down after a few hours and everyone went into my home. I walked back out i...
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