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Comments for A Journey Through The Garden Of The Divine: Page 1
Return to the spiritual experience A Journey Through The Garden Of The Divine
NaturalScience (3 stories) (110 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-12)
Hi James, you told me the song brought about the reaction you first attributed to me. I would be sad however if it were ONLY the song - what about "that little meself"? Was that word "glorious" in one of your former posts an error caused by confounding the effect of the RUSH song title with an aura of my own soul, or is it still valid? If it is wrong to want to be "top", "perfect" or "glorious" no matter for which purpose, then I really am a hard-boiled sinner; but if it is OK to want good reputation and self-image, in order to have power and influence for good purposes in trhe world - I think it is so in my case - then I am on the right side WITH my need for being self-contented and a bit proud, which I show by the question above.
gysyblue (2 stories) (80 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-11)
Thank-you. Your words bring tears to my eyes, and comfort to my soul.
James (10 stories) (151 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-11)
Past lives experiences are very evident in our "modern" lives, some will argue until their blue in the face that any suggestion of past lives is utter nonsense, try raising the subject to a devout Catholic or ardent muslim and see the answers you get!
We are all connected, made of the same stuff, come from the same place and will return to the same place when the time comes.
I truly with all my heart believe that events from our past lives influence our current incarnations. I am very different from all siblings, same mother and father and yet I am passionate about things that none of them are or even consider. Could the things I enjoy most be a reflection of my previous experiences here on Earth, I believe so...
Now before the doubting masses jump on this, I am truly open to other ideas and suggestions, however far too many things have happened in the past year to persuade me otherwise.
Your experience with the former Military man is a very good example, I too have recently been made aware of someone I have been drawn to all my adult life and never gave it much thought. We shared a common existance and death. Now we have been friends for going on 30 years now without ever truly understanding why, will I bring the subject up with him, perhaps at a suitable time for spiritually he is very much asleep and it does not look like that will change.
Do you think you should be together with this individual, my precious friend that is something only you will know and if it is the will of the Divine then so be it. My wife and I have been together for many years but this is not the first time we have lived together under the same roof, for I have asked the questions within and have been told that we shared a life as siblings many centuries ago, really strange I know, but considering the source of the answer I have no reason to doubt the reply.
There are parts of my past life which I will post one day for I believe all will benefit from the experience, for in a past life have I experienced the same anguish over faith, the anger over losing a brother, the same reconcilliation of my belief in the glory of God and the discovery of faith. The difference this time is I have come to EMBRACE my faith, TRULY AWAKENED to God, something which I did not do in a previous incarnation, I have found my love of my fellow man and absolute love for my brother in God Joshua.
As I mentioned before, embrace those wonderful visions, your soul is truly beginning to awaken to "WHO YOU ARE" remember when God made the statement "I am that I am," it is the most powerful statement of self you will ever find. Look within you, you will discover yourself saying "...I am WHO I am!..." when you realize this all those images, visions and thoughts suddenly take on a new meaning.
Continue to discover who you are and who you were, rember the only thing that truly matters is the "now" however who we are right now is a make-up of those experiences of "who we were"
I hope I haven't confused you, I think I got a little off topic, but I think I got the jist of my thoughts across.
Gysyblue, embrace who you are in the Light of the Heavenly Father, cherish the memories stored within your "Higher Self" when you have learned to access them. Look at life with a love of your fellow man/woman, live your life to the fullest, greet every day with the same passion the Divine showers us with. If your gentleman from the past is indeed meant to be a part of your "now," then lift the veil from your heart and the Divine will guide you every step of the way.
If it was not meant to be the will of the Divine in the end, then you have tried and your heart could ask for nothing more, put the heavinous aside and move forward in the Light of ALL.
May the Love, Light, Guidance and wonder of the Heavenly Father continue to embrace you, look for his answers, they are there, sometimes not very obvious but they are there, do not be surprised if your Dove appears again at an "appropriate" moment.
Rajha and Raijan sometimes appear to me out of the blue on days when I need comforting from the Divine the most...
" peace I leave you..."
Past lives experiences are very evident in our "modern" lives, some will argue until their blue in the face that any suggestion of past lives is utter nonsense, try raising the subject to a devout Catholic or ardent muslim and see the answers you get!
We are all connected, made of the same stuff, come from the same place and will return to the same place when the time comes.
I truly with all my heart believe that events from our past lives influence our current incarnations. I am very different from all siblings, same mother and father and yet I am passionate about things that none of them are or even consider. Could the things I enjoy most be a reflection of my previous experiences here on Earth, I believe so...
Now before the doubting masses jump on this, I am truly open to other ideas and suggestions, however far too many things have happened in the past year to persuade me otherwise.
Your experience with the former Military man is a very good example, I too have recently been made aware of someone I have been drawn to all my adult life and never gave it much thought. We shared a common existance and death. Now we have been friends for going on 30 years now without ever truly understanding why, will I bring the subject up with him, perhaps at a suitable time for spiritually he is very much asleep and it does not look like that will change.
Do you think you should be together with this individual, my precious friend that is something only you will know and if it is the will of the Divine then so be it. My wife and I have been together for many years but this is not the first time we have lived together under the same roof, for I have asked the questions within and have been told that we shared a life as siblings many centuries ago, really strange I know, but considering the source of the answer I have no reason to doubt the reply.
There are parts of my past life which I will post one day for I believe all will benefit from the experience, for in a past life have I experienced the same anguish over faith, the anger over losing a brother, the same reconcilliation of my belief in the glory of God and the discovery of faith. The difference this time is I have come to EMBRACE my faith, TRULY AWAKENED to God, something which I did not do in a previous incarnation, I have found my love of my fellow man and absolute love for my brother in God Joshua.
As I mentioned before, embrace those wonderful visions, your soul is truly beginning to awaken to "WHO YOU ARE" remember when God made the statement "I am that I am," it is the most powerful statement of self you will ever find. Look within you, you will discover yourself saying "...I am WHO I am!..." when you realize this all those images, visions and thoughts suddenly take on a new meaning.
Continue to discover who you are and who you were, rember the only thing that truly matters is the "now" however who we are right now is a make-up of those experiences of "who we were"
I hope I haven't confused you, I think I got a little off topic, but I think I got the jist of my thoughts across.
Gysyblue, embrace who you are in the Light of the Heavenly Father, cherish the memories stored within your "Higher Self" when you have learned to access them. Look at life with a love of your fellow man/woman, live your life to the fullest, greet every day with the same passion the Divine showers us with. If your gentleman from the past is indeed meant to be a part of your "now," then lift the veil from your heart and the Divine will guide you every step of the way.
If it was not meant to be the will of the Divine in the end, then you have tried and your heart could ask for nothing more, put the heavinous aside and move forward in the Light of ALL.
May the Love, Light, Guidance and wonder of the Heavenly Father continue to embrace you, look for his answers, they are there, sometimes not very obvious but they are there, do not be surprised if your Dove appears again at an "appropriate" moment.
Rajha and Raijan sometimes appear to me out of the blue on days when I need comforting from the Divine the most...
" peace I leave you..."
gysyblue (2 stories) (80 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-10)
Thank-you James, I was like a little kid getting your message this morning. I've wondered about something for awhile, and wonder what you might think. I met someone many years ago, and from the first sighting, I had this strange, but beautiful feeling about this person. It was just like something stung my heart, and I wasn't sure what it was all about. Well I just have this incredible feeling anytime I have seen him. Well anyway, I was concentrating heavily on finding information about my past life or lives. I thought maybe I could discover more about myself, because my heart has been heavy for a few years. Well surprisingly one night I had this distinctive dream about him and I. He had been in time of war, some sort of leader. I saw him hurt, and people he was responsible for all in line and I knew that they had been hurt. He had been burned and I tried kissing his feet but he didn't want me touching him. And he felt responsible for them getting hurt, so it was supposed to affect him in this lifetime of getting close to people. Well, do you think it is possible that we could have actually really been together in this lifetime? I took the risk and told him of my dream because I wanted him subconsciously to forgive himself and not to blame himself for what happened. I haven't had any other dreams or visions of other lifetimes. Sorry to bother you with all this, but I love the way you write, and feel your wisdom and helpfulness through your writings. Thank-you once again James.
James (10 stories) (151 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-10)
A very good moring to you, dream interpretations hmmm...
I have been having plenty of visions lately involving the Big Cats and have found it very curious why these animals and not others that I would more easily relate to.
The only thing I can come up with is they represent some type of
Spiritual Guide for us. I see them in the form of the Tiger, Rajha and the Snow Leopard, Raijan. My wife sees her guide in the form of a human, others perhaps something completely different.
Spirituality and faith is individual to all of us in our interpretations, what is to one may or may not be to another.
The Eagle is a symbol of strength and power in some cultures and the Dove a symbol of peace in most, perhaps these are your interpretations of what I see with the Tiger and the Snow Leopard.
If you repeatedly see these visions open your eyes to other changes in your life, they may be subtle or like a brick through a window as you begin to truly awaken your soul. This was how things started for me when I began to have nightly dreams/journies to the mountains to visit a group of Snow Leopards.
As for the empty window continue to look through as time goes by. As the soul truly awakens to the Source of All, not just ones belief in God, but truly awakenig to your inner love of your fellow man and the Divine, you may find that window will no longer be empty... I believe the expression is "...been there done that..." kind of creepy sometimes, but the view from my window became a beautiful world from what was complete empty void, no life, no sound, nothing but darkness.
Now I see the blue sky, the flowing rivers, children doing what children do, actually playing and enjoying life. Adults no longer killing each other in the name of God.
Lately when I feel a little down, I think back to the Garden of the Divine and the peacefulness of that place, the wonderful presence that cannot be seen but felt, I see my Spiritual Guides Rajha and Raijan, for they are now my constant sources of strength.
Your dreams left you feeling positive and you felt they were very real, that is wonderful!
Embrace those images, cherish the time you spend in those visions, observe your life changes, may only be small but there none-the-less. The Divine is showing himself to you in a way that you can see, be not afraid to seek the answers within yourself, for he is waiting for you as he waits patiently within all of of Us. Sadly some never realize this, even while sitting in Church on Sunday mornings, for the greatest journey we can have is to discover the path laid out for Us from the Father.
Are the Eagle and Dove your doorway to the discovery of the path, or a reminder that you are already on your journey...
A lot of words to say very little, but this seems to be my style these days for some reason!
May the Heavenly Light of the Divine continue to embrace you, surround you, uplift you and guide you every day of your wonderful journey to the Source of All.
James 😁
A very good moring to you, dream interpretations hmmm...
I have been having plenty of visions lately involving the Big Cats and have found it very curious why these animals and not others that I would more easily relate to.
The only thing I can come up with is they represent some type of
Spiritual Guide for us. I see them in the form of the Tiger, Rajha and the Snow Leopard, Raijan. My wife sees her guide in the form of a human, others perhaps something completely different.
Spirituality and faith is individual to all of us in our interpretations, what is to one may or may not be to another.
The Eagle is a symbol of strength and power in some cultures and the Dove a symbol of peace in most, perhaps these are your interpretations of what I see with the Tiger and the Snow Leopard.
If you repeatedly see these visions open your eyes to other changes in your life, they may be subtle or like a brick through a window as you begin to truly awaken your soul. This was how things started for me when I began to have nightly dreams/journies to the mountains to visit a group of Snow Leopards.
As for the empty window continue to look through as time goes by. As the soul truly awakens to the Source of All, not just ones belief in God, but truly awakenig to your inner love of your fellow man and the Divine, you may find that window will no longer be empty... I believe the expression is "...been there done that..." kind of creepy sometimes, but the view from my window became a beautiful world from what was complete empty void, no life, no sound, nothing but darkness.
Now I see the blue sky, the flowing rivers, children doing what children do, actually playing and enjoying life. Adults no longer killing each other in the name of God.
Lately when I feel a little down, I think back to the Garden of the Divine and the peacefulness of that place, the wonderful presence that cannot be seen but felt, I see my Spiritual Guides Rajha and Raijan, for they are now my constant sources of strength.
Your dreams left you feeling positive and you felt they were very real, that is wonderful!
Embrace those images, cherish the time you spend in those visions, observe your life changes, may only be small but there none-the-less. The Divine is showing himself to you in a way that you can see, be not afraid to seek the answers within yourself, for he is waiting for you as he waits patiently within all of of Us. Sadly some never realize this, even while sitting in Church on Sunday mornings, for the greatest journey we can have is to discover the path laid out for Us from the Father.
Are the Eagle and Dove your doorway to the discovery of the path, or a reminder that you are already on your journey...
A lot of words to say very little, but this seems to be my style these days for some reason!
May the Heavenly Light of the Divine continue to embrace you, surround you, uplift you and guide you every day of your wonderful journey to the Source of All.
James 😁
gysyblue (2 stories) (80 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-07)
I just discovered this site two days ago, and am so thrilled to have found it. It's exactly the inspiration I need, and I love hearing these thoughts and stories, that are new to my ears. James I am so glad that you have continued to share. I just wanted your thoughts about two simple dreams I have had the last two nights. In the first dream I had been calling through an empty window. Next, an eagle swooped down close to me, and just sort of remained close-by in the air, a few feet or so away. He seemed small to me. My son, came across the road because he saw the bird, and was in such awe. As well, a man tried to come and capture the bird, but didn't. The dream felt positive. Then last night, a sweet fattened little mourning dove did the same as the eagle. It just remained in the air near to me. He was just there, silent, his face straight ahead, but letting me know he was there. I also felt positive about this dream. I wonder if you could give me any sort of insight as to what you could think of any intrepretation of these two dreams. Thank-you.
NaturalScience (3 stories) (110 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-04)
You were given the following message to me, by the Holy Spirit:
" not fear the future, for it has not been determined, my children you are the source of your days ahead, you are the ones to change all. You are the ones to create the New Age, create a world of Love, Peace, fellowship with your brethren there on Earth and look to the Father when you are in need, he is always there within you...Namaste..."
That was even a bigger hammer! Why? Well, the Spirit greeted me with Namaste, thus saying to me that God cares for the Hindus as well as for the baptised and for the circumcised, without any discrimination; and he told me, and us, that we are the ones to change all... Which is LITERALLY the same what my favourite Hindu master, Sri Haidakhan Babaji, would have said. He would have used the same words! And this guru was seen by his adherents as nothing less than an incarnation of Godfather! I did not take to this opinion but see this Master as a prophet, in same rank as, at least, Elijah, but more daily-life-oriented than the Old Testament Prophets. Read his prophesies, you will easily find them on WWW. I came to read them in late eighties but did not grasp how correct they were until last five years when they showed themselves to be true by daily world news. The closer adherents of Babaji would all agree, having read your channeled answer to me, that it was HIM who wrote through you; and this gives me a strong clue (but still no proof) to think that he perhaps REALLY was Godfather, the same Godfather to whom Jesus prayed. Time will show if this ir correct or not but no matter how this goes out, God is with us - and He really speaks all religious languages of the world, and knows all temples, and has abandoned His old policy of extinguishing "pagan" religions in favour of those of the Book.
" not fear the future, for it has not been determined, my children you are the source of your days ahead, you are the ones to change all. You are the ones to create the New Age, create a world of Love, Peace, fellowship with your brethren there on Earth and look to the Father when you are in need, he is always there within you...Namaste..."
That was even a bigger hammer! Why? Well, the Spirit greeted me with Namaste, thus saying to me that God cares for the Hindus as well as for the baptised and for the circumcised, without any discrimination; and he told me, and us, that we are the ones to change all... Which is LITERALLY the same what my favourite Hindu master, Sri Haidakhan Babaji, would have said. He would have used the same words! And this guru was seen by his adherents as nothing less than an incarnation of Godfather! I did not take to this opinion but see this Master as a prophet, in same rank as, at least, Elijah, but more daily-life-oriented than the Old Testament Prophets. Read his prophesies, you will easily find them on WWW. I came to read them in late eighties but did not grasp how correct they were until last five years when they showed themselves to be true by daily world news. The closer adherents of Babaji would all agree, having read your channeled answer to me, that it was HIM who wrote through you; and this gives me a strong clue (but still no proof) to think that he perhaps REALLY was Godfather, the same Godfather to whom Jesus prayed. Time will show if this ir correct or not but no matter how this goes out, God is with us - and He really speaks all religious languages of the world, and knows all temples, and has abandoned His old policy of extinguishing "pagan" religions in favour of those of the Book.
NaturalScience (3 stories) (110 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-04)
Eh James, that's a hammer, you know RUSH! I knew that I am not the only one who is aware of their spiritual importance; they never "play the spiri game" in the public but all three of them to my account are something like Zen masters; if you watch Neil on drums you see at once he and his drums are One and he is at complete peace. But if is it ONLY the RUSH connection of my nick that makes the energy flow like this - which means that it has nothing to do with me - then your assignment of importance to me perhaps was an error? This would be a pity, for I think it important to be of some importance... No matter if this is seen by spiritual masters as an imperfect attitude... I don't want to be useless, basta!
James (10 stories) (151 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-04)
Hello NaturalScience
I am very familiar with Geddy Lee and the boys, Red Barchetta is my favourite song along with Styx "Show Me the Way" Boston and another Canadian group called Saga are bands I enjoy listening to. It isn't all about spirituallity!
Mind you then I change pace completely and Sarah Brightman has the voice of an angel to me, so I am all over the map musically, some would say even spiritually for that matter.
And yes the lyrics do get the energy flowing as I previously mentioned
James 😁
I am very familiar with Geddy Lee and the boys, Red Barchetta is my favourite song along with Styx "Show Me the Way" Boston and another Canadian group called Saga are bands I enjoy listening to. It isn't all about spirituallity!
Mind you then I change pace completely and Sarah Brightman has the voice of an angel to me, so I am all over the map musically, some would say even spiritually for that matter.
And yes the lyrics do get the energy flowing as I previously mentioned
James 😁
NaturalScience (3 stories) (110 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-03)
Hi James, as to my nick here it stems from a song of Western Rock music, I don't know whether you are acknowledged with our music - yours must be Oriental type which is quite different - but to me this song has a depth that well deserves the words you said about "my" name!
It is "Natural Science" by RUSH, published in 1980.
You can easily Google its lyrics and also hear it online as a music video by Youtube.
If you do so and the song does NOT cause a similar reaction in your spiritual body it is me that is meant with the reaction described. If it does it is the song - which, nevertheless, resonates so well with meself that I daresay this song and me are one and the same.
It is "Natural Science" by RUSH, published in 1980.
You can easily Google its lyrics and also hear it online as a music video by Youtube.
If you do so and the song does NOT cause a similar reaction in your spiritual body it is me that is meant with the reaction described. If it does it is the song - which, nevertheless, resonates so well with meself that I daresay this song and me are one and the same.
James (10 stories) (151 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-02)
Good Afternoon my glorious friend, you pose an interesting question for which I have asked repeatedly the same thing.
I am told time and time again, that "...what is a lifetime to you on earth, is but a mere drop of sand in the spiritual realm..."
So I change my way of asking the question and the answers are all the same.
I have been told, rather sternly I may add, "...that you are too concerned about what may or may not happen at some point in your future that you forget to care about what is happening right NOW!..."
I see this as a sign to not fret about what may or may not come, as long as you live your life to the fullest as given by God, what else is there.
Does it mean you savage the planet and rape it of the gifts presented to us, NO certainly not.
I for one am not sitting around waiting for dooms-day to occur, I am getting on with my life, I love every minute of it these days. I look at my fellow man in a whole new light, for I see the goodness in all, I see the light of the Heavenly Father shining brightly, I have opened myself to God and His Son Jesus, my beloved Joshua.
Do I believe that Mother Earth will continue to settle, ascend and change, of course. This is a part of existance both for Her and Us and yes large numbers of people will leave this earth and journey to the father because of it. Do Iook upon this in horror, no I don't. Am I afraid of this, NO
When I see a tidal wave take out hundreds at a time, is it devastating for the community, absolutly, do I cry over it, yes and no.
I am comforted in the knowledge that Our Beloved Mary and the Host of Angels are on hand to comfort the families left behind. Even more so I am bouyed by the knowledge that Jesus himself stands and welcomes them into the Kingdom of The Heavenly Father.
As I type the following is coming through;
" not fear the future, for it has not been determined, my children you are the source of your days ahead, you are the ones to change all. You are the ones to create the New Age, create a world of Love, Peace, fellowship with your brethren there on Earth and look to the Father when you are in need, he is always there within you...Namaste..."
Do I think Jesus is coming next year, NO
As I have said many times before I enjoy a daily communion with both God and Joshua, whether anyone thinks this is nonsense, is no longer important to me. I do not claim to have any greater insight than anyone else and never will, I just type as I hear it.
If we live our lives in fear of what may happen in 2012, then what are we missing what is happening right now. I see the new dawn ahead in my visions and it is a beautiful place, is it Heaven or continuing life here on Earth, I don't know and it doesn't matter one way or the other. If I am wrong and everything comes to a grinding halt in 2 years time then so be it, I will not live in fear of that day.
The 2nd Coming of Our Brother Joshua is something we all believe in our own way, some see dooom and gloom others a way forward to a new age of ascended man. I see a world of love for all, where God is looked upon as a Father and not a God that must be pleased or else.
I have journeyed through his Garden, experienced pure and total Love, a oneness with all, been cleansed by Jesus in the Jordan River and held the loving hand of Mary during childbirth. Yet I am just an ordinary man, flesh and blood, capable of no more than anyone else who reads this passage...
May the love that flows from the Source of All Life, the Source of All Love, bless you and guide you forever more. For in the light of the Heavenly Father and His beautiful Son will you find the answers you are looking for, as they pertain to you, in your own way.
As Jesus once said "...Peace be with you, my Peace I leave you..."
Love, Light and may the Holy Spirit continue to shine on you all
James 😁
Good Afternoon my glorious friend, you pose an interesting question for which I have asked repeatedly the same thing.
I am told time and time again, that "...what is a lifetime to you on earth, is but a mere drop of sand in the spiritual realm..."
So I change my way of asking the question and the answers are all the same.
I have been told, rather sternly I may add, "...that you are too concerned about what may or may not happen at some point in your future that you forget to care about what is happening right NOW!..."
I see this as a sign to not fret about what may or may not come, as long as you live your life to the fullest as given by God, what else is there.
Does it mean you savage the planet and rape it of the gifts presented to us, NO certainly not.
I for one am not sitting around waiting for dooms-day to occur, I am getting on with my life, I love every minute of it these days. I look at my fellow man in a whole new light, for I see the goodness in all, I see the light of the Heavenly Father shining brightly, I have opened myself to God and His Son Jesus, my beloved Joshua.
Do I believe that Mother Earth will continue to settle, ascend and change, of course. This is a part of existance both for Her and Us and yes large numbers of people will leave this earth and journey to the father because of it. Do Iook upon this in horror, no I don't. Am I afraid of this, NO
When I see a tidal wave take out hundreds at a time, is it devastating for the community, absolutly, do I cry over it, yes and no.
I am comforted in the knowledge that Our Beloved Mary and the Host of Angels are on hand to comfort the families left behind. Even more so I am bouyed by the knowledge that Jesus himself stands and welcomes them into the Kingdom of The Heavenly Father.
As I type the following is coming through;
" not fear the future, for it has not been determined, my children you are the source of your days ahead, you are the ones to change all. You are the ones to create the New Age, create a world of Love, Peace, fellowship with your brethren there on Earth and look to the Father when you are in need, he is always there within you...Namaste..."
Do I think Jesus is coming next year, NO
As I have said many times before I enjoy a daily communion with both God and Joshua, whether anyone thinks this is nonsense, is no longer important to me. I do not claim to have any greater insight than anyone else and never will, I just type as I hear it.
If we live our lives in fear of what may happen in 2012, then what are we missing what is happening right now. I see the new dawn ahead in my visions and it is a beautiful place, is it Heaven or continuing life here on Earth, I don't know and it doesn't matter one way or the other. If I am wrong and everything comes to a grinding halt in 2 years time then so be it, I will not live in fear of that day.
The 2nd Coming of Our Brother Joshua is something we all believe in our own way, some see dooom and gloom others a way forward to a new age of ascended man. I see a world of love for all, where God is looked upon as a Father and not a God that must be pleased or else.
I have journeyed through his Garden, experienced pure and total Love, a oneness with all, been cleansed by Jesus in the Jordan River and held the loving hand of Mary during childbirth. Yet I am just an ordinary man, flesh and blood, capable of no more than anyone else who reads this passage...
May the love that flows from the Source of All Life, the Source of All Love, bless you and guide you forever more. For in the light of the Heavenly Father and His beautiful Son will you find the answers you are looking for, as they pertain to you, in your own way.
As Jesus once said "...Peace be with you, my Peace I leave you..."
Love, Light and may the Holy Spirit continue to shine on you all
James 😁
NaturalScience (3 stories) (110 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-02)
Our beloved Mar Joshua, or as millions of un-baptised Hindus call Him, Sri Issu Masih Deva, will come in remote future you say - not in next years? You really know that, or do you just guess? No doomsday in 2012 or 2023 as some think and as the turmoil down here makes me too fear so badly? Oh Looord then it really makes sense to take care of our planet and those who say prepare for Latter Day and forget Environmentalism it is no use - I heard this when I was still Catholic and many are fooled into passive Irresponsibility by such sayings, it made me mad with anger to see this - are grossly wrong!
marion (1 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-30)
Hi James, as part of my awakening, I find myself frequently (daily basis) being guided to find new and more interesting experiences. The synchronicity of events and the extent to which I am being guided makes me smile and thank God on a regular basis (I was a non believer 6 months ago). Reading your post and linking in with this site tops it.
Your narrative resonates with me at the level that holds truth. Thank you for sharing it. I am blessed and humbled to have made the contact with this site and look forward to sharing my stories in time. Best Wishes, Marion
Your narrative resonates with me at the level that holds truth. Thank you for sharing it. I am blessed and humbled to have made the contact with this site and look forward to sharing my stories in time. Best Wishes, Marion
helen_kit_chi (1 stories) (13 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-28)
Very true 😊
May you enjoy the Divine light that is constantly upon you as well.
Very true 😊
May you enjoy the Divine light that is constantly upon you as well.
James (10 stories) (151 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-27)
Thank you for your comment, I will have to really give this whole idea of "REAL" and "TRUE" regarding Faith much more thought, I see it is, like sprirituality, a very individual thing.
What is to me may not be to you, but the goal is the same...
May the light of the Divine shine brightly upon you every day of your beautiful life
Thank you for your comment, I will have to really give this whole idea of "REAL" and "TRUE" regarding Faith much more thought, I see it is, like sprirituality, a very individual thing.
What is to me may not be to you, but the goal is the same...
May the light of the Divine shine brightly upon you every day of your beautiful life
helen_kit_chi (1 stories) (13 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-26)
Thank you for posting, James.
From my simple perspective, 'real' is far from 'true'. For instance, what's 'true' is the presence you mentioned you experienced in your posting that cannot be described. It becomes 'real' when you have to try to describe it in words, or put it in religious context, or any context at all. I suppose 'real faith' and 'true faith' has similar divergence. But the understanding of these lies only within yourself.
Quantum mechanics is also telling us that what we see as physically 'real' is nothing but energy. And neurology is telling us that the seemingly continuous 'reality' we experience everyday is nothing but a creation of our own mind. In short, our physical existence makes it all real.
I remember there is a bible verse saying that we will have to become children in order to enter the kingdom of heaven. My own understanding of it is that we have to clear our mind of our preconceptions, of what we thought as 'real' in order to see the 'truth', our true nature, which is the kingdom of heaven.
And let me borrow another saying. This time from Buddhism: 'If you see Buddha on the way, kill him.' And of course, this does not mean violence of any kind, but to kill the image and preconception of Buddha or Joshua in our minds when we encounter him, so that we can see the 'true' Buddha, the true Joshua.
From my simple perspective, 'real' is far from 'true'. For instance, what's 'true' is the presence you mentioned you experienced in your posting that cannot be described. It becomes 'real' when you have to try to describe it in words, or put it in religious context, or any context at all. I suppose 'real faith' and 'true faith' has similar divergence. But the understanding of these lies only within yourself.
Quantum mechanics is also telling us that what we see as physically 'real' is nothing but energy. And neurology is telling us that the seemingly continuous 'reality' we experience everyday is nothing but a creation of our own mind. In short, our physical existence makes it all real.
I remember there is a bible verse saying that we will have to become children in order to enter the kingdom of heaven. My own understanding of it is that we have to clear our mind of our preconceptions, of what we thought as 'real' in order to see the 'truth', our true nature, which is the kingdom of heaven.
And let me borrow another saying. This time from Buddhism: 'If you see Buddha on the way, kill him.' And of course, this does not mean violence of any kind, but to kill the image and preconception of Buddha or Joshua in our minds when we encounter him, so that we can see the 'true' Buddha, the true Joshua.
James (10 stories) (151 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-24)
You are much more than you appear to be, now I have said this to several people on this site, however when I say your name as you have it here, the energy flows from my Base Chahkra, through the body and out the Crown Chahkra and continues unabated upwards and outwards!
You are indeed known by Joshua, the words sent to me are "... Peace, open your mind, be not afraid of being judged for the Kingdom awaits..."
You are indeed blessed my friend, search inside of you for Joshua and the Divine reside within your heart, however I think you are already well aware of that...
My fears of Golgatha have been eased tremendously as the journey has been described to me as a journey of forgiveness, awakening and enlightenment.
A long time ago when my brother died, we were not on best of terms when he went to the Divine. It was only after his death that I realized what a wonderful human being he was. My youngest sister told me I was judging him too harshly becasue of his religious and political views. Being from the hotbed of Arab/Isreali tensions one can have quite contrasting views of life and religion.
The journey to Golgatha will be a time of "forgiving" as I observe the struggle Joshua endured on our behalf and I come to terms once again with the death of my own brother and my now enduring love of Joshua. For there has been no greater human to walk the earth than Jesus and yes he will be returning to earth again in the distant future.
The knowing of that alone should fill the hearts of man with peace and love until his return and even beyond that special day.
Live your life to the fullest my friend and may the Peace of The Divine and his beloved Son Joshua be with you every day of your wonderful life.
James 😁
You are much more than you appear to be, now I have said this to several people on this site, however when I say your name as you have it here, the energy flows from my Base Chahkra, through the body and out the Crown Chahkra and continues unabated upwards and outwards!
You are indeed known by Joshua, the words sent to me are "... Peace, open your mind, be not afraid of being judged for the Kingdom awaits..."
You are indeed blessed my friend, search inside of you for Joshua and the Divine reside within your heart, however I think you are already well aware of that...
My fears of Golgatha have been eased tremendously as the journey has been described to me as a journey of forgiveness, awakening and enlightenment.
A long time ago when my brother died, we were not on best of terms when he went to the Divine. It was only after his death that I realized what a wonderful human being he was. My youngest sister told me I was judging him too harshly becasue of his religious and political views. Being from the hotbed of Arab/Isreali tensions one can have quite contrasting views of life and religion.
The journey to Golgatha will be a time of "forgiving" as I observe the struggle Joshua endured on our behalf and I come to terms once again with the death of my own brother and my now enduring love of Joshua. For there has been no greater human to walk the earth than Jesus and yes he will be returning to earth again in the distant future.
The knowing of that alone should fill the hearts of man with peace and love until his return and even beyond that special day.
Live your life to the fullest my friend and may the Peace of The Divine and his beloved Son Joshua be with you every day of your wonderful life.
James 😁
James (10 stories) (151 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-24)
Thank you both for your comments, having re-read the original post it still over powers me and I am in tears after reading it again. Tears of joy and a feeling of absolute peace right now.
It has been a very trying couple of days at work, filled with disappointment and yet after reading your replies and the passage again, all the events of the past 2 days have just melted away into insignificance.
I have several cherished memories from the past year of awakend life. I didn't think my cleansing in the Jordan River by Jesus, or staring into the hazel eyes of Mary during the birth of the Son of Man (another experience to be published later), could be topped.
However the journey through the Garden of the Divine was remarkable, peace, love and absolute serenity is all around you. There is a presence which cannot be seen but is felt deeply within ones soul.
THe journey through the Garden is very different for all of us, perhaps it was this journey that Jobiud was referring to in one of his comments on his post about the Second Coming. I thought at the time it had to do with his Spirit Guides, perhaps I was mistaken and it was something much more wonderful than that.
I am still searching for a better understanding of what "Real Faith" is versus "True Faith" and in my daily communion with the Divine I have come to the conclusion, for now, as I am open to new ideas all the time, that REAL FAITH is the experience of your Faith with respect to WHO YOU ARE. While TRUE FAITH is the conceptual understanding of what FAITH should be to you?!?
May The Light of THe Divine continue to shine brightly on you and yours
It has been a very trying couple of days at work, filled with disappointment and yet after reading your replies and the passage again, all the events of the past 2 days have just melted away into insignificance.
I have several cherished memories from the past year of awakend life. I didn't think my cleansing in the Jordan River by Jesus, or staring into the hazel eyes of Mary during the birth of the Son of Man (another experience to be published later), could be topped.
However the journey through the Garden of the Divine was remarkable, peace, love and absolute serenity is all around you. There is a presence which cannot be seen but is felt deeply within ones soul.
THe journey through the Garden is very different for all of us, perhaps it was this journey that Jobiud was referring to in one of his comments on his post about the Second Coming. I thought at the time it had to do with his Spirit Guides, perhaps I was mistaken and it was something much more wonderful than that.
I am still searching for a better understanding of what "Real Faith" is versus "True Faith" and in my daily communion with the Divine I have come to the conclusion, for now, as I am open to new ideas all the time, that REAL FAITH is the experience of your Faith with respect to WHO YOU ARE. While TRUE FAITH is the conceptual understanding of what FAITH should be to you?!?
May The Light of THe Divine continue to shine brightly on you and yours
IwanttoHelp (32 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-23)
I thank you James for sharing this story and thank you God. I'm will never be tired reading this stories and the messages behind it. 😳
NaturalScience (3 stories) (110 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-23)
Don't shun Golgotha. Yo don't go there just for yourself. Remember the many who write here, and on the Psychic site. When you come to Golgotha, also say a prayer for me. Joshua / Jesus will know whom you mean if you name me NaturalScience as here. If it is really Him who shall come and judge us, perhaps it will be this little prayer of yours that decides for me between Left and Right side. I mean this as seriously as the crucified man right side of Jesus meant his words: "Master please remember me when you go to your Kingdom!"
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